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J. C. Mason 《Journal of fish biology》1985,27(3):335-346
The ovaries of 113 walleye pollock from a resident stock in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia were examined for determination of fecundity. Oocytes were sized and counted in 20 μm intervals of diameter. Without exception, ovaries contained a pronounced bimodal distribution of oocyte diameters with peaks at 100 and 400–600 μm. Oocytes ≥ 180 μm diameter were undergoing trophoplasmic growth leading to hydration. 'Apparent' fecundity is defined as the estimated number of yolked oocytes ≥ 180 μm diameter, regardless of potential resorbtion. Previous workers have not shown that significant resorbtion takes place in the post-spawned ovary. Total oocyte complement (≥40μm diameter) was best expressed by a linear model where Ft = 33004 f.l. – 869627, where f.l. = fork length in cm and r = 0.86. Estimates of Ft , ranged from 117700 to 1394 100 oocytes ≥40μm. Age was weakly related to fecundity, reflecting large individual differences in annual growth after age 4 years. Apparent fecundity best suited a linear model where Fa = 23522 f.l. – 599713 and r = 0.91. Estimates of Fa fell within the range 58 379–1 151 527. Relative fecundity (eggs g−1 ) decreased over most of the length range encountered in the sample. The average-sized female in Georgia Strait is twice as fecund as her counterparts in the north-western Pacific Ocean, containing some 390 000 to 420 000 oocytes 7ge;180 μm diameter compared to about 200 000 oocytes in a north-western female of comparable length. 相似文献
Synopsis In laboratory experiments, we contrasted the behavior of juvenile walleye pollock under dark and light conditions, comparing group cohesion, activity levels, vertical distribution, and movement into cold water when the water column was thermally stratified. At night the fish displayed a tendency for movement into the upper water column and were less active, with groups more dispersed than during the day. Time spent in cold water under stratified conditions did not differ between day and night. These results are interpreted relative to the potential ecological benefits and costs of particular behaviors, and their application in designing effective sampling surveys of juvenile abundances. 相似文献
Kenneth P. Severin JoLynn Carroll Brenda L. Norcross 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》1995,43(3):269-283
Synopsis The incorporation of dissolved oceanic constituents in the otoliths of fish has potential as a chemical tracer for reconstructing the early life history of marine fish. Wavelength dispersive spectrometers on an electron microprobe were used to measure Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, and Sr concentrations on the outer margins of 57 juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, otoliths from five locations in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Discriminant analyses that used various combinations of Na, P, K, Sr, and fish standard length and/or age showed that 60–80% of the samples could be assigned to the correct capture locality. While the concentrations of some of the measured elements correlated with standard length or age of the fish, there are measurable differences among localities when concentrations are length or age corrected, mainly due to differences in Na and K concentrations. Elemental composition of otoliths potentially could be used to assign fish from a mixed stock fishery to original stocks, information that is greatly needed for the effective management of fish stocks. 相似文献
Prey selection by age-0 walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in nearshore waters of the Gulf of Alaska 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Richard D. Brodeur 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》1998,51(2):175-186
Juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, is the dominant forage fish on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Alaska, yet little is known about the feeding habits of this important interval of pollock life history. The taxonomic composition and size of prey found in the stomachs of age-0 juveniles collected at three nearshore locations in the Gulf of Alaska in September 1990 were compared to the composition and size of zooplankton collected in concurrent plankton tows. The maximum length of prey consumed increased dramatically over the length range of pollock examined (58–110 mm) from approximately 7 mm to 30 mm, due mainly to the consumption of large euphausiids and chaetognaths by the bigger individuals. The maximum width of prey changed little over this size range although there was a general increase in prey width with increasing predator size. The minimum prey length and width did not change with increasing fish size. Juvenile pollock generally selected the larger prey sizes relative to what was available. Juvenile pollock showed a marked preference for adult euphausiids and decapod larvae and an avoidance of copepods and chaetognaths relative to the numbers collected in net tows. These results are discussed relative to the feeding ecology of these juvenile fishes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Ciannelli L Bailey KM Chan KS Belgrano A Stenseth NC 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2005,272(1573):1735-1743
