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Ugandan honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) produce honey, and are key pollinators within commercial crops and natural ecosystems. Real-time RT-PCR was used to screen immature and adult bees collected from 63 beekeeping sites across Uganda for seven viral pathogens. No samples tested positive for Chronic bee paralysis virus, Sacbrood virus, Deformed wing virus, Acute bee paralysis virus, Apis iridescent virus or Israeli acute paralysis virus. However, Black queen cell virus (BQCV) was found in 35.6% of samples. It occurred in adults and larvae, and was most prevalent in the Western highlands, accounting for over 40% of positive results nationally.  相似文献   

Tethered honey bees (Apidea Apis melifera) coaxed to fly in a miniature wind tunnel for a specific time interval, adsorb a virus (i.e., bacteriophage MS2) aerosol at a linear rate of 1% of the aerosol concentration for every 6.73 pC of electrostatic charge on the bee.  相似文献   

<正>The alarming decline of honey bee(Apis mellifera)colonies in the last decade drove the attention and research to several pathogens of the honey bee including viruses.Viruses challenge the development of healthy and robust colonies since they manage to prevail in an asymptomatic mode and reemerge in acute infections following external stresses,as well as they are able to infect new healthy colonies(de Miranda J R,et al.,2010a;de Miranda J R,et al.,2010b;Di Prisco G,et al.,2013;Nazzi F,et al.,2012;Yang X L,et al.,2005).  相似文献   

The prevalence of viruses of honey bees in Britain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adult individuals of honey bee colonies in Britain are commonly infected with several small RNA viruses. Black queen cell virus and bee virus Y are the commonest and occur most frequently about June, together with Nosema apis with which both viruses are intimately but independently associated. Bee virus X is less common than bee virus Y and showed no pronounced seasonal fluctuations in local surveys, but was detected mostly in winter and early spring. Sacbrood virus occurred in adults of most local colonies in summer, chronic paralysis virus and cloudy wing particle occurred commonly but without seasonal variations and acute paralysis occurred commonly throughout the active season of bees but does not multiply sufficiently to cause overt disease. Slow paralysis virus was rare.  相似文献   

Fifty-sixGluconobacter strains and oneAcetobacter strain were isolated from honey bees and their environment in three different regions in Belgium and identified phenotypically. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the soluble cell proteins showed that two different types exist within theGluconobacter isolates: strains from type A were found in samples of the three regions, whereas strains from type B were only isolated in two of the three regions. Both types could occur in bees from the same region, from several hives of one bee keeper and from one hive. Strains from type A were almost identical with collection strainG. oxydans subsp.suboxydans NCIB 9018, whereas strains from type B consituted a new protein electrophoretic type within the genusGluconobacter. AlthoughGluconobacter is apparently associated with honey bees, it is not known whether it is important or required for the bees or any hive product.  相似文献   

Honeybees Apis mellifera were trained to enter a Y-maze and choose the arm with a rewarded disc presented against a grey background. The alternative arm displayed the unrewarded grey background alone. Training and testing were performed with the rewarding disc subtending different visual angles. The training disc was either achromatic and provided green contrast, or chromatic and provided the same amount of green contrast as the achromatic one. The bee-achromatic disc could be learned and detected by the bees whenever it subtended 5° or 10°, but not if it subtended 30°. The chromatic disc was learned well and detected at all three visual angles. However, at 5° the maximum level of correct choices was ca. 75% with the achromatic disc whilst it was ca. 90% with the chromatic one. Thus, the presence of chromatic contrast enhances considerably the level of correct choices for the same amount of green contrast. The lower threshold of achromatic target detection lies between 3.7° and 5°; the upper threshold between 15° and 10°. At the upper threshold, detection switches from chromatic-based to achromatic-based. Thus, in the context of target detection, the achromatic green contrast channel specialises in the detection of objects of reduced angular size, whilst the chromatic channels are specialised for objects of large angular size. We suggest that achromatic detectors with a centre-surround organisation are involved in the task of detecting achromatic targets. Accepted: 23 February 1998  相似文献   

European foulbrood (EFB) is a severe bacterial brood disease caused by the Gram-positive bacterium Melissocccus plutonius. The disease has a worldwide distribution and is an increasing problem in some areas. Although the causative agent of EFB was described almost a century ago, many basic aspects of its pathogenesis are still unknown. This review presents both historical results and recent molecular data to synthesize present knowledge of this enigmatic honey bee disease.  相似文献   

The procedure of isolation of chitin, chitosan, and water-soluble low-molecular-weight chitin from the corpses of bees was developed. This procedure included deproteinization of the corpses of bees, discoloration of the chitin-melanin complex, deacetylation, and enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan.  相似文献   

