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When flax seedlings are decapitated above cotyledons and three days later one of the two cotyledons is removed then the remaining cotyledon stimulates in four to five days growth of its axillary bud. It has been found that content of endogenous cytokinins was higher in the stimulated bud as compared with the other one already 12 h after the cotyledon removal. Flax seedlings decapitated under cotyledons regenerate adventitious buds on thy hypocotyl stump during 5–6 days. The endogenous fytohormonal preparation of this regeneration was investigated in the 20 mm apical part of the hypocotyl stump. Decrease in auxin and increase in gibberellins was already found during the first day after decapitation while the level of cytokinins increased as late as three days after the apex removal.  相似文献   

Disruption of retinoic acid (RA) signaling during early development results in severe respiratory tract abnormalities, including lung agenesis. Previous studies suggest that this might result from failure to selectively induce fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10) in the prospective lung region of the foregut. Little is known about the RA-dependent pathways present in the foregut that may be crucial for lung formation. By performing global gene expression analysis of RA-deficient foreguts from a genetic [retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Raldh2)-null] and a pharmacological (BMS493-treated) mouse model, we found upregulation of a large number of Tgfbeta targets. Increased Smad2 phosphorylation further suggested that Tgfbeta signaling was hyperactive in these foreguts when lung agenesis was observed. RA rescue of the lung phenotype was associated with low levels of Smad2 phosphorylation and downregulation of Tgfbeta targets in Raldh2-null foreguts. Interestingly, the lung defect that resulted from RA-deficiency could be reproduced in RA-sufficient foreguts by hyperactivating Tgfbeta signaling with exogenous TGF beta 1. Preventing activation of endogenous Tgfbeta signaling with a pan-specific TGFbeta-blocking antibody allowed bud formation and gene expression in the lung field of both Raldh2-null and BMS493-treated foreguts. Our data support a novel mechanism of RA-Tgfbeta-Fgf10 interactions in the developing foregut, in which endogenous RA controls Tgfbeta activity in the prospective lung field to allow local expression of Fgf10 and induction of lung buds.  相似文献   

Endopolyploidy (EP) is due to consecutive replication cycles not alternating with mitotic nuclear divisions. Previously it was shown, that EP strongly correlates with the phylogenetic position of a taxon, more weakly with the life strategy and slightly negative with the genome size. Here we wanted to investigate the plasticity of endopolyploidization in response to naturally occurred changes of ploidy levels and long-term as well as short-term changes of environmental factors. Contrary to artificially generated polyploids, natural polyploids show a lower EP level than the corresponding diploids.

Different nutritive supply does not significantly alter the EP level, while temperature may influence EP occasionally. Out of five investigated species, two (Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassicaceae and Lapsana communis, Asteraceae) showed a negative correlation between EP and temperature.

Among 10 species of 5 different families, growing in habitats atypical for the family or showing untypical life strategies, only one, the annual Galinsoga parviflora, deviates from the EP characteristics of its family by exhibiting endopolyploidy.

Apparently, significant immediate alterations of the EP level are the exception rather than the rule when environmental conditions or basic ploidy levels are modified, while in an evolutionary term selective effects may well occur.  相似文献   

