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The relationships between the maximum, daily food consumption, body weight and water temperature for the stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L. , and the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), were studied. The two species occupy the same lakes in mid-Wales, but differ in that G. aculeatus has a true stomach whereas P. phoxinus lacks a true stomach.
For both species, the relationship between food consumption (F) and body weight ( W ) could be described by the model: logeF=a + b loge W . The effect of temperature (T) could be incorporated in the form: logef= a + b, loge W+b2loge T. These models were selected because they accounted for a high proportion of the variance in the dependent variable, and because an analysis of the residuals obtained after fitting a model showed no trends which would have signalled the inadequacy of the model.  相似文献   

Fecundity, length at first spawning, spawning seasonality and ovarian development of Spratelloides gracilis were determined by examining preserved ovaries from fish captured over a 5-year period. Fecundity ( F ) was estimated from the number of eggs in the most advanced ovarian mode and was related to fish length ( L ) by the function: loge F =3.764 logeL-7.308, and to weight ( W ) by: logeW= 1.210 logeW+7.337. Spawning was observed in most months of the year without any recognizable pattern between the years. Ova diameter frequencies were bimodal but the smaller mode remained stationary regardless of the position of the larger mode. This was interpreted as evidence that individual fish may spawn only once. From data on egg length versus fish length and gonad index versus fish length it was estimated that fish were first capable of spawning at 45 mm (fork length).  相似文献   

Measurements of active, standard and routine oxygen consumption were made for 207 Utah chub at 6°, 9°, 12°, 18° and 22° C; and 123 speckled dace at 4°, 8°, 12° and 18° C. These were expressed as mathematical functions of water temperature and size of the fish. The mean slopes of loge oxygen consumption (mg O2/h) and loge wet weight (g) were 0.771, 0.526, and 0.619 for active, standard, and routine rates respectively for Utah chub, and 0.943, 0.486, and 0.683 respectively for speckled dace.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal environment on condition factor was examined for six different size-classes of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua fed to satiation. A weight–length relationship for 8 to 1303 g fish reared at 4–20°C indicated an allometric growth ( W  =  aL b , a  = 0.0045, b  = 3.257) of cod. Changes in relative condition factor ( K rel) with temperature were described with a second order polynomial. The most pronounced effect of temperature on body condition was found in the smallest size-classes, but the curves flattened with increased size. Temperature had size-dependent effects on the relative condition factor obtained from an overall weight–length relationship for all fish in the experiment, i.e. K rel increased with weight at 4°C, but decreased with weight at 16 and 20°C. K rel remained high for most size-classes at 8 and 12°C. The slopes ( b -values) of the weight–length relationships decreased linearly with temperatures from 4 to 16°C.  相似文献   

When reared for a period of 6 months at a temperature of 10°C Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , increased in weight from 18 g to approximately 135 g. Specific growth rates decreased as the fish increased in size and the relationship between size and growth rate could be described by the equation:
where G w is specific growth rate and W is fish weight in grams. Temperature effects upon growth were examined using previously published data. Below the optimum growth temperature, the growth rate of a fish of given size could be predicted using the equation:
where T is the rearing temperature.
Rates of growth of Arctic charr were as high as those reported for other salmonid species reared under similar conditions. Preliminary results suggested that growth rates of charr may be lower in salt water than in fresh water.  相似文献   

Norris and USDA-103 strains of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus were compared for growth rate and food conversion ratio under satiation feeding and restricted feeding (1% body weight day−1) regimes. At the start of the experiment Norris fish weighed 2·8 g, USDA-103 fish weighed 14·0 g. Therefore, a regression of the loge of specific growth rate against the loge of mean body size with an empirically derived fixed slope of -0·37 was used to compare growth rates. Under both feeding regimes the USDA-103 strain had faster specific growth rates and more efficient food conversion. In subsequent studies, voluntary food intake of size matched fish (60 g average) from these two strains was compared using a radiographic method. Fish were acclimatized to tank conditions for 3 weeks prior to voluntary food intake measurement. Half of the groups were deprived of food for 2 days prior to food intake measurement, while the remaining groups were fed 1% body weight day−1. The USDA-103 strain fish ate significantly more food and grew faster than the Norris strain fish. Previously fasted Norris fish subsequently ate more than their fed counterparts, whereas the fed USDA-103 fish consumed more food than the fasted USDA-103 group. When the USDA-103 strain fish were deprived of food for 4 , 2 or 0 days, all groups subsequently consumed between 4·5 and 5·0% of body weight in one meal. The USDA-103 fish, unlike the Norris fish were not stimulated to consume more after short-duration fasting. Taken together, these results suggest that there are genetic differences in growth, food conversion ratio and regulation of food intake between Norris and USDA-103 strains.  相似文献   

