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Apis mellifera is a bee that was introduced to Brazil and has adapted very well to the climate conditions and vast diversity of plants that exist in the country. In the northeast region of Brazil, beekeepers make use of the association between bees and plants by selling various bee products, notably honey. One way to identify species visited by bees in an area is by the pollen in its products. Based on this, 16 samples of honey were analysed, which were collected over a period of two years and obtained from an apiary in the Atlantic Forest biome in the municipality of Entre Rios (Bahia). In addition, climatic data (precipitation and temperature) of the region were obtained for the months sampled. The average temperature of the region during the collection months varied from 22 to 28 °C. The highest precipitation recorded in the region was 133.7 mm3 and the lowest was 0.3 mm3. Seventy pollen types were found. The family Fabaceae was notable, with ten pollen types, of which Mimosa pudica was the most important with a high frequency of occurrence and distribution. The Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) pollen type also had a high frequency of occurrence and distribution. In addition, pollen types corresponding to species that supply nectar to bees were identified, which contributes to the large diversity of bee plants for Apis mellifera in the study area.  相似文献   

Osflintia manu, new genus, new species, of long-horned caddisfly (Leptoceridae: Triplectidinae: Grumichellini) is described and illustrated from southeastern Peru. The phylogeny of Grumichellini Morse (Leptoceridae: Triplectidinae) is revisited and hypotheses of homology of some morphological characters are reconsidered. The monophyly of the tribe is corroborated and the phylogenetic relationships of its included genera are inferred to be (Triplexa (Gracilipsodes ((Grumichella, Amazonatolica) (Atanatolica, Osflintia, n. gen.)))) from adult and larval characters. Diagnostic characters of the new genus include the following: reduced tibial spur formula (2, 2, 2), loss of forewing crossvein sc-r1, hind wing discoidal cell closed, hind wing fork IV present, pair of long setae on tergum IX of the male genitalia, and pair of processes on the apex of segment X.  相似文献   

A new species of Amphoropsyche Holzenthal is described from Ecuador. It is similar to a group of species with dorsomesal processes on the preanal appendages (i.e., Amphoropsyche woodruffi Flint & Sykora, Amphoropsyche refugia Holzenthal, and Amphoropsyche aragua Holzenthal), but can be distinguished from these and other members of the genus by the short, digitate dorsomesal processes on the preanal appendages and the broad lateral processes of tergum X of the male genitalia. A key to males of the 14 species now known in the genus is presented based on characters of the genitalia.  相似文献   

Ithytrichia is a small genus of Hydroptilidae, recorded from Europe, North America, and north Central Mexico. The first record of Ithytrichia for South America is presented here. A new species of this genus Ithytrichia ferni is described from northwestern Argentina. Diagnostic characters of the male imago, pupa and larva are described and illustrated. Biological notes are included.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships within and among species of the Atlantic Forest spiny rat Trinomys (family Echimyidae) were examined using cytochrome b sequence data. Levels of sequence divergence among species of Trinomys are as high as those found among taxa of echimyids that are recognized as different genera. Trinomys contains three distinct monophyletic clades that show a striking concordance with vegetational distribution. Haplotypes of clade 1 are distributed along the coastal margins of southeastern Brazil, following the moist tropical forest. Members of clade 2 are found in the semi-deciduous tropical forest. T. albispinus represents clade 3 and is found in a more xeric vegetation. Estimates of divergence times separating the three clades are very deep and range from 1.6 to 7.4 millions of years, predating the climatic fluctuations of the Pleistocene. Therefore, the proposed Late Pleistocene refugia in the Atlantic Forest cannot account for the divergence of the clades of Trinomys , but most likely shaped the modern distribution of species. The current taxonomy of this group does not reflect the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of the named species. However, morphological characters are congruent with the phylogeny uncovered by the molecular data. An extensive taxonomic rearrangement is suggested, reflecting phylogenetic relationships of monophyletic entities within the genus Trinomys , degree of sequence differences, and morphological diagnosability.  相似文献   

Pandher MS  Saini MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(152):71-86
The genus Kisaura Ross, 1956 (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae, Philopotaminae) is reported from India the first time. Six new species are described and illustrated: Kisaura elongatasp. n., Kisaura eloctsp. n., Kisaura clavatasp. n., Kisaura gangtokensissp. n., Kisaura truncatasp. n., all from Gangtok (Sikkim) and Kisaura himachalicasp. n. from Barot (Himachal Pradesh). Male genitalia of this genus are distinguishable from those of other genera of the family by the pair of long lateral processes of tergum X, the well-developed mesoventral plates between two segments of the inferior appendages, and by the brush-like row of dark setae on the inner surfaces of the terminal segments (harpago) of the inferior appendages.  相似文献   

