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The PT-digest of bread wheat gliadin was very active in agglutinating undifferentiated human K562(S) cells. This activity was quantitatively, but not qualitatively, similar to that of Con A or WGA. Moreover, Con A-induced cell agglutination was inhibited by mannan and mannose, WGA-induced agglutination by NAG only, and cell agglutination induced by bread wheat gliadin peptides was inhibited by each of these three saccharides. Not only was mannan the most active saccharide in preventing cell agglutination induced by bread wheat gliadin peptides, but it was also able to dissociate agglutinated cells. As compared to the PT- digest of whole bread wheat gliadin, the digest obtained from purified A-gliadin was tenfold more active. The PT-digest of durum wheat gliadin did not show any agglutinating activity.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterisation of microsatellites from hexaploid bread wheat   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
 The development of large panels of simple-to-analyse genetic markers for tagging agronomically important genes and diversity studies in hexaploid bread wheat is an important goal in applied cereal genetic research. We have isolated and sequenced over 200 clones containing microsatellites from the wheat genome and have tested 153 primer pairs for genetic polymorphism using a panel of ten wheat varieties, including the parents of our main mapping cross. A subset comprising 49 primer pairs detects 76 loci, of which 74 can be unequivocably allocated to one of the wheat chromosomes. A relatively low frequency of the loci detected are from the D genome, and these loci show less polymorphism than those from the A and B genomes. Generally, the microsatellites show high levels of genetic polymorphism and an average of 3.5 alleles per locus with an average polymorphism information content (PIC), value of 0.51. The observed levels of polymorphism are positively correlated with the length of the microsatellite repeats. A high proportion, approximately two-thirds, of primer pairs designed to detect simple sequence repeat (SSR) variation in wheat do not generate the expected amplification products and, more significantly, often generate unresolvable PCR products. In general, our results agree closely with those obtained from other recent studies using microsatellites in plants. Received: 19 March 1996 / Accepted: 28 June 1996  相似文献   

This paper shows the influence of benzenic groups on the chitosan surface for the separation of bioactive biflavonoids from Rheedia gardneriana leaves The yield of the biflavonoids using chitin modified with benzaldehyde (CH-Bz) as adsorbent in column chromatography was higher than that achieved with silica gel and chitosan. The presence of benzenic groups decreases the polarity of chitosan and consequently the interaction of hydrogen bonding between phenolic hydroxyl (OH) of biflavonoids and amine groups of the adsorbent. Therefore, the separation of these compounds appears to be the result of hydrophobicity and pi-pi interaction among electrons from the aromatic ring in sorbent and biflavonoid molecules.  相似文献   

Heptaldehyde-modified chitosan (heptyl-chitosan, CH-Hp) was investigated as adsorbent for chromatograhic separation of the flavonoids from A. moluccana. The amount of 2"-O-rhamnosylswertisin isolated (30.0 mg) was approx. twice as high as swertisin (17.5 mg). The improved surface hydrophobicity effected by the heptyl groups promoted the separation of flavonoids. From the results obtained, CH-Hp seems to be more suitable for separation of glycosylated flavonoids than other flavonoids. Thus, modified chitosan described here can be used for hydrophobic interaction chromatography as sucessfully illustrated with flavonoids.  相似文献   

Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, genome BBAADD) is a young hexaploid species formed only 8,500–9,000 years ago through hybridization between a domesticated free-threshing tetraploid progenitor, genome BBAA, and Aegilops tauschii, the diploid donor of the D subgenome. Very soon after its formation, it spread globally from its cradle in the fertile crescent into new habitats and climates, to become a staple food of humanity. This extraordinary global expansion was probably enabled by allopolyploidy that accelerated genetic novelty through the acquisition of new traits, new intergenomic interactions, and buffering of mutations, and by the attractiveness of bread wheat’s large, tasty, and nutritious grain with high baking quality. New genome sequences suggest that the elusive donor of the B subgenome is a distinct (unknown or extinct) species rather than a mosaic genome. We discuss the origin of the diploid and tetraploid progenitors of bread wheat and the conflicting genetic and archaeological evidence on where it was formed and which species was its free-threshing tetraploid progenitor. Wheat experienced many environmental changes throughout its evolution, therefore, while it might adapt to current climatic changes, efforts are needed to better use and conserve the vast gene pool of wheat biodiversity on which our food security depends.