Apparent specific dynamic action (SDA) amplitude in young juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua (1 to 8 g wet mass), fed a standardized meal and then exercised in a circular swimming respirometer at a constant swimming speed of 0·5 ± 0·3 body lengths s-1, occurred within l h after feeding in all juveniles. SDA amplitude were 1·4 to 1·8 times higher in fed fish compared to unfed fish, and rates of oxygen consumption decreased as body mass increased. SDA duration had a tendency to decrease with increasing body mass and was shortest, at 6 h, in the smallest fish (1–1·5 g), but increased to 10–11 h in the largest fish. Apparent SDA in fed fish ( R r) scaled with a mass exponent of 0·89, while maximum metabolic rate ( R max) determined by chasing fish to exhaustion and then measuring oxygen consumption for 12 h, and unfed routine metabolic rate (Rr) scaled with a mass exponent of 0·79 and 0·76 respectively. Relative aerobic scope ( R max– unfed R r) did not appear to vary over the 1 to 8 g increase in wet mass. These results show that as body mass increased in young juvenile Atlantic cod: (1) apparent SDA ( R f) increased more rapidly than R max, and (2) apparent SDA took up >98% of the relative aerobic scope and that young Atlantic cod allocated most of the energy to growth, and left little for other metabolic activities.  相似文献   

Inter‐individual differences in rates of routine (non‐feeding) metabolism and growth were evaluated in young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua . Rates of O2 consumption, CO2 production and ammonia (TAN) excretion were measured in 64, 25–43 mm standard length ( L S) YOY growing at different rates (0·27–0·47 mm day−1) in a common rearing tank. Parameter rates ( y ) increased allometrically ( y = a·Mb ) with increasing body mass ( M ) with b ‐values for O2 production, CO2 consumption and TAN excretion equal to 0·81, 0·89 and 0·56, respectively. In some cases, residuals from these regressions were significantly negatively correlated to fish growth rate. In no cases did residuals of parameter rates increase with increasing growth rate. These data suggest that, during unfed periods, relatively fast‐growing fish were more metabolically efficient than slower‐growing fish from the same cohort. The fish condition factor, derived from     , also significantly decreased with increasing growth rate. Results indicated differences in both the rates of routine energy loss and the patterns of growth allocation among YOY Atlantic cod. Since these physiological attributes were positively correlated with growth rate, they may be indicative of 'survivors' in field populations.  相似文献   

Critical swimming speed ( U crit) and rate of oxygen consumption of Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus acclimated to 4 and 11° C were determined to assess the influence of water temperature on performance. The physiological effect of exercise trials on fish held at two temperatures was also assessed by comparing haematocrit and plasma concentrations of cortisol, metabolites and ions collected from fish before and after testing. The U crit of fish acclimated and exercised at 4° C did not differ from those acclimated and exercised at 11° C [1·07 body lengths (total length) s−1]. While the standard metabolic rate of 11° C acclimated fish was 28% higher than that of 4° C fish, no significant difference was observed between fish acclimated at the two temperatures. Plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose and lactate increased significantly from pre- to post-swim in both groups, yet only concentrations of cortisol differed significantly between temperature treatments. Higher concentrations of cortisol in association with greater osmoregulatory disturbance in animals acclimated at the lower temperature indicate that the lower water temperature acted as an environmental stressor. Lack of significant differences in U crit between temperature treatments, however, suggests that Pacific cod have robust physiological resilience with respect to swimming performance within temperature changes from 4 to 11° C.  相似文献   

Gastric emptying time in Scophthalmus maximus , when fed friable artificial pellets based on fishmeal, is composed of two phases:
(a) a delay time (td) during which the meal forms a bolus and which shortens with temperature, and
(b) an emptying phase (duration tend ) which varies with meal size ( S ), body weight ( W ) and temperature (71 according to:
(where t end is in h, S is in g, W is in g and T is °C). During the emptying phase, stomach contents decrease curvilinearly according to:
(where St , & So is in g and t is in h) in which the instantaneous digestion rate, K , varies with fish weight and temperature as:
Food pellets were prepared which remained separate and did not form a bolus in the stomach; K increased if a given meal size was subdivided to increase surface area. If meal size was increased by ingestion of identical pellets, K decreased. After a satiation meal, appetite in young turbot returns in direct relation to the degree of stomach emptiness. When food is regularly available, young turbot feed steadily at a rate which maintains their stomachs at c. 85% maximum fullness. When trained to use demand feeders, the fish interact as a group to feed rhythmically, but feeding rate falls 33% to only two-thirds of the previous rate since stomach fullness, and hence digestion rate (g h−1), is maintained at a lower level. Reduction in dietary energy density below 1 kCal g−1 increases gastric emptying rate and the turbot demonstrate partial compensation by increasing food intake. On energy-rich diets, protein nitrogen and energy assimilation efficiencies remain high (97 5% and 91% respectively) irrespective of feeding rate and frequency.  相似文献   

