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Qualitative and quantitative composition of gastric microflora has been studied in 30 children with chronic gastritis. Bacteriological study of gastric biopsies and parietal mucus in 10 children with chronic gastritis not associated with Helicobacter pylori more frequently revealed conditionally pathogenic bacteria--Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, S. pyogenes (group A), Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, P. prevotii and their associations. In 20 studied patients with H.pylori-associated chronic gastritis composition of local microflora was less diverse--conditionally pathogenic, lacto- and bifidobacteria often were absent. Study showed that eradication of H. pylori led to appearance of conditionally pathogenic bacteria in stomach microflora, which were frequently isolated in associations. Not effective treatment was associated with disappearance of lacto- and bifidobacteria and frequent isolation of Candida albicans.  相似文献   

Macroalgae are traditionally used in human and animal nutrition. Their protein and fiber content have been widely studied and differ according to the species, their geographic origin and their seasonal conditions. In addition to their value for human nutrition, seaweeds have multiple therapeutically applications (e.g., weight control, hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant and antitumor activities, others) and, in general, contribute and promote human health. In the archipelago of the Azores, the consumption of seaweeds is widespread and accepted as a common practice in some islands. This work is aimed at providing information on the protein and fiber content of the locally consumed species, to promote this regional food product that can be potentially profitable from the biotechnology and commercial perspective, and also benefit public health, particularly, taking into account the low level of marine pollution in the Azores archipelago. Protein and fiber content of eight seaweeds (Porphyra sp., Osmundea pinnatifida, Pterocladiella capillacea, Sphaerococcus coronopifolius, and Gelidium microdon, Rhodophyta; Cystoseira abies-marina and Fucus spiralis, Phaeophyta; Ulva compressa, Chlorophyta) were determined using the Kjeldahl method and the Weende method, respectively. The protein content ranged from 6.81 to 26.62 of dry weight for C. abies-marina and U. compressa, respectively. Fiber content was generally higher as compared with that in seaweeds from other origins and ranged from 33.82 to 63.88 for O. pinnatifida and F. spiralis, respectively.  相似文献   




采集我院青年CG患者(CG组)和健康人群(NC组)的粪便样品,对其细菌16S rDNA V3—V4区域进行扩增并进行高通量测序,然后运用多种生物信息学手段进行分析。






Tissues from mice were fixed in 1.5% glutaraldehyde, treated for the ultrastructural localization of alkaline phosphatase or Mg++-dependent adenosine triphosphatase, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated and embedded in plastic for electron microscopy. The sites of reaction were visualized in 1-mu plastic sections counterstained with toluidine blue, using a phase contrast microscope. The data show a close correlation between the sites of reaction observed with the phase contrast microscope and the sites studied with the electron microscope. The use of this technique for the study of these phosphatases in normal and pathologic tissues is recommended in order to achieve a high degree of accuracy in selecting a portion of the tissue sample for electron microscopy and to obtain greater resolution in the localization of these enzymes with the light microscope.  相似文献   

Proliferative and protein synthetic activities of phagocytic cells of specific fibre tracts of the periodontium of C57Bl mice were employing autoradiographic techniques; these were combined with a histochemical technique for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a marker for phagocytic activity. Animals were injected either with [3H]thymidine as a marker for proliferative activity, or with [3H]proline as a marker for protein synthetic activity prior to HRP injection. Blocks from the maxillae of experimental and control animals were fixed, decalcified, and sectioned at 50 micrometers. These were incubated with HRP localization media, dehydrated and flat embedded in Epon 812 wafers. The entire length of the periodontium, including adjacent tooth and bone, were selectively cut from the wafers, mounted on epoxy blocks and serially sectioned at 2 micrometers. Slides containing these sections were then dipped in NTB-3 nuclear track emulsion, and after appropriate exposure times, were developed and post-stained. Sections were examined microscopically, employing an ocular grid, and phagocytic cells within each area examined were delineated as either 'fibroblast-like' (FL cells) or 'endothelial/macrophage-like' (EML cells) according to criteria such as morphology, location, orientation and proximity to a vascular channel. They were then subclassified as labelled or unlabelled with respect to the autoradiographic markers. The thymidine labelling index obtained for non-phagocytic FL cells was 3.09%; this was more than twice that for phagocytic FL cells (1.35%). Similarly phagocytic FL cells in all regions studied incorporated less than half as much [3H]proline as did their non-phagocytic counterparts. This was determined by silver grain counts over HRP-stained and unstained cells using a matched pair system. In addition, the variation of the relative number of phagocytic FL cells in specific fibre tracts suggested a relationship to functional demand. The distribution of these cells was closely related to experimentally determined rates of protein turnover. Phagocytic FL cells have a markedly reduced proliferative rate and synthesize proline-containing proteins at a reduced rate. This may reflect protein production primarily for the purpose of cell maintenance. These findings are consistent with the presence of subpopulations of fibroblasts (or fibrocytes) developmentally or functionally modified for phagocytosis; alternatively, this could signify modulation of fibroblasts from primarily biosynthetic activities to degradative functions in response to varying microenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   

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