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The chemical composition of biomaterials can drive their biological responses; therefore, this in vitro study aimed to evaluate the proteomic profile of the salivary pellicle formed on titanium (Ti) alloys containing niobium (Nb) and zirconium (Zr). The experimental groups consisted of Ti35NbxZr (x?=?5 and 10?wt%) alloys, and commercially pure titanium (cpTi); titanium aluminium vanadium (Ti6Al4V) alloys were used as controls. The physical and chemical characteristics of the Ti materials were analysed. The proteomic profile was evaluated by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Bacterial adhesion (2?h) of mixed species (Streptococcus sanguinis and Actinomyces naeslundii) was investigated as colony-forming units (n?=?6). This paper reports the finding that salivary pellicle composition can be modulated by the composition of the Ti material. The Ti35NbxZr group showed a significant ability to adsorb proteins from saliva, which can favour interactions with cells and compatibility with the body.  相似文献   

Identification of early microbial colonizers in human dental biofilm   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIMS: To elucidate the first colonizers within in vivo dental biofilm and to establish potential population shifts that occur during the early phases of biofilm formation. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 'checkerboard' DNA-DNA hybridization assay was employed to identify 40 different bacterial strains. Dental biofilm samples were collected from 15 healthy subjects, 0, 2, 4 and 6 h after tooth cleaning and the composition of these samples was compared with that of whole saliva collected from the same individuals. The bacterial distribution in biofilm samples was distinct from that in saliva, confirming the selectivity of the adhesion process. In the very early stages, the predominant tooth colonizers were found to be Actinomyces species. The relative proportion of streptococci, in particular Streptococcus mitis and S. oralis, increased at the expense of Actinomyces species between 2 and 6 h while the absolute level of Actinomyces remained unaltered. Periodontal pathogens such as Tannerella forsythensis(Bacteroides forsythus), Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola as well as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans were present in extremely low levels at all the examined time intervals in this healthy group of subjects. CONCLUSION: The data provide a detailed insight into the bacterial population shifts occurring within the first few hours of biofilm formation and show that the early colonizers of the tooth surface predominantly consist of beneficial micro-organisms. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The early colonizers of dental plaque are of great importance in the succession stages of biofilm formation and its overall effect on the oral health of the host.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of adherence by oral streptococci   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Streptococci are one of the most successful bacterial colonizers of the human body and are major components of oral biofilms. The bacterial cells express multiple cell-surface adhesins that are responsible for the ability of streptococci to adhere to a wide range of substrates which include salivary and serous proteins, epithelial cells and other bacterial cells. Analysis of adherence-defective mutants has indicated the importance of high molecular mass wall-associated polypeptides and of enzymes catalyzing extracellular glucan polysaccharide synthesis to the adherence and accumulation of oral streptococci. The analysis of isogenic mutants of streptococci, generated through insertional inactivation (or allelic exchange), has confirmed the essential roles of specific surface polypeptides both to adhesive processes and to correct assembly of the cell wall layers.  相似文献   

Abstract The surface free energies ( γ b) of a variety of oral streptococci were determined from contact angle measurements on bacterial deposits, using the concept of dispersion and polar components. At least four strains of each species were tested. Strains of Streptococcus mutans, S. sanguis and S. salivarius possessed relatively high surface free energies (103 ± 12 mJ · m−2) and at the species level no significant difference was found. In contrast, the strains of S. mitis had remarkably low surface free energies (45 ± 14 mJ · m−2). S. milleri appeared to be a heterogeneous species, showing surface free energies over a range of 32–119 mJ · m−2. No significant differences were observed between laboratory strains and strains freshly isolated from the oral cavity.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to comparatively investigate the effect of inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production by N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), an isoform non-specific inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), after oral mucosal incision on wound tissue NO levels. A standard incision was applied to the oral mucosa of rabbits. After oral mucosal incision, rabbits were divided into five groups as follows: (1) Untreated incisional group (control); (2) Titanium (Ti) implanted group; (3) Ti + Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000 implanted group; (4) Ti + PEG 4000 + L-NAME (2 × 10−4 M) implanted group and (5) i.p. L-NAME administrated group (10 mg/kg). At 5 days after oral incision operations, wound tissue strips and plasma were obtained from rabbits. Oral wound tissue and plasma nitric oxide, plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and total sulfhydryl group (RSH) levels were investigated. Plasma TBARS and NOx levels decreased after i.p. L-NAME administration. Total RSH group levels were not changed in all groups (p>0.05). This means that L-NAME inhibits the deteriorating effects of free radicals without affecting healing. L-NAME in PEG and titanium also has no effect on tissue and plasma NOx levels. These findings indicate that NO generation will not be affected both Ti and local nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor. (Mol Cell Biochem 278: 65–69, 2005)  相似文献   

