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Copper (Cu) contamination is a potential threat to the marine environment due to the use of Cu-based antifouling paints. Cu stress on larval settlement of the polychaete Hydroides elegans was investigated, and this was linked to Cu stress on biofilms and on the biofilm development process. The inductiveness of young biofilms was more easily altered by Cu stress than that of old biofilms, indicating the relative vulnerability of young biofilms. This might result from changes in bacterial survival, the bacterial community composition and the chemical profiles of young biofilms. Cu also affected biofilm development and the chemical high performance liquid chromatograph fingerprint profile. The results indicate that Cu affected larval settlement mainly through its effect on the process of biofilm development in the marine environment, and the chemical profile was crucial to biofilm inductiveness. It is strongly recommended that the effects of environmentally toxic substances on biofilms are evaluated in ecotoxicity bioassays using larval settlement of invertebrates as the end point.  相似文献   

Hydroides elegans is a major fouling organism in tropical waters around the world, including Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. To determine the importance of initial surface characteristics on biofilm community composition and subsequent colonization by larvae of H. elegans, the settlement and recruitment of larvae to biofilmed surfaces with six different initial surface wettabilities were tested in Pearl Harbor. Biofilm community composition, as determined by a combined approach of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and fluorescence in situ hybridization, was similar across all surfaces, regardless of initial wettability, and all surfaces had distinct temporal shifts in community structure over a 10 day period. Larvae settled and recruited in higher numbers to surfaces with medium to low wettability in both May and August, and also to slides with high wettability in August. Pearl Harbor biofilm communities developed similarly on a range of surface wettabilities, and after 10 days in Pearl Harbor all surfaces were equally attractive to larvae of Hydroides elegans, regardless of initial surface properties.  相似文献   

Larval settlement in the marine polychaete Hydroides elegans is effectively mediated upon contact with the surface of marine bacterial films. Using the bacterium Roseobacter litoralis as a model strain, the effect of bacterial extracellular polymers (exopolymers) on larval settlement of H. elegans was investigated. Bioassays with exopolymer fractions dissociated from bacterial films evoked the initial stages of the larval settlement process, i.e. larvae slowed down, secreted a mucous thread and crawled over the surface. This response is typical of larvae that encounter an attractive bacterial film. In contrast, bioassays with exopolymers in association with UV‐irradiated, metabolically inactive bacterial films evoked complete settlement. However, the percentage of responding larvae was negatively correlated with the magnitude of UV‐dosage. Since UV energy crosslinks both intra‐ and extracellular proteinaceous components, it could not be distinguished whether the decrease in larval settlement was due to a modification of proteinaceous components of exopolymers or due the elimination of cellular activity. Nevertheless, the results ascribe bacterial exopolymers the role of an indicator of substratum suitability and provide evidence that the polysaccharide moiety of exopolymers does not complement this effect.  相似文献   


Field observations in Hong Kong waters have shown the marine macroalga Ulva reticulata Forsskal (Chlorophyta) to be free of fouling. In this study, the presumptive antifouling mechanism in this alga was investigated and attempts were made to distinguish between possible mechanisms. Waterborne algal compounds were analyzed in larval behavioral bioassays with the marine polychaete Hydroides elegans, a major fouling organism in tropical waters around the world. Larval attachment and metamorphosis in this sessile species is induced by specific bacterial strains in natural bio‐organic films. In bioassays with alga‐conditioned seawater, levels of larval metamorphosis were significantly reduced in comparison to controls. The results demonstrate that the inhibitive effect was caused by direct larval deterrence. Following a bio‐assay‐guided isolation procedure, an inhibitive fraction for larval metamorphosis was purified from U. reticulata‐conditioned seawater. Preliminary chemical analysis of the biologically active fraction pointed to polysaccharides, proteins or glycoconjugates with a molecular weight > 100 kD.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play essential roles in cell physiological processes including energy production, metabolism, ion homeostasis, cell growth, aging and apoptosis. Proteomic strategies have been applied to the study of mitochondria since 1998; these studies have yielded decisive information about the diverse physiological functions of the organelle. As an ideal model biological system, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been widely used in the study of several diseases, such as metabolic diseases and cancer. However, the mitochondrial proteome of C. elegans remains elusive. In this study, we purified mitochondria from C. elegans and performed a comprehensive proteomic analysis using the shotgun proteomic approach. A total of 1117 proteins have been identified with at least two unique peptides. Their physicochemical and functional characteristics, subcellular locations, related biological processes, and associations with human diseases, especially Parkinson's disease, are discussed. An orthology comparison was also performed between C. elegans and four other model organisms for a general depiction of the conservation of mitochondrial proteins during evolution. This study will provide new clues for understanding the role of mitochondria in the physiological and pathological processes of C. elegans.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized six polymorphic microsatellite loci for the polychaete tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. Two additional loci were not reliably scorable and estimates of heterozygosity were obtained for the other six. In addition, cross‐species amplification was successful for two loci using the congener H. hexagonus. Given that few microsatellite loci are available for polychaetes, these markers will be useful in assessing dispersal and gene flow in H. elegans and probably also other polychaetes.  相似文献   