Vegetative axillary bud dormancy and outgrowth is regulated by several hormonal and environmental signals. In perennials, the dormancy induced by hormonal and environmental signals has been categorized as eco-, endo- or para-dormancy. Over the past several decades para-dormancy has primarily been investigated in eudicot annuals. Recently, we initiated a study using the monoculm phyB mutant (phyB-1) and the freely branching near isogenic wild type (WT) sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) to identify molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways regulating dormancy and outgrowth of axillary buds in the grasses. In a paper published in the January 2010 issue of Plant Cell and Environment, we reported the role of branching genes in the inhibition of bud outgrowth by phyB, shade and defoliation signals. Here we present a model that depicts the molecular mechanisms and pathways regulating axillary bud dormancy induced by shade and defoliation signals in the grasses.Key words: axillary bud, dormancy, shade, phytochrome, defoliation, shoot branching, teosinte branched1, MAX2, cell cycle, sorghumThe dormancy and outgrowth of axillary buds is regulated by several plant hormones such as auxin, cytokinins, abscisic acid and strigolactones, and by environmental factors such as light quality, quantity and duration as well as water, temperature and nutrient status.13 Since the fate of an axillary bud is regulated by such diverse hormonal and environmental signals and their interactions, the type of dormancy induced varies. In perennials, three types of bud dormancy have been identified.4,5 Dormancy mediated by factors within the bud is known as endo-dormancy; while dormancy induced by factors within the plant but outside the bud is called paradormancy or correlative inhibition; the best known example being apical dominance. Dormancy induced due to unfavorable environmental conditions is known as eco-dormancy. Although there is an indepth knowledge about para-dormancy in annuals,6 few studies have been conducted on eco-dormancy. Similarly, studies of endo-dormancy have largely been restricted to low-temperature mediated growth-cessation of axillary buds of perennial plants.7,8 To understand the regulation of dormancy and outgrowth of axillary buds in monocots, we initiated a study on the molecular mechanisms inhibiting bud outgrowth by shade and defoliation signals in sorghum. Our results published in the January 2010 issue of Plant, Cell & Environment indicate that different types of dormancy may be induced in axillary buds of annual grasses by various signals and there may be overlapping and independent molecular mechanisms mediating induction of axillary bud dormancy.  相似文献   

In recent years, several genetic components of vegetative axillary bud development have been defined in both monocots and eudicots, but our understanding of environmental inputs on branching remains limited. Recent work in sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ) has revealed a role for phytochrome B (phyB) in the control of axillary bud outgrowth through the regulation of Teosinte Branched1 ( TB1 ) gene. In maize ( Zea mays ), TB1 is a dosage-dependent inhibitor of axillary meristem progression, and the expression level of TB1 is a sensitive measure of axillary branch development. To further explore the mechanistic basis of branching, the expression of branching and cell cycle-related genes were examined in phyB-1 and wild-type sorghum axillary buds following treatment with low-red : far-red light and defoliation. Although defoliation inhibited bud outgrowth, it did not influence the expression of sorghum TB1 ( SbTB1 ), whereas changes in SbMAX2 expression, a homolog of the Arabidopsis ( Arabidopsis thaliana ) branching inhibitor MAX2 , were associated with the regulation of bud outgrowth by both light and defoliation. The expression of several cell cycle-related genes was also decreased dramatically in buds repressed by defoliation, but not by phyB deficiency. The data suggest that there are at least two distinct molecular pathways that respond to light and endogenous signals to regulate axillary bud outgrowth.  相似文献   

Development of metanephric kidney begins with ureteric bud outgrowth from the Wolffian duct (WD). GDNF is believed to be a crucial positive signal in the budding process, but the negative regulation of this process remains unclear. Here, we examined the role of activin A, a member of TGF-beta family, in bud formation using an in vitro WD culture system. When cultured with the surrounding mesonephros, WDs formed many ectopic buds in response to GDNF. While the activin signaling pathway is normally active along the non-budding WD (as measured by expression of activin A and phospho-Smad2/3), activin A was absent and phospho-Smad2/3 was undetectable in the ectopic buds induced by GDNF. To examine the role of activin A in bud formation, we attempted to inactivate activin action. Interestingly, the addition of neutralizing anti-activin A antibody potentiated GDNF action. To further clarify the role of activin A, we also tested the effect of activin blockade on the WD cultured in the absence of mesonephros. WDs without mesonephros did not form ectopic buds even in the presence of GDNF. In contrast, blockade of activin action with a variety of agents acting through different mechanisms (natural antagonist, neutralizing antibodies, siRNA) enabled GDNF to induce ectopic buds. Inhibition of GDNF-induced bud formation by activin A was accompanied by inhibition of cell proliferation, reduced expression of Pax-2, and decreased phosphorylation of PI3-kinase and MAP kinase in the WD. Our data suggest that activin A is an endogenous inhibitor of bud formation and that cancellation of activin A autocrine action may be critical for the initiation of this process.  相似文献   