AIMS: The initial colonization of the tooth by streptococci involves their attachment to adsorbed components of the acquired pellicle. Avoiding this adhesion may be successful in preventing caries at early stages. Salivary mucins are glycoproteins that when absorbed onto hydroxyapatite may provide binding sites for certain bacteria. Algal lectins may be especially interesting for oral antiadhesion trials because of their great stability and high specificity for mucins. This work aimed to evaluate the potential of two algal lectins to inhibit the adherence of five streptococci species to the acquired pellicle in vitro. METHODS AND RESULTS: The lectins used were extracted from Bryothamnion triquetrum (BTL) and Bryothamnion seaforthii (BSL). Fluorescence microscopy was applied to visualize the ability of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled lectins to attach to the pellicle and revealed a similar capability for both lectins. Streptococcal adherence assays were performed using saliva-coated microtitre plates. BSL inhibited more than 75% of Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus mutans adherence, achieving 92% to the latter. BTL only obtained statistically significant results on S. mitis and S. sobrinus, whose adherence was decreased by 32.5% and 54.4%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Algal lectins are able to inhibit streptococcal adherence. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our results support the proposed application of lectins in antiadhesion therapeutics.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work was to study the simultaneous wear-corrosion of titanium (Ti) in the presence of biofilms composed of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans. Both organisms were separately grown in specific growth media, and then mixed in a medium supplemented with a high sucrose concentration. Corrosion and tribocorrosion tests were performed after 48 h and 216 h of biofilm growth. Electrochemical corrosion tests indicated a decrease in the corrosion resistance of Ti in the presence of the biofilms although the TiO2 film presented the characteristics of a compact oxide film. While the open circuit potential of Ti indicated a tendency to corrosion in the presence of the biofilms, tribocorrosion tests revealed a low friction on biofilm covered Ti. The properties of the biofilms were similar to those of the lubricant agents used to decrease the wear rate of materials. However, the pH-lowering promoted by microbial species, can lead to corrosion of Ti-based oral rehabilitation systems.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of the present study was to explore the role of immobilized fructosyltransferase (FTF) in adhesion process. METHODS AND RESULTS: We investigated real-time biospecific interactions between several types of oral bacteria and recombinant FTF immobilized on a biosensor chip, using surface plasmon resonance technology. Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus and Actinomyces viscosus demonstrated significant binding to FTF. Actinomyces viscosus had a greater binding to FTF, with 373 Resonance Units (RU), than the other tested bacteria. The binding level to FTF of Strep. sobrinus was 320 RU, whereas Strep. mutans and Streptococcus salivarious show binding of 296 and 245 RU, respectively. The binding sensograms displayed different profiles for the tested bacteria at various cell density, suggesting a different affinity to immobilized FTF. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study suggest that FTF may influence bacterial adherence and colonization of the dental biofilm. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The biomolecular interaction analysis enables real-time monitoring of the interaction between adhesions of intact bacteria and their ligands, which might be crucial in the initial phase of biofilm development in vivo.  相似文献   

Seventeen strains of oral bacteria of the genera Actinomyces (5), Bacteroides (3), and Streptococcus (9) were tested for aggregation by the human whole salivary mucin fraction (HWSM) in comparison to three types of animal mucin preparations from submandibular glands of cow (BSM) and sheep (OSM), and from the stomach of pig (PGM). Considerable variation was seen with respect to the rate and titer of aggregation induced by these mucins. The aggregating activity of HWSM varied widely among the different bacterial strains. The Bacteroides group showed hardly any induced aggregation, whereas the final aggregation titers varied for S. sanguis (3 strains) between 12 and 48, for S. oralis (3 strains) between 6 and 48, for the S. mutans group (3 strains) between 6 and 96, and for the five Actinomyces strains even between 6 and 192. For a particular strain, similar differences in titer were seen between the four mucins. For a human salivary mucin (MG-2) it has been described that sialic acid in the sequence NeuAc (2,3)Gal(1,3)GalNac- was specifically involved in the interaction with S. sanguis strains, in contrast to S. rattus BHT. Our results, however, indicate that this sugar sequence is not a prerequisite for the aggregation of S. sanguis, as animal mucins, devoid of this structure, were equally well or even better capable of inducing aggregation. On the other hand, desialization of BSM and OSM largely abolished their aggregating capability towards S. rattus BHT. Moreover, it was found that BSM and OSM, which are comparable with respect to their major oligosaccharide structure, show considerable differences in aggregating activity towards the same bacterial strain. The results indicate that the interaction and aggregation of oral bacteria with mucins is not necessarily dictated by specific oligosaccharide structures of the mucins, but may be caused instead by common physico-chemical features of the mucins as well.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and the percentage of nonsusceptible bacteria-- those still cultivable above a threshold concentration--in human supragingival dental plaque and saliva for antiplaque/antimicrobial agents including triclosan (TCS) and trichlorocarbanilide (TCC), and a new potential antimicrobial, 2-t-butyl-5-(4-t-butylphenyl)-phenol (DTBBP). METHODS AND RESULTS: Broth and agar dilution-based MIC tests were performed using 28 oral and nonoral bacterial strains representing 17 species. MICs for TCS were lowest and more than 100-fold lower than DTBBP (P < 0.0005) by both methods. MICs for TCS were lower in broth-based tests compared with TCC. The additions of defibrinated blood to agar and horse serum to broth increased MICs--in the case of TCS, 10- to 15-fold. Significantly higher proportions of nonsusceptible plaque and salivary bacteria were recovered from agar media containing DTBBP or TCC compared with TCS (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: TCS is a more effective antimicrobial agent than either TCC or DTBBP as determined by in vitro testing. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The utility of in vitro testing for antiplaque agents as a predictor of in vivo efficacy is affected by the methods used.  相似文献   