Development of antifouling strategies requires knowledge of how fouling organisms would respond to climate change associated environmental stressors. Here, a calcareous tube built by the tubeworm, Hydroides elegans, was used as an example to evaluate the individual and interactive effects of ocean acidification (OA), warming and reduced salinity on the mechanical properties of a tube. Tubeworms produce a mechanically weaker tube with less resistance to simulated predator attack under OA (pH 7.8). Warming (29°C) increased tube volume, tube mineral density and the tube’s resistance to a simulated predatory attack. A weakening effect by OA did not make the removal of tubeworms easier except for the earliest stage, in which warming had the least effect. Reduced salinity (27 psu) did not affect tubes. This study showed that both mechanical analysis and computational modeling can be integrated with biofouling research to provide insights into how fouling communities might develop in future ocean conditions.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is widely used as a model organism to study cell and developmental biology. Quantitative proteomics of C. elegans is still in its infancy and, so far, most studies have been performed on adult worm samples. Here, we used quantitative mass spectrometry to characterize protein level changes across the four larval developmental stages (L1–L4) of C. elegans. In total, we identified 4130 proteins, and quantified 1541 proteins that were present across all four stages in three biological replicates from independent experiments. Using hierarchical clustering and functional ontological analyses, we identified 21 clusters containing proteins with similar protein profiles across the four stages, and highlighted the most overrepresented biological functions in each of these protein clusters. In addition, we used the dataset to identify putative larval stage‐specific proteins in each individual developmental stage, as well as in the early and late developmental stages. In summary, this dataset provides system‐wide analysis of protein level changes across the four C. elegans larval developmental stages, which serves as a useful resource for the C. elegans research community. MS data were deposited in ProteomeXchange ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org ) via the PRIDE partner repository with the primary accession identifier PXD006676.  相似文献   

Hans-Uwe Dahms    Pei-Yuan Qian 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):313-321
The effects of the neurotransmitter blockers idazoxan and phentolamine on the larval settlement of three marine invertebrate species belonging to three different phyla were investigated by using in vitro concentration-response bioassays. Since neurotransmitters are known to influence metamorphic transitions in invertebrate larvae, neurotransmitter blockers were tested to evaluate their sublethal effects on larvae. The α-adrenergic antagonists idazoxan and phentolamine inhibited settlement of Balanus amphitrite (Cirripedia), Bugula neritina (Bryozoa) larvae, and larvae of the polychaete Hydroides elegans (Polychaeta) in a concentration- and taxon-dependent manner. At concentrations of 10?3 M of both agents, larvae of all three species became immobile and subsequently died within 24 h. While cumulative settlement rates were observed after 48 h for B. amphitrite and H. elegans, and after 5 h for B. neritina, > 90% of the larvae that settled did so within 24 h for the first two species and within 1 h for B. neritina. The tendency of the hydrophobic idazoxan and phentolamine to accumulate at solid surfaces most probably contributes to their successful inhibition of larval settlement. This ability makes them particularly attractive as candidates for the development of slow-release carriers in antifouling paints.  相似文献   

Biofouling is a major problem faced by marine industries. Physical and chemical treatments are available to control fouling, but most are costly, time consuming or negatively affect the environment. The use of aeration (ie continuous streams of air bubbles) to prevent fouling was examined. Experiments were conducted at three sites with different benthic communities. Experimental panels (10 cm × 10 cm; PVC and concrete) were deployed with or without aeration. Aeration flowed continuously from spigots 0.5 m below the panels at a rate of ~3.3 to 5.0 l min?1. After 1 and 4 weeks, aerated PVC panels from all sites had significantly less fouling than non-aerated controls. Aeration reduced fouling on both the PVC and concrete surfaces. Fouling was reduced on panels directly in bubble streams while panels 30 cm and 5 m away had significantly more fouling. Thus, under the conditions used in this study, aeration appears to be an effective and simple way to prevent fouling.  相似文献   