Leaf decomposition of the exotic evergreen Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus), and three native deciduous tree species, Alnus glutinosa (alder), Castanea sativa (chestnut) and Quercus faginea (oak), was compared in a second order stream in Central Portugal. Changes in dry weight, nitrogen and polyphenolic compounds and microbial colonization were periodically assessed for three months.Negative exponential curves fit the leaf weight loss with time for all leaf species. Mass loss rate was in the order alder (K = 0.0161) > chestnut (K = 0.0079) > eucalyptus (K = 0.0068) > oak (K = 0.0037). Microbial colonization followed the same pattern as breakdown rates. Evidence of fungal colonization was observed in alder after 3 days in the stream, whereas it took 21 days in oak leaves to have fungal colonization. Fungal diversity was leaf species-dependent and increased with time. In all cases, percent nitrogen per unit leaf weight increased, at least, at the initial stages of decay while soluble polyphenolics (expressed as percentage per unit leaf weight) decreased rapidly in the first month of leaves immersion.Intrinsic factors such as nitrogen and polyphenolic content may explain differences in leaf decomposition. The possible incorporation of eucalyptus litter into secondary production in a reasonable time span is suggested, although community balance and structure might be affected by differences in allochthonous patterns determined by eucalyptus monocultures.  相似文献   

A recent collection of the seasonal killifish found Leptopanchax splendens c. 5 km from the type locality, 74 years after its last record. The species was historically common in its type locality, the Estrela River basin in south-eastern Brazil, until 1950, after which it was not encountered and thought to have become extinct due to widespread deforestation and urbanization in the region. Despite the rediscovery, this study finds that other recently published reports of L. splendens are misidentifications.  相似文献   

Goeppertia mendesiana, a new species from the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. It resembles G. widgrenii (Körn.) Borchs. & Suárez, but differs from that species by its villose petioles and peduncles (vs glabrous in G. widgrenii) and by the absence of bracteoles and interphylls, a rare feature in the genus. The ecology, distribution and conservation status of the new species is presented, along with a key to the species of Goeppertia with ornamented leaves in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil.  相似文献   

By maintaining a forest-like structure, shaded cocoa plantations contribute to the conservation of ants that usually live in the soil, leaf litter or canopy of tropical forests. Here we synthesize the available information on the diversity and community structure of ants in shaded cocoa plantations in the Atlantic forest region of Brazil, compare ant assemblages in cocoa agroforests with forests and other forms of agriculture, and discuss how these shaded plantations contribute to the conservation of the ants in the Atlantic Forest region. We also discuss ants of economical importance and of special interest, including Camponotus, Dolichoderus, Gnamptogenys, Pachycondyla, Pseudomyrmex and other litter dwelling genera. We discuss the situation of the tramp ant Wasmannia auropunctata in the Bahian cocoa-producing region where it is considered as native, and that of the two cryptobiotic genera Thaumatomyrmex and Typhlomyrmex, as well as that of proven and possible endangered army ant and Ponerini species. A total of 192 ant species from four strata were found in extensive sampling of a cocoa plantation with a relatively simple shade canopy (comprised primarily of Erythrina). Species richness in the cocoa plantations corresponded roughly to that of low diversity native forests, and species composition of cocoa plantations was most similar to native habitats (forest and mangroves) while ant composition in other agricultural habitats was most similar to that of urban areas. Although occurrences of Wasmannia auropunctata were similar in cocoa plantations and forests, abundance of Thaumatomyrmex and Typhlomyrmex, generally thought to be rare ants, was relatively high in cocoa plantations. These results, from cocoa plantations with relatively simple shade, demonstrate the importance of cocoa for ant conservation in the Atlantic forest region of Brazil. It is likely that cocoa plantations with a greater number of vegetation strata and higher tree species richness (such as traditional cabruca plantations) provide even more important habitat for ants generally and for ant species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Therodamas tamarae n.sp. is described based on females removed from branchial filaments of Plagioscion squamosissimus (Teleostei, Sciaenidae) caught in a lake near the Araguaia River, State of Goiás, Brazil. The new species shares with Therodamas elongatus (Thatcher, 1986) the same host, a similar reaction from the host to the presence of the parasites, and the same general shape of body; in addition, the two species are from the Amazon basin. On the other hand, it resembles T. fluviatilis Paggi, 1976 in the structure of legs 1 to 4. An identification key for Therodamas species, as well as comments on the distribution of the species, are included.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of a short limbed and slightly elongate gymnophthalmid lizard is described from the Atlantic rain forests of north-eastern Brazil. The new genus is also characterized by short and stout pentadactyl limbs, presence of prefrontals, absence of frontoparietals, distinctive ear opening and eyelid, two pairs of genials, a distinct collar, smooth, quadrangular, dorsal scales, quadrangular ventrals, fused postfrontal and postorbital bones, and two pairs of sternal ribs. The geographical distribution of the new taxon extends from the state of Rio Grande do Norte to the northern bank of the Rio São Francisco in the state of Alagoas. All specimens were obtained in leaf litter, an observation which agrees with the fossorial habits suggested by the body shape and massive aspect of the head of this species. A phylogenetic analysis based on external morphology, osteology, and molecular data recovered the new lizard as the sister genus to Anotosaura , and Colobosauroides as the sister group to these two.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 543−557.  相似文献   