Shoot branching is essential in ornamental chrysanthemum production and determines final plant shape and quality. Auxin is associated with apical dominance to indirectly inhibit bud outgrowth. Two non-mutually exclusive models exist for indirect auxin inhibition. Basipetal auxin transport inhibits axillary bud outgrowth by limiting auxin export from buds to stem (canalization model) or by increasing strigolactone levels (second messenger model). Here we analyzed bud outgrowth in treatments with auxin (IAA), strigolactone (GR24) and auxin transport inhibitor (NPA) using a split-plate bioassay with isolated chrysanthemum stem segments. Besides measuring bud length, dividing cell percentage was measured with flow cytometry and RT-qPCR was used to monitor expression levels of genes involved in auxin transport (CmPIN1) and signaling (CmAXR2), bud dormancy (CmBRC1, CmDRM1) and strigolactone biosynthesis (CmMAX1, CmMAX3). Treatments over a 5-day period showed bud outgrowth in the control and inhibition with IAA and IAA?+?GR24. Bud outgrowth in the control coincided with high dividing cell percentage, decreased expression of CmBRC1 and CmDRM1 and increased CmPIN1 expression. Inhibition by IAA and IAA?+?GR24 coincided with low dividing cell percentage and unchanged or increased expressions of CmBRC1, CmDRM1 and CmPIN1. Treatment with GR24 showed restricted bud outgrowth that was counteracted by NPA. This restricted bud outgrowth was still concomitant with a high dividing cell percentage and coincided with decreased expression of dormancy genes. These results indicate incomplete inhibition of bud outgrowth by GR24 treatment and suggest involvement of auxin transport in the mechanism of bud inhibition by strigolactones, supporting the canalization model.  相似文献   

Histochemical localization of total proteins, histories, nucleic acids, ascorbic acid and polysaccharides in the developing axillary bud ofMurraya koenigii and its vascular relationship with the main axis are investigated. All the above variable metabolites are richly distributed throughout the bud development. The shell zone is indicative of poor distribution of these metabolites. Histochemical tests prove that the axillary bud is metabolically very active. The initiation of the axillary bud is in the axil of the 2nd leaf where two cells of 2nd tunica layer become prominent and undergo periclinal divisions to give rise to the bud. The bud maintains tunica-corpus organization throughout its development. The cells of the shell zone at the base of the bud differentiate into pith meristem of the bud. The axillary bud has two bud traces which are associated with vascular strands that are not the traces of the subtending leaf.  相似文献   

Wang X  Bogdanov M  Dowhan W 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(21):5673-5681
In Escherichia coli, the major cytoplasmic domain (C6) of the polytopic membrane protein lactose permease (LacY) is exposed to the opposite side of the membrane from a neighboring periplasmic domain (P7). However, these domains are both exposed on the periplasmic side of the membrane in a mutant of E.coli lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) wherein LacY only mediates facilitated transport. When purified LacY was reconstituted into liposomes lacking PE or phosphatidylcholine (PC), C6 and P7 were on the same side of the bilayer. In liposomes containing PE or PC, C6 and P7 were on opposite sides of the bilayer. Only the presence of PE in the liposomes restored active transport function of LacY as opposed to restoration of only facilitated transport function in the absence of PE. These results were the same for LacY purified from PE-containing or PE-lacking cells, and are consistent with the topology and function of LacY assembled in vivo. Therefore, irrespective of the mechanism of membrane insertion, the subdomain topological orientation and function of LacY are determined primarily by membrane phospholipid composition.  相似文献   

