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The presence of glucose or other rapidly metabolizable carbon sources in the bacterial growth medium strongly represses Clostridium difficile toxin synthesis independently of strain origin. In Gram-positive bacteria, carbon catabolite repression (CCR) is generally regarded as a regulatory mechanism that responds to carbohydrate availability. In the C. difficile genome all elements involved in CCR are present. To elucidate in vivo the role of CCR in C. difficile toxin synthesis, we used the ClosTron gene knockout system to construct mutants of strain JIR8094 that were unable to produce the major components of the CCR signal transduction pathway: the phosphotransferase system (PTS) proteins (Enzyme I and HPr), the HPr kinase/phosphorylase (HprK/P) and the catabolite control protein A, CcpA. Inactivation of the ptsI, ptsH and ccpA genes resulted in derepression of toxin gene expression in the presence of glucose, whereas repression of toxin production was still observed in the hprK mutant, indicating that uptake of glucose is required for repression but that phosphorylation of HPr by HprK is not. C. difficile CcpA was found to bind to the regulatory regions of the tcdA and tcdB genes but not through a consensus cre site motif. Moreover in vivo and in vitro results confirmed that HPr-Ser45-P does not stimulate CcpA-dependent binding to DNA targets. However, fructose-1,6-biphosphate (FBP) alone did increase CcpA binding affinity in the absence of HPr-Ser45-P. These results showed that CcpA represses toxin expression in response to PTS sugar availability, thus linking carbon source utilization to virulence gene expression in C. difficile.  相似文献   

CodY, a global regulator of gene expression in low G + C Gram-positive bacteria, was found to repress toxin gene expression in Clostridium difficile. Inactivation of the codY gene resulted in derepression of all five genes of the C. difficile pathogenicity locus during exponential growth and stationary phase. CodY was found to bind with high affinity to a DNA fragment containing the promoter region of the tcdR gene, which encodes a sigma factor that permits RNA polymerase to recognize promoters of the two major toxin genes as well as its own promoter. CodY also bound, but with low affinity, to the toxin gene promoters, suggesting that the regulation of toxin gene expression by CodY occurs primarily through direct control of tcdR gene expression. Binding of CodY to the tcdR promoter region was enhanced in the presence of GTP and branched-chain amino acids, suggesting a link between nutrient limitation and the expression of C. difficile toxin genes.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile toxin A monoglucosylates the Rho family GTPases Rho, Rac, and Cdc42. Glucosylation leads to the functional inactivation of Rho GTPases and causes disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. A cDNA microarray revealed the immediate early gene rhoB as the gene that was predominantly up-regulated in colonic CaCo-2 cells after treatment with toxin A. This toxin A effect was also detectable in epithelial cells such as HT29 and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, as well as NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. The expression of RhoB was time-dependent and correlated with the morphological changes of cells. The up-regulation of RhoB was approximately 15-fold and was based on the de novo synthesis of the GTPase because cycloheximide completely inhibited the toxin A effect. After 8 h, a steady state was reached, with no further increase in RhoB. The p38 MAPK inhibitor SB202190 reduced the expression of RhoB, indicating a participation of the p38 MAPK in this stress response. Surprisingly, newly formed RhoB protein was only partially glucosylated by toxin A, sparing a pool of potentially active RhoB, as checked by sequential C3bot-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation. A pull-down assay in fact revealed a significant amount of active RhoB in toxin A-treated cells that was not present in control cells. We demonstrate for the first time that toxin A has not only the property to inactivate the GTPases RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42 by glucosylation, but it also has the property to generate active RhoB that likely contributes to the overall picture of toxin treatment.  相似文献   

