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Classically, position effect variegation has been studied in Drosophila and results when a euchromatic gene is placed adjacent to either centromeric heterochromatin or to a telomeric domain. In such a circumstance expression of the locus variegates, being active in some cells and silent in others. Over the last few years a comparable phenomenon in yeast has been discovered. This system promises to tell us much about this curious behaviour. Indeed, experiments reported recently(1) indicate that the variegation of a yeast telomeric gene is cell-cycle regulated. The results suggest the following model. During DNA replication there is a disassembly of chromatin that allows a competition between silencing factors and trans-activators to take place. Thus, reassembly of the domain may result in either the repression or the expression of the affected gene and, hence, produce a variegating phenotype.  相似文献   

Sequences proximal to transgene integration sites are able to deregulate transgene expression resulting in complex position effect phenotypes. In addition, transgenes integrated as repeated arrays are susceptible to repeat-induced gene silencing. Using a Cre recombinase-based system we have addressed the influence of transgene copy number (CN) on expression of hCD2 transgenes. CN reduction resulted in a decrease, increase or no effect on variegation depending upon the site of integration. This finding argues that repeat-induced gene silencing is not the principle cause of hCD2 transgene variegation. These results also suggest that having more transgene copies can be beneficial at some integration sites. The transgenic lines examined in this report also exhibited a form of imprinting, which was manifested by decreased levels of expression and increased levels of variegation, upon maternal transmission; and this correlated with DNA hypermethylation and a reduction in epigenetic chromatin modifications normally associated with active genes.  相似文献   

The formation of a highly condensed chromosome structure (heterochromatin) in a region of a eukaryotic chromosome can inactivate the genes within that region. Genetic studies using the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster have identified several essential genes which influence the formation of heterochromatin. My purpose in this review is to summarize some recent work on the genetics of heterochromatin assembly in Drosophila and a recent model for how chromosomal proteins may interact to form a heterochromatic structure.  相似文献   

Summary X-ray mutagenesis has produced a series of deficiencies in a duplication of part of the third chromosome containing the acid phosphatase gene (Acph-1) in Drosophila melanogaster. In one of these deficiencies, Acph-1 is shown to be undergoing position effect variegation. Naturally occurring electrophoretic variants of the enzyme were used to visualize and determine quantitatively the extent of variegation of the allele which is cis to the heterochromatic breakpoint. Alteration of genotypic background and temperature provided further evidence for position effect. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis was used to correlate the levels of acid phosphatase activity and protein in flies containing the deficiency. A novel result indicates that the variegation is not the consequence of an averaging of active and inactive cells, but rather due to a quantitative alteration of gene activity within at least some individual cells.  相似文献   

Many loci in Drosophila exhibit dosage effects on single phenotypes. In the case of modifiers of position-effect variegation, increases and decreases in dosage can have opposite effects on variegating phenotypes. This is seemingly paradoxical: if each locus encodes a limiting gene product sensitive to dosage decreases, then increasing the dosage of any one should have no effect, because the others should remain limiting. An earlier model put forward to resolve this paradox suggested that dosage-dependent modifiers encode protein subunits of a macromolecular complex that is sensitive to mass action equilibrium conditions. Because chemical equilibria are dynamic, however, such hypothetical complexes will be unstable to an extent that is inconsistent with the known properties of molecules that make up chromatin. An alternative model accounts for the dosage effects in terms of interactions between structural proteins that bind at multiple linked sites. These might include indirect interactions occurring between regulatory proteins and genes for structural proteins or their protein products. The large number of direct and inverse regulatory genes which are known to exist in Drosophila could account for the apparent genetic complexity that is seen for modifiers of position-effect variegation and for other systems of phenotypic modification.  相似文献   

