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The existence of two distinct antigenic sites at the surface of simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed H-2b cells has been previously demonstrated (A. E. Campbell, L. F. Foley, and S. S. Tevethia, J. Immunol. 130:490-492, 1983) by using two independently isolated SV40-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clones, K11 and K19. We identified amino acids in the amino-terminal half of SV40 T antigen that are essential for the recognition of antigenic sites by these CTL clones by using H-2b cells transformed by mutants that produce T antigen truncated from the amino-terminal or carboxy-terminal end or carrying overlapping internal deletions in the amino-terminal regions of SV40 T antigen. The results show that CTL clone K11 failed to recognize and lyse target cells missing SV40 T-antigen amino acids 189 to 211, whereas CTL clone K19 lysed these cells. The cell lines missing SV40 T-antigen amino acids 220 to 223 and 220 to 228 were not lysed by CTL clone K19 but were susceptible to lysis by CTL clone K11. Two other cell lines missing amino acids 189 to 223 and 189 to 228 of SV40 T antigen were not lysed by either of the CTL clones but were lysed by SV40-specific bulk-culture CTL if sufficient amounts of relevant restriction elements were expressed at the cell surface. The SV40 T-antigen amino acids critical for the recognition of an antigenic site by CTL clone K11 were identified to be 193 to 211; 220 to 223 were identified as critical for recognition by CTL clone K19. The deletion of these amino acids from the T antigen resulted in the loss of antigenic sites specific for CTL clones K11 and K19.  相似文献   

SV40-transformed cells of C57BL/6 (B6) mouse origin (H-2b) express four distinct predominant antigenic sites, I, II, III, and IV, on SV40 large tumor (T) Ag that are recognized by SV40 T Ag-specific CTL clones. In this study, we selected SV40 T Ag-positive cell lines which had lost one or more of the antigenic sites, by in vitro cocultivation of a SV40-transformed B6 mouse kidney cell line (K-0) with SV40 T Ag site-specific CTL clones, Y-1 (site I specific), Y-2 (site II specific), Y-3 (site III specific), and Y-4 (site IV specific). All of the CTL-resistant cell lines expressed large quantities of cell surface H-2 class I Ag. K-1 cells selected by CTL clone Y-1 lost the expression of antigenic sites I, II, and III, but not site IV. K-2 and K-3 cells selected by CTL clones Y-2 and Y-3, respectively, were found to be negative for sites II and III but expressed sites I and IV. K-4 cells selected by CTL clone Y-4 lost the expression of only site IV. K-1,4 cells (sites I-, II-, III-, IV-) were selected from K-1 cells by cocultivation with CTL clone Y-4, K-2,4 cells (sites I+, II-, III-, IV-) were selected from K-2 cells by CTL clone Y-4. K-3,1 cells (sites I-, II-, III-, IV+) were selected from K-3 cells by CTL clone Y-1, and K-3,1,4 cells (sites I-, II-, III-, IV-) were selected from K-3,1 cells by CTL clone Y-4. From K-4 cells, K-4,1 cells (sites I-, II-, III-, IV-) and K-4,3 cells (sites I+, II-, III-, IV-) were selected by CTL clone Y-1 and Y-3, respectively. The antigenic site loss variant cell lines K-1, K-1,4, K-3,1 K-3,1,4, K-4,1, and K-4,3 synthesized SV40 T Ag molecules of 75, 75, 78, 78, 81, and 88 kDa, respectively. Expression of wild-type SV40 T Ag in the antigenic site loss variants by infection with SV40 or transfection with cloned SV40 DNA restored the CTL recognition sites on the variant cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

T cytotoxic cells generated to syngeneic SV40 virus transformants lyse only SV40 target cells that are syngeneic at the H-2 locus. In contrast, SV40-specific tumor transplantation immunity shows no requirements for syngeneic H-2. Inoculation of allogeneic or even xenogeneic transformants will confer immunity to a challenge of syngeneic SV40 tumor cells. The experiments described here represent an attempt to reconcile these apparently conflicting observations. In our hands, generation of SV40-specific T cytotoxic cells in vitro requires both in vivo priming and secondary in vitro sensitization. We have found that priming for a secondary syngeneic-restricted response requires only that the cell employed be SV40 transformed. That is, priming may be accomplished with syngeneic, allogeneic, or xenogeneic SV40 transformants. Thus, the apparent lack of H-2 restriction in vivo immunity does not eliminate a role for the H-2-restricted cytotoxic T cell in tumor transplantation immunity.  相似文献   

