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Phalaris arundinacea is an invasive species in someregions of North America. The literature on how the light environment affectsseed germination in Phalaris arundinacea is contradictory,and clarification is necessary for understanding its mechanisms of invasion. Inour trials, germination was photoperiod insensitive in the range of 12 to 16hours. Highest germination percentages (up to 80) were obtained under whitelight and red light (11.0 ) and up to 40 with high red: far-red ratios.Virtually no germination occurred in the dark. Our results are not consistentwith early reports that P. arundinacea germinationoccurredin the dark and was light insensitive, but they are consistent with a recentreport that it does not germinate in the dark and our own field and greenhouseobservations.  相似文献   

VOSE  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1962,26(2):197-206
Dormancy in reed canary-grass can be overcome by removing thepalea from the caryopsis, by scarifying the seed, or by prickingthe palea with a pin. The dormancy appears to be due to a water-solubleinhibitor which is present either in the caryopsis or the embryo. There is apparently an interaction between the inhibitor andoxygen, as the effect of the inhibitor passes off quickly underconditions of good aeration. It is possible that free oxygenmay be required to act as hydrogen acceptor in an aerobic dehydrasesystem. Inhibitory effect of the aqueous extract is only shownin the light; when caryopses are germinated in aqueous extractof caryopses in darkness no inhibition of germination is found.The inhibitor has no effect on the germination of lettuce seed. These feature are discussed in relation to other work on seeddormancy and the means of improving germination in the field.  相似文献   

Abstract. The alkaloids of reed canarygrass respond to changes in soil moisture and nitrogen fertility. Gramine and hordenine levels increased under field conditions of moisture deprivation and this effect was enchanced when nitrogen fertilizer was applied. The level of 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine was affected mainly by the nitrogen amendment. Exceptional alkaloid levels in reed canarygrass are interpreted in relation to climatic and plant osmotic parameters. Improved TLC fluorescence scanning procedures are presented for quantifying reed canarygrass alkaloids.  相似文献   

The distribution of young and old Phalaris arundinacea and Urtica dioica plants across the Lunice River floodplain (Tebo Biosphere Reserve, South Bohemia, Czech Republic) was studied over a three-year dry period. Plants of both species that germinated in the current year were found on sites disturbed by floods and on emerged pool bottoms. Older P. arundinacea plants were only occasionally found on unshaded sites (pool bottoms, sandy drifts in river bed). U. dioica established itself more often on sites shaded by herbaceous plants or by neighboring shrubs. The long-term survival of U. dioica on wet sites seems uncertain because this species is less tolerant of flooding than P. arundinacea. Thus episodic expansion of U. dioica into unmown parts of the floodplain is expected.This paper was presented at the INTECOL IV International Wetlands Conference in Columbus, Ohio, 1992, as part of a session organized by Prof. S.E. Jørgensen and sponsored by the International Lake Environment Committee.Corresponding Editor: P. Denny  相似文献   

Summary Five F1 plants have been obtained after extensive crossing between different ecotypes or varieties of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and Dactylis glomerata L. The success did not appear to depend on specific treatments (spraying with -aminocaproic acid or gibberellic acid or pre-pollination with killed pollen from the seed parent), but the crossability is limited to exceptional plants.F1 hybrids showed characteristics of both the parents. In four hybrids various developmental disturbances were observed (low viability, aneusomaty, absence of development of inflorescences). Only one hybrid consistently showed 2n=35 chromosomes, good viability and growth, however, it was sterile. After clonal propagation, attempts for polyploidization were started.  相似文献   

Effects of various chemical and physical factors on the germination of several seed lots of reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) have been studied. Germination at the optimum constant temperatures of 24 to 27°C was significantly stimulated by the following treatments: moist chilling in light, red light given during the first 3 days of imbibition, three 2-h periods at 12°C given during the second day of imbibition, ethylene, increased oxygen tension and soaking in aerated water for 4 days. Dry storage at 20–30°C had no effect on the germination ability of the seeds. No significant quantities of germination inhibitors were found either in water or methanol extracts of seed dispersal units. By comparing three cultivars with various degrees of seed dormancy, respiration measurements showed that there was a significant positive correlation between oxygen uptake prior to visible germination and germination capacity. Similarly, germination-stimulating treatment significantly enhanced oxygen uptake prior to visible germination.  相似文献   