Reduction–oxidation-sensitive green fluorescent proteins (roGFPs) have been demonstrated to be valuable tools in sensing cellular redox changes in mammalian cells and model plants, yet have not been applied in crops such as maize. Here we report the characteristics of roGFP1 in transiently transformed maize mesophyll protoplasts in response to environmental stimuli and knocked-down expression of ROS-scavenging genes. We demonstrated that roGFP1 in maize cells ratiometrically responds to cellular redox changes caused by H2O2 and DTT, as it does in mammalian cells and model plants. Moreover, we found that roGFP1 is sensitive enough to cellular redox changes caused by genetic perturbation of single ROS genes, as exemplified by knocked-down expression of individual ZmAPXs, in maize protoplasts under controlled culture conditions and under stress conditions imposed by H2O2 addition. These data provide evidence that roGFP1 functions in maize cells as a biosensor for cellular redox changes triggered by genetic lesion of single ROS genes even under stress conditions, and suggest a potential application of roGFP1 in large-scale screening for maize mutants of ROS signaling involved in development and stress resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Micropropagation ofUraria picta, a leguminous herb, was achieved through axillary bud culture and nodal callus culture. Bud break was best when nodes were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) medium supplemented with 2.6 μM α-naphthalene acetic acid and 4.4 μM N6-benzyladenine. Optimum shoot multiplication was observed in adenine sulphate at 2.47 μM concentration. Competent callus was initiated around the nodal ring of the explant on the basal medium supplemented with cytokinins and auxin (α-naphthalene acetic acid and N6-benzyladenine), which regenerated into new profusely growing shoots on transferring to 0.13 μM N6-benzyladenine. Shoots elongated to 5 node length with 1.11 μM N6-benzyladenine were rooted on half-strength MS basal medium. The rooted plants were successfully established with 80% survival. About 400 such plants were transferred to the field.  相似文献   

Accelerated marrow adipogenesis has been associated with ageing and osteoporosis and is thought to be because of an imbalance between adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs). We have previously found that lysyl oxidase (Lox) inhibition disrupts BMP4‐induced adipocytic lineage commitment and differentiation of MSCs. In this study, we found that lox inhibition dramatically up‐regulates BMP4‐induced expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) homologous protein 10 (CHOP‐10), which then promotes BMP4‐induced osteogenesis of MSCs both in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, Lox inhibition or CHOP‐10 up‐regulation activated Wnt/β‐catenin signalling to enhance BMP4‐induced osteogenesis, with pro‐adipogenic p38 MAPK and Smad signalling suppressed. Together, we demonstrate that Lox/CHOP‐10 crosstalk regulates BMP4‐induced osteogenic and adipogenic fate determination of MSCs, presenting a promising therapeutic target for osteoporosis and other bone diseases.  相似文献   

A deliberate generation of ROS is now recognized to be achieved by specific NADPH oxidases (NOX). Dual oxidases (DUOXs) are Ca(2+)-activated NOXs and operate as H(2)O(2)-generators in various tissues. A tight regulation is however required to avoid ROS overproduction that can rapidly be harmful to biological systems. DUOX activator (DUOXA) proteins act as organizing elements for surface expression and activity of the DUOX enzymes. To study DUOX activation by the maturation factors, chimeric DUOXA proteins were generated by replacing particular domains between DUOXA1 and DUOXA2. Their impact on DUOX function and membrane expression were explored in a reconstituted heterologous cell system composed of COS-7 cells. We have shown that the COOH-terminal end of DUOXA1 is responsible for DUOX1-dependent H(2)O(2) generation. The NH(2)-terminal tail of DUOXA2 is critical to specify the type of ROS released by DUOX2, hydrogen peroxide or superoxide. Native DUOXA2 would constrain DUOX2 to produce H(2)O(2). However, alterations of the DUOXA2 NH(2)-terminal domain modify DUOX2 activity triggering superoxide leaking. Our results demonstrate that specific domains of the DUOX maturation factors promote the activation of DUOXs as well as the type of ROS generated by the oxidases.  相似文献   

