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Gut-islet endocrinology-some evolutionary aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunological and biological studies have shown that many of the mammalian gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) hormones have counterparts in lower vertebrates. Hormonal localization in cyclostomes and fishes suggests that insulin was phylogenetically the first islet hormone, followed by somatostatin, glucagon and, last, pancreatic polypeptide (PP). Some of the GEP peptides are present in the central and peripheral nervous system of lower vertebrates as well as mammals. GEP hormone-like substances resembling insulin, somatostatin, glucagon, PP, gastrin, secretin, VIP, substance P and enkephalin also occur in protostomian invertebrates (Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca), particularly in their nervous system. These findings indicate that the vertebrate hormones may have originated in neural tissue before the development of the vertebrate line of evolution.  相似文献   

Four questions of fundamental importance to gerontology are considered. 1) The number of genes involved in aging--in the case of man, an analysis of the phenotypes of relevant spontaneous mutants indicates that aging is highly polygenic. 2) General categories of genes--regulator genes may be more relevant than structural genes: a) three aneuploid disorders, Down's, Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes, ranked among the top 10 candidates as "segmental progeroid syndromes" when compared with 162 single gene disorders of relevance to the pathobiology of aging; b) the rates at which maximum life spans have been increasing, especially among hominids, have probably been too rapid to be accounted for by changes in the amino acid sequences of proteins; c) a preliminary analysis of the variance of maximum life spans among a few orders of mammals is suggestive of a linear correlation with the indexes of rates of chromosomal evolution, as estimated by Bush et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74: 3942-3946, 1977). 3) Nature of gene action--although there are reasons for invoking genes that modulate the rates of accumulation of somatic mutations, differential regulation of development is likely to be a major setting for gene action. 4) New approaches to formal genetic analysis of aging--advances in experimental embryology and somatic cell genetics offer such opportunities.  相似文献   

Homochirality and stereospecific activity: evolutionary aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem discussed in this paper is the connection between the unique property of biopolymers (proteins, DNA and RNA), i.e. homochirality, and their main functional property, i.e. self-replication. Our approach is based on an analysis of the conditions for the origination of the mechanism of self-replication of chiral polymers. It is demonstrated that self-replication could originate only on the basis of homochiral structures, possessing stereospecific (enzymatic) activity. It is also shown that complete breaking of the mirror symmetry of the organic medium is required both at the stage of polymeric takeover and at the stage of formation of structures possessing stereospecific activity. This requirement is satisfied only in the framework of the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking i.e. the mechanism of non-equilibrium phase transition from the racemic state of the organic medium to the chirally pure one. The results obtained suggest that homochirality is a necessary condition for the origination of biological specificity and plays a fundamental role in the formation of structures capable of self-replication.  相似文献   

The past few years have seen significant advances in research related to the 'latent skills' of enzymes - namely, their capacity to promiscuously catalyze reactions other than the ones they evolved for. These advances regard (i) the mechanism of catalytic promiscuity - how enzymes, that generally exert exquisite specificity, promiscuously catalyze other, and sometimes barely related, reactions; (ii) the evolvability of promiscuous functions - namely, how latent activities evolve further, and in particular, how promiscuous activities can firstly evolve without severely compromising the original activity. These findings have interesting implications on our understanding of how new enzymes evolve. They support the key role of catalytic promiscuity in the natural history of enzymes, and suggest that today's enzymes diverged from ancestral proteins catalyzing a whole range of activities at low levels, to create families and superfamilies of potent and highly specialized enzymes.  相似文献   

Bock WJ 《Zoological science》2003,20(3):279-289
Darwin in his On the Origin of species made it clear that evolutionary change depends on the combined action of two different causes, the first being the origin of genetically based phenotypic variation in the individual organisms comprising the population and the second being the action of selective agents of the external environment placing demands on the individual organisms. For over a century following Darwin, most evolutionists focused on the origin of inherited variation and its transmission; many workers continue to regard genetics to be the core of evolutionary theory. Far less attention has been given to the exact nature of the selective agents with most evolutionists still treating this cause imprecisely to the detriment of our understanding of both nomological and historical evolutionary theory. Darwin was vague in the meaning of his new concept of "Natural Selection," using it interchangeably as one of the causes for evolutionary change and as the final outcome (= evolutionary change). In 1930, natural selection was defined clearly as "non-random, differential reproduction of genes" by R. Fisher and J.B.S. Haldane which is a statement of the outcome of evolutionary process and which omits mention of the causes bringing about this change. Evolutionists quickly accepted this outcome definition of natural selection, and have used interchangeably selection both as a cause and as the result of evolutionary change, causing great confusion. Herein, the details will be discussed of how the external environment (i.e., the environment-phenotype interaction) serves as selective agents and exerts demands on the phenotypic organisms. Included are the concepts of fitness and of the components of fitness (= adaptations) which are respectively (a) survival, (b) direct reproductive and (c) indirect reproductive features. Finally, it will be argued that historical-narrative analyses of organisms, including classification and phylogenetic history, are possible only with a full understanding of nomological evolutionary theory and with functional/adaptive studies of the employed taxonomic features in addition to the standard comparative investigations.  相似文献   