In this paper, fossil rodents (Hystricognathi: Caviomorpha) from the late Quaternary of the southwestern State of Piauí, northeastern Brazil, are described. The material comes from archaeological/palaeontological sites located in the region of the Serra da Capivara. The late Quaternary taxa of this region include Galea Meyen, 1832, Kerodon rupestris Wied-Neuwied, 1820, Hydrochoeridae indet., Dasyprocta Illiger, 1811, cf. Myocastor Kerr, 1792, Thrichomys Trouessart, 1880, Phyllomys Lund, 1839, Coendou magnus Lund, 1839 and a new taxon with chinchilloid affinities. The Coendou magnus and cf. Myocastor material represents the northernmost records of these taxa. The unexpected presence of a new extinct taxon contributes to the understanding of the ancient rodent faunas from South America. Today, the studied area is located within the Caatinga Biome but some of the fossil taxa, such as Hydrochoeridae and cf. Myocastor, indicate wetter environments and permanent water bodies during the late Pleistocene–early Holocene.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:92711BC3-8997-4474-A8AF-83DF4F91BB48  相似文献   

A new species of Veturius (Veturius) Kaup, of Brazil, Central Amazonas, lower basin of Urucu, Tefé and Coari, is described and illustrated. V. urucuensis n. sp. belongs to the “cephalotes” species group, and has an external autapomorphy for the family Passalidae: a large tuft of setae on the medioposterior area of the metasternum. The species is closely allied to V. jolyi Boucher, 2006, from the Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana border. The peculiar endemism of the new species suggests an intra-continental island vicariance into the Amazon Basin. No similar process was known in the large genus Veturius. A complete inventory of the 22 Veturius species in Brazil is given, with their distribution, and following the previously established monophyletic species groups. From Brazil, two species are newly reported, V. (Ouayana) guyanensis Boucher, 2006 (Pará) and V. (O.) dominicae Boucher, 2006 (Roraima), and one species is confirmed, V. (O.) unicornis Gravely, 1918 (Amazonas). New details are given on some other Brazilian Veturius.  相似文献   

A second species of the poorly known sharpshooter genus Nannogonalia Young, 1977 is described and illustrated from the Atlantic Forest of south Brazil (state of Paraná). Types are deposited in DZUP. Nannogonalia inusitata n. sp. can be distinguished from the type-species (Tettigonia circumcincta Signoret, 1855) mainly by the color pattern and form of the male subgenital plates and female sternite VII. Nannogonalia circumcincta is newly recorded from the state of Paraná. The female genitalia of Nannogonalia are described in detail for the first time, based on the type-species and the new species. We discuss some peculiar features of the first and second ovipositor valvulae of this genus that were previously observed in Versigonalia Young, 1977.  相似文献   

We aimed to estimate the density, occupancy and detectability of Salvator merianae (Tegu) in one of the largest Atlantic rainforest remnants in Espírito Santo, Brazil, the VNR. Species patch occupancy was modelled and used to predict the response direction of six covariates based on prior knowledge of the Tegu's ecology. A priori, we expected that the covariates measured should represent key habitat features for the species (i.e. temperature, forest edge, open habitats) or elements possibly avoided by the species, based on the hypothesis that poaching would have a negative effect on patch occupancy. We used line‐transect surveys to estimate density and abundance. Camera‐traps were used to estimate patch occupancy by the Tegu. Estimated density for S. merianae was 0.21 ± 0.02 Tegus/ha and estimated population size was 4990 ± 521 individuals. Patch occupancy was best described by two covariates: poaching intensity and distance to the forest edge. Detectability was affected by three covariates: poaching intensity, tree density and temperature. Our study presents robust information on abundance and density, habitat use, and activity of S. merianae in the VNR and is the first study providing data on the effects that poaching has on patch occupancy of this lizard. The data indicated that the occupancy and detectability of this species were influenced by a set of factors, providing information that can be useful in management plans in areas where this species can potentially decline and in areas where it may be introduced.  相似文献   

Because of the high adaptive capacity of mosquitoes, studies that focus on transitional environments become very important, such as those in rural areas, which are considered as bridges between wild diseases and human populations of urban areas. In this study, a survey of the existing species of mosquitoes was performed in an Atlantic Forest area of the city of Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, São Paulo state, Brazil, using traps for immatures and analyzing the frequency and distribution of these insects over the sampling months. Five mosquito species were found: Aedes albopictus (the most frequent species), Aedes aegypti, Aedes fluviatilis, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Toxorhynchites theobaldi. The 4,524 eggs collected in ovitraps showed the presence of the tribe Aedini. Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus were identified after larval hatching in the laboratory, with different spatial distributions: the first of which coincides with the area of greatest diversity calculated using the Simpson index, while the second does not. The association of ecological analysis of spatial diversity with simple methods of data collection enables the identification of possible epidemiological risk situations and is a strategy that may be implemented to monitor ecological processes resulting from the interaction among different species of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

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