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Pioneering marine benthic invertebrates are capable of locating and colonizing newly created and recently disturbed mud bottoms within a few days. The results of this study demonstrate that sulphides — naturally occurring products of anaerobic organic matter decomposition — promote the larval settlement of the pioneering polychaeteCapitella sp I in both laboratory and semi-natural conditions.Settlement was enhanced both in sediments enriched with sulphides and in sulphidec, sediment-free conditions when compared with controls. A sulphide concentration ranging between 0.1 mM and 1.0 mM elicited optimal settlement with subsequent metamorphosis and survival of the settled worms.This is the first time a geochemically-mediated larval settlement response has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Globally billions of dollars are spent each year on attempting to reduce marine biofouling on commercial vessels, largely because it results in higher fuel costs due to increased hydrodynamic drag. Biofouling has been long assumed to be primarily due to the availability of vacant space on the surface of the hull. Here, it is shown that the addition of the noise emitted through a vessel’s hull in port increases the settlement and growth of biofouling organisms within four weeks of clean surfaces being placed in the sea. More than twice as many bryozoans, oysters, calcareous tube worms and barnacles settled and established on surfaces with vessel noise compared to those without. Likewise, individuals from three species grew significantly larger in size in the presence of vessel noise. The results demonstrate that vessel noise in port is promoting biofouling on hulls and that underwater sound plays a much wider ecological role in the marine environment than was previously considered possible.  相似文献   

Fouling of ships is an important historical and enduring transfer mechanism of marine nonindigenous species (NIS). Although containerships have risen to the forefront of global maritime shipping since the 1950s, few studies have directly sampled fouling communities on their submerged surfaces, and little is known about differences in the fouling characteristics among commercial ship types. Twenty-two in-service containerships at the Port of Oakland (San Francisco Bay, California) were sampled to test the hypothesis that the extent and taxonomic richness of fouling would be low on this type of ship, resulting from relatively fast speeds and short port durations. The data showed that the extent of macroorganisms (invertebrates and algae) was indeed low, especially across the large surface areas of the hull. Less than 1% of the exposed hull was colonized for all apart from one vessel. These ships had submerged surface areas of >7000 m2, and fouling coverage on this area was estimated to be <l7 m2 per vessel, with zero biota detected on the hulls of many vessels. The outlying smaller vessel (4465 m2) had an estimated coverage of 90% on the hull and also differed substantially from the other ships in terms of its recent voyage history, shorter voyage range and slower speeds. Despite the low extent of fouling, taxonomic richness was high among vessels. Consistent with recent studies, a wide range of organisms were concentrated at more protected and heterogeneous (non-hull) niche areas, including rudders, stern tubes and intake gratings. Green algae and barnacles were most frequently sampled among vessels, but hydroids, bryozoans, bivalves and ascidians were also recorded. One vessel had 20 different species in its fouling assemblage, including non-native species (already established in San Francisco Bay) and mobile species that were not detected in visual surveys. In contrast to other studies, dry dock block areas did not support many organisms, despite little antifouling deterrence in some cases. Comparisons with previous studies suggest that the accumulation of fouling on containerships may be lower than on other ship types (eg bulkers and general cargo vessels), but more data are needed to determine the hierarchy of factors contributing to differences in the extent of macrofouling and non-native species vector risks within the commercial fleet.  相似文献   

While sound is a useful cue for guiding the onshore orientation of larvae because it travels long distances underwater, it also has the potential to convey valuable information about the quality and type of the habitat at the source. Here, we provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence that settlement-stage coastal crab species can interpret and show a strong settlement and metamorphosis response to habitat-related differences in natural underwater sound. Laboratory- and field-based experiments demonstrated that time to metamorphosis in the settlement-stage larvae of common coastal crab species varied in response to different underwater sound signatures produced by different habitat types. The megalopae of five species of both temperate and tropical crabs showed a significant decrease in time to metamorphosis, when exposed to sound from their optimal settlement habitat type compared with other habitat types. These results indicate that sounds emanating from specific underwater habitats may play a major role in determining spatial patterns of recruitment in coastal crab species.  相似文献   