Five distinct cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) recognition sites were identified in the simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen by using H-2b cells that express the truncated T antigen or antigens carrying internal deletions of various sizes. Four of the CTL recognition determinants, designated sites I, II, III, and V, are H-2Db restricted, while site IV is H-2Kb restricted. The boundaries of CTL recognition sites I, II, and III, clustered in the amino-terminal half of the T antigen, were further defined by use of overlapping synthetic peptides containing amino acid sequences previously determined to be required for recognition by T-antigen site-specific CTL clones by using SV40 deletion mutants. CTL clone Y-1, which recognizes epitope I and whose reactivity is affected by deletion of residues 193 to 211 of the T antigen, responded positively to B6/PY cells preincubated with a synthetic peptide corresponding to T-antigen amino acids 205 to 219. CTL clones Y-2 and Y-3 lysed B6/PY cells preincubated with large-T peptide LT220-233. To distinguish further between epitopes II and III, Y-2 and Y-3 CTL clones were reacted with SV40-transformed cells bearing mutations in the major histocompatibility complex class I antigen. Y-2 CTL clones lysed SV40-transformed H-2Dbm13 cells (bm13SV) which carry several amino acid substitutions in the putative antigen-binding site in the alpha 2 domain of the H-2Db antigen but not bm14SV cells, which contain a single amino acid substitution in the alpha 1 domain. Y-3 CTL clones lysed both mutant transformants. Y-1 and Y-5 CTL clones failed to lyse bm13SV and bm14SV cells; however, these cells could present synthetic peptide LT205-219 to CTL clone Y-1 and peptide SV26(489-503) to CTL clone Y-5, suggesting that the endogenously processed T antigen yields fragments of sizes or sequences different from those of synthetic peptides LT205-219 and SV26(489-503).  相似文献   

Multiple antigenic sites on the simian virus 40 (SV40) tumor-specific transplantation antigen (TSTA) were detected by the use of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones isolated from continuous cultures of SV40-specific CTL (H-2b). Two independently derived clones, K11 and K19, specific for the SV40 TSTA in association with H-2Db, each recognized a different antigenic determinant of the SV40 TSTA. This conclusion was based on the observation that a human papovavirus BK virus (BKV) transformed cell line, which possesses a T antigen serologically cross-reactive with that of SV40, was lysed by a heterogeneous population of SV40-immune lymphocytes and by clone K19 but not by K11. Therefore, these CTL clones must recognize two different antigenic determinants of the SV40 TSTA:K19 recognizes a cross-reactive determinant of the SV40 and BKV TSTA, whereas K11 is reactive against an SV40-specific determinant.  相似文献   

H-2k mice are unable to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). This apparent unresponsiveness is found for both major serotypes of VSV, VSV-Indiana and VSV-New Jersey. CTL unresponsiveness occurs despite the ability of H-2k mice to generate a humoral immune response against VSV that is comparable to that found in responder (H-2b and H-2a) strains. All H-2k mice regardless of background genes, including various Ig allotypes, were found to be nonresponders. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness mapped to both H-2Kk and H-2Dk and occurred despite the presence of responder alleles in (responder x nonresponder)F1 mice. The unresponsiveness cannot be attributed to an inability of VSV-infected H-2k target cells to express viral surface antigens of H-2 molecules. Further, unresponsiveness cannot be overcome by using secondary stimulation in vivo or in vitro. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness does not appear to be due to suppression, and no complementation has been found in various (nonresponder x nonresponder)F1 mice. Thus unresponsiveness to VSV in association with H-2Kk or H-2Dk appears to represent an extensive defect of immune responsiveness that probably occurs because VSV is not a natural mouse pathogen.  相似文献   

C.B-20 (Ighb) but not (C.B-20 X BALB/c)F1 mice reject BCL1, a sIg+ tumor that spontaneously arose in an Igh congenic BALB/c (Igha) mouse. C.B-20 immune T cells from mice immunized with either BCL1 or BALB/c splenocytes adoptively transfer tumor protection to sublethally irradiated C.B-20 but not BALB/c or (BALB/c X C.B-20)F1 mice. These data suggest that BALB/c and BCL1 share an antigen, which if present in the host prevents the immune cells from eradicating the tumor. The antigen is controlled by H-40, a gene that maps to the C end of the Igh complex, telomeric to Tsu and in the region of Pre-1. The ability of H-40 to act as a tumor antigen for other BALB/c tumors inoculated into C.B-20 hosts was investigated. H-40 did not elicit rejection of P1798 (T lymphoma), Meth A (fibrosarcoma), or MOPC-315 (alpha, lambda myeloma) tumor cells. C.B-20 mice that previously rejected BCL1, however, showed partial resistance to a low challenge dose of the MOPC-104E (mu, lambda myeloma) tumor. These data suggest that H-40 has a differential degree of expression on BALB/c tumor cells. The ability of the adoptively transferred cells to confer protection against BCL1 is abrogated by pretreatment of the cells with anti-Lyt-1 or anti-Lyt-2 antibodies. However, an admixture of anti-Lyt-1- and anti-Lyt-2-treated cells provided protection. These data, together with the results detected by cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity in vitro, indicate that H-40 can serve as a target antigen for tumor rejection by CTL in allogeneic hosts. The implications of the results for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation into leukemic individuals who benefit from a graft vs leukemia effect are discussed.  相似文献   