In 1976 the North Pacific climate shifted, resulting in an average increase of the water temperature. In the Gulf of Alaska the climate shift was followed (i.e. early 1980s) by a gradual but dramatic increase in the abundance of groundfish species that typically prey on pre-recruitment stages of walleye pollock. In the present study we used a previously parameterized model to investigate the effect of these climate and biological changes on the recruitment dynamics of walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska. Simulations covered the 1970-2000 time frame and emphasized the medium-to-long temporal scale (i.e. about 5-10 years) of environmental variability. Results showed that during periods characterized by high sea surface temperature and high predation on juvenile pollock stages, recruitment variability and magnitude were below average, and recruitment control was delayed to stages older than the 0-group. Opposite dynamics (i.e. high abundance and variability, and early recruitment control) occurred during periods characterized by low temperature and predation. These results are in general agreement with empirical observations, and allowed us to formulate causal explanations for their occurrence. We interpreted the delay of recruitment control and the reduction of variability as an effect of increased constraint on the abundance of post age-0 stages, in turn imposed by high density dependence and predation mortality. On the other hand, low density-dependence and predation favoured post age-0 survival, and allowed for an unconstrained link between larval and recruitment abundance. Our findings demonstrate that the dominant mechanisms of pollock survival change over contrasting climate regimes. Such changes may in turn cause a phase transition of recruitment dynamics with profound implications for the management of the entire stock. 相似文献
Synopsis The social and reproductive behavior of a group of four male and seven female walleye pollock,Theragra chalcogramma, were observed in a large tank. Pollock spent most of their time swimming in a loose aggregation near the surface. Males descended from the aggregation more often than females to follow and make physical contact with other males as well as with females. The difference between males and females in the frequency of diving in our tank is consistent with the reported pattern of depth segregation of the sexes in natural pollock spawning aggregations. The frequency of social interactions increased when pollock became reproductively active and was higher at night and during twilight when most of the spawning occurred. Male interactions with females most frequently involved physical contact, while male interactions with other males were more often limited to following. There was no indication that male-male interactions result in the formation of stable social dominance relationships that determine priority of access to mates, as has been suggested previously for walleye pollock. Rather, following and contact interactions appear to promote male identification of potential mates and encounters with ripe females. The possible functional significance of male social interactions is discussed in relation to reports on natural walleye pollock spawning aggregations. 相似文献
Three major mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups were identified in 5 data sets for North Pacific and Bering Sea walleye pollock. The common haplogroup A showed mirror-image clines on both sides of the North Pacific with high frequencies in southern areas (P(A) > 0.84) and low frequencies in the Bering Sea (P(A) < 0.36). Two additional haplogroups showed complimentary, but weaker, clines in the opposite direction. These clines are unlikely to have arisen by chance during postglacial colonizations of coastal waters in the North Pacific and Bering Sea, and they do not appear to reflect isolation by distance. Contrary to these trends, pollock at the western end of the Aleutian Island Archipelago were genetically more similar to Asian than to North American pollock, a pattern likely reflecting postglacial colonization. Haplogroup F(ST) values for a given haplotype diversity were significantly larger than expected under the island model of migration and random drift, a result implicating natural selection. Frequencies of haplogroup A were highly correlated with sea surface temperature (r > 0.91), whereas frequencies of groups B and C showed negative correlations with temperature. Selection may be operating directly on mtDNA variability or may be mediated through cytonuclear interactions. This biogeographic evidence adds to a growing body of literature indicating that selection may play a greater role in sculpting mtDNA variability than previously thought. 相似文献