Biofouling is a major problem faced by marine industries. Physical and chemical treatments are available to control fouling, but most are costly, time consuming or negatively affect the environment. The use of aeration (ie continuous streams of air bubbles) to prevent fouling was examined. Experiments were conducted at three sites with different benthic communities. Experimental panels (10 cm × 10 cm; PVC and concrete) were deployed with or without aeration. Aeration flowed continuously from spigots 0.5 m below the panels at a rate of ~3.3 to 5.0 l min?1. After 1 and 4 weeks, aerated PVC panels from all sites had significantly less fouling than non-aerated controls. Aeration reduced fouling on both the PVC and concrete surfaces. Fouling was reduced on panels directly in bubble streams while panels 30 cm and 5 m away had significantly more fouling. Thus, under the conditions used in this study, aeration appears to be an effective and simple way to prevent fouling.  相似文献   

抗污损海洋天然产物的开发及其作用机理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱培元 《生命科学》2012,(9):1026-1034
首先对近年发表在学术期刊Biofouling上的一篇关于抗污损化合物的综述做一简短总结。其次,突出介绍了对无脊椎污损生物附着和变态分子水平的调控机制的研究近来的进展。旨在给那些从事生物污损和抗污损技术研究的科研人员提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Microbial biofilms induce larval settlement for some invertebrates, including corals; however, the chemical cues involved have rarely been identified. Here, we demonstrate the role of microbial biofilms in inducing larval settlement with the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides and report the first instance of a chemical cue isolated from a marine biofilm bacterium that induces complete settlement (attachment and metamorphosis) of Caribbean coral larvae. Larvae settled in response to natural biofilms, and the response was eliminated when biofilms were treated with antibiotics. A similar settlement response was elicited by monospecific biofilms of a single bacterial strain, Pseudoalteromonas sp. PS5, isolated from the surface biofilm of a crustose coralline alga. The activity of Pseudoalteromonas sp. PS5 was attributed to the production of a single compound, tetrabromopyrrole (TBP), which has been shown previously to induce metamorphosis without attachment in Pacific acroporid corals. In addition to inducing settlement of brooded larvae (P. astreoides), TBP also induced larval settlement for two broadcast-spawning species, Orbicella (formerly Montastraea) franksi and Acropora palmata, indicating that this compound may have widespread importance among Caribbean coral species.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the ambient noise in the shallow coastal waters of north-eastern New Zealand shows large temporal variability in acoustic power levels between seasons, moon phase and the time of day. Ambient noise levels were highest during the new moon and the lowest during the full moon. Ambient noise levels were also significantly higher during summer and lower during winter. Bandpass filtering (700-2,000 Hz and 2-15 kHz), combined with snap counts and data from other studies show that the majority of the sound intensity increases could be attributed to two organisms: the sea urchin and the snapping shrimp. The increased intensity of biologically produced sound during dusk, new moon and summer could enhance the biological signature of a reef and transmit it further offshore. Ambient noise generated from the coast, especially reefs, has been implicated as playing a role in guiding pelagic post-larval fish and crustaceans to settlement habitats. Determining a causal link between temporal increases in ambient noise and higher rates of settlement of reef fish and crustaceans would provide support for the importance of ambient underwater sound in guiding the settlement of these organisms.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise across the world's oceans threatens the ability of vocalizing marine species to communicate. Some species vocalize at key life stages or whilst foraging, and disruption to the acoustic habitat at these times could lead to adverse consequences at the population level. To investigate the risk of these impacts, we investigated the effect of vessel noise on the communication space of the Bryde's whale Balaenoptera edeni, an endangered species which vocalizes at low frequencies, and bigeye Pempheris adspersa, a nocturnal fish species which uses contact calls to maintain group cohesion while foraging. By combining long‐term acoustic monitoring data with AIS vessel‐tracking data and acoustic propagation modelling, the impact of vessel noise on their communication space was determined. Routine vessel passages cut down communication space by up to 61.5% for bigeyes and 87.4% for Bryde's whales. This influence of vessel noise on communication space exceeded natural variability for between 3.9 and 18.9% of the monitoring period. Additionally, during the closest point of approach of a large commercial vessel, <10 km from the listening station, the communication space of both species was reduced by a maximum of 99% compared to the ambient soundscape. These results suggest that vessel noise reduces communication space beyond the evolutionary context of these species and may have chronic effects on these populations. To combat this risk, we propose the application or extension of ship speed restrictions in ecologically significant areas, since our results indicate a reduction in sound source levels for vessels transiting at lower speeds.  相似文献   

