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The growth of a stalked bacterium, Caulobacter crescentus, has been synchronized easily and reproducibly by a new method. When this bacterium is grown to a late log phase in nutrient broth at 30 C with aeration, swarmer cells are accumulated in the culture to 80% of the whole cell population. When this culture is inoculated into fresh pre-warmed broth at twentyfold dilution, it immediately initiates synchronous cell growth. Simultaneously, synchronous cell differentiation is monitored by the susceptibility of the cells to RNA phage infection. The swarmer cells accumulated in the late log phase of growth possess nearly the same susceptibility to RNA phage infection as those in the early log phase of growth while RNA phage-adsorbing capacity is lower in such swarmer cells. It is suggested that the swarmer cells accumulated in the late log phase of growth have lost some pili.  相似文献   

Development in Caulobacter reflects a level of complexity once thought only to exist in eukaryotic cells. The cell cycle and development are not isolated from each other, but are interdependent processes. Checkpoints are in place to ensure that both cell cycle and developmental processes are completed accurately before the next stage is initiated. The timing of these processes is regulated by signal transduction networks that integrate signals from DNA replication, cell division and development. These signal transduction networks achieve precise timing of the cell cycle and development by regulating temporal gene expression, and protein activity by dynamic spatial localization within the cell and timed proteolysis.  相似文献   

The S-layer of the gram-negative bacterium Caulobacter crescentus is composed of a single protein, RsaA, that is secreted and assembled into a hexagonal crystalline array that covers the organism. Despite the widespread occurrence of comparable bacterial S-layers, little is known about S-layer attachment to cell surfaces, especially for gram-negative organisms. Having preliminary indications that the N terminus of RsaA anchors the monomer to the cell surface, we developed an assay to distinguish direct surface attachment from subunit-subunit interactions where small RsaA fragments are incubated with S-layer-negative cells to assess the ability of the fragments to reattach. In doing so, we found that the RsaA anchoring region lies in the first approximately 225 amino acids and that this RsaA anchoring region requires a smooth lipopolysaccharide species found in the outer membrane. By making mutations at six semirandom sites, we learned that relatively minor perturbations within the first approximately 225 amino acids of RsaA caused loss of anchoring. In other studies, we confirmed that only this N-terminal region has a direct role in S-layer anchoring. As a by-product of the anchoring studies, we discovered that Sap, the C. crescentus S-layer-associated protease, recognized a cleavage site in the truncated RsaA fragments that is not detected by Sap in full-length RsaA. This, in turn, led to the discovery that Sap was an extracellular membrane-bound protease, rather than intracellular, as previously proposed. Moreover, Sap was secreted to the cell surface primarily by the S-layer type I secretion apparatus.  相似文献   

Swarmer cells of Caulobacter crescentus are devoid of the cell division initiation protein FtsZ and do not replicate DNA. FtsZ is synthesized during the differentiation of swarmer cells into replicating stalked cells. We show that FtsZ first localizes at the incipient stalked pole in differentiating swarmer cells. FtsZ subsequently localizes at the mid-cell early in the cell cycle. In an effort to understand whether Z-ring formation and cell constriction are driven solely by the cell cycle-regulated increase in FtsZ concentration, FtsZ was artificially expressed in swarmer cells at a level equivalent to that found in predivisional cells. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed that, in these swarmer cells, simply increasing FtsZ concentration was not sufficient for Z-ring formation; Z-ring formation took place only in stalked cells. Expression of FtsZ in swarmer cells did not alter the timing of cell constriction initiation during the cell cycle but, instead, caused additional constrictions and a delay in cell separation. These additional constrictions were confined to sites close to the original mid-cell constriction. These results suggest that the timing and placement of Z-rings is tightly coupled to an early cell cycle event and that cell constriction is not solely dependent on a threshold level of FtsZ.  相似文献   

Cell cycle arrest of a Caulobacter crescentus secA mutant.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cell differentiation is an inherent component of the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. The transition of a swarmer cell, with a single polar flagellum, into a sessile stalked cell includes several morphogenetic events. These include the release of the flagellum and pili, the proteolysis of chemotaxis proteins, the biogenesis of the polar stalk, and the initiation of DNA replication. We have isolated a group of temperature-sensitive mutants that are unable to complete this process at the restrictive temperature. We show here that one of these strains has a mutation in a homolog of the Escherichia coli secA gene, whose product is involved in protein translocation at the cell membrane. This C. crescentus secA mutant has allowed the identification of morphogenetic events in the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition that require SecA-dependent protein translocation. Upon shift to the nonpermissive temperature, the mutant secA swarmer cell is able to release the polar flagellum, degrade chemoreceptors, and initiate DNA replication, but it is unable to form a stalk, complete DNA replication, or carry out cell division. At the nonpermissive temperature, the cell cycle blocks prior to the de novo synthesis of flagella and chemotaxis proteins that normally occurs in the predivisional cell. Although interactions between the chromosome and the cytoplasmic membrane are believed to be a functional component of the temporal regulation of DNA replication, the ability of this secA mutant to initiate replication at the nonpermissive temperature suggests that SecA-dependent events are not involved in this process. However, both cell division and stalk formation, which is analogous to a polar division event, require SecA function.  相似文献   

The polar organelle development gene, podJ, is expressed during the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition of the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. Mutants with insertions that inactivate the podJ gene are nonchemotactic, deficient in rosette formation, and resistant to polar bacteriophage, but they divide normally. In contrast, hyperexpression of podJ results in a lethal cell division defect. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the podJ promoter region revealed a binding site for the global response regulator, CtrA. Deletion of this site results in increased overall promoter activity, suggesting that CtrA is a negative regulator of the podJ promoter. Furthermore, synchronization studies have indicated that temporal regulation is not dependent on the presence of the CtrA binding site. Thus, although the level of podJ promoter activity is dependent on the CtrA binding site, the temporal control of podJ promoter expression is dependent on other factors.  相似文献   