We describe the evolution of bread wheat in nature and under human selection with an emphasis on the donors of its subgenomes, evolution under polyploidy, and the “where when and how” of its domestication.  相似文献   

Summary The present study describes a cytological stable alien chromosome translocation in tetraploid durum wheat. By crossing the hexaploid 1BL/1RS wheat-rye translocation line Veery to the tetraploid durum wheat cultivar Cando it was possible to select a 28 chromosomic strain homozygous for the 1BL/1RS translocation. The disease resistance potential of the short arm of rye chromosome 1R, which has been widely introduced in many hexaploid bread wheat cultivars could be now also used for the improvement of durum wheat.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a diet prepared with traditional sourdough (TS) on iron status. Levels of blood hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrite (Ht), serum ferritin and serum iron as well as excreted iron were determined in three groups of mice fed with: TS bread (TS group), baking yeast bread (BY group) or bread with no starters (control group), respectively. The results show that the levels of Hb, Ht, ferritin and iron were significantly higher in the TS compared to the BY and control groups. Also a significant decrease in the excreted iron levels was observed in the mice fed with TS compared to the others dietary groups.

In conclusion, the study results indicate an improvement of iron status indicators in mice when they were fed sourdough bread as compared to baking yeast bread and bread with no starters.  相似文献   

 Seventy nine microsatellite markers from hexaploid bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) were integrated into a genetic linkage map of durum wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum (Desf.) Huns.) created by RFLP segregation data from a population of 65 recombinant inbred lines. The results indicate a relatively even distribution of microsatellite loci and demonstrate that microsatellite markers from hexaploid wheat provide an excellent source of molecular markers for use in the genetics and breeding of durum wheat. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 13 October 1998  相似文献   

A doubled haploid population constructed from a cross between the South Australian wheat cultivars ‘Trident’ and ‘Molineux’ was grown under winter field conditions, under field conditions over summer and under artificial light both with and without vernalisation. The duration from planting to ear-emergence was recorded and QTL associated with heading date were detected using a previously constructed genetic linkage map. Associations were shown with chromosomal regions syntenous to previously identified photoperiod (Ppd-B1) and vernalisation (Vrn-A1) sensitive loci. Additional QTL associated with time to heading were also identified on chromosomes 1A, 2A, 2B, 6D, 7A and 7B. Comparisons between the genetic associations observed under the different growing conditions allowed the majority of these loci to be classified as having either photoperiod-sensitive, vernalisation-sensitive or earliness per se actions. The identification of a photoperiod-sensitive QTL on chromosome 1A provides evidence for a wheat gene possibly homoeologous to Ppd-H2 previously identified on chromosome 1H of barley. The occurrence of a putative major gene for photoperiod sensitivity observed on chromosome 7A is presented. The combined additive effects at these loci accounted for more than half the phenotypic variance in the duration from planting to ear-emergence in this population. The possible role of these loci on the adaptation of wheat in Australia is discussed.  相似文献   

Sequence elimination is one of the main mechanisms that increases the divergence among homoeologous chromosomes after allopolyploidization to enhance the stability of recently established lineages, but it can cause a loss of some economically important genes. Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) is an important source of genetic variation to the natural hexaploid wheat (NHW) genepool that has low genetic diversity. Here, we investigated the change between SHW and NHW genomes by utilizing a large germplasm set of primary synthetics and synthetic derivatives. Reproducible segment elimination (RSE) was declared if a large chromosomal chunk (>5 cM) produced no aligned reads in more than five SHWs. RSE in five genomic regions was the major source of variation between SHW and NHW. One RSE eliminated almost the complete short arm of chromosome 1B, which contains major genes for flour quality, disease resistance and different enzymes. The occurrence of RSE was highly dependent on the choice of diploid and tetraploid parental lines, their ancestral subpopulation and admixture, e.g. SHWs derived from Triticum dicoccon or from one of two Aegilops tauschii subpopulations were almost free of RSE, while highly admixed parents had higher RSE rates. The rate of RSE in synthetic derivatives was almost double that in primary synthetics. Genome‐wide association analysis detected four loci with minor effects on the occurrence of RSE, indicating that both parental lines and genetic factors were affecting the occurrence of RSE. Therefore, pre‐pre‐breeding strategies should be applied before introducing SHW into pre‐breeding programs to ensure genomic stability and avoid undesirable gene loss.  相似文献   