为了从显微结构上进一步探讨虉草(Phalaris arundinacea L.)的抗旱耐涝性及与利用的关系,于2011年采用常规石蜡切片技术,对其根、茎叶3种营养器官进行解剖观察。结果表明,虉草根的结构自外而内依次为表皮、皮层、维管束鞘、初生韧皮部和初生木质部;茎由表皮、基本组织和维管束构成;叶片内部结构可分为表皮、叶肉和叶脉3部分。根皮层大的细胞间隙和气腔,初生木质部的后生大导管和茎基本组织解体形成的髓腔都是虉草良好的通气组织,是其耐水淹的主要显微特征。茎、叶片角质化的表皮和叶表皮所含的丰富泡状细胞组是虉草具有抗旱性的主要解剖结构特征。叶肉细胞排列紧密且只有少量气孔分布于叶片下表皮,这样的结构可减少蒸腾;叶肉细胞富含叶绿体,增强光合作用,获得更多的同化产物,确保了植株在干旱条件下也有足够的光合产物来维持正常的生理活动。茎、叶维管束部分大量的木纤维起到支撑作用。虉草根的皮层和维管柱部分、茎的基本组织和维管束部分、叶的叶脉部分都含有大面积的厚壁细胞,厚壁细胞中含有丰富的粗纤维和木质素。丰富的粗纤维、木质素等成分则是虉草能成为新能源燃料植物的必备条件。  相似文献   

Restoration practices are often based on trial and error or anecdotal information because data from controlled experiments are not available. In wet meadow restorations of the upper Midwest United States, Reed canary grass ( Phalaris arundinacea L.) is controlled with spring burning and spring glyphosate herbicide applications, but the relative effectiveness of either treatment with respect to P. arundinacea growth and life history has not been assessed. We designed a multiyear field experiment to evaluate effects of burning and herbicide application timings on P. arundinacea populations. Burning did not reduce P. arundinacea biomass but reduced the P. arundinacea seed bank, potentially limiting recolonization of P. arundinacea . Glyphosate applications in late August and late September were more effective than in mid-May (due to enhanced glyphosate translocation to rhizomes), such that two mid-May applications reduced P. arundinacea biomass to a level equivalent to that achieved by one late-season application. Phalaris. arundinacea recolonized rapidly from the seed bank and, in plots that received suboptimally timed (mid-May) herbicide, from rhizomes. Establishment of native species was very low, likely due to competition with recolonizing P. arundinacea . Unplanted species (from the seed bank and refugial populations) accounted for the majority of non- P. arundinacea biomass. Recolonization of other species was strongly limited by a threshold level of P. arundinacea biomass. Adequate site preparation (over multiple growing seasons) and aftercare (selective removal of P. arundinacea ) will be the key to facilitating subsequent wet meadow vegetation establishment. This research provides an example of the importance of experimental evidence as the basis to improve the efficiency of restoration practices.  相似文献   

Herbicide resistance has the potential to impose fitness costs in plants. In Mexico, Phalaris minor Retz. has evolved resistance to acetyl‐coa carboxylase (ACCase) inhibiting herbicides. However, it is unknown whether these changes may involve other ecological costs for resistant individuals under non‐selective conditions. The aim of this study was to determine whether the evolution of resistance has reduced the ability of P. minor to compete for resources at the seedling stage. De Wit's replacement series experiments (susceptible:resistant 100:0, 50:50, 0:100) were performed under two initial conditions. In the first experiment, we examined the effect of differences in germination time between resistant and susceptible genotypes on canopy cover. In the second experiment, germination was synchronized, and all the replacement series began at the same time. Delayed germination of resistant accessions reduced their ability to compete for canopy space, competition intensity index, and relative productivity in relation to susceptible accessions. When germination was synchronized, the resistant accessions had the same canopy cover and productivity as susceptible accessions. The delayed germination may cause displacement of resistant individuals in the absence of the selective factor (herbicide).  相似文献   