Synopsis The foraging effectiveness of walleye pollock juveniles, Theragra chalcogramma, was determined experimentally to test the hypothesis that social cues may facilitate the ability of individuals to exploit ephemeral food patches. Fish were tested when isolated, paired with one other fish, and in a group of six fish. Test fish exploited more food patches while in a group of six than when they were isolated. Patch exploitation by paired fish was intermediate to but not statistically different than isolate or grouped treatments. The number of pellets eaten by test fish in a group and a pair was more than 3.5 times that of when they were isolated, although the overall relationship between the amount of food eaten and group size was not statistically significant. Results support the hypothesis that juvenile walleye pollock exploit ephemeral food patches more effectively in the presence of conspecifics. In planktivores such as walleye pollock, social cues may enhance foraging on transient food sources either by facilitating detection of food patches (local enhancement) or by stimulating foraging activity when a food patch is located (social facilitation). 相似文献
Porter SM 《Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology》2001,256(2):253-265
The respiration rate and swimming activity of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) larvae were measured in the laboratory to determine how these were affected by body size (measured as dry weight), and amount of light. Size influenced respiration rates, but not activity. Activity increased with increased light, and as walleye pollock larvae developed, light had an increasingly important effect on respiration rate. For older larvae, light is an important factor affecting respiration rate and this may be due to an increased sensitivity to light. Thus, in addition to size, light plays an important role in the energetics of walleye pollock larvae. 相似文献
Nucleotide polymorphism at the pantophysin (Pan I) locus in walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, was examined using DNA sequence data. Two distinct allelic lineages were detected in pollock, resulting from three amino acid replacement mutations in the first intravesicular domain of the protein. The common Pan I allelic group, comprising 94% of the samples, was less polymorphic (pi = 0.005) than the uncommon group (pi = 0.008), and nucleotide diversity in both was higher than for two allelic lineages in the related Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Phylogenetic analyses of Pan I sequences from these two species did not clearly resolve orthology among allelic groups, in part because of recombination that has occurred between the two pollock lineages. Conventional tests of neutrality comparing polymorphisms within and between homologous regions of the Pan I locus in walleye pollock and Atlantic cod did not detect the effects of selection. This result is likely attributed to low levels of synonymous divergence among allelic lineages and a lack of mutation-drift equilibrium inferred from nucleotide mismatch frequency distributions. However, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions per site (dN/dS) exceeded unity in two intravesicular domains of the protein and the influence of positive selection at multiple codon sites was strongly inferred through the use of maximum-likelihood analyses. In addition, the frequency spectrum of linked neutral variation showed indirect effects of adaptive hitchhiking in pollock resulting from a selective sweep of the common allelic lineage. Recombination between the two allelic classes may have prevented complete loss of the older, more polymorphic lineage. The results suggest that recurrent sweeps driven by positive selection is the principle mode of evolution at the Pan I locus in gadid fishes. 相似文献
Synopsis The capability of unfed walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, larvae to swim horizontally towards light was used as a sensitive, sublethal measure of larval condition. At 9°C, positive phototaxis and swimming ability of larvae was fully developed by 4–6 d after hatching, then decreased steadily until death by 12 d after hatching. This measure of larval condition corresponded closely with previously established benchmarks of larval condition, including first feeding, yolksac absorption, point of no return and death by starvation. The presence and timing of behavioral deficits associated with starvation, such as decreased ability to swim, feed and avoid predators, may have significant effects on the ability of larvae to vertically migrate, avoid predators and find and capture food. 相似文献
