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The vertebrate fast skeletal muscle troponin T gene, TnTf, produces a complexity of isoforms through differential mRNA splicing. The mechanisms that regulate splicing and the physiological significance of TnTf isoforms are poorly understood. To investigate these questions, we have determined the complete sequence structure of the quail TnTf gene, and we have characterized the developmental expression of alternatively spliced TnTf mRNAs in quail embryonic muscles. We report the following: 1) the quail TnTf gene is significantly larger than the rat TnTf gene and has 8 non-homologous exons, including a pectoral muscle-specific set of alternatively spliced exons; 2) specific sequences are implicated in regulated exon splicing; 3) a 900-base pair sequence element, composed primarily of intron sequence flanking the pectoral muscle-specific exons, is tandemly repeated 4 times and once partially, providing direct evidence that the pectoral-specific TnT exon domain arose by intragenic duplications; 4) a chicken repeat 1 retrotransposon element resides upstream of this repeated intronic/pectoral exon sequence domain and is implicated in transposition of this element into an ancestral genome; and 5) a large set of novel isoforms, produced by regulated exon splicing, is expressed in quail muscles, providing insights into the developmental regulation, physiological function, and evolution of the vertebrate TnTf isoforms.  相似文献   

Many isoforms of fast muscle troponin T from chicken legs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Troponin T from fast muscle of chicken legs was found to be composed of about 40 kinds of isoforms by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in conjunction with immunoblotting tests with an antiserum to chicken breast muscle troponin T. Almost all of the isoforms were found in the myofibril preparation and troponin preparation from the leg muscle, and they showed complex-forming ability with troponin I and troponin C. These isoforms existed in most of the fast muscle except pectoralis and posterior latissimus dorsi muscles, and they changed in composition during development. The breast muscle troponin T also showed different types of isoforms in the period soon after hatching. Since proteolysis was completely inhibited during two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and since the many isoforms were observed consistently in various muscles of chicken leg, they are most probably products of mRNAs generated by differential gene splicing.  相似文献   

The different isoforms of fast skeletal muscle troponin T (TnT) are generated by alternative splicing of several 5' exons in the fast TnT gene. In rabbit skeletal muscle this process results in three major fast TnT species, TnT1f, TnT2f and TnT3f, that differ in a region of 30 to 40 amino acid residues near the N terminus. Differential expression of these three isoforms modulates the activation of the thin filament by calcium. To establish a basis for further structure-function studies, we have sequenced the N-terminal region of these proteins. TnT2f is the fast TnT sequenced by Pearlstone et al. The larger species TnT1f contains six additional amino acid residues identical in sequence and position to those encoded by exon 4 in the rat fast skeletal muscle TnT gene. TnT3f also contains that sequence but lacks 17 amino acid residues spanning the region encoded by exons 6 and 7 of the rat gene. These three TnTs appear to be generated by discrete alternative splicing pathways, each differing by a single event. Comparison of these TnT sequences with those from chicken fast skeletal muscle and bovine heart shows that the splicing pattern resulting in the excision of exon 4 is evolutionarily conserved and leads to a more calcium-sensitive thin filament.  相似文献   