The polychaete Hydroides elegans (Serpulidae, Lophotrochozoa) is a problematic marine fouling organism in most tropical and subtropical coastal environment. Competent larvae of H. elegans undergo the transition from the swimming larval stage to the sessile juvenile stage with substantial morphological, physiological, and behavior changes. This transition is often referred to as larval settlement and metamorphosis. In this study, we examined the possible involvement of calmodulin (CaM) - a multifunctional calcium metabolism regulator, in the larval settlement and metamorphosis of H. elegans. A full-length CaM cDNA was successfully cloned from H. elegans (He-CaM) and it contained an open reading frame of 450 bp, encoding 149 amino acid residues. It was highly expressed in 12h post-metamorphic juveniles, and remained high in adults. In situ hybridization conducted in competent larvae and juveniles revealed that He-CaM gene was continuously expressed in the putative growth zones, branchial rudiments, and collar region, suggesting that He-CaM might be involved in tissue differentiation and development. Our subsequent bioassay revealed that the CaM inhibitor W7 could effectively inhibit larval settlement and metamorphosis, and cause some morphological defects of unsettled larvae. In conclusion, our results revealed that CaM has important functions in the larval settlement and metamorphosis of H. elegans.  相似文献   

Miles CM  Wayne ML 《Genetica》2009,135(3):289-298
In order to examine the genetic relationships among life-history traits in a hermaphroditic species we used artificial selection for increased egg size and measured correlated responses across the life cycle of the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans, a protandrous sequential hermaphrodite. We recorded sex ratios across generations, and measured egg size, egg energy, larval volume at two time points, juvenile tube length, adult dry weight and fecundity after selection. Selection for larger eggs produced positive correlated responses in egg energy, fecundity and larval size at competence. Selection for increased egg size was also manifested by earlier sex change and this resulted in selected individuals spending less time as males relative to controls. We propose that egg size is negatively correlated with duration of andromorphy, that is, that female fitness trades off with male fitness.  相似文献   

Ficopomatus enigmaticus, a euryhaline tube-building polychaete worm with a subtropical to temperate distribution, is an increasingly problematic fouling organism. In this study, laboratory protocols for maintaining adult broodstock, destructive spawning, larval culture and a settlement bioassay were developed. The method routinely yielded approximately 200 larvae per spawning adult. The mean number of eggs released by females was 1517 and the mean number of spermatozoids per male was 4.425?×?106. Fertilisation success, using an initial concentration of 2.5?×?106 spermatozoids and 45?eggs?ml?1, was 76% after a contact time of 60?min. The first cleavage occurred after 20?min and the trocophore larval stage was attained by 18?h. Metatrochophores were observed 4?d post-fertilisation and were competent to settle 1?day later. The proportion of larvae that settled after 48?h was surface-dependent: 10.24% on glass, 1.39% on polystyrene and 11.07% on a poly(dimethylsiloxane) elastomer. The presence of a biofilm on glass increased the rate of settlement 7-fold compared to clean glass.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that selection should favor genotypes that can vary their tendency to disperse in habitats that are spatially or temporally variable or those that remain near their carrying capacity. Although many marine habitats appear to fit these criteria, confirmed examples of dispersal polymorphism among marine invertebrates are exceedingly rare. Competent larvae of the gregarious tubeworm, Hydroides dianthus, settle specifically in response to living conspecific worms, but a small proportion of each spawn settle nonspecifically on uninhabited substrata concurrently with their gregarious siblings. Here, using a parental half-sib analysis, we show that the proportion of a spawn settling in response to uninhabited biofilm is highly heritable. When estimated as a continuous trait based on a one-way ANOVA, heritability is estimated to be 0.83 +/- 0.31. When founder production was analyzed as a threshold trait, heritability was estimated to be 0.68 +/- 0.10 based on the breeding design experiment and 0.65 +/- 0.09 based on the artificial selection experiments. Realized heritability based on the selection experiments was considerably lower, however (0.17 per generation and 0.02 cumulative). Artificial selection was ineffectual at sequentially increasing the proportion of founder larvae among inbred family lines, but after three generations of selection, the proportion of larvae settling in response to biofilm was significantly higher among inbred lines than among the field-collected parents. The obligate planktonic larval stage common among so many marine invertebrates is thought to preclude the evolution of dispersal polymorphisms in these animals. Theoretical expectations of variable dispersal may instead be realized through individual behavioral differences resulting in differential transport or settlement preference, but this possibility remains largely unexplored among marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Mohammadi M  Anoop V  Gleddie S  Harris LJ 《Proteomics》2011,11(18):3675-3684
Fusarium graminearum is the causal agent of gibberella ear rot in maize ears, resulting in yield losses due to mouldy and mycotoxin‐contaminated grain. This study represents a global proteomic approach to document the early infection by F. graminearum of two maize inbreds, B73 and CO441, which differ in disease susceptibility. Mock‐ and F. graminearum‐treated developing kernels were sampled 48 h post‐inoculation over three field seasons. Infected B73 kernels consistently contained higher concentrations of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol than the kernels of the more tolerant inbred CO441. A total of 2067 maize proteins were identified in the iTRAQ analysis of extracted kernel proteins at a 99% confidence level. A subset of 878 proteins was identified in at least two biological replicates and exhibited statistically significantly altered expression between treatments and/or the two inbred lines of which 96 proteins exhibited changes in abundance >1.5‐fold in at least one of the treatments. Many proteins associated with the defense response were more abundant after infection, including PR‐10 (PR, pathogenesis‐related), chitinases, xylanase inhibitors, proteinase inhibitors, and a class III peroxidase. Kernels of the tolerant inbred CO441 contained higher levels of these defense‐related proteins than B73 kernels even after mock treatment, suggesting that these proteins may provide a basal defense against Fusarium infection in CO441.  相似文献   

