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An edible green algal species Caulerpa lentillifera J. Agardh is reported from China for the first time. The species was collected from the southwest of Hainan Island and morphologically identified to be C. lentillifera based on the grape-like branches arising from cylindrical stolons. Phylogenetic analysis using tufA and rbcL DNA sequences also confirmed the monophyly of C. lentillifera-microphysa clade.  相似文献   

Despite worldwide proliferation of the genus Caulerpa and subsequent effects on benthic communities, little is known about the nutritional physiology of the Caulerpales. Here, we investigated the uptake rates of ammonium, nitrate, amino acids, and phosphate through the fronds and rhizoids + stolon, the internal translocation of nitrogen, and developed a nitrogen budget for the rapidly spreading Caulerpa prolifera in Ria Formosa lagoon, southern Portugal. Caulerpa prolifera acquired nutrients by both aboveground and belowground parts at similar rates, except nitrate, for which fronds showed 2-fold higher uptake rates. Ammonium was the preferential nitrogen source (81% of the total nitrogen acquisition), and amino acids, which accounted for a significant fraction of total N acquisition (19%), were taken up at faster rates than nitrate. Basipetal translocation of 15N incorporated as ammonium was nearly 3-fold higher than acropetal translocation, whereas 15N translocation as nitrate and amino acids was smaller but equal in either direction. The estimated total nitrogen acquisition by C. prolifera was 689 μmol · m−2 · h−1, whereas the total nitrogen requirement for growth was 672 μmol · m−2 · h−1. The uptake of ammonium and amino acids by belowground parts accounted for the larger fraction of the total nitrogen acquisition of C. prolifera and is sufficient to satisfy the species nitrogen requirements for growth. This may be one reason explaining the fast spreading of the seaweed in the bare sediments of Ria Formosa where it does not have any macrophyte competitors and the concentration of nutrients is high.  相似文献   

Heron  Gayle A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,480(1-3):145-154
A new species, Oncaea frosti, is described and compared to O. venusta Philippi and O. venella Farran. The three species are closely related and difficult to distinguish, except for the differences in size of females and males and dorsal dilation of pediger 2 of females of O. frosti.  相似文献   

A new planktonic species of Prorocentrum is described from the Gulf of Mexico. First observed with the Imaging FlowCytobot, Prorocentrum texanum sp. nov. was characterized using LM, SEM, and TEM along with sequencing of the SSU, LSU, and ITS ribosomal regions and the mitochondrial cob and cox1 regions. P. texanum sp. nov. is a round to oval bivalvate dinoflagellate, with a prominent anterior, serrated solid flange on periflagellar a platelet and an opposing short, flat flange on the h platelet. The periflagellar area consists of 10 platelets. Both left and right valves have shallow round depressions and two‐sized valve pores. The anterior ejectosome pore pattern differs between the left and right valve in relation to the periflagellar area and margins. Ten to eleven rows of tangential ejectosome pores are present on each valve. P. texanum sp. nov. has two varieties which exhibit distinct morphotypes, one round to oval (var. texanum) and the other pointed (var. cuspidatum). P. texanum var. cuspidatum is morphologically similar to P. micans in surface markings, but is smaller, and has a serrated periflagellar flange, and is genetically distinct from P. micans. Cytologically, P. texanum has two parietal chlo‐roplasts, each with a compound, interlamellar pyrenoid, trichocysts, fibrous vesicles that resemble mucocysts, pusules, V‐ to U‐shaped posterior nucleus, golgi, and tubular mitochondria. No genetic difference was found between the two varieties in the five genes examined. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU, LSU, and ITS ribosomal regions place P. texanum sp. nov. as a sister group to P. micans. One isolate of P. texanum var. texanum produces okadaic acid.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):299-311

Studies of Bryum neodamense at most of its localities in the British Isles revealed that plants with morphology intermediate with B. pseudotriquetrum var. pseudotriquetrum frequently accompany B. neodamense. A survey of herbarium specimens found that similar intermediates are widespread in continental Europe and also occur in Asia, Alaska and Greenland. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from three loci imply that B. neodamense and intermediate plants are nested within the rather variable B. pseudotriquetrum. It is therefore concluded that, despite its striking morphological characters, B. neodamense is an inconstant phenotype of B. pseudotriquetrum, which occurs very locally in highly calcareous habitats that are subject to periodic inundation.  相似文献   