PCR-analysis with primers to Wx-loci of T. aestivum L. genome lets us run the controlled selection of genotypes with null-alleles of Wx-genes while creating bread wheat lines with amylopectin type of starch. Microsatellite analysis of selected individual plants which were the carries of three null-alleles of Wx-genes (Wx-A1b, Wx-B1b, Wx-D1b) and the cluster analysis in the complex allowed us to pick out four genotypes, which were very close related genetically to the parent form variety Kuyalnik.  相似文献   

A sample of indigenous beer, boza was collected at Cairo, Egypt and analysed. Boza was an off-white porridge-like slurry containing 3.8% (v/v) ethanol. Volatile esters and higher alcohols such as ethyl acetate and isoamyl alcohol were detected in the boza by gas chromatography. The pH of the boza was 3.7. Organoleptically, this alcoholic beverage had an estery flavour and a sour taste. A fermentable yeast strain EG1 was isolated from the material wheat bread and identified, and was considered to resemble Candida krusei. The rice sake made with the yeast strain C. krusei EG1 at 30 °C contained 11.7% ethanol, 74.1 mg/l ethyl acetate and its pH value was 4.2.  相似文献   

The possible use of xylanase from Aspergillus foetidus MTCC 4898 as a bread improver was tested in whole wheat bread. The partially purified xylanase was used as an additive at 12 U/g during mixing of wheat flour. The effects of xylanase addition on the fermentation stage and the final bread quality were analyzed. Remarkable decrease (11%) in water absorption and increase in dough rising (28.5%) were noticed. Final moisture content of the bread was higher (40.5%) than control (32.3%). Improvements in volume (53%) and specific volume (56%) were also significant. Sensory evaluation indicated better flavour, taste, softness and overall acceptability. Texture profile analysis confirmed the rheological changes. Firmness was decreased by more than four folds. Improvements in cohesiveness and decline in springiness and gumminess were observed.  相似文献   

Summary Heritability estimates of five characters of the wheat plant were studied in five crosses involving six cultivars of bread wheat. Parents, F1, F2 and backcrosses to both parents were used in the estimation of the genetic parameters.Heritability was low for number of fertile spikes/plant, moderate for number of spikelets/spike, number of kernels/spike, 1000-kernel weight and moderately high for number of kernels/spike. Evidence for mainly nonadditive gene effects were observed in the expression of number of fertile spikes and 1000-kernel weight. Although nonadditives contributed to a lesser degree to the gene action, additives seemed to be the most important genetic expression regulating number of spikelets/spike, number of kernels/spike, and number of kernels/spikelet. Except for number of fertile spikes/plant, selection in F2-populations seems to be promising.  相似文献   

PCR analysis was used to create DNA markers to the Vrd1 gene. DNA of almost isogenic lines with respect to Vrd genes of the cultivars Mironovskaya 808 and Erytrospermum 604 was used. It was shown that in the monogenic Vrd1 dominant genotypes the product of amplification (280 b.p.) is absent in comparison with the DNA of the vrd recessive and monogenic Vrd2 dominant genotypes. The linkage of the marker with the Vrd1 gene has been determined using DNA analysis of plant population obtained as a result of crossing of Erytrospermum 604 (vrd recessive) and Triple Dirk C (Vrd1vrd2). F2 population segragated in two groups on the character of 280 b.p. amplification product "presence/absence". The segregation significantly coincided to the theoretical one (by ?2 test) with 1:3 expectation. The revealed molecular marker identified homozygous dominant Vrd1 plants only. The DNA-marker to Vrd1 gene is nulle-allelic 280(-).  相似文献   

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