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MARK A. RENSHAW JOHN C. PATTON CAIRD E. REXROAD JOHN R. GOLD 《Molecular ecology resources》2006,6(4):1162-1164
Eighteen nuclear‐encoded microsatellites from a genomic DNA library of greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, were isolated and characterized. The microsatellites include 13 perfect (five tetranucleotide and eight trinucleotide) and five imperfect (three tetranucleotide, one trinucleotide and one combination dinucleotide/trinucleotide) repeat motifs. The number of alleles at the 18 microsatellites among a sample of 29 fish ranged from two to 20; gene diversity (expected heterozygosity) ranged from 0.068 to 0.950, whereas observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.069 to 0.966. Following Bonferroni correction, genotypes at all 18 microsatellites fit expectations of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and all pairwise comparisons of microsatellites did not deviate significantly from genotypic equilibrium. Greater amberjack support commercial and recreational fisheries along both the Atlantic and the Gulf coasts of the USA and represent a species with potential for worldwide aquaculture. The microsatellites developed will be useful for population genetic studies of ‘wild’ populations and breeding studies of domesticated populations. 相似文献
The present study was conducted to investigate whether individual rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss can simultaneously anticipate two daily meals, and to evaluate the influence of time-restricted feeding schedules and light-dark (L:D) cycles on the timing of self-feeding activity. Individual rainbow trout were capable of anticipating not only a single meal but also two daily meals scheduled at different times; the duration of anticipation was short and precise. This seems to be the first convincing evidence to show that a single fish can simultaneously anticipate two daily meals. Change in the onset and cessation of light did not affect the duration of food-anticipatory activity, although it led to shift the phases of the light-related self-feeding activity. Moreover, under constant light and ad lib feeding conditions, only one band of rhythmic activity was observed in individual rainbow trout that had previously developed food-anticipatory activity to each of the two daily meals. 相似文献
《Ethology, Ecology and Evolution》2012,24(3):221-231
Most of the previous work on the effects of social stimuli on circadian rhythms has involved the use of constant environmental conditions. In the present experiments, male golden hamsters were maintained in a light-dark cycle and exposed to females daily for 1-hr intervals. Periodic exposure to female hamsters in estrous condition resulted in advances of the males' activity onsets on subsequent days when females were not introduced (probe days). Periodic exposure to female hamsters without regard to the stage of their estrous cycle produced similar but smaller effects. With repeated exposure to female hamsters, there were decreases in the wheel-running induced during the hour when females were present (pulse hour), perhaps reflecting habituation to socio-sexual cues. These results suggest that exposure to an arousing stimulus during the normal resting time of hamsters can result in phase shifts of their endogenous circadian activity rhythms. Non-photic events may have effects on the phasing of biological rhythms even when light-dark cues are present. Therefore, under more natural conditions, socio-sexual cues may play an important role in regulating the timing of activity in hamsters. 相似文献
Lancefield group C Streptococcus dysgalactiae causes infections in farmed fish. Here, the genome of S. dysgalactiae strain kdys0611, isolated from farmed amberjack (Seriola dumerili) was sequenced. The complete genome sequence of kdys0611 consists of a single chromosome and five plasmids. The chromosome is 2,142,780 bp long and has a GC content of 40%. It possesses 2061 coding sequences and 67 tRNA and 6 rRNA operons. One clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat, 125 insertion sequences, and four predicted prophage elements were identified. Phylogenetic analysis based on 126 core genes suggested that the kdys0611 strain is more closely related to S. dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae than to S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis. The genome of kdys0611 harbors 87 genes with sequence similarity to putative virulence‐associated genes identified in other bacteria, of which 57 exhibit amino acid identity (>52%) to genes of the S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis GGS124 human clinical isolate. Four putative virulence genes, emm5 (FGCSD_0256), spg_2 (FGCSD_1961), skc (FGCSD_1012), and cna (FGCSD_0159), in kdys0611 did not show significant homology with any deposited S. dysgalactiae genes. The chromosomal sequence of kdys0611 has been deposited in GenBank under Accession No. AP018726. This is the first report of the complete genome sequence of S. dysgalactiae isolated from fish. 相似文献