Toxin B from Clostridium difficile induces typical morphological changes of cultured cells consisting of rounding up and arborization, which are associated with a dramatic disruption of microfilaments. In this study, we show that toxin L, a cytotoxin produced by bacterial strain Clostridium sordellii, has similar effects on cultured cells including the redistribution of F-actin and of the adhesion plaque protein vinculin. It has been assumed that the mechanisms involved in cytopathic effects of toxin B are related to the function of an unidentified component that regulates the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. We demonstrate that the treatment of cultured astrocytes with toxin B or toxin L alters the incorporation of inorganic phosphate into several proteins. Immunoblot analysis revealed that one of these proteins is tropomyosin. Since tropomyosin stabilizes microfilaments and inhibits the severing activity of gelsolin, the toxin-induced phosphorylation may counteract this inhibition resulting in severing of microfilaments and capping of short filaments. A decrease in the radioactivity associated with intermediate filament protein vimentin was also detected using a monoclonal antibody which specifically recognizes a phosphorylated epitope of vimentin. Since vimentin is an in vivo substrate for various protein kinases, these data are in favor of broad effects of these toxins. Direct measurement of protein kinase C in cells exposed to toxin B or to toxin L did not reveal a significant change in protein kinase C activity. Furthermore, treatments with toxins do not increase cAMP levels, suggesting that toxins do not activate protein kinase A. Although further studies are required to determine the primary target site for the clostridial cytotoxin B and L, our results show that they provoke the alteration in the phosphorylation of cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile binary toxin (CDT) is an actin-specific ADP-ribosyltransferase that is produced by various C. difficile isolates, including the "hypervirulent" NAP1/027 epidemic strains. In contrast to the two major toxins from C. difficile, toxin A and toxin B, little is known about the role of CDT in virulence or how C. difficile regulates its production. In this study we have shown that in addition to the cdtA and cdtB toxin structural genes, a functional cdt locus contains a third gene, here designated cdtR, which is predicted to encode a response regulator. By introducing functional binary toxin genes into cdtR(+) and cdtR-negative strains of C. difficile, it was established that the CdtR protein was required for optimal expression of binary toxin. Significantly increased expression of functional binary toxin was observed in the presence of a functional cdtR gene; an internal deletion within cdtR resulted in a reduction in binary toxin production to basal levels. Strains that did not carry intact cdtAB genes or cdtAB pseudogenes also did not have cdtR, with the entire cdt locus, or CdtLoc, being replaced by a conserved 68-bp sequence. These studies have shown for the first time that binary toxin production is subject to strict regulatory control by the response regulator CdtR, which is a member of the LytTR family of response regulators and is related to the AgrA protein from Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile, an emerging nosocomial pathogen of increasing clinical significance, produces two large protein toxins that are responsible for the cellular damage associated with the disease. The precise mechanisms by which toxin synthesis is regulated in response to environmental change have yet to be discovered. The toxin genes (tcdA and tcdB) are located in a pathogenicity locus (PaLoc), along with tcdR and tcdC. TcdR is an alternative RNA polymerase sigma factor that directly activates toxin gene expression, while the inverse relationship between expression of tcdR, tcdA and tcdB genes on the one hand and tcdC on the other has led to the suggestion that TcdC somehow interferes with toxin gene expression. This idea is further supported by the finding that many recent C. difficile epidemic strains in which toxin production is increased carry a common tcdC deletion mutation. In this report we demonstrate that TcdC negatively regulates toxin synthesis both in vivo and in vitro. TcdC destabilizes the TcdR-containing holoenzyme before open complex formation, apparently by interaction with TcdR or TcdR-containing RNA polymerase holoenzyme or both. In addition, we show that the hypertoxigenicity phenotype of C. difficile epidemic strains is not due to their common 18 bp in-frame deletion in tcdC.  相似文献   

艰难梭菌细胞毒素B功能区的克隆及序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的克隆艰难梭菌(Clostridium difficile,C.d)细胞毒素B羧基末端功能区(CDB3)基因,并对其进行测序及生物信息学分析。方法利用PCR技术扩增CDB3基因,并将其定向插入pET-22b( )载体中,以DNA自动分析仪进行序列测定,并以生物信息学软件分析其生物学特性。结果成功克隆了艰难梭菌CDB3基因,经测序表明与GenBank中分布的Clostridium difficile VPI10463的ToxinB3基因序列完全一致。DNAstar软件预测其蛋白质的相对分子量(Mr)约为71.3 kD,并显示出良好的抗原性。结论研究获得了序列正确的CDB3基因,为其重组表达及其相关研究奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   

Results from our cloning studies on toxin A indicated that the gene for toxin B resided approximately 1 kb upstream of the toxin A gene. Clone pCD19, which contains the 5-end of the toxin A gene and a small open reading frame, was found to contain 1.2 kb of DNA which, when subcloned, expressed a nontoxic peptide that reacted with toxin B antibodies. The rest of the toxin B gene was located on the 6.8 kb cloned fragment of plasmid pCD19L. The two fragments overlapped 0.8 kb. Lysates containing protein expressed by the 6.8 fragment were cytotoxic and lethal, and were neutralized by toxin B antibody. The two fragments were ligated to give the complete toxin B gene. The protein expressed by the complete gene was cytotoxic and lethal, and showed complete immunological identity with toxin B. Further analysis of the expressed protein and the toxin B gene confirmed our earlier findings showing that toxin B has a molecular weight of 240,000 or greater.  相似文献   

