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When irritated, individuals of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali expel a few Cuvierian tubules which lengthen, instantly become sticky, and rapidly immobilize most organisms with which they come into contact. After expulsion, the lost tubules are readily regenerated. When only a few tubules have been expelled, there is often a latent period before the regeneration starts. In contrast, when many tubules have been expelled, the regenerative process starts immediately but proceeds in successive waves of 10 to 30 tubules that begin to regenerate at 10-day intervals. However, in all cases, the complete regeneration of a given tubule takes about 5 weeks and may be divided into three successive phases: an initial repair phase including the overall 48-h post-autotomy period, a true regenerative phase taking about 4 weeks to complete, and a growth phase of about one more week. Initial regeneration events occur by epimorphosis, cell proliferation being essential to the regenerative process, whereas late events occur mainly by morphallaxis, with migration of the newly differentiated cells. The mesothelium is the tissue layer in which cell proliferation is the most precocious and the most important, involving both peritoneocytes and undifferentiated cells (which seem to be dedifferentiated peritoneocytes). As regeneration proceeds, the percentage of undifferentiated cells regularly decreases in parallel with the differentiation of granular (adhesive-secreting) cells and myocytes. The myocytes then separate off from the mesothelium and migrate within the connective tissue layer. Three types of pseudopodial cells follow one another in the tubule connective tissue during regeneration. Type 1 cells have all the characteristics of echinoderm phagocytes and may have a fibroblastic function, cleaning the connective tissue compartment before new collagen synthesis starts. Type 2 cells are rather undifferentiated and divide actively. The presence of type 3 cells is closely associated with the appearance of collagen fibers, and it is suggested that they have a fibroblastic function. In the inner epithelium, cells also divide actively, but only those in which spherules have not yet differentiated in the basal intraconnective processes. It appears, therefore, that in the three tissue layers of the tubules, regeneration proceeds by cell dedifferentiation, then proliferation, and finally by differentiation. Cuvierian tubules thus constitute a very efficient defensive mechanism: their large number, sparing use, and particular regeneration dynamics make them an almost inexhaustible line of defense maintained at limited energy cost.  相似文献   

The Echinodermata is a unique animal group forming an early branch in the deuterostomes phylogenetic tree. In echinoids and asteroids a single Hox cluster with nine cognates of the vertebrate Hox paralogous groups has been reported, but no data are available from other echinoderm classes. We report here nine Hox-type sequences from the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima, a member of the class Holothuroidea. Partial homeodomain sequences were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from genomic DNA and from a regenerating gastrointestinal tract complementary DNA library. Sequence analyses suggest that the holothuroid cluster has at least three genes of the anterior, one of the medial, and five of the posterior groups. This is the first evidence of five posterior sequences in echinoderms. Received July 19, 1999; accepted October 18, 1999.  相似文献   

Sea cucumbers (holothuroids) lack the only known echinoderm immune organ, the axial organ. Holothuroids of the families Synaptidae and Chiridotidae have coelomic organs, known as ciliary urns, that gather and excrete waste and, therefore, might function in immunity. Although ciliary urns are widely reported and illustrated in the literature, the process and histology of urn development remain unknown. Development and structure of ciliary urns were examined in Synaptula hydriformis using scanning electron, brightfield, and scanning laser confocal microscopy. Mature urns occurred on all three mesenteries in 10‐tentacled young and later growth stages, and developing urns were found in post‐pentactulae, 10‐tentacled young, and released juveniles. Developing urns were circular clusters of ciliated collar cells protruding from the mesentery. The cells increased in number to form the sessile cushion stage with a shallow lumen. The subsequent spoon‐shaped stage had a stalk and a deepened lumen with an extensive ciliary field where coelomocytes began to accumulate. Mature urns had a thin stalk and cornucopia‐shaped body with an abluminal epithelium of squamous cells and an adluminal epithelium of densely packed ciliated collar cells. Cell boundaries of the rim of mature urns and of the stalk and body of developing urns were outlined on one or both sides by microvilli and an elevated cell membrane. Ciliary urns resembling the cushion‐stage urns of S. hydriformis have been described in the sea star Archaster typicus. If urns in these groups are homologous, it is likely that cushion urns are plesiomorphic and that they are present and have been overlooked in other echinoderms.  相似文献   