Ehrlichia ruminantium is the causative agent of heartwater, an important tick-borne disease of livestock in Africa and the Caribbean that threatens the American mainland. The genome sequences of three strains of E. ruminantium have recently been published, revealing the presence of specific features related to genomic plasticity. E. ruminantium strains have traces of active genomic modifications, such as high substitution rates, truncated genes and the presence of pseudogenes and many tandem repeats. The most specific feature is the presence in all Ehrlichia of independent long-period tandem repeats, which are associated with expansion or contraction of intergenic regions.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) were originally identified as channels facilitating water transport across the plasma membrane. They have a pair of highly conserved signature sequences, asparagine-proline-alanine (NPA) boxes, to form a pore. However, some have little conserved amino acid sequences around the NPA boxes unclassifiable to two previous AQP subfamilies, classical AQPs and aquaglyceroporins. These will be called unorthodox AQPs in this review. Interestingly, these unorthodox AQPs have a highly conserved cysteine residue downstream of the second NPA box. AQPs also have a diversity of functions: some related to water transport such as fluid secretion, fluid absorption, and cell volume regulation, and the others not directly related to water transport such as cell adhesion, cell migration, cell proliferation, and cell differentiation. Some AQPs even permeate nonionic small molecules, ions, metals, and possibly gasses. AQP gene disruption studies have revealed their physiological roles: water transport in the kidney and exocrine glands, glycerol transport in fat metabolism and in skin moisture, and nutrient uptakes in plants. Furthermore, AQPs are also present at intracellular organelles, including tonoplasts, mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum. This review focuses on the evolutionary aspects of AQPs from bacteria to humans in view of the structural and functional diversities of AQPs.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in evolutionary biology asks whether organisms experiencing similar selective pressures will evolve similar solutions or whether historical contingencies dominate the evolutionary process and yield disparate evolutionary outcomes. It is perhaps most likely that both shared selective forces as well as unique histories play key roles in the course of evolution. Consequently, when multiple species face a common environmental gradient, their patterns of divergence might exhibit both shared and unique elements. Here we describe a general framework for investigating and evaluating the relative importance of these contrasting features of diversification. We examined morphological diversification in three species of livebearing fishes across a predation gradient. All species (Gambusia affinis from the United States of America, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from Costa Rica, and Poecilia reticulata from Trinidad) exhibited more elongate bodies, a larger caudal peduncle, and a relatively lower position of the eye in predator populations. This shared response suggests that common selective pressures generated parallel outcomes within three different species. However, each species also exhibited unique features of divergence, which might reflect phylogenetic tendencies, chance events, or localized environmental differences. In this system, we found that shared aspects of divergence were of larger magnitude than unique elements, suggesting common natural selective forces have played a greater role than unique histories in producing the observed patterns of morphological diversification. Assessing the nature and relative importance of shared and unique responses should aid in elucidating the relative generality or peculiarity in evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are usually considered to be the powerhouses of the cell and to be responsible for the aerobic production of ATP. However, many eukaryotic organisms are known to possess anaerobically functioning mitochondria, which differ significantly from classical aerobically functioning mitochondria. Recently, functional and phylogenetic studies on some enzymes involved clearly indicated an unexpected evolutionary relationship between these anaerobically functioning mitochondria and the classical aerobic type. Mitochondria evolved by an endosymbiotic event between an anaerobically functioning archaebacterial host and an aerobic alpha-proteobacterium. However, true anaerobically functioning mitochondria, such as found in parasitic helminths and some lower marine organisms, most likely did not originate directly from the pluripotent ancestral mitochondrion, but arose later in evolution from the aerobic type of mitochondria after these were already adapted to an aerobic way of life by losing their anaerobic capacities. This review will focus on some biochemical and evolutionary aspects of these fermentative mitochondria, with special attention to fumarate reductase, the synthesis of the rhodoquinone involved, and the enzymes involved in acetate production (acetate : succinate CoA-transferase and succinyl CoA-synthetase).  相似文献   

Daly M  Wilson MI 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(3):509-519
Homo sapiens is increasingly being studied within the evolutionary (adaptationist, selectionist) framework favoured by animal behaviour researchers. There are various labels for such work, including evolutionary psychology, human behavioural ecology and human sociobiology. Collectively, we call these areas 'human evolutionary psychology' (HEP) because their shared objective is an evolutionary understanding of human information processing and decision making. Sexual selection and sex differences have been especially prominent in recent HEP research, but many other topics have been addressed, including parent-offspring relations, reciprocity and exploitation, foraging strategies and spatial cognition. Many HEP researchers began their scientific careers in animal behaviour, and in many ways, HEP research is scarcely distinguishable from other animal behaviour research. Currently controversial issues in HEP, such as the explanation(s) for observed levels of heritable diversity, the kinds of data needed to test adaptationist hypotheses, and the characterization of a species-typical 'environment of evolutionary adaptedness', are issues in animal behaviour as well. What gives HEP a distinct methodological flavour is that the research animal can talk, an ability that has both advantages and pitfalls for researchers. The proper use of self-reports and other verbal data in HEP might usefully become a subject of future research in its own right. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Retinal proteins (~ rhodopsins) are photochemically reactive membrane-embedded proteins, with seven transmembrane α-helices which bind the chromophore retinal (vitamin A aldehyde). They are widely distributed through all three biological kingdoms, eukarya, bacteria and archaea, indicating the biological significance of the retinal proteins. Light absorption by the retinal proteins triggers a photoisomerization of the chromophore, leading to the biological function, light-energy conversion or light-signal transduction. This article reviews molecular and evolutionary aspects of the light-signal transduction by microbial sensory receptors and their related proteins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Retinal Proteins - You can teach an old dog new tricks.  相似文献   