A baited videographic survey at Pitcairn Island has significantly extended the known range for two reef‐fish species: blue‐lined triggerfish Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus and greater amberjack Seriola dumerili, with an additional minor extension noted for giant trevally Caranx ignobilis. This highlights the importance of further research in this remote, poorly studied island group and provides evidence supplementing the understanding of oceanographic patterns in the South Pacific. 相似文献
The digestive tract of the amberjack Seriola dumerili, Risso: a light and scanning electron microscope study 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A. Grau S. Crespo † M. C. Sarasquete M. L. González de Canales‡ 《Journal of fish biology》1992,41(2):287-303
The histology of the digestive tract of the amberjack ( Seriola dumerili , Risso) was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. The anterior oesophagus mucosa displays primary and secondary folds lined with a stratified squamous epithelium with fingerprint-like microridges which is substituted, on the top of the oesogaster folds, by a simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli. Only primary folds are present in the stomach. The anterior portion is rich in simple tubular glands, whereas the oesogaster and the pyloric region are devoid of them. Pyloric caeca and anterior and middle intestine mucosa display the same pattern of folding. The dominant cell type is the enterocyte, which exhibits larger and thinner microvilli in the caeca than in the intestine. The columnar epithelium of the rectum is replaced, in the anal sphincter, by a stratified flattened epithelium. Goblet cells are numerous throughout the whole length of the tract with the exception of the initial part of the oesophagus, the oesogaster, the stomach and the anal sphincter. Mucosubstances have been shown to vary in the different regions of the gut: acid mucines are found in the oesophagus, pyloric stomach, caeca, intestine and rectum, whereas neutral mucosubstances dominate in the anterior portion of the stomach. The muscularis is well developed throughout the length of the tract: two layers of striated muscle at the oesophageal level; two layers of smooth muscle in the stomach wall and three at the intestinal level. 相似文献
In September 1997, 148 mature Guinean amberjacks Seriola carpenteri , were caught by purse seine o. Lampedusa Island at 20 m depth, the first record of this Atlantic species in the Mediterranean. 相似文献
Marcelino Cereijido 《Biological Rhythm Research》2013,44(2):107-115
The steady flow of solar energy through prebiotic chemical systems forced them to undergo material cycles, and this cycling was inherited by living organisms. Organisms whose cycling synchronized with periodic phenomena, such as day/night and seasonal variations were favored. At a later stage, evolution also favored organisms that, besides of a synchronized cycling, developed a ‘sense of time’ to cope with non-cyclic and unique events in the environment. In the case of human beings, this ‘sense of time’ was used to detect causal chains (cause → effect), combine them to produce dynamic models of reality, and transform real time scales into mental time scales (it takes a moment to remember a year-long phenomenon). The ‘sense of time’ constituted a decisive evolutive advantage, because it enables humans to analyze a multitude of future possibilities, and choose the most promising one. Yet ‘sense of time’ is just an empty metaphore, because it is not a true ‘sense’, and we ignore what ‘time’ really is. Most scientific disciplines simply take for granted that there is a ‘time flowing from future to past’. Biologists instead, cannot adopt this attitude because ‘time’ may very well be an intrinsic property of our mind, i.e., a peculiar aspect of brain physiology. 相似文献
Elena P. Sawin Harold B. Dowse Melanie J. Hamblen-Coyle Jeffery C. Hall Marla B. Sokolowski 《Journal of Insect Behavior》1994,7(3):249-262
We examined the locomotor activity ofDrosophila melanogaster for the existence of circadian rhythms, using the wild type and two mutants of theperiod (per) gene,per
o andper
s. This was accomplished using a newly described apparatus for the recording and measurement of larval path lengths over a 96-h test period. None of the larvae examined exhibited appreciable diel rhythms under cycling conditions of light or temperature. Larvae were also not rhythmic under free-running conditions. Our results suggest that theper gene does not influence an observable locomotor behavioral phenotype in the larval stage of development. 相似文献
The circadian mutation PER2(S662G) is linked to cell cycle progression and tumorigenesis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gu X Xing L Shi G Liu Z Wang X Qu Z Wu X Dong Z Gao X Liu G Yang L Xu Y 《Cell death and differentiation》2012,19(3):397-405