Among echinoderms, nonfeeding larvae usually are simplified in body shape, have uniform ciliation, and have lost the larval gut. A few species have nonfeeding larvae that express some remnant features of feeding larvae like ciliated bands and larval skeleton or larval arms, but typically their larval mouth never opens and their gut does not function. Still other species have retained the feeding larval form, a functional gut, and can feed, but they do not require food to metamorphose. The present note describes the development of a tropical holothurian, Holothuria mexicana, which hatches as a gastrula that is already generating coelomic structures. A translucent auricularia forms with a mouth that opens but becomes reduced soon thereafter. In form and ciliation this auricularia resembles a feeding larva, but it does not respond to food. A doliolaria forms on day 4 and the pentactula on day 6 post‐fertilization. Further study of this larva and that of its closely related congener, Holothuria floridana, is warranted.  相似文献   

A Bermudan population of the fissiparous holothurian Holothuria parvula (Selenka) was sampled over a 13-month period (1984–1985). Fission was most frequent in the summer when water temperatures were > 25 °C. During fission, the holothurian split into roughly equal parts, and there was little difference in survival of the oral and anal ends. Regeneration of a new gut is a priority and feeding was possible within 2 months of fission. The majority of growth following fission occurred between April and July, just prior to the peak occurrence of fission. Many individuals were fully regenerated within a year, so fission is possibly an annual event. Individuals showing evidence of multiple fission were found. The capacity for sexual reproduction was limited and it appeared to occur mainly during the summer, which was also the peak period for asexual reproduction. No small (< 18 mm) individuals were ever found suggesting that larval recruitment to this population had not recently been successful. The population has probably been maintained recently by fission.  相似文献   

Summary The spermatozoon of the holothurian Leptosynapta clarki has a small circular head measuring about 3.0 at the greatest diameter, a midpiece containing a single mitochondrion and a tail flagellum measuring between 35 and 45 in length. The acrosomal region contains a granule measuring 0.7 in diameter which consists of electron dense material arranged in concentric lamellae. Five concentric very electron dense lamellae alternate with areas of much less electron dense material in the central region of the granule. This granule rests in an anterior nuclear depression.The nucleus is circular in shape and contains one or two unbound vacuoles which frequently contain a fine granular material. Posteriorly the nucleus is bounded by a large mitochondrion and an occasional Golgi complex. The proximal centriole which contains a lateral arm of dense material lies in a deep fossa projecting into the nucleus. The distal centriole lies posteriorly in the mitochondrial mass and gives rise to nine satellite projections and their Y-shaped connective extensions.The tail contains the 9 + 2 tubule arrangement and tapers at its distal end.This investigation was supported by a National Research Council grant to F. S. Chia.  相似文献   

The importance of taking into account parallelisms in the evolution of morphological characters is analyzed for the taxonomy of the class Holothuroidea. The establishment of the order Dactylochirotida and classification of the order Elasipodida serve as examples to illustrate insufficient appreciation of parallelisms in Holothuroidea. The following characters, evolving independently in different groups of sea cucumbers, are considered: a stout skeleton, reduction of the calcareous ring and the body wall sclerites; similarity of body shape; similarity in the shape of tentacles; reduction in the number of tentacles from 12 to 10 in different fam-ilies and subfamilies of the order Synaptida. Based on the analysis of morphological and molecular data, the family Deimatidae is transferred from the order Elasipodida to the order Aspidochirotida. It is hypothesized that the concave cup-shaped sclerites with three to five rays occurring in the family Laetmogonidae (order Elasipodida) are of paedomorphic origin and correspond to the early growth stages of the laetmogonid wheels; the concave cross-shaped sclerites of the families Elpidiidae and Psychropotidae may have originated from laetmogonid concave cup-shaped sclerites. Emended diagnosis of the order Elasipodida is proposed. The family Vaneyellidae previously synonymized by the author with the family Cucumariidae is reestablished, and its emended diagnosis is also proposed.  相似文献   