Three hundred and sixty-nine cod Gadus morhua were individually marked and caged for 19 months. During this period, each cod was inspected several times for Lernaeocera branchialis . Growth in four groups of cod, identified by their infection history, were compared. During the caging, 79% of the cod remained uninfected, 8·5% were infected, but lost the parasite, 8% were infected with one parasite and 4·5% were infected with more than one parasite. The infected fish either harboured the parasite at caging or were infected during the study period. The highest rate of increase, both in body mass and in standard length ( L S), was recorded in the group of male fish infected with one parasite throughout the experimental period. Conversely, those males free from infection showed significantly lower growth. The observed differences in growth could not be explained by changes in variables related to reproductive strategies. The alternative explanation for these results is that resistance to L. branchialis was associated with costs in terms of reduced growth of body mass and L S.  相似文献   

The growth properties of juvenile spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor reared at 4, 6, 8 and 12° C, and a group reared under 'temperature steps', (T‐step) i.e . with temperature reduced successively from 12 to 9 and 6° C were investigated. Growth rate and feed efficiency ration was significantly influenced by temperature and fish size. Overall growth rate was highest at 6° C (0·68% day−1) and lowest at 12° C (0·48% day−1), while the 4 and 8° C, and the T‐step groups had similar overall growth rates, i.e . 0·59, 0·62 and 0·51% day−1 respectively. Optimal temperature for growth ( T opt G ) and feed efficiency ratio (Topt FCE) decreased as fish size increased, indicating an ontogenetic reduction in T opt G and T opt FCE. The results suggest a T opt G of juvenile spotted wolffish in the size range 135–380 g, dropping from 7·9° C for 130–135 g to 6·6° C for 360–380 g juveniles. The T opt FCE dropped from 7·4° C for 120–150 g to 6·5° C for 300–380 g juveniles. A wider parabolic regression curve between growth, feed efficiency ratio and temperature as fish size increased, may indicate increased temperature tolerance with size. Individual growth rates varied greatly at all time periods within the experimental temperatures, but at the same time significant size rank correlations were maintained and this may indicate stable size hierarchies in juvenile spotted wolffish.  相似文献   

The relationship between the instantaneous mortality rate ( Z ) and the instantaneous change in length‐frequency distribution of organisms per unit of animal size (μ L ) takes the following form: Z  = μ L k ( L  −  L ) +  k , where k and L are coefficients of the von Bertalanffy equation, and L is organism size (length). Z and μL change coherently when they are measured for a specific size or age class. Therefore, observations of μ L can provide information on the relative changes in mortality. This is useful when no precise information about animal growth is available and growth curve is assumed to be invariable. This method was tested on a heavily exploited population of St Peter's fish (mango tilapia) Sarotherodon galilaeus in Lake Kinneret, Israel, where large fluctuations in the size structure of the catch have occurred over the past few years. Analysis of the changes in the length‐frequency distributions showed that the changes in μ L over multiple years estimated for fully exploited fish reflected the respective changes in Z .  相似文献   

Growth of 2659 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua aged 4 to 9 years examined in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, peaked in most cases in June and was at a minimum in October or November. Water temperature, partial fullness index ( I P) and gonado‐somatic index ( I G) explained between 31 and 52% of the monthly variability in growth. Temperature and I P of capelin Mallotus villosus had significant effects on growth of all age groups and explained most of the variance for ages 6–8 and 4–5 years, respectively. The I P of large invertebrates (ages 4 to 7 years), sandlance ( Ammodytes sp. age 6 years) and demersal fishes (age 9 years) had age‐specific effects in the model. Overall, amphipods, decapods and echinoderms dominated the Atlantic cod diet in most seasons, but fish consumption by Atlantic cod was high in June and July, particularly on capelin. The rapid increase in somatic mass during June and July occurred despite cold water temperatures ( < 3° C at 50 m) and moderate to high gonado‐somatic index. The findings of this study suggest that when food was not a limiting factor, growth tended to increase even when Atlantic cod occupied colder waters, but when food was limiting, the opposite may have occured.  相似文献   

