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Accurate handling of stalled replication forks is crucial for the maintenance of genome stability. RAD51 defends stalled replication forks from nucleolytic attack, which otherwise can threaten genome stability. However, the identity of other factors that can collaborate with RAD51 in this task is poorly elucidated. Here, we establish that human Werner helicase interacting protein 1 (WRNIP1) is localized to stalled replication forks and cooperates with RAD51 to safeguard fork integrity. We show that WRNIP1 is directly involved in preventing uncontrolled MRE11‐mediated degradation of stalled replication forks by promoting RAD51 stabilization on ssDNA. We further demonstrate that replication fork protection does not require the ATPase activity of WRNIP1 that is however essential to achieve the recovery of perturbed replication forks. Loss of WRNIP1 or its catalytic activity causes extensive DNA damage and chromosomal aberrations. Intriguingly, downregulation of the anti‐recombinase FBH1 can compensate for loss of WRNIP1 activity, since it attenuates replication fork degradation and chromosomal aberrations in WRNIP1‐deficient cells. Therefore, these findings unveil a unique role for WRNIP1 as a replication fork‐protective factor in maintaining genome stability.  相似文献   

Accurate response to replication arrest is crucial to preserve genome stability and requires both the ATR and ATM functions. The Werner syndrome protein (WRN) is implicated in the recovery of stalled replication forks, and although an ATR/ATM‐dependent phosphorylation of WRN was observed after replication arrest, the function of such modifications during the response to perturbed replication is not yet appreciated. Here, we report that WRN is directly phosphorylated by ATR at multiple C‐terminal S/TQ residues. Suppression of ATR‐mediated phosphorylation of WRN prevents proper accumulation of WRN in nuclear foci, co‐localisation with RPA and causes breakage of stalled forks. On the other hand, inhibition of ATM kinase activity or expression of an ATM‐unphosphorylable WRN allele leads to retention of WRN in nuclear foci and impaired recruitment of RAD51 recombinase resulting in reduced viability after fork collapse. Altogether, our findings indicate that ATR and ATM promote recovery from perturbed replication by differently regulating WRN at defined moments of the response to replication fork arrest.  相似文献   

Proteins essential for homologous recombination play a pivotal role in the repair of DNA double strand breaks, DNA inter-strand crosslinks and replication fork stability. Defects in homologous recombination also play a critical role in the development of cancer and the sensitivity of these cancers to chemotherapy. RAD51, an essential factor for homologous recombination and replication fork protection, accumulates and forms immunocytochemically detectable nuclear foci at sites of DNA damage. To identify kinases that may regulate RAD51 localization to sites of DNA damage, we performed a human kinome siRNA library screen, using DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci formation as readout. We found that NEK8, a NIMA family kinase member, is required for efficient DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci formation. Interestingly, knockout of Nek8 in murine embryonic fibroblasts led to cellular sensitivity to the replication inhibitor, hydroxyurea, and inhibition of the ATR kinase. Furthermore, NEK8 was required for proper replication fork protection following replication stall with hydroxyurea. Loading of RAD51 to chromatin was decreased in NEK8-depleted cells and Nek8-knockout cells. Single-molecule DNA fiber analyses revealed that nascent DNA tracts were degraded in the absence of NEK8 following treatment with hydroxyurea. Consistent with this, Nek8-knockout cells showed increased chromosome breaks following treatment with hydroxyurea. Thus, NEK8 plays a critical role in replication fork stability through its regulation of the DNA repair and replication fork protection protein RAD51.  相似文献   


Elevated DNA replication stress causes instability of the DNA replication fork and increased DNA mutations, which underlies tumorigenesis. The DNA replication stress regulator silencing-defective 2 (SDE2) is known to bind to TIMELESS (TIM), a protein of the fork protection complex, and enhances its stability, thereby supporting replisome activity at DNA replication forks. However, the DNA-binding activity of SDE2 is not well defined. Here, we structurally and functionally characterize a new conserved DNA-binding motif related to the SAP (SAF-A/B, Acinus, PIAS) domain in human SDE2 and establish its preference for ssDNA. Our NMR solution structure of the SDE2SAP domain reveals a helix-extended loop-helix core with the helices aligned parallel to each other, consistent with known canonical SAP folds. Notably, we have shown that the DNA interaction of this SAP domain extends beyond the core SAP domain and is augmented by two lysine residues in the C-terminal tail, which is uniquely positioned adjacent to the SAP motif and conserved in the pre-mRNA splicing factor SF3A3. Furthermore, we found that mutation in the SAP domain and extended C terminus not only disrupts ssDNA binding but also impairs TIM localization at replication forks, thus inhibiting efficient fork progression. Taken together, our results establish SDE2SAP as an essential element for SDE2 to exert its role in preserving replication fork integrity via fork protection complex regulation and highlight the structural diversity of the DNA–protein interactions achieved by a specialized DNA-binding motif.  相似文献   