In adult fast skeletal muscle, specific combinations of thin filament and Z-line protein isoforms are coexpressed. To determine whether the expression of these sets of proteins, designated the TnT1f, TnT2f, and TnT3f programs, is coordinated during development, we characterized the transitions in troponin T (TnT), tropomyosin (Tm), and alpha-actinin isoforms that occur in developing fetal and neonatal rabbit skeletal muscle. Two coordinated developmental transitions were identified, and a novel pattern of thin filament expression was found in fetal muscle. In fetal muscle, new TnT species--whose protein and immunochemical properties suggest that they are the products of a new TnT gene--are expressed in combination with beta 2 Tm and alpha-actinin1f/s. This pattern, which is found in both back and hindlimb muscles, is specific to fetal and early neonatal muscle. Just prior to birth, there is a transition from the fetal program to the isoforms that define the TnT3f program, TnT3f, and alpha beta Tm. Like the fetal program, expression of the TnT3f program appears to be a general feature of muscle development, because it occurs in a variety of fast muscles as well as in the slow muscle soleus. The transition to adult patterns of thin filament expression begins at the end of the first postnatal week. Based on studies of erector spinae, the isoforms comprising the TnT2f program, TnT2f, alpha 2 Tm, and alpha-actinin2f, appear and increase coordinately at this time. The transitions, first to the TnT3f program, and then to adult patterns of expression indicate that synthesis of the isoforms comprising each program is coordinated during muscle specialization and throughout muscle development. In addition, these observations point to a dual role for the TnT3f program, which is the major thin filament program in some adult muscles, but appears to bridge the transition from developmentally to physiologically regulated patterns of thin filament expression during the late fetal and early neonatal development.  相似文献   

Striated muscle contraction is powered by actin-activated myosin ATPase. This process is regulated by Ca(2+) via the troponin complex. Slow- and fast-twitch fibers of vertebrate skeletal muscle express type I and type II myosin, respectively, and these myosin isoenzymes confer different ATPase activities, contractile velocities, and force. Skeletal muscle troponin has also diverged into fast and slow isoforms, but their functional significance is not fully understood. To investigate the expression of troponin isoforms in mammalian skeletal muscle and their functional relationship to that of the myosin isoforms, we concomitantly studied myosin, troponin T (TnT), and troponin I (TnI) isoform contents and isometric contractile properties in single fibers of rat skeletal muscle. We characterized a large number of Triton X-100-skinned single fibers from soleus, diaphragm, gastrocnemius, and extensor digitorum longus muscles and selected fibers with combinations of a single myosin isoform and a single class (slow or fast) of the TnT and TnI isoforms to investigate their role in determining contractility. Types IIa, IIx, and IIb myosin fibers produced higher isometric force than that of type I fibers. Despite the polyploidy of adult skeletal muscle fibers, the expression of fast or slow isoforms of TnT and TnI is tightly coupled. Fibers containing slow troponin had higher Ca(2+) sensitivity than that of the fast troponin fibers, whereas fibers containing fast troponin showed a higher cooperativity of Ca(2+) activation than that of the slow troponin fibers. These results demonstrate distinct but coordinated regulation of troponin and myosin isoform expression in skeletal muscle and their contribution to the contractile properties of muscle.  相似文献   

In adult fast skeletal muscle, specific combinations of thin filament and Z-line protein isoforms are coexpressed. To determine whether the expression of these sets of proteins, designated the TnT1f, TnT2f, and TnT3f programs, is coordinated during development, we characterized the transitions in troponin T (TnT), tropomyosin (Tm), and α-actinin isoforms that occur in developing fetal and neonatal rabbit skeletal muscle. Two coordinated developmental transitions were identified, and a novel pattern of thin filament expression was found in fetal muscle. In fetal muscle, new TnT species—whose protein and immunochemical properties suggest that they are the products of a new TnT gene—are expressed in combination with β2 Tm and α-actinin1f/8. This pattern, which is found in both back and hindlimb muscles, is specific to fetal and early neonatal muscle. Just prior to birth, there is a transition from the fetal program to the isoforms that define the TnT3f program, TnT3f, and αβ Tm. Like the fetal program, expression of the TnT3f program appears to be a general feature of muscle development, because it occurs in a variety of fast muscles as well as in the slow muscle soleus. The transition to adult patterns of thin filament expression begins at the end of the first postnatal week. Based on studies of erector spinae, the isoforms comprising the TnT2f program, TnT2f, α2 Tm, and α-actinin2f, appear and increase coordinately at this time. The transitions, first to the TnT3f program, and then to adult patterns of expression indicate that synthesis of the isoforms comprising each program is coordinated during muscle specialization and throughout muscle development. In addition, these observations point to a dual role for the TnT3f program, which is the major thin filament program in some adult muscles, but appears to bridge the transition from developmentally to physiologically regulated patterns of thin filament expression during late fetal and early neonatal development.  相似文献   