袁秀堂  杨红生  王丽丽  周毅  张涛  刘鹰 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3155-3161
夏眠是刺参最重要的生理特征;水温升高是其夏眠的主要诱发因子,而夏眠的临界温度与刺参体重密切相关。为揭示刺参夏眠对其能量利用对策的影响,测定了2种体重规格(134.0±13.5)g和(73.6±2.2)g刺参在10、15、20、25℃和30℃5个温度梯度下的能量收支。结果表明,温度和体重及其交互作用对刺参能量的摄入均有显著影响;而温度是影响其摄食能分配的主要因素。研究发现,刺参在非夏眠期、夏眠临界期和完全夏眠期的能量利用对策有所不同:在非夏眠期,刺参摄食能支出的最大组分是粪便能,占摄食能的比例超过50%,其次为呼吸耗能,占19.8%~39.4%,而生长能和排泄能占的比例较小,分别为5.7%~10.7%和2.9%~3.7%;在夏眠临界温度下,呼吸和排泄耗能占摄食能的比例均显著增大(分别为88.3%和13.6%),而生长能所占比例降为负值(-55.3%),刺参表现为负生长;而在夏眠期,刺参的摄食能和排粪能为零,为维持其基本生理活动,不得不动用以往贮存于体内的能量,消耗于呼吸和排泄等生理过程,供维持生命之用。总之,从能量生物学的角度看,夏眠的主要生态学意义在于刺参长时间处于相对高温环境,进而导致摄食受阻条件下的一种能量节约方式。  相似文献   

The holothurian neuropeptide GFSKLYFamide (GlyPheSerLysLeuTyrPheNH2), GFSKLYFa, was characterized recently and shown to be present in nerve fibers that apparently innervate various muscle systems. We have studied the potential neurotransmitter role of this peptide by assaying its effects on the contractility of visceral and somatic muscles. GFSKLYFa in nanomolar concentrations induces a relaxation of the muscle tension in the intestine. A similar effect is observed on the longitudinal muscle bands of the body wall of the sea cucumber. The relaxing action of GFSKLYFa is dose dependent suggesting that its action is mediated by receptors present in the muscle cells. In addition, GFSKLYFa induces the relaxation of the acetylcholine contracted intestine. Our investigation provides additional evidence indicating that GFSKLYFa might be a neurotransmitter acting at the neuromuscular junctions of the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima.  相似文献   

Echinoderms are a key group in understanding the evolution of the nervous system in the Metazoa. Remarkably, little is known about echinoderm neurobiology. The echinoderm podia, which are unique echinoderm modifications and comprise structures responsible for locomotion and feeding, have been largely neglected in nervous system studies. Here, we have applied immunohistological approaches using different neuronal markers to describe the neuroanatomy of the holothurian podia and its relation to the muscular component. We show, using the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima (Selenka, 1867), the direct innervation of the podia by the ectoneural component of the nervous system, as well as the existence of a connection between the nervous system components in the main nerves, the muscle, and the connective tissue. These findings confirm the ectoneural origin of the tube feet’s main nervous system and demonstrate its neuroanatomic complexity. We also show the presence of fibers and neurons within the tube feet mesothelium and connective tissue. The study of these simple structures will help us elucidate the echinoderms’ neuromuscular circuit and their evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

For the first time, aspects of the reproduction of the little-known rock-borer mollusc Petricola lithophaga (Retzius, 1788) are described. Specimens were studied during the period from June 2012 to June 2014 (Black Sea, Sevastopol Bay). Histological methods were used to describe gametogenesis stages and spawning of the molluscs. The size and age of onset of sexual maturity, individual fecundity and other factors are defined.  相似文献   

The relationships between germinal bodies and mitochondria were studied in the holothurian Apostichopus japonicus and the flounder Pleuronectes asper using TEM. In the gonial cells of both species the mitochondria are arranged around germinal bodies and are in contact with the latter. A gradual disappearance of the outer membrane is found in the mitochondria that interact with the germinal substance. Later on, dispersion of the globules of the mitochondrial matrix containing mitochondrial cristae occurs. It is supposed that the substance of the mitochondrial matrix takes part in the development and functioning of the germinal plasm in both invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural study of the buccal tentacles of Holothuria forskali revealed that each tentacle bears numerous apical papillae. Each papilla consists of several differentiated sensory buds.The epidermis of the buds is composed of three cell types, i.e. mucus cells, ciliated cells, and glandular vesicular cells (GV cells). The GV cells have apical microvilli; they contain bundles of cross striated fibrillae associated with microtubules. Ciliated cells have a short non-motile cilium. Bud epidermal cells intimately contact an epineural nervous plate which is located slightly above the basement membrane of the epidermis. The epineural plate of each bud connects with the hyponeural nerve plexus of the tentacle. This nerve plexus consists of an axonic meshwork surrounded in places by sheath cells. The buccal tentacles have well-developed mesothelial muscles. Direct innervation of these muscles by the hyponeural nerve plexus was not seen.It is suggested that the buccal tentacles of H. forskali are sensory organs. They would recognize the organically richest areas of the sediment surface through the chemosensitive abilities of their apical buds. Tentacles presumably trap particles by wedging them between their buds and papillae.  相似文献   