对镇江北固山湿地优势植物——虉草的光合作用进行了试验研究。结果表明,春夏季晴天虉草净光合速率(Pn)的日变化为双峰曲线,有明显的光合“午休”现象;多云天虉草的Pn主要受光强制约,随光合有效辐射(PAR)变化而变化。经统计学验证,虉草的Pn与PAR、气孔导度(Gs)有显著正相关关系,而与细胞间隙CO_2浓度(Ci)呈显著负相关。用一元二次方程拟合了虉草的光响应曲线,得到光补偿点为38.572μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1),光饱和点为2087.5μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)。  相似文献   

Efforts to eradicate invasive plants in restorations can unintentionally create conditions that favor reinvasion over the establishment of desired species, especially when remnant invasive propagules persist. Reducing resources needed by the invader for seedling establishment, however, may be an effective strategy to prevent reinvasion. Propagules of Phalaris arundinacea persist after removal from sedge meadow wetlands and reestablish quickly in posteradication conditions, hindering community restoration. A study was conducted in two experimental wetlands with controlled hydrologic regimes to determine if reducing light by sowing short‐lived, nonpersistent native cover crops or immobilizing soil N by incorporating soil–sawdust amendments can prevent Phalaris reinvasion, allowing native communities to recover. A 10‐species perennial target community and Phalaris were sown with high‐diversity, low‐diversity, or no cover crops in soils with or without sawdust, and seedling emergence, establishment, and growth were measured. High‐diversity cover crops reduced light, decreasing Phalaris and target community seedling establishment by 89 and 57%, respectively. Short‐term nitrogen reduction in sawdust‐amended soils delayed Phalaris seedling emergence and decreased Phalaris seedling establishment by 59% but did not affect total target community seedling establishment. The target community reduced Phalaris seedling establishment as effectively as cover crops did. In plots where the target community was grown, amending soils with sawdust further reduced Phalaris seedling growth but not establishment. Results show that use of cover crops can reduce seedling establishment of desired species and is counterproductive to restoration goals. Further, establishing target species is more important and practical for limiting Phalaris reinvasion than is immobilizing nitrogen.  相似文献   

In constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial effluents and in contaminated waterlogged soils, wetland plants (helophytes) are exposed to toxic chemicals. Hence, the plants' resistance to contaminants is an important prerequisite for applying phytoremediation to solve these environmental problems. For toxicity tests on the germination and growth of various helophytes (Phalaris arundinaceae and Phragmites australis), phenol, phenanthrene, and a mixture of both were used as examples of chemicals from the petrol- and coal-processing industries. The germination rate, shoot length, root length, and influence on leaves, young shoots, and dry weight were studied. Although an increase in contaminant concentration decreased plant growth (dry weight, shoot length); interestingly, the number of young shoots rose. Low contaminant concentration (about 50 mg/l in case of phenol) stimulated the plant growth. The cress seed germination test was less susceptible compared with plantlet exposure in the case of phenol and phenanthrene. Due to its low bioavailability, solid phenanthrene (without solutizer) did not significantly affect plant growth.  相似文献   