R E Lanford  P Kanda  R C Kennedy 《Cell》1986,46(4):575-582
A system was developed for the analysis of protein transport to the nucleus. Carrier proteins cross-linked to synthetic peptides were microinjected into the cytoplasm of mammalian cells, and protein transport was evaluated by immunofluorescence staining of fixed cells. A 13-mer synthetic peptide containing seven amino acids homologous to SV40 T antigen was capable of inducing nuclear transport, but no transport was observed when proteins were coupled with a synthetic peptide homologous to a nuclear-transport-defective T antigen. The largest protein-peptide conjugate efficiently transported was ferritin (Mr 465,000). The rate of transport was influenced by the number of peptides per molecule of carrier protein and, to some degree, by the size of the carrier protein. Transport of some conjugates was almost complete in 15 min at room temperature.  相似文献   

Activation of primed pre-cytolytic T lymphocytes (pCTL) requires two signals: recognition of antigen (signal 1) and interaction with a nonspecific helper factor (signal 2). The two signals necessary for generation of a secondary allogeneic CTL response have been analyzed using H-2Kk in liposomes as the stimulating antigen. Use of the liposomes allows the alloantigen to be separated from responder cells after a brief exposure. Thus, the requirements for effective delivery of each signal could be studied independently. A 12-hr exposure of pCTL to alloantigen was sufficient for optimum signal 1 delivery. pCTL recognition of the antigen occurs during this time, and no requirement for adherent cells could be demonstrated. The structure of the antigen-containing liposomes affects the efficiency of pCTL triggering. Factor(s) necessary for signal 2 could be provided by supernatants from mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes. Alternatively, it could be generated with alloantigen, providing that adherent cells were present. Optimum interaction of factor(s) with pCTL, i.e., optimum delivery of signal 2, occurred only if factor(s) was present at 12 to 24 hr after interaction of pCTL with alloantigen. The results suggest that alloantigen recognition triggers pCTL to synthesize and/or express receptors for the factor(s).  相似文献   

C3H fibroblasts transformed in vitro with SV40 were adapted to in vivo growth. Several clones were isolated from a single, highly oncogenic tumor and those that displayed oncogenic potential also no longer expressed the H-2Kk molecule. Using the technique of Southern blot hybridization, the H-2 genes and integrated SV40 sequences present in the genomic DNA of several of these clones have been examined and compared with both the parent line and normal liver genomic DNA from C3H mice. All H-2Kk negative clones had altered H-2 genes that appeared as a gain and, depending on the restriction endonuclease, loss of hybridizing fragments compared to normal C3H DNA. A 5.5-kb fragment missing from the Sstl digests of the H-2Kk negative variants was mapped to the H-2Kk region of the major histocompatability complex with the use of congenic mice. This provided direct evidence that a mutation had occurred in the H-2Kk region. The integrated SV40 sequences were similar to those already seen in other SV40 transformed cells and not closely linked to any of the H-2 genes. There was no indication that the H-2 mutation was caused by integration of SV40.  相似文献   

Ran is considered to be a promising target for tumor-specific immunotherapy because its protein is exclusively expressed in tumor tissues, though its mRNA can be expressed in most normal tissues. In our study, we obtained four candidate wild-type epitopes designated Ran1, Ran2, Ran3, and Ran4, derived from the Ran antigen with the highest predicted affinity with MHC-I, indicated by affinity prediction plots and molecular dynamics simulation. However, in vitro affinity assays of these epitopes showed only a moderate affinity with MHC-I. Thus, we designed altered peptide ligands (APLs) derived from Ran wild-type epitopes with preferred primary and auxiliary HLA-A*0201 molecule anchor residue replacement. Of the eight tested peptides, the 1Y analog had the strongest binding-affinity and lowest-dissociation rate to HLA-A*0201. Additionally, we investigated the CTLs activities induced by Ran wild-type peptides and the APLs in human PBMCs and in HLA-A*0201/Kb transgenic mice. Ran1 1Y was superior to other APLs and wild-type peptides in eliciting epitope-specific CTL immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. In summary, a wild-type epitope of the tumor-specific antigen Ran, expressed broadly in many tumors, was identified and designated Ran1. An APL of Ran1, Ran1 1Y, was further designed and verified in vitro and in vivo and found to elicit a stronger Ran-specific CTL response, indicating a potential anti-tumor application in the future.  相似文献   