Yuan X T  Yang H S  Wang L L  Zhou Y  Zhang T  Liu Y 《农业工程》2007,27(8):3155-3161
Apostichopus japonicus is a kind of temperate sea cucumbers, known to aestivate when water temperature rises above 20°C to 24.5°C. In this study, we measured the effects of aestivation on the energy utilization (i.e., energy allocation in growth, feces discharge, respiration and excretion) of A. japonicus with two different body weights (134.0 g ± 3.5 g and 73.6 g ± 2.2 g) at water temperature from 10°C to 30°C with an interval of 5°C. Noticeable variation in the energy utilization of sea cucumbers was observed in this study. During the non-aestivation period, energy deposit in growth was lower and the energy loss in feces accounted for the majority of the feeding energy. Under the threshold temperature, the feeding energy reduced and the proportion of energy deposit in growth became negative. During aestivation, sea cucumbers discontinued feeding energy, resulting in weight loss. Our study suggested that the ecological implication of aestivation in this species could lead to a model of energy saving during the long-term hot period.  相似文献   

袁秀堂  杨红生  王丽丽  周毅  张涛  刘鹰 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3155-3161
夏眠是刺参最重要的生理特征;水温升高是其夏眠的主要诱发因子,而夏眠的临界温度与刺参体重密切相关。为揭示刺参夏眠对其能量利用对策的影响,测定了2种体重规格(134.0±13.5)g和(73.6±2.2)g刺参在10、15、20、25 ℃和30 ℃ 5个温度梯度下的能量收支。结果表明,温度和体重及其交互作用对刺参能量的摄入均有显著影响;而温度是影响其摄食能分配的主要因素。研究发现,刺参在非夏眠期、夏眠临界期和完全夏眠期的能量利用对策有所不同:在非夏眠期,刺参摄食能支出的最大组分是粪便能,占摄食能的比例超过50%,其次为呼吸耗能,占19.8%~39.4%,而生长能和排泄能占的比例较小,分别为5.7%~10.7%和2.9%~3.7%;在夏眠临界温度下,呼吸和排泄耗能占摄食能的比例均显著增大(分别为88.3%和13.6%),而生长能所占比例降为负值(-55.3%),刺参表现为负生长;而在夏眠期,刺参的摄食能和排粪能为零,为维持其基本生理活动,不得不动用以往贮存于体内的能量,消耗于呼吸和排泄等生理过程,供维持生命之用。总之,从能量生物学的角度看,夏眠的主要生态学意义在于刺参长时间处于相对高温环境,进而导致摄食受阻条件下的一种能量节约方式。  相似文献   

Several morphological forms (morphotypes) of Urospora chiridotae gamontes are found in White Sea holothuroid Chiridota laevis. All these morphotypes are differed by localization in the body of host, form and cytological features. The gregarines are situated in several host biotopes, such as blood vessels, intestine and mesenteries. In the blood vessels elongate skittle-like cells supplied with long thin cytopillia are observed. On the external surface of the intestine spherical gregarines are found. These parasites commonly covered with one layer of coelomic epithelium's cells. In some holothuria intratissue spherical cells of parasites located in intestinal epithelium are presented. Both of these types of parasites lack cytopillia, and folds or ridges on its surface. On different mesenteries, connections between intestine and body wall, and also on intestine elongate ounce-shaped cells and gamontocysts are observed. These cells are situated on the apices of finger-like processes of the intestine and mesenteries surface. Ounce-shaped gregarines have cytopillia shorter than in skittle-like gregarines. The differences between morphotypes of Urospora chiridotae are probably caused by different environmental conditions. In the narrow rift of blood vessel elongate cells are developed. The cytopillia may serve for making more or less wide space around gregarines, which is necessary for food uptake. Spherical cells surrounded by host's cells and have the form typical for tissue parasites. In the wide coelomic cavity where convection of liquid proceeds better than in blood vessel, ounce-shaped gregarines with short cytopillia are developed. We found only typical for Urospora chiridotae ovoid oocysts with dissimilar ends, anterior collar and spine-like posterior end. Thus, the all above-mentioned morphotypes undoubtedly belong to the same species. The relationships between defense host cells and the different morphotypes of trophozoites are variable.  相似文献   