J Locke  M A Kotarski  K D Tartof 《Genetics》1988,120(1):181-198
Twelve dominant enhancers of position effect variegation, representing four loci on the second and third chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster, have been induced by P-element mutagenesis. Instead of simple transposon insertions, seven of these mutations are cytologically visible duplications and three are deficiencies. The duplications define two distinct regions, each coinciding with a locus that also behaves as a dominant haplo-dependent suppressor of variegation. Conversely, two of the deficiencies overlap with a region that contains a haplo-dependent enhancer of variegation while duplications of this same region act to suppress variegation. The third deficiency defines another haplo-dependent enhancer. These data indicate that loci capable of modifying variegation do so in an antipodal fashion through changes in the wild-type gene copy number and may be divided into two reciprocally acting classes. Class I modifiers enhance variegation when duplicated or suppress variegation when deficient. Class II modifiers enhance when deficient but suppress when duplicated. From our data, and those of others, we propose that in Drosophila there are about 20 to 30 dominant loci that modify variegation. Most appear to be of the class I type whereas only two class II modifiers have been identified so far. From these observations we put forth a model, based on the law of mass action, for understanding how such suppressor-enhancer loci function. We propose that each class I modifier codes for a structural protein component of heterochromatin and their effects on variegation are a consequence of their dosage dependent influence on the extent of the assembly of heterochromatin at the chromosomal site of the position effect. It is further proposed that class II modifiers may inhibit the class I products directly, bind to hypothetical termination sites that define heterochromatin boundaries or promote euchromatin formation. Consistent with our mass action model we find that combining two enhancers together produce additive and not epistatic effects. Also, since different enhancers have different relative strengths on different variegating mutants, we suggest that heterochromatic domains are constructed by a combinatorial association of proteins. The mass action model proposed here is of general significance for any assembly driven reaction and has implications for understanding a wide variety of biological phenomena.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Position-effect variegation (PEV) phenotypes are characterized by the robust multigenerational repression of a gene located at a certain locus (often called gene silencing) and occasional conversions to fully active state. Consequently, the active state then persists with occasional conversions to the repressed state. These effects are mediated by the establishment and maintenance of heterochromatin or euchromatin structures, respectively. In this study, we have addressed an important but often neglected aspect of PEV: the frequency of conversions at such loci. We have developed a model and have projected various PEV scenarios based on various rates of conversions. We have also enhanced two existing assays for gene silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to measure the rate of switches from repressed to active state and vice versa. We tested the validity of our methodology in Δsir1 cells and in several mutants with defects in gene silencing. The assays have revealed that the histone chaperone Chromatin Assembly Factor I is involved in the control of epigenetic conversions. Together, our model and assays provide a comprehensive methodology for further investigation of epigenetic stability and position effects.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Zhou DX 《遗传学报》2012,39(7):307-315
Epigenomes including genome-wide histone modification and DNA methylation profiles are important for genome activity and for defining gene expression patterns of plant development and responses to various environmental conditions.Rice is the most important crop plant and serves as a model for cereal genomics.Rice epigenomic landscape is emerging and the function of chromatin modification regulators in gene expression,transposon repression and plant development is being characterized.Epigenomic variation that gives rise to stable or transgenerational heritable epialleles related to variation of important agronomical traits or stress responses is being characterized in rice.Implication of epigenomic variation in rice heterosis is being exploited.  相似文献   

The developmental programme of embryogenesis is controlled by both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. An emerging theme from recent studies is that the regulation of higher-order chromatin structures by DNA methylation and histone modification is crucial for genome reprogramming during early embryogenesis and gametogenesis, and for tissue-specific gene expression and global gene silencing. Disruptions to chromatin modification can lead to the dysregulation of developmental processes, such as X-chromosome inactivation and genomic imprinting, and to various diseases. Understanding the process of epigenetic reprogramming in development is important for studies of cloning and the clinical application of stem-cell therapy.  相似文献   

Previous studies unanimously confirmed the existence of a dependence of human body size on the month of birth. The cause of the phenomenon has not been identified yet, although some possible causes were proposed e.g. seasonal changes of climatic and nutritional conditions. This study explored the issue in an animal model of 20,513 pigs. We found that body weights of 6-month-old pigs were the highest for subjects born in February, but for 2-month-old pigs the peak fell in May. Any statistical correlation between the month of birth and later body weight may be induced by (1) a long-term effect of the month of birth on further growth potential (LTE), or by (2) a short-term effect of seasonal factors differentiating the growth rate (STE), so we developed a mathematical method to separate the effects. The analysis proved that (1) the observed correlations resulted only from the STE, with May-June being the months of the highest growth tempo, and that (2) there was no significant LTE. The short-term effect was responsible for differences between patterns of weight for 2- and 6-month-old animals by the month of birth: since a pig monthly gain of weight increases with age, it is favorable for it to be born in February to attain the greatest weight at the age of 6 months, whereas 2-month-old piglets are heaviest when born a month or two before the May/June optimum for growth. The lack of a long-term effect of the month of birth on pigs’ weight supports the hypothesis of the cultural character of factor(s) responsible for the relationship between the month of birth and later body size in humans.  相似文献   

Position effects and epigenetic silencing of plant transgenes   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Nuclear processes that silence plant transgenes are being revealed by analyses of natural triggers of epigenetic modifications, particularly cytosine methylation, and by comparisons of the genomic environments of differentially expressed transgene loci. It is increasingly apparent that plant genomes can sense and respond to the presence of foreign DNA in certain sequence contexts and at multiple dispersed sites. Determining the basis of this sensitivity and how nuclear defense systems are activated poses major challenges for the future.  相似文献   

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