Inhibitor of growth 2 (ING2) is a candidate tumour suppressor gene the expression of which is frequently lost in tumours. Here, we identified a new function for ING2 in the control of DNA replication and in the maintenance of genome stability. Global replication rate was markedly reduced during normal S‐phase in small interfering RNA (siRNA) ING2 cells, as seen in a DNA fibre spreading experiment. Accordingly, we found that ING2 interacts with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and regulates its amount to the chromatin fraction, allowing normal replication progression and normal cell proliferation. Deregulation of DNA replication has been previously associated with genome instability. Hence, a high proportion of siRNA ING2 cells presented endoreduplication of their genome as well as an increased frequency of sister chromatid exchange. Thus, we propose for the first time that ING2 might function as a tumour suppressor gene by directly maintaining DNA integrity.  相似文献   

In bacteria, PriA protein, a conserved DEXH‐type DNA helicase, plays a central role in replication restart at stalled replication forks. Its unique DNA‐binding property allows it to recognize and stabilize stalled forks and the structures derived from them. Cells must cope with fork stalls caused by various replication stresses to complete replication of the entire genome. Failure of the stalled fork stabilization process and eventual restart could lead to various forms of genomic instability. The low viability of priA null cells indicates a frequent occurrence of fork stall during normal growth that needs to be properly processed. PriA specifically recognizes the 3′‐terminus of the nascent leading strand or the invading strand in a displacement (D)‐loop by the three‐prime terminus binding pocket (TT‐pocket) present in its unique DNA binding domain. Elucidation of the structural basis for recognition of arrested forks by PriA should provide useful insight into how stalled forks are recognized in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Fanconi Anemia (FA) is a cancer predisposition syndrome and the factors defective in FA are involved in DNA replication, DNA damage repair and tumor suppression. Here, we show that FANCD2 is critical for genome stability maintenance in response to high-linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. We found that FANCD2 is monoubiquitinated and recruited to the sites of clustered DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) specifically in S/G2 cells after high-LET radiation. Further, FANCD2 facilitated the repair of clustered DSBs in S/G2 cells and proper progression of S-phase. Furthermore, lack of FANCD2 led to a reduced rate of replication fork progression and elevated levels of both replication fork stalling and new origin firing in response to high-LET radiation. Mechanistically, FANCD2 is required for correct recruitment of RPA2 and Rad51 to the sites of clustered DSBs and that is critical for proper processing of clustered DSBs. Significantly, FANCD2-decifient cells exhibited defective chromosome segregation, elevated levels of chromosomal aberrations, and anchorage-independent growth in response to high-LET radiation. These findings establish FANCD2 as a key factor in genome stability maintenance in response to high-LET radiation and as a promising target to improve cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Replication of DNA is a fundamental biological process that ensures precise duplication of the genome and thus safeguards inheritance. Any errors occurring during this process must be repaired before the cell divides, by activating the DNA damage response (DDR) machinery that detects and corrects the DNA lesions. Consistent with its significance, DNA replication is under stringent control, both spatial and temporal. Defined regions of the genome are replicated at specific times during S phase and the speed of replication fork progression is adjusted to fully replicate DNA in pace with the cell cycle. Insults that impair DNA replication cause replication stress (RS), which can lead to genomic instability and, potentially, to cell transformation. In this perspective, we review the current concept of replication stress, including the recent findings on the effects of accelerated fork speed and their impact on genomic (in)stability. We discuss in detail the Fork Speed Regulatory Network (FSRN), an integrated molecular machinery that regulates the velocity of DNA replication forks. Finally, we explore the potential for targeting FSRN components as an avenue to treat cancer.  相似文献   

In E. coli, the regression of stalled DNA replication forks is catalyzed by the DNA helicase RecG. One means of gaining access to the fork is by binding to the single strand binding protein or SSB. This interaction occurs via the wedge domain of RecG and the intrinsically disordered linker (IDL) of SSB, in a manner similar to that of SH3 domains binding to PXXP motif‐containing ligands in eukaryotic cells. During loading, SSB remodels the wedge domain so that the helicase domains bind to the parental, duplex DNA, permitting the helicase to translocate using thermal energy. This translocation may be used to clear the fork of obstacles, prior to the initiation of fork regression.  相似文献   