Ascidian larvae develop mesenchyme cells in their trunk. A fibroblast growth factor (FGF9/16/20) is essential and sufficient for induction of the mesenchyme in Ciona savignyi. We have identified two basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) genes named Twist-like1 and Twist-like2 as downstream factors of this FGF. These two genes are phylogenetically closely related to each other, and were expressed specifically in the mesenchymal cells after the 110-cell stage. Gene-knockdown experiments using a specific morpholino oligonucleotide demonstrated that Twist-like1 plays an essential role in determination of the mesenchyme and that Twist-like2 is a downstream factor of Twist-like1. In addition, both overexpression and misexpression of Twist-like1 converts non-mesenchymal cells to mesenchymal cells. We also demonstrate that the upstream regulatory mechanisms of Twist-like1 are different between B-line mesenchymal cells and the A-line mesenchymal cells called 'trunk lateral cells'. FGF9/16/20 is required for the expression of Twist-like1 in B-line mesenchymal precursor cells, whereas FGF, FoxD and another novel bHLH factor called NoTrlc are required for Twist-like1 to be expressed in the A-line mesenchymal precursor cells. Therefore, two different but partially overlapping mechanisms are required for the expression of Twist-like1 in the mesenchymal precursors, which triggers the differentiation of the mesenchyme in Ciona embryos.  相似文献   

Tendrils can be found in different plant species. In legumes such as pea, tendrils are modified leaves produced by the vegetative meristem but in the grape vine, a same meristem is used to either form a tendril or an inflorescence. Passiflora species originated in ecosystems in which there is dense vegetation and competition for light. Thus climbing on other plants in order to reach regions with higher light using tendrils is an adaptive advantage. In Passiflora species, after a juvenile phase, every leaf has a subtending vegetative meristem, and a separate meristem that forms both flowers and a tendril. Thus, flowers are formed once a tendril is formed yet whether or not this flower will reach bloom depends on the environment. For example, in Passiflora edulis flowers do not develop under shaded conditions, so that tendrils are needed to bring the plant to positions were flowers can develop. This separate meristem generally forms a single tendril in different Passiflora species yet the number and position of flowers formed from the same meristem diverges among species. Here we display the variation among species as well as variation within a single species, P. edulis. We also show that the number of flowers within a specific genotype can be modulated by applying Cytokinins. Finally, this separate meristem is capable of transforming into a leaf-producing meristem under specific environmental conditions. Thus, behind what appears to be a species-specific rigid program regarding the fate of this meristem, our study helps to reveal a plasticity normally restrained by genetic, hormonal and environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Appropriate thyroid gland function and thyroid hormone activity are considered crucial to sustain the productive performance in domestic animals (growth, milk or hair fibre production). Changes of blood thyroid hormone concentrations are an indirect measure of the changes in thyroid gland activity and circulating thyroid hormones can be considered as indicators of the metabolic and nutritional status of the animals. Thyroid hormones play a pivotal role in the mechanisms permitting the animals to live and breed in the surrounding environment. Variations in hormone bioactivity allow the animals to adapt their metabolic balance to different environmental conditions, changes in nutrient requirements and availability, and to homeorhetic changes during different physiological stages. This is particularly important in the free-ranging and grazing animals, such as traditionally reared small ruminants, whose main physiological functions (feed intake, reproduction, hair growth) are markedly seasonal. Many investigations dealt with the involvement of thyroid hormones in the expression of endogenous seasonal rhythms, such as reproduction and hair growth cycles in fibre-producing (wool, mohair, cashmere) sheep and goats. Important knowledge about the pattern of thyroid hormone metabolism and their role in ontogenetic development has been obtained from studies in the ovine foetus and in the newborn. Many endogenous (breed, age, gender, physiological state) and environmental factors (climate, season, with a primary role of nutrition) are able to affect thyroid activity and hormone concentrations in blood, acting at the level of hypothalamus, pituitary and/or thyroid gland, as well as on peripheral monodeiodination. Knowledge on such topics mirror physiological changes and possibly allows the monitoring and manipulation of thyroid physiology, in order to improve animal health, welfare and production.  相似文献   

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