Molecular and morphological data were used to evaluate the taxonomic status of the species Holothuria tubulosa Gmelin, 1790 , Holothuria stellati Delle Chiaje, 1823 , Holothuria mammata Grube, 1840 , and Holothuria dakarensis Panning, 1939, belonging to the nominate subgenus Holothuria (Holothuria) (family Holothuriidae) from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. A 16S rRNA marker distinguished three well‐supported clades with clear genetic differentiation amongst them. The morphometric characters, although they reflected the clades, showed great variability, and some specimens from different clades overlapped. The morphological data and the literature suggest that the clades correspond to H. dakarensis (from Cape Verde Islands), H. mammata (from the Atlanto‐Mediterranean area) and H. tubulosa (from the Mediterranean Sea). Holothuria stellati is considered here to be a junior subjective synonym of H. tubulosa. Great morphological intraspecific variation within H. tubulosa and H. mammata explains the confusion in the literature. Holothuria tubulosa includes specimens with distinctive ossicles, but others are similar to H. mammata. In these cases, the presence or absence of Cuvierian tubules proved a reliable indicator to the identity of these species; unfortunately this character is difficult to assess in preserved material. According to the results of discriminant analysis we propose a set of ossicle morphometric variables that permit the optimum assignation of individuals to the clades. Our results present a new perspective on the taxonomic status of species in Holothuria (Holothuria), and show how a molecular approach, combined with a morphological approach, can solve taxonomic problems.  相似文献   

生态因子对生物的生长、发育、生殖和分布有着直接和间接的影响.在1998~2005年对扬子鳄繁殖研究中心内自然环境下鳄卵及其繁殖地环境因子进行调查,包括窝卵数、产卵时间、出壳时间、孵化期内温度、湿度的变化情况、雏鳄孵出后的存活数量以及巢区的植被盖度.调查发现天气状况直接影响母鳄产卵时间、卵的孵化质量与雏鳄的出壳数量.盖度相对大于0.5的窝巢中多数卵基本能正常发育,盖度小于0.5的窝巢中可能只有少数几枚卵发育正常.  相似文献   

Sea cucumbers contain triterpene glycosides called saponins. We investigated the complex saponin mixture extracted from the common Mediterranean species Holothuria forskali. Two different body components were analyzed separately: the body wall (which protects the animal and is moreover the most important organ in terms of surface and weight) and the Cuvierian tubules (a defensive organ that can be expelled on predators in response to an attack). MALDI/MS and MALDI/MS/MS were used to detect saponins and describe their molecular structures. As isomers have been found in the Cuvierian tubules, LC/MS and LC/MS/MS were performed to identify each saponin separately. Twelve saponins have been detected in the body wall and 26 in the Cuvierian tubules. All the saponins from the body wall are also present in the Cuvierian tubules but the latter also contain 14 specific saponins. The presence of isomeric saponins complicated structure elucidation for the whole set but 16 saponins have been described tentatively. Among these, 3 had already been reported in the literature as holothurinosides A and C, and desholothurin A. Molecular structures have been proposed for the 13 others which, in the present work, have been provisionally named holothurinosides E, F, G, H, I, A1, C1, E1, F1, G1, H1 and I1 and desholothurin A1. The diversity and organ specificity of the saponins described here are much higher than what had been reported to date in any sea cucumber species.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of Psolus patagonicus Ekman 1925 was studied. The species exhibits an annual reproductive cycle with one reproductive period in austral summer (February–March). During spring and summer, females showed the highest gonad-index (GI) values, while the GI values of males did not vary significantly throughout the year. Males had higher GI values than females. Maximum oocyte diameters ranged from less than 300?µm in spring to 900?µm in summer. In February, there is an increase in phytoplankton bloom for the bottom community in which P. patagonicus inhabits. The annual range in water temperature is small (6–7°C). Spawning coincided with increase in available food rather than the increase in water temperature.  相似文献   

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