Tabuse Y  Nabetani T  Tsugita A 《Proteomics》2005,5(11):2876-2891
Coordinated protein expression is critical for the normal execution of animal development. To obtain overall proteome profiles during animal development, a small free-living soil nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, was used as a model and the developmental changes of protein expressions were analyzed using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis. Protein samples from six developmental stages were prelabeled with fluorescent cyanine dyes and separated on two-dimensional electrophoresis gels. Image-to-image analysis of protein abundances together with protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting yielded the developmental expression profiles of 231 spots representing 165 proteins. About a quarter of the identified proteins were expressed in multiple spots with different isoelectric points, suggesting a certain proportion of proteins were variously modified. This notion was supported by the observation that about a third of the multispot proteins were stained positive for a phosphoprotein specific dye. While a fairly large number of the proteins showed little alteration in their expression profiles during development, about 40 proteins were found to be significantly either up- or down-regulated between the embryos and newly hatched L1 larvae. Down-regulated proteins included those related to the cell cycle such as MCM-7, PCN-1, and the mitotic checkpoint protein, while up-regulated proteins included structural proteins such as actins, LEV-11, DIM-1, VAB-21, metabolic enzymes such as ATP synthase, ALH-12, fluctose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase and GPD-3, and galectins. A standard proteome map was obtained where the defects in the mutations of developmental genes and the effects of reagents on the development in C. elegans were analyzed.  相似文献   

Eleven strains of Streptomyces isolated from deep-sea sediments were screened for anti-larval settlement activity and all were active. Among those strains, Streptomyces sp. UST040711-290 was chosen for the isolation of bioactive antifouling compounds through bioassay-guided isolation procedure. A branched-chain fatty acid, 12-methyltetradecanoid acid (12-MTA) was purified, and it strongly inhibited the larval settlement of the polychaete Hydroides elegans. Streptomyces sp. UST040711-290 produced the highest yield of 12-MTA when the bacterium was cultured at 30°C and pH 7.0 in a modified MGY medium. To investigate the potential antifouling mechanism of 12-MTA in the larval settlement of Hydroides elegans, the expression level of four marker genes, namely, Ran GTPase activating protein (GAP), ATP synthase (AS), NADH dehydrogenase (ND), and cell division cycle protein (CDC), was compared among the untreated larvae (the control), isobutylmethylxanthine (an effective settlement inducer), and 12-MTA-treated larvae. The 12-MTA treatment down-regulated the expression of GAP and up-regulated the expression of AS in the H. elegans larvae, but did not affect the expression of ND and CDC. This study provides the first evidence that a branched-chain fatty acid produced by a marine bacterium isolated from deep-sea sediment effectively inhibited the larval settlement of the biofouling polychaete H. elegans and its effects on the expression of genes important for larval settlement.  相似文献   

Ana Cañuelo  Juan Peragón 《Proteomics》2013,13(20):3064-3075
Tyrosol (TYR, 2‐(4‐hydroxyphenyl)ethanol), one of the main phenols in olive oil and olive fruit, significantly strengthens resistance to thermal and oxidative stress in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and extends its lifespan. To elucidate the cellular functions regulated by TYR, we have used a proteomic procedure based on 2DE coupled with MS with the aim to identify the proteins differentially expressed in nematodes grown in a medium containing 250 μM TYR. After the comparison of the protein profiles from 250 μM TYR and from control, 28 protein spots were found to be altered in abundance (≥twofold). Analysis by MALDI‐TOF/TOF and PMF allowed the unambiguous identification of 17 spots, corresponding to 13 different proteins. These proteins were as follows: vitellogenin‐5, vitellogenin‐2, bifunctional glyoxylate cycle protein, acyl CoA dehydrogenase‐3, alcohol dehydrogenase 1, adenosylhomocysteinase, elongation factor 2, GTP‐binding nuclear protein ran‐1, HSP‐4, protein ENPL‐1 isoform b, vacuolar H ATPase 12, vacuolar H ATPase 13, GST 4. Western‐blot analysis of yolk protein 170, ras‐related nuclear protein, elongation factor 2, and vacuolar H ATPase H subunit supported the proteome evidence.  相似文献   

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