Exploitation is a fundamental element of the parental strategies of many species of birds. Cuckoos, for example, lay their eggs in the nest of other birds, who often unwittingly rear the alien nestlings as their own. Nest parasitism is an efficient reproductive strategy for cuckoos, who do not have to worry about building a nest, incubating their eggs, or feeding their nestlings. But not all hosts respond passively to such intrusions. In response to parasitic cowbirds, for example, robins have evolved the ability to detect and selectively eject alien young from their nests. Human parenting strategies differ sharply from the strategies of cuckoos and robins. Unlike cuckoos, we are reluctant to allow our children to be raised by others. Unlike robins, we knowingly rear strange young. What makes human behavior toward children so different from that of cuckoos and robins? Humans seem to share a number of predispositions that facilitate successful adoptive relationships, and the desire to raise children seems to be pervasive among modern humans. Despite these commonalities, patterns of adoption transactions vary greatly among contemporary human societies. This paper considers the origins and causes of cross-cultural variation in human adoptive behavior from an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Summary The widely held assumption that very few arthropods feed on ferns was questioned following field observations of arthropod damage on ferns in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The extent and type of damage was recorded and it was found that in a measured locality, ferns were no less attacked than the angiospermous flora. As chemistry and arthropod host relationships have been shown to be so closely intertwined, plants collected in the field were analysed for both condensed tannins and cyanogenic glycosides, compounds known to be effective deterrents in temperate climates. Although all ferns tested contained tannins these did not appear to inhibit predation. Cyanogenic glycosides were present in only 3% of the fern species analysed, and it is, therefore, unlikely that they play a significant role as defensive compounds in the ferns examined.A literature search revealed a large number of ferns cited as being arthropod hosts. Approximately 420 named species of arthropods have been recorded, the majority of which are from the orders Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemiptera. Both evolutionary primitive (sawflies) and advanced (moths) arthropods are reported to be present on ferns suggesting possible coevolution of arthropods and ferns both before and after the radiation of angiosperms.  相似文献   

Ecological and evolutionary aspects of isoprene emission from plants   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Isoprene (2-methyl-1,3,-butadiene), produced by many woody and a few herbaceous plant species, is the dominant volatile organic compound released from vegetation. It represents a non-trivial carbon loss to the plant (typically 0.5–2%, but much higher as temperatures exceed 30°C), and plays a major role in tropospheric chemistry of forested regions, contributing to ozone formation. This review summarizes current knowledge concerning the occurrence of isoprene production within the plant kingdom, and discusses other aspects of isoprene biology which may be of interest to the ecological community. The ability to produce significant amounts of isoprene may or may not be shared by members of the same plant family or genus, but emitting species have been found among bryophytes, ferns, conifers and Ephedra and in approximately one-third of the 122 angiosperm families examined. No phylogenetic pattern is obvious among the angiosperms, with the trait widely scattered and present (and absent) in both primitive and derived taxa, although confined largely to woody species. Isoprene is not stored within the leaf, and plays no known ecological role as, for example, an anti-herbivore or allelopathic agent. The primary short-term controls over isoprene production are light and temperature. Growth in high light stimulates isoprene production, and growth in cool conditions apparently inhibits isoprene, production of which may be induced upon transfer to warmer temperatures. The stimulation of isoprene production by high irradiance and warm temperatures suggests a possible role in ameliorating stresses associated with warm, high-light environments, a role consistent with physiological evidence indicating a role in thermal protection. Received: 1 April 1998 / Accepted: 9 November 1998  相似文献   

Membrane barriers preserve the integrity of organelles of eukaryotic cells, yet the genesis and ongoing functions of the same organelles requires that their limiting membranes allow import and export of selected macromolecules. Multiple distinct mechanisms are used for this purpose, only some of which have been traced to prokaryotes. Some can accomodate both monomeric and also large heterooligomeric cargos. The best characterized of these is nucleocytoplasmic transport. This synthesis compares the unidirectional and bidirectional mechanisms of macromolecular transport of the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, peroxisomes and the nucleus, calls attention to the powerful experimental approaches which have been used for their elucidation, discusses their regulation and evolutionary origins, and highlights relatively unexplored areas.  相似文献   

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