Caries-causing oral bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans are protected by the actions of F-ATPases against acid damage in dental plaque acidified by glycolytic acid production or ingestion of acids foods and beverages. Catabolites such as glucose and sucrose were found to enhance the protection of S. mutans and also other oral lactic-acid bacteria against acid killing at lethal pH values as low as 2.5. Protection involved glycolysis with the production of lactate and ATP, which is a substrate for F-ATPases. ATP could also be produced by starved cells apparently through synthase activity of the F-ATPase associated with acid decline. Fluoride and the organic weak-acid indomethacin acted to diminish this protection, as did F-ATPase inhibitors such as dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide. Protection against acid killing involving catabolism and synthase activity is likely to be important for plaque cariogenicity.  相似文献   

The decontamination of implant surfaces represents the basic procedure in the management of peri-implant diseases, but it is still a challenge. The study aimed to evaluate the degradation of oral biofilms grown in situ on machined titanium (Ti) discs by cold atmospheric plasma (CAP). ~ 200 Ti discs were exposed to the oral cavities of five healthy human volunteers for 72?h. The resulting biofilms were divided randomly between the following treatments: CAP (which varied in mean power, treatment duration, and/or the gas mixture), and untreated and treated controls (diode laser, air-abrasion, chlorhexidine). The viability, quantity, and morphology of the biofilms were determined by live/dead staining, inoculation onto blood agar, quantification of the total protein content, and scanning electron microscopy. Exposure to CAP significantly reduced the viability and quantity of biofilms compared with the positive control treatments. The efficacy of treatment with CAP correlated with the treatment duration and plasma power. No single method achieved complete biofilm removal; however, CAP may provide an effective support to established decontamination techniques for treatment of peri-implant diseases.  相似文献   

任凯  郭强  徐欣 《微生物学报》2021,61(8):2264-2277
链球菌是人类口腔中最为常见的细菌类群之一,在口腔微生态平衡的维持与致病中发挥了重要作用.口腔链球菌中的大多数可以进入感受态,在此生理状态下,细菌可摄取环境中的DNA并整合进入自身基因组从而获得新的遗传表型或特性.大量研究表明,口腔链球菌的感受态调控通路不是孤立的,与生物膜形成、细菌素产生、耐酸、氧应激、细胞自溶和耐药性...  相似文献   

There is a lack of evidence about the relationship between microorganisms and non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) due to limited technologies. A group of 78 patients was enrolled for microbial 16S rRNA sequencing of dental plaques on normal and defective cervical surfaces. Parallel data from 39 patients were analysed with paired t tests, and Fusobacteriales exhibited significantly less distribution on NCCLs than on normal surfaces. As a result, Fusobacterium nucleatum, the most common oral bacterial strain belonging to the order Fusobacteriales, was selected for further research. From a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) scan, the tooth surface with Fusobacterium nucleatum and Streptococcus mutans culture was more intact than that without Fusobacterium nucleatum. Furthermore, the calcium contents in groups with Fusobacterium nucleatum were significantly higher than that without it. In further mechanistic research, Fusobacterium nucleatum was demonstrated to adhere to and disturb other organisms as well as producing alkaline secretions to neutralize the deleterious acidic environment, protecting the tooth structure. In conclusion, microorganisms and NCCLs were confirmed directly related through adherent bacterial interactions and pH regulation. The research provides a new perspective and experimental evidence for the relation between microorganisms and NCCLs, which guides clinical treatment and preventive dentistry in the future.  相似文献   

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