The expression of fast-muscle-type troponin T isoforms in chicken skeletal muscles was studied by two-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. According to the pattern of troponin T isoform expression, chicken fast muscle was classified into two groups: One group expressed breast-fast-muscle-type troponin T in addition to leg-fast-muscle-type troponin T, the other expressed only leg-fast-muscle-type troponin T. To the former group belong breast and wing fast muscles and some of the back fast muscles, and to the latter group belong the fast muscles in leg, abdomen, and neck. Transplantation of breast muscle into leg was performed in order to change the physical environment and to investigate the mechanism of isoform expression. Histological observation of the transplant revealed severe degeneration of muscle cells, followed by differentiation of myoblasts in which breast-muscle-type troponin T was eventually expressed. The results showed that the pattern of troponin T isoform expression is primarily fixed in the cell lineage, although nerves modulate it.  相似文献   

The three components of troponin were prepared from chicken breast and leg muscle. The troponin I and T components were separated by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose after citraconylation and without the use of urea-containing buffers. The troponin I and C components were similar to their counterparts from rabbit fast skeletal muscle, and a comparison of the troponin I components from breast and leg muscle by amino acid analysis, gel electrophoresis and peptide 'mapping' provides strong evidence for the identity of these proteins. The molecular weights of the troponin T components from breast and leg muscle were 33 500 and 30 500 respectively, determined by gel filtration. A comparison of these two proteins by methods similar to those used for the troponin I components suggested that they differed only in the N-terminal region of the sequence, the breast-muscle troponin T having an extra length of polypeptide chain of approx. 24 residues that is rich in histidine and alanine. The N-terminal hexapeptide sequence, however, is the same in both proteins and is (Ser,Asx,Glx)Thr-Glu-Glu. The genetic implications of these findings are considered.  相似文献   

Huang QQ  Chen A  Jin JP 《Gene》1999,229(1-2):1-10
Three muscle type-specific troponin T (TnT) genes are present in vertebrate to encode a number of protein isoforms via alternative mRNA splicing. While the genomic structures of cardiac and fast skeletal muscle TnT genes have been documented, this study cloned and characterized the slow skeletal muscle TnT (sTnT) gene. Complete nucleotide sequence and genomic organization revealed that the mouse sTnT gene spans 11.1kb and contains 14 exons, which is smaller and simpler than the fast skeletal muscle and cardiac TnT genes. Potentially representing a prototype of the TnT gene family, the 5'-region of the sTnT gene contains fewer unsplit large exons, among which two alternatively spliced exons are responsible for the NH2-terminal variation of three sTnT isoforms. The sTnT gene structure shows that the alternatively spliced central segment found in human sTnT cDNAs may be a result from splicing using an alternative acceptor site at the intron 11-exon 12 boundary. Together with the well-conserved protein structure, the highly specific expression of sTnT in slow skeletal muscles indicates a differentiated function of this member of the TnT gene family. The determination of genomic structure and alternative splicing pathways of sTnT gene lays a foundation to further understand the TnT structure-function evolution as well as contractile characteristics of different types of muscle fiber.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the molecular events associated with the deleterious effects of acidosis on the contractile properties of cardiac muscle as in the ischemia of heart failure. We have conducted a study of the effects of increasing acidity on the Ca(2+) induced conformational changes of pyrene labelled cardiac troponin C (PIA-cTnC) in isolation and in complex with porcine cardiac or chicken pectoral skeletal muscle TnI and/or TnT. The pyrene label has been shown to serve as a useful fluorescence reporter group for conformational and interaction events of the N-terminal regulatory domain of TnC with only minimal fluorescence changes associated with C-terminal domain. Results obtained show that the significant decreases at pH 6.0 of site II Ca(2+) affinity of PIA-cTnC when complexed as a binary complex with either cTnI or cTnT are significantly reduced when cTnI is replaced with sTnI or cTnT with sTnT. However, this effect is appreciably diminished when the cTnI and cTnT in the ternary complex are replaced by sTnI and sTnT. The smaller effects in the ternary complex of replacing both cTnI and cTnT by their skeletal counterparts on depressing the Ca(2+) affinity from pH 7.0 to 6.0 arise from TnI replacement. Thus, changes in TnC conformation resulting from isoform-specific interactions with TnI and TnT could be an integral part of the effect of pH on myofilament Ca(2+)sensitivity.  相似文献   