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Transposon mutagenesis in Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:10,自引:21,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Transposons Tn5 (Km) and Tn7 (Tp and Sm) were transferred to Caulobacter crescentus via P-type antibiotic resistance factors. Transposition was demonstrated by the isolation of chromosomal insertions of each transposon. With C. crescentus strains harboring RP4 aphA::Tn7, the introduction of a wild-type RP4 resulted in the loss of the resident plasmid. Simultaneous selection for Kmr and Smr yielded colonies with chromosomal insertions of Tn7. Examination of over 10,000 chromosomal insertions of Tn7 indicated no auxotrophic or motility mutants. Thus, Tn7 appears to have a high specificity of insertion in C. crescentus. The Mu-containing plasmid pJB4JI transferred Tn5 to C. crescentus, but the plasmid was not maintained. Control experiments showed that recovery of Mu-containing plasmids occurred at very low frequencies in C. crescentus and that the plasmids which were recovered had undergone extensive deletion of plasmid DNA. Presumably, some part of the Mu genome was not tolerated by C. crescentus. The instability of the Mu-containing plasmids makes them excellent vectors for the introduction of transposons, and we have used pJB4JI to isolated chromosomal insertions of Tn5. When several thousand of these insertion mutants were examined, we found auxotrophic and motility mutants at frequencies of 1 and 2%, respectively. These results indicate that Tn5 had a low specificity of insertion in C. crescentus and therefore would be a useful mutagen for obtaining a variety of mutant phenotypes.  相似文献   

The essential process of peptidoglycan synthesis requires two enzymatic activities, transpeptidation and transglycosylation. While the PBP2 and PBP3 transpeptidases perform highly specialized functions that are widely conserved, the specific roles of different glycosyltransferases are poorly understood. For example, Caulobacter crescentus encodes six glycosyltransferase paralogs of largely unknown function. Using genetic analyses, we found that Caulobacter glycosyltransferases are primarily redundant but that PbpX is responsible for most of the essential glycosyltransferase activity. Cells containing PbpX as their sole glycosyltransferase are viable, and the loss of pbpX leads to a general defect in the integrity of the cell wall structure even in the presence of the other five glycosyltransferases. However, neither PbpX nor any of its paralogs is required for the specific processes of cell elongation or division, while the cell wall synthesis required for stalk biogenesis is only partially disrupted in several of the glycosyltransferase mutants. Despite their genetic redundancy, Caulobacter glycosyltransferases exhibit different subcellular localizations. We suggest that these enzymes have specialized roles and normally function in distinct subcomplexes but retain the ability to substitute for one another so as to ensure the robustness of the peptidoglycan synthesis process.  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression and polar differentiation are temporally coordinated in Caulobacter crescentus. This oligotrophic bacterium divides asymmetrically to produce a motile swarmer cell that represses DNA replication and a sessile stalked cell that replicates its DNA. The initiation of DNA replication coincides with the proteolysis of the CtrA replication inhibitor and the accumulation of DnaA, the replication initiator, upon differentiation of the swarmer cell into a stalked cell. We analyzed the adaptive response of C. crescentus swarmer cells to carbon starvation and found that there was a block in both the swarmer-to-stalked cell polar differentiation program and the initiation of DNA replication. SpoT is a bifunctional synthase/hydrolase that controls the steady-state level of the stress-signaling nucleotide (p)ppGpp, and carbon starvation caused a SpoT-dependent increase in (p)ppGpp concentration. Carbon starvation activates DnaA proteolysis (B. Gorbatyuk and G. T. Marczynski, Mol. Microbiol. 55:1233-1245, 2005). We observed that SpoT is required for this phenomenon in swarmer cells, and in the absence of SpoT, carbon-starved swarmer cells inappropriately initiated DNA replication. Since SpoT controls (p)ppGpp abundance, we propose that this nucleotide relays carbon starvation signals to the cellular factors responsible for activating DnaA proteolysis, thereby inhibiting the initiation of DNA replication. SpoT, however, was not required for the carbon starvation block of the swarmer-to-stalked cell polar differentiation program. Thus, swarmer cells utilize at least two independent signaling pathways to relay carbon starvation signals: a SpoT-dependent pathway mediating the inhibition of DNA replication initiation, and a SpoT-independent pathway(s) that blocks morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

Murein hydrolases of Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Caulobacter crescentus was found to exhibit a similar autolytic response to a variety of factors affecting the structure of the cell envelope and interfering with murein synthesis as several other species of bacteria. Autolysis was accompanied by the hydrolysis of murein with the release of soluble degradation products. Several murein hydrolases with different bond specificity were found and except for the absence of DD-carboxypeptidase and LD-carboxypeptidase activities the make-up of these enzymes resembled that of the well studied bacterium Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The polar organelle development protein, PodJ, is important for proper establishment of polarity in Caulobacter crescentus. podJ null mutants are unable to form holdfast or pili, have reduced swarming motility, and have difficulty ejecting the flagellum during the swarmer to stalked cell transition. In this study, we create a series of truncation mutants to investigate functional domains of PodJ. We show that PodJ has a transmembrane domain between amino acids 600 and 670. We identify a periplasmic region important for pili production and a cytoplasmic region required for holdfast formation and swarming motility, and establish that PleC localization is not required for holdfast formation and motility in soft agar. Analysis of the mutants reveals that the last 54 amino acids of the protein negatively regulate processing of the full-length form of the protein, PodJ(L), to a shorter form, PodJ(S). Finally, we identify a cytoplasmic region of PodJ involved in targeting it to the flagellar pole, and a periplasmic region required for localization of PleC.  相似文献   

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