Mutations at multiple sites within the simian virus 40 (SV40) early region yield large T antigens which interfere trans dominantly with the replicative activities of wild-type T antigen. A series of experiments were conducted to study possible mechanisms of interference with SV40 DNA replication caused by these mutant T antigens. First, the levels of wild-type T antigen expression in cells cotransfected with wild-type and mutant SV40 DNAs were examined; approximately equal levels of wild-type T antigen were seen, regardless of whether the cotransfected mutant was trans dominant or not. Second, double mutants that contained the mutation of inA2827, a strong trans-dominant mutation with a 12-bp linker inserted at the position encoding amino acid 520, and various mutations in other parts of the large-T-antigen coding region were constructed. The trans-dominant interference of inA2827 was not affected by second mutations within the p105Rb binding site or the amino or carboxy terminus of large T antigen. Mutation of the nuclear localization signal partially reduced the trans dominance of inA2827. The large T antigen of mutant inA2815 contains an insertion of 4 amino acids at position 168 of large T; this T antigen fails to bind SV40 DNA but is not trans dominant for DNA replication. The double mutant containing the mutations of both inA2815 and in A2827 was not trans dominant. The large T antigen of dlA2433 lacks amino acids 587 to 589, was unstable, and failed to bind p53. Combining the dlA2433 mutation with the inA2827 mutation also reversed the trans dominance completely, but the effect of the dlA2433 mutation on trans dominance can be explained by the instability of this double mutant protein. In addition, we examined several mutants with conservative point mutations in the DNA binding domain and found that most of them were not trans dominant. The implications of the results of these experiments on possible mechanisms of trans dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of trinitrophenyl- (TNP) modified H-2Kk (TNP-Kk) antigens on the generation of anti-TNP-Dk restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. C3H.OH mice were primed to TNP-self by skin-painting with trinitrochlorobenzene, and spleen cells from these primed mice were subsequently stimulated in vitro with TNP-self. The effector cells generated exhibited appreciable lysis of TNP-modified C3H.OH blast target cells. Cold target inhibition studies demonstrated the generation of two effector cell populations: one that recognizes TNP in association with unique Dk self determinants, and one that recognizes TNP in association with self determinants shared between TNP-Kk and TNP-Dk. This was in contrast to primed C3H/He spleen cells, which did not generate CTL that recognized TNP in association with unique Dk self determinants. When spleen cells from (C3H/He x C3H.OH)F1 mice primed to TNP were stimulated in vitro with TNP-C3H.OH cells, unique Dk self determinants were recognized in association with TNP. However, in vitro stimulation of the same F1 responding cells with TNP-C3H/He or TNP-F1 cells failed to elicit CTL that utilized these Dk-unique self determinants. The findings of this study demonstrate that unique or shared H-2Dk determinants can be differentially utilized by CTL populations, depending on the H-2 alleles expressed by the stimulator cells.  相似文献   

Liu W  Zhai M  Wu Z  Qi Y  Wu Y  Dai C  Sun M  Li L  Gao Y 《Amino acids》2012,42(6):2257-2265
Identification of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes from tumor antigens is essential for the development of peptide vaccines against tumor immunotherapy. Among all the tumor antigens, the caner-testis (CT) antigens are the most widely studied and promising targets. PLAC1 (placenta-specific 1, CT92) was considered as a novel member of caner-testis antigen, which expressed in a wide range of human malignancies, most frequently in breast cancer. In this study, three native peptides and their analogues derived from PLAC1 were predicted by T cell epitope prediction programs including SYFPEITHI, BIMAS and NetCTL 1.2. Binding affinity and stability assays in T2 cells showed that two native peptides, p28 and p31, and their analogues (p28-1Y9?V, p31-1Y2L) had more potent binding activity towards HLA-A*0201 molecule. In ELISPOT assay, the CTLs induced by these four peptides could release IFN-γ. The CTLs induced by these four peptides from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of HLA-A*02+ healthy donor could lyse MCF-7 breast cancer cells (HLA-A*0201+, PLAC1+) in vitro. When immunized in HLA-A2.1/Kb transgenic mice, the peptide p28 could induce the most potent peptide-specific CTLs among these peptides. Therefore, our results indicated that the peptide p28 (VLCSIDWFM) could serve as a novel candidate epitope for the development of peptide vaccines against PLAC1-positive breast cancer.  相似文献   