The Rad52 pathway has a central function in the recombinational repair of chromosome breaks and in the recovery from replication stress. Tolerance to replication stress also depends on the Mec1 kinase, which activates the DNA replication checkpoint in an Mrc1‐dependent manner in response to fork arrest. Although the Mec1 and Rad52 pathways are initiated by the same single‐strand DNA (ssDNA) intermediate, their interplay at stalled forks remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that the replication checkpoint suppresses the formation of Rad52 foci in an Mrc1‐dependent manner and prevents homologous recombination (HR) at chromosome breaks induced by the HO endonuclease. This repression operates at least in part by impeding resection of DNA ends, which is essential to generate 3′ ssDNA tails, the primary substrate of HR. Interestingly, we also observed that the Mec1 pathway does not prevent recombination at stalled forks, presumably because they already contain ssDNA. Taken together, these data indicate that the DNA replication checkpoint suppresses genomic instability in S phase by blocking recombination at chromosome breaks and permitting helpful recombination at stalled forks.  相似文献   

Bloom syndrome (BS) is a hereditary disorder characterized by pre- and postnatal growth retardation, genomic instability, and cancer. BLM, the gene defective in BS, encodes a DNA helicase thought to participate in genomic maintenance. We show that BS human fibroblasts undergo extensive apoptosis after DNA damage specifically when DNA replication forks are stalled. Damage during S, but not G1, caused BLM to rapidly form foci with gammaH2AX at replication forks that develop DNA breaks. These BLM foci recruited BRCA1 and NBS1. Damaged BS cells formed BRCA1/NBS1 foci with markedly delayed kinetics. Helicase-defective BLM showed dominant-negative activity with respect to apoptosis, but not BRCA1/NBS1 recruitment, suggesting catalytic and structural roles for BLM. Strikingly, inactivation of p53 prevented the death of damaged BS cells and delayed recruitment of BRCA1/NBS1. These findings suggest that BLM is an early responder to damaged replication forks. Moreover, p53 eliminates cells that rapidly assemble BRCA1/NBS1 without BLM, suggesting that BLM is essential for timely BRCA1/NBS1 function.  相似文献   

RECQ1 is the most abundant of the five human RecQ helicases, but little is known about its biological significance. Recent studies indicate that RECQ1 is associated with origins of replication, suggesting a possible role in DNA replication. However, the functional role of RECQ1 at damaged or stalled replication forks is still unknown. Here, for the first time, we show that RECQ1 promotes strand exchange on synthetic stalled replication fork-mimicking structures and comparatively analyze RECQ1 with the other human RecQ helicases. RECQ1 actively unwinds the leading strand of the fork, similar to WRN, while RECQ4 and RECQ5β can only unwind the lagging strand of the replication fork. Human replication protein A modulates the strand exchange activity of RECQ1 and shifts the equilibrium more to the unwinding mode, an effect also observed for WRN. Stable depletion of RECQ1 affects cell proliferation and renders human cells sensitive to various DNA damaging agents that directly or indirectly block DNA replication fork progression. Consequently, loss of RECQ1 activates DNA damage response signaling, leads to hyper-phosphorylation of RPA32 and activation of CHK1, indicating replication stress. Furthermore, depletion of RECQ1 leads to chromosomal condensation defects and accumulation of under-condensed chromosomes. Collectively, our observations provide a new insight into the role of RECQ1 in replication fork stabilization and its role in the DNA damage response to maintain genomic stability.  相似文献   

RECQ1 is the most abundant of the five human RecQ helicases, but little is known about its biological significance. Recent studies indicate that RECQ1 is associated with origins of replication, suggesting a possible role in DNA replication. However, the functional role of RECQ1 at damaged or stalled replication forks is still unknown. Here, for the first time, we show that RECQ1 promotes strand exchange on synthetic stalled replication fork-mimicking structures and comparatively analyze RECQ1 with the other human RecQ helicases. RECQ1 actively unwinds the leading strand of the fork, similar to WRN, while RECQ4 and RECQ5β can only unwind the lagging strand of the replication fork. Human replication protein A modulates the strand exchange activity of RECQ1 and shifts the equilibrium more to the unwinding mode, an effect also observed for WRN. Stable depletion of RECQ1 affects cell proliferation and renders human cells sensitive to various DNA damaging agents that directly or indirectly block DNA replication fork progression. Consequently, loss of RECQ1 activates DNA damage response signaling, leads to hyper-phosphorylation of RPA32 and activation of CHK1, indicating replication stress. Furthermore, depletion of RECQ1 leads to chromosomal condensation defects and accumulation of under-condensed chromosomes. Collectively, our observations provide a new insight into the role of RECQ1 in replication fork stabilization and its role in the DNA damage response to maintain genomic stability.  相似文献   

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