Changes in buoyancy in fertilized bathypelagic eggs of the walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma , collected from Shelikof Strait in the Gulf of Alaska were measured under controlled laboratory conditions in density gradient columns from 90 h post–fertilization through hatching. Eggs were incubated at 6° C and exposed to either diel light or constant dark. Eggs held under diel light conditions became more dense than eggs under constant dark beginning <10 h after exposure to light and remained so until 12 h before hatching. Eggs held under constant dark then became more dense than those under diel light. Hatching of eggs under both conditions began at the same time but eggs under diel light showed a delayed hatching rate. Light–induced changes in egg density indicate the ability of walleye pollock eggs to respond to external stimuli and thereby alter their position in the water column in an ecologically meaningful way. 相似文献
Synopsis In laboratory experiments, we tested the capability of larger age-0 walleye pollock to consume smaller members of their cohort. In separate aquaria, 81 pairs of juveniles covering a wide range of size differences (total lengths differing by 12 to 61 mm) were held and monitored over a 4 day period. Complete consumption, in which a smaller fish was swallowed whole by a larger fish, occurred 11% of the time. In 36% of the pairs, attacks by the larger fish resulted in mortality of the smaller fish. The mouth width:body depth ratio between the larger and smaller fish of a pair differed significantly depending on whether the smaller fish survived, was killed but not consumed, or was ingested whole by the larger fish. Cannibalistic individuals could consume fish close to the maximum size physically possible under gape limitation; at this size the length of the cannibal was approximately 1.7 times the length of the prey. Length-frequency distributions of age-0 pollock in field concentrations suggested that, at least in some geographical areas, potential cannibals and prey commonly co-occur. Unsuccessful predatory attacks by larger individuals may have additional detrimental effects on smaller pollock in natural populations. 相似文献
Measurements of dry weight (wt), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and calories were made on walleye pollock eggs (0.24 mg, 35.3% C, 8.3% N, and 4.6 kcal g−1 dry wt), larvae (0.16 g, 42.9% C, 11.1% N and 5.1 kcal g−1 dry wt) and juveniles (22.4 g, 47.2% C, 9.0% N and 5.6 kcal g−1 dry wt). For juvenile fish (9–360 g wet wt) the measured values were related to dry weight and Fulton's condition factor index (CFI) by regression models. The CFI was a better predictor of body composition than dry weight. As CFI improved from a minimum starvation level of 0.42 to a maximum of 1.16, body caloric content, percentage C, and the C/N ratio increased (kcal g−1 dry wt = 4.4 CFI + 1.7, percentage carbon = 49.7 CFI0.5 , C/N ratio = 5.0 CFI + 0.9), while percentage N and percentage ash decreased (percentage N =−3.5 CFI + 12.1; percentage ash = 9.1 CFI−1.4 ). The results of this study suggest that seasonal C, N and caloric content of young pollock can be estimated from measurements of Fulton's condition factor index. 相似文献
One hundred twenty-five walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) were collected from Auke Bay, Alaska (USA) in 1985 and examined for histologic evidence of disease-causing infectious agents in 1987. A Goussia sp.-like coccidium was found in the kidney tubules of 75% and an Eimeria sp.-like coccidium was found in the intestine of 18% of the fish examined. The kidney coccidium was associated with sloughing of the tubular epithelium, peritubular fibrosis and granuloma formation. The intestinal coccidium was associated with severe tissue displacement and inflammation. In addition, X-cell pseudotumors were observed in the pseudobranchs (4%), and the fungus Ichthyophonus sp. was observed in the kidney, intestine or brain of 2% of the pollock. 相似文献
Hatching of fish eggs fertilized at the same time occurs overa period of several days. Differences in the escape responseof fish larvae during the hatching period have not hithertobeen studied. In this study, the escape response of walleyepollock (Theragra chalcogramma) larvae over the hatching periodwas examined. Escape speed, response to multiple touches witha fine probe, response to water currents generated by a predatorand predation by euphausiids (Thysanoessa inermis) and amphipods(Pleusirus secorrus) were measured in the laboratory. Otolithmeasurements of field-collected larvae support a broad hatchingperiod for walleye pollock eggs in the sea similar to that observedin the laboratory. The escape response of walleye pollock larvaewas affected by rank in the order of hatching, thus with respectto predation, hatching order may affect the survival of larvaein the sea. Early hatching larvae were smaller, less sensitiveto tactile stimulation, had a slower, weaker escape responseand higher laboratory rates of predation mortality than thosethat hatched later. 相似文献