A reappraisal of activity metabolism in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ) were forced to swim in a swim tunnel respirometer until fatigued; oxygen consumption rate (O2) was measured during swimming at incremental speeds until the fish was exhausted and during recovery from exhaustion. Maximal oxygen consumption (O2max) occurred during maximal activity as has been found for other fish species, but at odds with the current paradigm for Atlantic cod. Earlier experiments had drawn the conclusion that O2max in Atlantic cod occurs during recovery from exhaustive exercise. We found no support for this paradigm in our experiments and we propose that the respiratory physiology of Atlantic cod is not unlike that of other fishes.  相似文献   

Food consumption, faecal production and nitrogen excretion by minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus , weighing 1–5.5 g were studied at five rations ranging from starvation to ad libitum and four temperatures ranging from 5 to 15°C.
The maximum rate of food consumption (Cmax) was related to body weight ( W ) and temperature ( T ) by the relationship: C max= aWb1Tb2 . There were significant daily variations in Cmax, which tended to decline over time. Absorption efficiency increased with increasing ration size and decreasing temperature. Body weight had no significant effect on the faecal production. The equation F = a Cb1eb2 T described the relationship between faecal production ( F ), food consumption ( C ) and temperature. Ammonia-N predominated over urea-N in the excreta of most experimental fish. The proportion of urea-N in the total nitrogen excreted was generally higher at lower rations than at higher rations. Rates of nitrogen excretion increased with increased ration size and were, to a lesser extent, influenced by temperature. Body weight had no significant effect on the nitrogen excretion by feeding minnows. The equation N = a+blT+b2C described the effects of food consumption and temperature on nitrogen excretion ( N ) other than urea-N excretion. The relationship between urea-N excretion ( Nu ), food consumption and temperature was described by the equation Nu= aeb1T ((C+1) b 2.
On the average, 11 % of food energy was lost in faecal production and nitrogen excretion by minnows feeding on whiteworms, Enchytraeus spp.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and size on growth and mortality of cod larvae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The optimal temperatures for growth of four groups of hatchery-reared cod larvae (geometric mean weight: 73, 191, 249 and 251 μg), reared on rotifers at four or five constant temperatures between 4 and 16° C for 14, 12, 9 and 16 days were 9.7, 12.3, 12.7 and 13.4° C, respectively. The maximum growth rate also increased with size and was 6.5, 9.6, 11.7 and 11.3% day−1 for the respective size groups. The optimal temperature for survival was 8.5–8.8° C for all size groups. The results indicate an opposite relationship between (1) size and optimal temperature for growth and (2) size and maximum growth rate of cod larvae, to that observed for juvenile and immature cod.  相似文献   

Large juveniles and adult cod Gadus morhua develop enlarged fatty livers when fed high-energy lipid-rich diets in captivity; however, little is known of the partitioning of growth energy of small juveniles. This study compared simple indices of condition of laboratory-cultured and wild juvenile cod of similar size that consumed high-energy, lipid-rich food to determine whether small juveniles develop enlarged fatty livers in captivity. Cultured cod developed enlarged fatty livers. The hepatosomatic index ( I H) and condition factor of cultured cod were significantly higher and tissue water contents were significantly lower than in wild cod. Cultured cod also exhibited significantly higher muscle mass at length. Cod of similar age exhibited a high range in body size, high coeficient of variation in size and the I H was correlated positively with body size indicating that a size-selective social hierarchy had developed in the laboratory. In contrast, the I H of wild cod was correlated negatively with body size, supplying evidence of high utilization of dietary lipids by larger juveniles in association with increased metabolic expenditure when feeding on small prey items.  相似文献   

Standard metabolic rates were measured as the rate of oxygen consumption in 33 Scyliorhinus canicula , ranging in weight from 3–929 g. The amount of oxygen consumed per hour (Vo2) changed predictably with body size according to the relationship Vo2=0–104 W0.855, where W represents fish weight in g. On a weight specific basis, the level of standard metabolism in juvenile dogfish (5 g) was nearly double that measured in adults (500 g).  相似文献   

Serum T4 and T3 in wild Atlantic cod Gadus morhua ranged from 1 to 12 ng ml−1 and from 2 to 27 ng ml−1 respectively over a 3-year period. In general, the concentrations increased from summer (T3) or early autumn (T4) to maxima in mid-winter and declined abruptly during spring. The T4/T3 monthly means were lowest in summer and highest in winter. The seasonal patterns of thyroid hormones were weakly correlated with changes in water temperature. However, both T4 and T3 co-varied simultaneously with photoperiod. In addition, T3 was correlated with the hepatosomatic index and condition factor during summer and autumn. It is suggested that the seasonal changes in the release of T4 from the thyroid were photoperioddriven, and that the course of T3 was regulated by the metabolic state of the fish during the somatic growth period.  相似文献   

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