Chalkbrood disease in honey bees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chalkbrood is a fungal disease of honey bee brood caused by Ascosphaera apis. This disease is now found throughout the world, and there are indications that chalkbrood incidence may be on the rise. In this review we consolidate both historic knowledge and recent scientific findings. We document the worldwide spread of the fungus, which is aided by increased global travel and the migratory nature of many beekeeping operations. We discuss the current taxonomic classification in light of the recent complete reworking of fungal systematics brought on by application of molecular methods. In addition, we discuss epidemiology and pathogenesis of the disease, as well as pathogen biology, morphology and reproduction. New attempts at disease control methods and management tactics are reviewed. We report on research tools developed for identification and monitoring, and also include recent findings on genomic and molecular studies not covered by previous reviews, including sequencing of the A. apis genome and identification of the mating type locus.  相似文献   

Taste is crucial for honeybees for choosing profitable food sources, resins, water sources, and for nestmate recognition. Peripheral taste detection occurs within cuticular hairs, the chaetic and basiconic sensilla, which host gustatory receptor cells and, usually a mechanoreceptor cell. Gustatory sensilla are mostly located on the distal segment of the antennae, on the mouthparts, and on the tarsi of the forelegs. These sensilla respond with varying sensitivity to sugars, salts, and possibly amino acids, proteins, and water. So far, no responses of receptor cells to bitter substances were found although inhibitory effects of these substances on sucrose receptor cells could be recorded. When bees are free to express avoidance behaviors, they reject highly concentrated bitter and saline solutions. However, such avoidance disappears when bees are immobilized in the laboratory. In this case, they ingest these solutions, even if they suffer afterward a malaise-like state or even die from such ingestion. Central processing of taste occurs mainly in the subesophageal ganglion, but the nature of this processing remains unknown. We suggest that coding tastants in terms of their hedonic value, thus classifying them in terms of their palatability, is a basic strategy that a central processing of taste should achieve for survival.  相似文献   

The salivary glands of a honey bee, Apis cerana and the yeast cells isolated from these glands were studied for their effects on sucrose solution. This solution exhibited lowered pH and increased levels of fructose and total amino acids as the time of incubation proceeded. The solution thus made was similar to the natural honey.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to detect the infection level of honey bees with Nosema apis and/or Nosema ceranae using microscopic and molecular analysis from indigenous honeybee race of eight Saudi Arabian geographical regions. A detailed survey was conducted and fifty apiaries were chosen at random from these locations. Infection level was determined both by microscope and Multiplex-PCR and data were analyzed using bioinformatics tools and phylogenetic analysis. Result showed that N. ceranae was the only species infecting indigenous honeybee colonies in Saudi Arabia. As determined by microscope, Nosema spores were found to be in 20.59% of total samples colonies, while 58% of the samples evaluated by PCR were found to be positive for N. ceranae, with the highest prevalence in Al-Bahah, a tropical wet and dry climatic region, whereas low prevalence was found in the regions with hot arid climate. Honeybees from all eight locations surveyed were positive for N. ceranae. This is the first report about the N. ceranae detection, contamination level and distribution pattern in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

蜜蜂是全球范围内重要的授粉昆虫,具有很高的经济、生态效益。但是蜜蜂一生中可能会遇到许多挑战。肠道微生物与蜜蜂的健康息息相关,不仅在营养物质的消化吸收方面有重要作用,而且还能抵抗某些病原菌的侵袭以及增强机体免疫力。近年出现的蜜蜂大量死亡现象可能与肠道微生物失调有关。生物以及非生物的因素都可能密切影响着蜜蜂肠道微生物的存活,导致宿主生理功能紊乱甚至死亡。本文综述了蜜蜂的肠道核心微生物组成、分布、变化、影响因素以及主要作用和研究方法,为肠道微生物的研究和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Survivorship of foraging honey bees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

MicroRNA (miRNA)是一类长度为18~24 nt的内源性非编码小RNA分子,它能通过与靶标mRNA 分子互补结合抑制蛋白质翻译或导致 mRNA 降解,从而调控靶基因表达。蜜蜂是重要的社会性经济昆虫,一直是国际上热门的研究对象。迄今为止,通过各种生物技术在蜜蜂中发现已鉴定注册的miRNA共有218个,对蜜蜂miRNA的研究表明其在蜜蜂的胚胎发育、级型分化、劳动分工和免疫防御等方面可能具有重要的调控作用。本文就miRNA对蜜蜂蜂王和工蜂级型分化、哺育蜂和采集蜂劳动分工、舞蹈行为、脑部神经功能及免疫防御等方面调控作用的最新研究进展进行了综述,以期为进一步研究miRNA提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Virus infections in Brazilian honey bees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work describes the first molecular-genetic evidence for viruses in Brazilian honey bee samples. Three different bee viruses, Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), Black queen cell virus (BQCV), and Deformed wing virus (DWV) were identified during a screening of RNAs from 1920 individual adult bees collected in a region of southeastern Brazil that has recently shown unusual bee declines. ABPV was detected in 27.1% of colony samples, while BQCV and DWV were found in 37% and 20.3%, respectively. These levels are substantially lower than the frequencies found for these viruses in surveys from other parts of the world. We also developed and validated a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of ABPV, BQCV, and DWV in Brazil.  相似文献   

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