1. Neotropical migrant birds show a clear preference for stopover habitats with ample food supplies; yet, the proximate cues underlying these decisions remain unclear. 2. For insectivorous migrants, cues associated with vegetative phenology (e.g. flowering, leaf flush, and leaf loss) may reliably predict the availability of herbivorous arthropods. Here we examined whether migrants use the phenology of five tree species to choose stopover locations, and whether phenology accurately predicts food availability. 3. Using a combination of experimental and observational evidence, we show migrant populations closely track tree phenology, particularly the flowering phenology of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), and preferentially forage in trees with more flowers. Furthermore, the flowering phenology of honey mesquite reliably predicts overall arthropod abundance as well as the arthropods preferred by migrants for food. 4. Together, these results suggest that honey mesquite flowering phenology is an important cue used by migrants to assess food availability quickly and reliably, while in transit during spring migration.  相似文献   

Two methodological approaches are compared with regard to their usefulness for providing explanations of observed faunal differences along Atlantic-Mediterranean coasts. A set of distribution data of ascidians containing 519 species and 80 genera was used for this purpose. Similarity methods were applied to establish the faunal affinities between distribution areas, and the measurement of β diversity and ecological distances along unidimensional gradients by non-lineal rescaling (using Detrended Correspondence Analysis) was undertaken for determining the steepness of ecotones existing along spatial gradients; these were analysed to detect the principal faunal changes, as well as their concordance with the commonly accepted limits for the classical biogeographical areas. There are fewer widely distributed species of shallow-water ascidians than in the Indo-Pacific region. Marked environmental changes within the Atlantic Ocean translate into significant differences in the composition of ascidian assemblages both in a latitudinal range and between the western and eastern sides. Few species show an amphi-Adantic range and most of these correspond with typically cosmopolitan species which are in general associated with shipping traffic or other forms of man-made transport. Three main endemism areas can be distinguished for Adantic-Mediterranean ascidian fauna involving genera and species: Caribbean, Mediterranean and south-west African. The rest of the shallow-water regions act as transitional or buffer zones where the genetic flows are generally maintained, although an increase in the number of certain species is found in some areas. This transitional role is mosdy found in the European Adantic coasts from the British Isles towards the Senegalian subregion, where gradual changes in ascidian populations occur: cold-water and tropical species at their southern and northern boundaries are substituted by temperate and subtropical species at the entrance of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The coastal marine environment is currently under threat from many anthropogenic pressures that were identified by the MARES project. Indicators of ecosystem health are needed so that targets can be set to guide protection and restoration efforts. Species of birds that are dependent on coastal habitats are ubiquitous along the coasts of southern Florida. Generally referred to as waterbirds, these species, although not all taxonomically related, share a common dependency on the marine environment for food, nesting habitat, or both. A suite of waterbirds was selected based on their perceived sensitivity to pressures in multiple coastal habitat types. The list of species was refined on the basis of a review of life history for characteristics that might make the species particularly vulnerable. Each selected species was then evaluated for sensitivity to the identified pressures using a hierarchical assessment that took into account the sensitivity, severity, and the temporal and spatial scales of the indicator to the given pressures. The selected suite of indicators was collectively sensitive to all the pressures except one.  相似文献   

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