The mouse lethality test is the most sensitive method for confirming the diagnosis of infant botulism. Both Clostridium difficile and Clostridium botulinum produce heat-labile toxins which are lethal for mice and can be found in the feces of infants. These two toxins can be distinguished from one another in this assay when both are present in the same fecal specimen because they appear to be immunologically distinct toxins.  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a sensitive, efficient and reproducible technique for studying gene expression. Identification of stably expressed reference genes is required to avoid bias in these studies yet mostly unvalidated reference genes are used in studying gene expression in Clostridium difficile. Here, we sought to identify a set of stable reference genes used to normalize C. difficile expression data comparing exponential versus stationary phases of growth. Eight candidate reference genes (rpoA, rrs, gyrA, gluD, adk, rpsJ, tpi, and rho) were assessed in 3 C. difficile genotypes (ribotypes 027, 078, and 001). The primers were analyzed for efficiency and the 8 genes were ranked according to their stability. Overall, the genes rrs, adk, and rpsJ ranked among the most stable. Identification of the most stable genes was, however, strain dependent and suggests that selection of reference genes in a heterogeneous species, such as C. difficile, requires multiple genes to be assessed to confirm their stability within the strains being studied.  相似文献   

Toxin B is a member of the family of large clostridial cytotoxins which are of great medical importance. Its catalytic fragment was crystallized in the presence of UDP-glucose and Mn2+. The structure was determined at 2.2 A resolution, showing that toxin B belongs to the glycosyltransferase type A family. However, toxin B contains as many as 309 residues in addition to the common chainfold, which most likely contribute to the target specificity. A superposition with other glycosyltransferases shows the expected positions of the acceptor oxygen atom during glucosyl transfer and indicates further that the reaction proceeds probably along a single-displacement pathway. The C1' donor carbon atom position is defined by the bound UDP and glucose. It assigns the surface area of toxin B that forms the interface to the target protein during the modifying reaction. A docking attempt brought the known acceptor atom, Thr37 O(gamma1) of the switch I region of the RhoA:GDP target structure, near the expected position. The relative orientation of the two proteins was consistent with both being attached to a membrane. Sequence comparisons between toxin B variants revealed that the highest exchange rate occurs around the active center at the putative docking interface, presumably due to a continuous hit-and-evasion struggle between Clostridia and their eukaryotic hosts.  相似文献   

The large clostridial cytotoxins toxin A and toxin B from Clostridium difficile are major virulence factors known to cause antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis. Both toxins mono-glucosylate and thereby inactivate small GTPases of the Rho family. Recently, it was reported that toxin B, but not toxin A, induces pore formation in membranes of target cells under acidic conditions. Here, we reassessed data on pore formation of toxin A in cells derived from human colon carcinoma. Treatment of 86Rb+-loaded cells with native or recombinant toxin A resulted in an increased efflux of radioactive cations induced by an acidic pulse. The efficacy of pore formation was dependent on membrane cholesterol, since cholesterol depletion of membranes with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin inhibited 86Rb+ efflux, and cholesterol repletion reconstituted pore-forming activity of toxin A. Similar results were obtained with toxin B. Consistently, methyl-beta-cyclodextrin treatment delayed intoxication of cells in a concentration-dependent manner. In black lipid membranes, toxin A induced ion-permeable pores only in cholesterol containing bilayers and at low pH. In contrast, release of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored structures by phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C treatment did not reduce cell sensitivity toward toxins A and B. These data indicate that in colonic cells toxin A induces pore formation in an acidic environment (e.g. endosomes) similar to that reported for toxin B and suggest that pore formation by clostridial glucosylating toxins depends on the presence of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Toxin A of Clostridium difficile has been purified and monospecific antiserum produced. A reliable procedure for isolation and restriction of C. difficile chromosomal DNA was developed which allowed for the construction of a genomic library in lambda gt11. Approx. 35,000 plaques were screened using anti-toxin A which resulted in the identification of one stable positive clone, lambda cd19. Verification of the immunological identity of the isolated toxin A gene fragment in lambda cd19 was determined by affinity purifying toxin A antibodies specific for lambda cd19 gene product, and using these selected antibodies to probe a Western blot of purified toxin A. The insert in lambda cd19 was demonstrated to be a 0.3 kb fragment by restriction digestion, and by hybridization of the clone to a chromosomal digest of C. difficile. The peptide coded for by the toxin A gene fragment in lambda cd19 was not cytotoxic for 3T3 mammalian tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

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