Whether an exotic species becomes integrated into a community or aggressively takes it over depends upon many interacting factors. Using contextual analyses, we combined genetic data about an invasive plant with information about the neighboring species, the community, and the environment to determine what factors enable a genotype or species to invade. We transplanted 50 individuals of each of three clones of the invasive grass Phalaris arundinacea, reed canary grass, into 150 random locations within a Vermont pasture. For each individual, we recorded clonal identity, neighbor identity, community indices (species richness and species diversity), and an environmental variable (soil moisture). The response variables were survivorship, above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass and the ratio of above- to below-ground biomass. Clonal identity affected both survivorship and below-ground biomass. The fastest tillering clone had poor survivorship but survivors produced a large amount of below-ground biomass, making this clone more likely to successfully overwinter. Neighbor species affected above- and below-ground biomass. Reed canary grass produced more above- and below-ground biomass when Anthoxanthum odoratum, a common pasture grass species, was abundant. Community attributes also influenced growth. Although we expected diverse plots to repel the invasion, plants in the more diverse plots had higher amounts of below-ground biomass. Finally, environmental effects also influenced growth. Reed canary grass produced more above-ground biomass in wetter plots, confirming that it does well under wet conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of nutrients, soil moisture, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and interspecific competition levels on the biomass allocation patterns of three wetland perennial plant species, Carex stricta Lam., Phalaris arundinacea L., and Typha latifolia L. A factorial experiment was conducted with high-low nutrient levels, high-low soil moisture levels, and with and without AMF inoculation. Under the experimental conditions, plant inoculation by AMF was too low to create a treatment and the AMF treatment was dropped from the total analysis. P. arundinacea and T. latifolia biomass were 73% and 77% higher, respectively, in the high nutrient treatment compared to the low nutrient treatment. Biomass allocation between shoots and roots remained relatively constant between environmental treatments, although shoot:root ratios of P. arundinacea declined in the low nutrient treatment. For C. stricta, the high nutrient and soil moisture treatments resulted in an increase in biomass of 50% and 15%, respectively. Shoot:root ratios were nearly constant among all environmental conditions. Biomass of T. latifolia and C. stricta was greatly decreased when grown with P. arundinacea. The rapid, initial height growth of P. arundinacea produced a spreading, horizontal canopy that overshadowed the vertical leaves of T. latifolia and C. stricta throughout the study. This pattern was repeated in both high and low nutrient and soil moisture treatments. When grown with P. arundinacea, C. stricta and T. latifolia significantly increased their mean shoot height, regardless of the nutrient or soil moisture level. The results of this experiment suggest that C. stricta and T. latifolia were light limited when growing with P. arundinacea and that canopy architecture is more important for biomass allocation than the other environmental conditions tested. The results also suggest that Phalaris arundinacea is an inherently better competitor (sensu Grime 1979) than C. stricta or T. latifolia.  相似文献   

干旱条件下小麦冠层温度及其性状的关联研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对小麦冠层温度和有关性状的长期观测,发现自然界存在冠层温度持续偏低的小麦,在干旱条件下,它的叶片功能期、叶绿素含量、蒸腾速率、净光合速率、可溶性蛋白含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性等重要性状明显优于冠层温度持续偏高的小麦品种,且丙二醛(MDA)积累速度慢,在籽粒灌浆期表现尤为明显。冷型小麦表现出干旱胁迫下仍然具有代谢功能较好、活力旺盛和抗早衰能力较强的特征,这进一步拓展了冷型小麦的应用范围,对于加速适应于干旱条件的优良品种选育并将其推向生产具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Abstract Rapid establishment by aggressive plants such as Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) often interferes with sedge meadow establishment in restored prairie pothole wetlands in the mid‐continental United States. Introducing a cover crop during community establishment might suppress P. arundinacea invasion in restored prairie potholes by reducing resource availability. We evaluated two potential cover crops, Echinochloa crusgalli (barnyardgrass) and Polygonum lapathifolium (nodding smartweed), for suppressing P. arundinacea invasion in an experimental wetland using replacement series competition experiments. Further, we assessed the effects of E. crusgalli and P. lapathifolium on sedge meadow establishment by sowing Carex hystericina, a common wetland sedge, as a third species at a constant density in the replacement experiments. Echinochloa crusgalli, compared with no cover crop, reduced P. arundinacea biomass by more than 1,000 g/m2 (65%) after two growing seasons. Polygonum lapathifolium did not affect P. arundinacea biomass. Dense E. crusgalli canopies in the first year and thick E. crusgalli thatch in the second year substantially reduced light availability for P. arundinacea establishment. Echinochloa crusgalli also reduced C. hystericina biomass by more than 1,800 g/m2 (99%) after two growing seasons. Carex hystericina biomass was similar in plots sown with E. crusgalli to P. arundinacea monocultures. Neither E. crusgalli nor P. lapathifolium is likely to improve sedge meadow restoration success. These trends were not sensitive to initial sowing density or elevation above water level. Without methods to suppress P. arundinacea invasions, sedge meadow restorations may often fail. Thorough site preparation to remove P. arundinacea propagule sources before restoration is essential.  相似文献   

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