The effects on CTL recognition of individual amino acid substitutions within epitopes I, II, and III of SV40 tumor Ag (T Ag) were examined. Epitope I spans amino acids 207 to 215, and epitope II/III is within residues 223 to 231 of SV40 T Ag. An amino acid substitution at position 207 (Ala----Val) or 214 (Lys----Glu) of SV40 T Ag expressed in transformed cells resulted in loss of epitope I, recognized by CTL clone Y-1. The amino acid substitution at residue 214 in the corresponding synthetic peptide, LT207-215(214-Lys----Glu), also led to loss of recognition by CTL clone Y-1. The recognition, by CTL clone Y-1, of peptides LT207-215 and LT207-217 with an Ala----Val substitution at position 207 was severely affected. Peptides LT205-215 and LT205-219 with the Ala----Val substitution at residue 207 were, however, recognized by CTL clone Y-1, suggesting that residues 205 and 206 may be involved in presentation of site I. Alteration of residue 224 (Lys----Glu) in the native T Ag resulted in loss of recognition by both CTL clones Y-2 and Y-3. However, a peptide corresponding to epitope II/III with an identical amino acid substitution at residue 224 provided a target for CTL clone Y-3 but not clone Y-2. A change of Lys----Gln at residue 224 in both the native protein and a synthetic peptide caused loss of recognition by CTL clone Y-2 but not CTL clone Y-3. Further, an amino acid substitution of Lys----Arg at position 224 of the native T Ag decreased recognition of epitope II/III by CTL clones Y-2 and Y-3 but had no effect on recognition of a synthetic peptide bearing the same substitution. These results indicate that the mutagenesis approach, resulting in identical amino acid substitutions in the native protein and in the synthetic peptides, may provide insight into the role of individual residues in the processing, presentation, and recognition of CTL recognition epitopes.  相似文献   

Induction of an allogeneic cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response to purified alloantigen is partially dependent on uptake and processing of the class I alloantigen by antigen-presenting cells (APC) followed by recognition of the alloantigen and self Ia by helper T cells (TH). The activated TH provides the helper signal(s) to the alloantigen-specific CTL for proliferation and differentiation into an active effector CTL. The role of antigen processing and presentation of major histocompatibility complex alloantigens was examined and the ability of different types of APC to present purified H-2Kk liposomes was investigated. Splenic adherent cells (SAC), splenic dendritic cells (DC), and B-cell lymphoblastoid lines were all shown to be effective in the presentation of H-2Kk liposomes. The relative ability of these cells to serve as APC was determined to be DC greater than B-cell tumors greater than SAC. The role of processing of H-2Kk liposomes by SAC and DC was examined by investigating the effect of weak bases on pulsing of the APC. These experiments suggest that presentation of alloantigen by both SAC and DC involves a step which is sensitive to inhibition by weak bases. We examined whether the TH were activated by similar mechanisms when stimulated by the various APC. The functional involvement of the T-cell surface marker L3T4 was demonstrated in the induction of TH. In contrast, L3T4 was not involved in the subsequent generation of CTL since monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for L3T4 was not effective in blocking CTL function in the presence of nonspecific T helper factor (THF). Similarly, Ia on the APC was shown to be involved in the stimulation of the TH pathway but not directly in the differentiation of the CTL. Thus, DC and B cells in addition to SAC can present H-2Kk to TH. The presentation of alloantigen by both cell types may involve an intracellular route as demonstrated by the blocking of the TH response by weak bases. Both Ia and L3T4 are required on the APC for induction of the TH response. The minimal requirements for activation of the CTL were H-2Kk liposomes and a source of THF.  相似文献   

DNA tumor viruses such as SV40, Ras and papillomaviruses are the most commonly used agents in immortalization of non-hematopoietic cells, but the results are quite different. Some of them even lead instead to a senescence-like state. To verify the potential of SV40 T antigen-mediated immortalization or properties and functions of it to regulate cell growth, human dermal fibroblasts were cultured and then transfected with eukaryotic expressing plasmid psv3-neo which containing SV40 T DNA. We found that expression of oncogenic SV40 T in human dermal fibroblasts resulted in growth, arrest, earlier than the occurrence of control cell senescence, although telomerase was positive and cells grew faster than control ones in early stage following transfection. These observations suggest that SV40 T antigen can activate growth arrest in human dermal fibroblasts under normal growth condition instead of always prolonging the lifespan of fibroblasts. Moreover, high rate of cell division in early stage after transfection may be associated with the expression of telomerase activity.  相似文献   

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