To isolate the murine Na+/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp), we screened a mouse liver cDNA library and identified Ntcp1, encoding a 362 amino acid protein and Ntcp2, encoding a 317 amino acid protein which had a shorter C-terminal end. Both isoforms mediated saturable Na+-dependent transport of taurocholate when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Analysis of the gene revealed that Ntcp2 is produced by alternative splicing where the last intron is retained.  相似文献   

Nox organizer 1 (Noxo1), a p47(phox) homolog, is produced as four isoforms with unique N-terminal PX domains derived by alternative mRNA splicing. We compared the subcellular distribution of these isoforms or their isolated PX domains produced as GFP fusion proteins, as well as their ability to support Nox1 activity in several transfected models. Noxo1alpha, beta, gamma, and delta show different subcellular localization patterns, determined by their PX domains. In HEK293 cells, Noxo1beta exhibits prominent plasma membrane binding, Noxo1gamma shows plasma membrane and nuclear associations, and Noxo1alpha and delta localize primarily on intracellular vesicles or cytoplasmic aggregates, but not the plasma membrane. Nox1 activity correlates with Noxo1 plasma membrane binding in HEK293 cells, since Noxo1beta supports the highest activity and Noxo1gamma and Noxo1alpha support moderate or low activities, respectively. In COS-7 cells, where Noxo1alpha localizes on the plasma membrane, the activities supported by the three isoforms (alpha, beta, and gamma) do not differ significantly. The PX domains of beta and gamma bind the same phospholipids, including phosphatidic acid. These results indicate that the variant PX domains are unique determinants of Noxo1 localization and Nox1 function. Finally, the overexpressed Noxo1 isoforms do not affect p22(phox) localization, although Nox1 is needed to transport p22(phox) to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In this study, 10 troponin T isoforms from adult porcine skeletal muscle messenger RNA were clarified. These were eight fast- and two slow-type isoforms. Fast-type isoforms had three and two variable exons in the N-terminal and the C-terminal region respectively. Slow-type isoforms had one variable exon in the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

We report that the alternatively spliced isoforms of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-B (NHMC II-B) play distinct roles during mouse brain development. The B1-inserted isoform of NMHC II-B, which contains an insert of 10 amino acids near the ATP-binding region (loop 1) of the myosin heavy chain, is involved in normal migration of facial neurons. In contrast, the B2-inserted isoform, which contains an insert of 21 amino acids near the actin-binding region (loop 2), is important for postnatal development of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Deletion of the B1 alternative exon, together with reduced expression of myosin II-B, results in abnormal migration and consequent protrusion of facial neurons into the fourth ventricle. This protrusion is associated with the development of hydrocephalus. Restoring the amount of myosin II-B expression to wild-type levels prevents these defects, showing the importance of total myosin activity in facial neuron migration. In contrast, deletion of the B2 alternative exon results in abnormal development of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Cells lacking the B2-inserted isoform show reduced numbers of dendritic spines and branches. Some of the B2-ablated Purkinje cells are misplaced in the cerebellar molecular layer. All of the B2-ablated mice demonstrated impaired motor coordination.  相似文献   

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