In 2008–2010, several freshwater dinoflagellate blooms caused by Peridiniopsis spp. were observed in China. P. penardii and P. niei sampled from various geographical localities were examined by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. After comparing morphological and molecular differences, the new freshwater variety Peridiniopsis penardii var. robusta var. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) found in Manwan Reservoir, Yunnan Province was described. The new variety differed from P. penardii since it possessed numerous robust antapical spines and a conspicuous apical spine. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on SSU, LSU and ITS indicated P. niei, P. penardii and P. penardii var. robusta were closely related with P. kevei, and clustered into a monophyletic clade. The new variety possessed an endosymbiotic diatom which was similar to P. penardii and P. kevei, whereas the endosymbiont was not present in cells of P. niei. The endosymbiont SSU and ITS phylogenies showed that the endosymbionts of these three dinoflagellates were closely related to members of Thalassiosirales. Furthermore it was concluded that the endosymbionts might originate from Discostella-like species.  相似文献   

DNA reassociation kinetics were used to determine nuclear genome organization and complexity in four species of Gracilaria (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). In Gracilaria tikvahiae, G. caudata, G. cervicornis and G. divaricata, results indicate the presence of three second order components corresponding to fast, intermediate and slow fractions. Repetitive sequences varied from 13–46% and unique DNA ranged from 45–78%, Thermal denaturation (T m) indicated guanine + cytosine (G + C) levels of 41.9–46.0 mol % G + C. Microspectrophotometry with the DNA-localizing fluorochrome DAPI was used to quantify nuclear DNA content. Comparisons of mean nuclear DNA (I f) values to chicken erythrocytes (RBC) resulted in an estimate of 0.37–0.40 pg/2C genomes for the four Gracilaria species. Total agar content following alkaline pretreatment ranged from 7–15% dry weight. Gel strengths were generally below commercial levels, ranging from 40–260 g cm−2 Nuclear genome profiles developed from information for genome size, organization and complexity are compared with data for agar quantity and quality. Gel quality and quantity do not appear to be correlated with either large repetitive fraction DNA or a high degree of genome complexity as previously speculated.  相似文献   

Caloglossa intermedia , sp. nov. is described from estuaries and salt marshes of Atlantic North America. This species is related to C. leprieurii (Montagne) G. Martens based on the position of rhizoids, whereas it is more similar to C. monosticha Kamiya in the number of cell rows at the nodes. Rhizoidal development of this alga also shows an intermediate characteristic between C. leprieurii and C. monosticha. Crosses were successful between the strains of C. intermedia from Georgia and South Carolina, but neither strain was interfertile with morphologically related species. C. intermedia from Georgia, New Jersey, and South Carolina had identical DNA sequences in the Rubisco spacer and flanking regions of rbc L and rbc S. This alga was more closely related to C. leprieurii in a molecular phylogenetic analysis. The evolution of each morphological character is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim To elucidate the historical phylogeography of the dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) in the North American Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico ocean basins. Location Southern Atlantic Ocean and northern Gulf of Mexico within the continental United States. Methods A 394‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and a 235‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region were analysed from individuals from 10 locations. Phylogenetic reconstruction, haplotype network, mismatch distributions and analysis of molecular variance were used to infer population structure between ocean basins and time from population expansion within ocean basins. Six microsatellite loci were also analysed to estimate population structure and gene flow among five populations using genetic distance methods (FST, Nei’s genetic distance), isolation by distance (Mantel’s test), coalescent‐based estimates of genetic diversity and migration patterns, Bayesian cluster analysis and bottleneck simulations. Results Mitochondrial analyses revealed significant structuring between ocean basins in both cytochrome b (ΦST = 0.361, P < 0.0001; ΦCT = 0.312, P < 0.02) and control region (ΦST = 0.166, P < 0.0001; ΦCT = 0.128, P < 0.03) sequences. However, phylogenetic reconstructions failed to show reciprocal monophyly in populations between ocean basins. Microsatellite analyses revealed significant population substructuring between all locations sampled except for the two locations that were in closest proximity to each other (global FST value = 0.026). Bayesian analysis of microsatellite data also revealed significant population structuring between ocean basins. Coalescent‐based analyses of microsatellite data revealed low migration rates among all sites. Mismatch distribution analysis of mitochondrial loci supports a sudden population expansion in both ocean basins in the late Pleistocene, with the expansion of Atlantic populations occurring more recently. Main conclusions Present‐day populations of S. floridae do not bear the mitochondrial DNA signature of the strong phylogenetic discontinuity between the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America commonly observed in other species. Rather, our results suggest that Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations of S. floridae are closely related but nevertheless exhibit local and regional population structure. We conclude that the present‐day phylogeographic pattern is the result of a recent population expansion into the Atlantic in the late Pleistocene, and that life‐history traits and ecology may play a pivotal role in shaping the realized geographical distribution pattern of this species.  相似文献   