Variation in the intensity of schooling behavior in fishes suggests that the benefits of aggregation are balanced by certain costs. We examined the proximity of group members to each other in juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, under different environmental conditions. Food availability, simulated by a gradient of six ration treatments, had a major influence on group cohesion, with increasing dispersion as food level decreased. Group cohesion also decreased at night relative to daytime levels. Small juveniles (x=53 mm TL) maintained on high rations were highly responsive to the potential threat of a predator, with groups becoming more cohesive and remaining so for up to an hour after the initial threat. A chronic threat (continual presence of predators) resulted in tighter group cohesion than an acute threat (single simulated attack). Small juveniles maintained on low rations were less responsive to predation threats and recovered quickly, supporting the hypothesis that hunger induces risk-taking behavior. Large juveniles (x=149 mm TL) did not change their degree of aggregation in response to either type of predation threat. An overall plasticity in the degree of cohesiveness among group members indicates that walleye pollock are capable of gradually modifying their schooling behavior according to the environmental context. 相似文献
Purification and properties of an aminopeptidase from Alaska pollack, Theragra chalcogramma, roe 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An aminopeptidase was isolated from a soluble fraction of Alaska pollack roe in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol by fractionation with ammonium sulfate and column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, hydroxyapatite, and Sephadex G-200. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 125,000 and 105,000 by gel filtration and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. The pH optimum and temperature optimum were 7.2 and 35 degrees C, respectively. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed various alpha-aminoacyl beta-naphthylamides and cleaved L-Ala-beta-naphthylamide most rapidly. Both a sulfhydryl group and a divalent metal ion are essential for activity; however, the enzyme was inhibited when incubated with divalent metal ions. Puromycin, chelating agents, and thiol reagents were effective inhibitors. The enzyme was also inhibited by L-amino acids, in particular glutamic acid. Thus, the Alaska pollack roe aminopeptidase resembles soluble alanyl aminopeptidase [EC]. 相似文献
Synopsis The behavioral capability of walleye pollock,Theragra chalcogramma free embryos and larvae to control vertical distribution was assessed by examining buoyancy during resting and swimming orientation and activity as they developed in complete darkness from hatching to first feeding readiness (1 to 7 d post hatching at 6° C). Free embryos exhibited positive geotaxis 1 d post hatching, actively swimming through a density gradient to remain in the lower water column. Activity increased with free embryo development and by 7 d post hatching, feeding-ready larvae reversed their vertical orientation, now exhibiting negative geotaxis as they migrated to the upper water column. The results indicate that even at the earliest developmental stages, walleye pollock possess the capability to control vertical distribution. Laboratory results are compared with patterns of vertical distribution observed in the sea. 相似文献
Synopsis Although planktonic marine fish larvae are often distributed in aggregations, the role of behavioral responses to environmental factors in these aggregations is not well understood. This work examines, under laboratory conditions, the influence of visual and chemical stimuli in the formation and maintenance of aggregations in walleye pollock,Theragra chalcogramma, larvae. Larvae were exposed to a horizontal gradient of light (visual stimulus), prey scent (chemical stimuli: squid/copepod and rotifer) or prey density (visual & chemical stimuli: rotifers). While larvae did not respond to prey scent, they did respond to a gradient of light or prey, which resulted in the formation and maintenance of aggregations. Larvae moved into and remained in a zone of higher light intensity (0.56 versus 0.01 mol photons m-2 s-1). Once encountering a patch of prey, larvae remained aggregated within the patch to feed. In nature, movement of walleye pollock larvae in response to selected environmental factors (e.g., gravity, light, temperature, turbulence) may serendipitously bring them into contact with prey patches, where they then could remain to feed as long as light intensity remained at or above levels necessary for feeding. 相似文献