Circadian oscillation and cell cycle progression are the two most essential rhythmic events present in almost all organisms. Circadian rhythms keep track of time and provide temporal regulation with a period of about 24 h. The cell cycle is optimized for growth and division, but not for time keeping. Circadian gated cell divisions are observed in nearly all organisms. However, the implications of this coupling to the physiology of mammals are unknown. A mutation (S662G) in the clock protein PERIOD2 (PER2) is responsible for familial advanced sleep phase syndrome in which sleep onset occurs in the early evening and wakefulness occurs in the early morning. Here, we provide evidence that the PER2S662 mutation leads to enhanced resistance to X-ray-induced apoptosis and increased E1A- and RAS-mediated oncogenic transformation. Accordingly, the PER2S662 mutation affects tumorigenesis in cancer-sensitized p53R172H/+ mice. Finally, analyzing the clock-controlled cell cycle genes p21, c-Myc, Cyclin D1 and p27, we found that the relative phases between p21 and Cyclin D expression profiles have been changed significantly in these Per2 allele mutant mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This key role of the Per2-mediated phase alteration of p21 provides what we believe to be a novel mechanism in understanding cell cycle progression, its plasticity and its resistance to interference. 相似文献
Young Jae Choi Ji Yong Choi Sang-Geun Yang Bong-Seok Kim 《Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology》2016,49(4):223-234
The present study examined the effects of different light spectra (red and green light-emitting diodes [LEDs]) and light intensities (0.3 and 0.5 W m?2) on antioxidant systems (superoxide dismutase, H2O2 and lipid peroxidation) and immunity (lysozyme, melatonin and endorphin) in gold-striped amberjack, Seriola lalandi. In groups exposed to green LED, the levels of antioxidant enzyme were significantly lower than in the control, whereas the levels of immune-related parameters were significantly higher compared to other groups. The levels of antioxidant enzyme in individuals exposed to red light increased with increasing light intensity, whereas these levels were not correlated to the intensity of green light and were increased even at low light intensity. These results indicate that exposure to low-intensity green light accelerates the antioxidant system and immune system. 相似文献
Human sleep‐wake cycles in the high arctic: Effects of unusual photoperiodicity in a natural setting
G. Daniel Steel Michelle Callaway Peter Suedfeld Lawrence Palinkas 《Biological Rhythm Research》2013,44(5):582-592
Abstract Studies of human circadian rhythms are typically conducted in artificial environments that are low in ecological validity. In the current study, six subjects and the field director lived in temporal isolation in a completely natural environment with constant daylight (a high Arctic research camp) for six weeks. Detailed daily sleep logs were kept. In keeping with past findings, five of the six subjects developed a free‐running sleep‐wake cycle longer than 24 hours. Unlike past results, the isolated subjects did not exhibit any synchronicity in their rhythms. There was a high degree of intersubject variability in circadian patterns. The findings have important implications for the comparison of the results of laboratory and field investigations of sleep‐wake cycles. 相似文献
Mark A. Renshaw John C. Patton Caird E. RexroadIII John R. Gold 《Conservation Genetics》2007,8(4):1009-1011
Thirteen nuclear-encoded dinucleotide microsatellites were characterized from a genomic DNA library of greater amberjack,
Seriola dumerili. The microsatellites include 12 perfect-repeat motifs and one imperfect-repeat motif. The number of alleles at the 13 microsatellites
among a sample of 29 fish ranged from 3 to 25; gene diversity (expected heterozygosity) ranged from 0.296 to 0.948, while
observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.276 to 0.897. Following Bonferroni correction, genotypes at all 13 microsatellites fit
expectations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. One pairwise comparison of microsatellites deviated significantly from expectations
of genotypic equilibrium, suggesting that these two microsatellites may be linked. Greater amberjack support commercial and
recreational fisheries along both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the U.S. and represent a species with potential for worldwide
aquaculture. The microsatellites developed will be useful for conservation and population genetic studies of ‘wild’ and domesticated
populations of greater amberjack. 相似文献
Brant P. Hasler Scott Bruce Deborah Scharf Wambui Ngari Duncan B. Clark 《Chronobiology international》2019,36(6):796-810
Alcohol use accelerates during late adolescence, predicting the development of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and other negative outcomes. Identifying modifiable risk factors for alcohol use during this time could lead to novel prevention approaches. Burgeoning evidence suggests that sleep and circadian factors are cross-sectionally and longitudinally linked to alcohol use and problems, but more proximal relationships have been understudied. Circadian misalignment, in particular, is hypothesized to increase the risk for AUDs, but almost no published studies have included a biological measure of misalignment. In the present study, we aimed to extend existing research by assessing the relationship between adolescent circadian misalignment and alcohol use on a proximal timeframe (over two weeks) and by including three complementary measures of circadian alignment. We studied 36 healthy late (18–22 years old, 22 females) alcohol drinkers (reporting ≥1, standard drink per week over the past 30 days) over 14 days. Throughout the study, participants reported prior day’s alcohol use and prior night’s sleep each morning via smartphone and a secure, browser-based interface. Circadian phase was assessed via the dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) in the laboratory on two occasions (Thursday and Sunday nights) in counterbalanced order. The three measures of circadian alignment included DLMO-midsleep interval, “classic” social jet lag (weekday-weekend difference in midsleep), and “objective” social jet lag (weekday-weekend difference in DLMO). Multivariate imputation by chained equations was used to impute missing data, and Poisson regression models were used to assess associations between circadian alignment variables and weekend alcohol use. Covariates included sex, age, Thursday alcohol use, and Thursday sleep characteristics. As predicted, greater misalignment was associated with greater weekend alcohol use for two of the three alignment measures (shorter DLMO-midsleep intervals and larger weekday-weekend differences in midsleep), while larger weekday-weekend differences in DLMO were associated with less alcohol use. Notably, in contrast to expectations, the distribution of weekday-weekend differences in DLMO was nearly equally distributed between individuals advancing over the weekend and those delaying over the weekend. This unexpected finding plausibly reflects the fact that college students are not subject to the same systematically earlier weekday schedules observed in high school students and working adults. These preliminary findings support the need for larger, more definitive studies investigating the proximal relationships between circadian alignment and alcohol use among late adolescents. 相似文献
Circadian rhythms orchestrate biochemical and physiological processes in living organisms to respond the day/night cycle. In mammals, nearly all cells hold selfsustained circadian clocks meanwhile couple the intrinsic rhythms to systemic changes in a hierarchical manner. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus functions as the master pacemaker to initiate daily synchronization according to the photoperiod, in turn determines the phase of peripheral cellular clocks through a variety of signaling relays, including endocrine rhythms and metabolic cycles. With aging, circadian desynchrony occurs at the expense of peripheral metabolic pathologies and central neurodegenerative disorders with sleep symptoms, and genetic ablation of circadian genes in model organisms resembled the aging-related features. Notably, a number of studies have linked longevity nutrient sensing pathways in modulating circadian clocks. Therapeutic strategies that bridge the nutrient sensing pathways and circadian clock might be rational designs to defy aging. 相似文献
Batches of Anopheles gambiae were fed once during the day or once or twice during the night on 12 carriers naturally infected with gametocytes of P. falciparum. No overall difference was noted in the oocyst numbers in batches of mosquitoes fed during the night as compared to the daytime. 相似文献
哺乳动物的昼夜节律是基因编码的分子钟在体内产生的一种以大约24 h为周期的生理现象,使机体的生理过程与外界环境的变化相协调,是对环境适应的一种表现.在哺乳动物中,繁殖生理功能受生物钟系统的调节.在下丘脑-垂体-卵巢(hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian,HPO)轴的各组织中均已观察到生物钟基因的... 相似文献
The role of ocelli in circadian singing rhythms of crickets 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
BRADFORD G. RENCE MARK T. LISY BRIAN R. GARVES BRIAN J. QUINLAN 《Physiological Entomology》1988,13(2):201-212
ABSTRACT. . There is a direct quantitative relationship between the free-running period (r) of the circadian stridulation rhythm of male Australian field crickets, Teleogryllus commodus (Walker), and the intensity of the constant light conditions. Both T. commodus and the house cricket, Acheta domesticus (L.), show free-running periods of the singing rhythm of c. 24 h when the light intensity is 0.00025 lux. In both species the severance of the three ocellar nerves significantly slows the circadian period which is indicative of a reduced perception of the available light intensity. To test whether this period reduction is a peripheral or a central effect, electro-retinograms (ERGs) were recorded from compound eyes of male T. commodus with the ocelli fully functional, then occluded, and then uncovered. The size of the compound eye ERG is reduced by 20% with ocellar occlusion and can subsequently be fully restored to the intact level, which indicates that the ocellar effect is a peripheral one. Intensified CoCl2 fills reveal one neurone in A. domesticus and two in T. commodus which travel from the lateral ocellar nerve out into the ipsilateral optic lobe of the compound eye. These neurones all terminate in or distal to the lobular neuropile. The data are interpreted to indicate a role for ocelli in modulating the light intensity perception of the compound eye. The final effect of the ocellar afferents is at a peripheral level prior to the input of the visual information to the optic lobe circadian pacemaker. Hence ocelli play an indirect role in circadian rhythmicity, augmenting the sensitivity of the primary photoreceptors to better perceive photic entrainment signals. 相似文献