A new species, Brachytarsophrys popei sp. nov., is described based on a series of specimens collected from Mount Jinggang, Jiangxi Province, Taoyuandong Nature Reserve, Hunan Province and Nanling Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, China. The new species can be easily distinguished from other known congeners by morphology, morphometrics and molecular data of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. It is characterized by its relatively small size with 86.2 mm in snout-vent length in adult female and 70.7 mm-83.5 mm in males; vomerine teeth bearing on two markedly elevated ridges, which projecting behind far beyond the posterior level of the choanae, widely separated by a distance nearly 1.5 times length of one; margin of tongue de~ply notched behind; toes about one-third to two-thirds webbed in males, at most one-third webbed in female; the webs extending as a wide fringes along either side of toes; upper eyelid with tubercles, one of which is enlarged and becoming a remarkably prominent, bluntly conical light- yellow horn; black tiny nuptial spines on the dorsal surface of the first finger and second finger base, single vocal sac in males; gravid females bear pure yellowish oocytes; tadpoles with a transverse white stripe on ventral surface and two longitudinal white stripes along the sides of body. The new species represents the fifth known Brachytarsophrys species.  相似文献   

利用韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和细胞色素b (Cyt b)序列,并将其与GenBank 中的豹猫及西表猫的上述基因进行比较,以此来重新分析韩国豹猫和其它豹猫及西表猫之间的遗传分化情况。首先,我们从18 只韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和Cyt b 序列分析中分别检测到6 个等位基因、1 个单倍型和3 个单倍型,推测曾经发生 在豹猫种群的瓶颈事件可能是本文发现的不同分子标记之间存在基因型丢失差异的原因。基于Cyt b 序列分析,证实东亚的豹猫形成一个单独的进化枝,本文得到的Cyt b 序列和之前发布结果支持一个分类理论,即认为东亚的豹猫就是东北森林猫。我们发现在IRBP、12S rRNA 基因上,韩国豹猫和西表猫存在相同的序列,支持将西表猫和豹猫视为同一物种。  相似文献   

The chromosomes of two freshwater stingrays, Potamotrygon motoro and Potamotrygon sp., from the Amazon River basin in Brazil were investigated using integrated molecular (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) and cytogenetic analyses. Potamotrygon motoro presented intraspecific variation in the diploid number, with 2n=66 in the females and 2n=65 in the males, while Potamotrygon sp. had a karyotype with 66 chromosomes, in both sexes. The C-banding revealed the presence of heterochromatic blocks accumulated in the centromeric region of all the chromosomes in both species. The FISH assays with 18S DNA probes highlighted the terminal region of three or four chromosome pairs in P. motoro and seven chromosomes in Potamotrygon sp. The rDNA 5S sequences were found in only one chromosomal pair in both species. The interspecific genetic distance based on the COI sequences, between P. motoro and Potamotrygon sp. from Amazon River was 10.8%, while that between the Amazonian P. motoro and Potamotrygon amandae from the Paraná River was 2.2%, and the genetic distance between Potamotrygon sp. and P. amandae was 11.8%. In addition to the new insights on the cytogenetics of the study species, the results of the present study confirmed the existence of heteromorphic sex-linked chromosomes in P. motoro.  相似文献   

Bryopsidella ostreobiformis sp. nov. is presented as the second species of the genus. The latter is amended to accomodate this new species. The derbesioid sporophyte is capable of producing three- to eight-rayed stellate propagules. The dioecious gametophyte is a heterotrichous thallus with branched, prostrate filaments and unbranched, erect ones, and does not resemble Bryopsis. The life cycle is distinctly diplohaplontic, with a diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte. B. ostreobiformis is postulated as the starting point of a hypothetical evolutionary sequence of life histories in the Derbesia/Bryopsis complex.  相似文献   

Pseudo‐nitzschia H. Peragallo is a marine diatom genus found worldwide in polar, temperate, subtropical and tropical waters. It includes toxigenic representatives that produce domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin responsible for Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning. In this study we characterized two species of Pseudo‐nitzschia collected from Port Stephens and the Hawkesbury River (south eastern Australia) previously unreported from Australian waters. Clonal isolates were sub‐sampled for (i) light and transmission electron microscopy; (ii) DNA sequencing, based on the nuclear‐encoded partial large subunit ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)‐ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 rDNA regions and, (iii) DA production as measured by liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Morphological and molecular data unambiguously revealed the species to be Pseudo‐nitzschia micropora Priisholm, Moestrup & Lundholm (Port Stephens) and Pseudo‐nitzschia hasleana Lundholm (Hawkesbury River). This is the first report of the occurrence of these species from the Southern Hemisphere and the first report of P. micropora in warm‐temperate waters. Cultures of P. micropora, tested for DA production for the first time, proved to be non‐toxic. Similarly, no detectable toxin concentrations were observed for P. hasleana. Species resolution and knowledge on the toxicity of local Pseudo‐nitzschia species has important implications for harmful algal bloom monitoring and management.  相似文献   

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