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A new photosynthetic, sand‐dwelling marine dinoflagellate, Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea, based on detailed morphological and molecular data. A. reticulatum is a large (53–61 μm long and 38–48 μm wide), dorsoventrally compressed species, with the epitheca smaller than the hypotheca. The theca of this new species is thick and peculiarly ornamented with round to polygonal depressions forming a foveate‐reticulate thecal surface structure. The Kofoidian thecal tabulation is APC (Po, cp), 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 1p, 1′′′′ or alternatively it can be interpreted as APC, 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 2′′′′. The plate pattern of A. reticulatum is noticeably different from described dinoflagellate genera. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU and LSU rDNA genes did not show any supported affinities with currently known thecate dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

A new thecate, photosynthetic, sand‐dwelling marine dinoflagellate, Laciniporus arabicus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the subtidal sediments of the Omani coast in the Arabian Sea, northern Indian Ocean, based on detailed morphological and molecular data. Cells of L. arabicus are small (16.2–30.1 μm long and 13.1–23.2 μm wide), dorsoventrally compressed, with a small apical flap‐shaped projection pointing to the left. The thecal plate pattern is distinguished by minute first precingular plate and sulcus, which extends into the epitheca, with large anterior and right sulcal plates. The Kofoidian thecal tabulation is Po, X, 4′, 2a, 7′′, 6c, 6s, 5′′′, 2′′′′. Morphologically, the revealed plate pattern has an affinity to the Peridiniales, and LSU rDNA based phylogenetic analyses placed L. arabicus within the Thoracosphaeraceae, close to calcareous‐cyst producing scrippsielloids, predatory pfiesteriaceans, and photosynthetic freshwater peridinioids Chimonodinium lomnickii and Apocalathium spp. However, the thecal plate arrangement of L. arabicus differs noticeably from any currently described dinoflagellates, and the species stands out from closely related taxa by extensive differences in physiology and ecology.  相似文献   

A new marine sand‐dwelling coccoid dinoflagellate Pyramidodinium atrofuscum Horiguchi et Sukigara gen. et sp. nov. is described from Jellyfish Lake, Republic of Palau. The dinoflagellate alternates a non‐motile vegetative stage with a motile gymnodinioid stage within its life cycle. The non‐motile stage is dominant in the life cycle and the dinoflagellate reproduces itself by means of the production of two motile cells. The released motile cell swims only for a short period and is directly transformed into the non‐motile cell. The non‐motile cell is sessile, pyramidal in shape, with a single longitudinal ridge and a double transverse ridge. The surface of the cell wall is covered with many processes. The motile cell has a Gymnodinium‐like morphology, but no apical groove is present. An ultrastructural study revealed that the dinoflagellate possesses typical dinoflagellate organelles. Based on the unique morphology of the vegetative non‐motile stage, we propose a new genus Pyramidodinium for this dinoflagellate, with the type species Pyramidodinium atrofuscum Horiguchi et Sukigara, gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new species of marine sand‐dwelling dinoflagellate, Plagiodinium ballux N. Yamada, Dawut, R. Terada & T. Horiguchi is described from a deep (36 m) seafloor off Takeshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan in the subtropical region of the northwest Pacific. The species is thecate and superficially resembles species of Prorocentrum, but possesses an extremely small epitheca. The cell varies from ovoid to a rounded square, and is small (15.0–22.5 μm in length) and laterally compressed. The thecal plates are smooth and the thecal plate arrangement (Po, 1′, 0a, 5″, 5C, 2S, 5?, 0p, 1″″) is similar to that of Plagiodinium belizeanum, the type species of the genus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA and partial LSU rDNA reveal that the dinoflagellate is closely related to P. belizeanum, but it can be clearly distinguished by its size and cell shape. This suite of morphological and molecular differences leads to the conclusion that this deep benthic dinoflagellate represents a new species of the genus Plagiodinium.  相似文献   

A new species of Amphidinium, A. cupulatisquama Tamura et Horiguchi, from sand samples from Ikei Island, Okinawa Prefecture in subtropical Japan, is described based on light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and the partial sequencing of the large subunit rDNA gene. The species has a typical morphology for the genus, but is distinguished from previously described species by having a combination of the following characteristics: (i) a relatively large cell (over 30 µm in length); (ii) possessing an eyespot on the dorsal side of the cingulum; (iii) the longitudinal flagellum emerging from a point close to the cingulum; (iv) cell division taking place in the motile phase; and (v) possessing body scales. This is the third species of this genus to possess body scales. The body scales of A. cupulatisquama are uniform and cup‐shaped in side view and elliptical in face view. Their dimensions are 136.4 nm by 91.0 nm by 81.8 nm high. In side view, the scale is seen to have a thick lower half and a thin upper half. This scale type is very different from those of previously reported Amphidinium species (HG114 and HG115). The molecular tree indicated that A. cupulatisquama and the two other strains of body scale‐bearing Amphidinium are distantly related within the Amphidinium clade.  相似文献   

Two monospecific genera of marine benthic dinoflagellates, Adenoides and Pseudadenoides, have unusual thecal tabulation patterns (lack of cingular plates in the former; and no precingular plates and a complete posterior intercalary plate series in the latter) and are thus difficult to place within a phylogenetic framework. Although both genera share morphological similarities, they have not formed sister taxa in previous molecular phylogenetic analyses. We discovered and characterized a new species of Pseudadenoides, P. polypyrenoides sp. nov., at both the ultrastructural and molecular phylogenetic levels. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA sequences demonstrated a close relationship between P. polypyrenoides sp. nov. and Pseudadenoides kofoidii, and Adenoides and Pseudadenoides formed sister taxa in phylogenetic trees inferred from LSU rDNA sequences. Comparisons of morphological traits, such as the apical pore complex (APC), demonstrated similarities between Adenoides, Pseudadenoides and several planktonic genera (e.g. Heterocapsa, Azadinium and Amphidoma). Molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA sequences also demonstrated an undescribed species within Adenoides.  相似文献   

A new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate is described from Sesoko Beach, Okinawa Island, subtropical Japan and its micromorphology is studied by means of light and electron microscopy. The cell consists of a small epitheca and a large hypothecs superficially resembling members of the unarmored genus Amphidinium. The cell is dorso-ventrally flattened and possesses a single chloroplast with a large conspicuous pyrenoid. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the dinoflagellate possesses typical dinoflagellate cellular organization. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the organism is thecate and the thecal plate arrangement is Po, 4′, 1a, 7″, 5c, 4s, 6″′, 2″″. Most of the characteristics suggest gonyaulacalean affinity of the new species. These are the presence of ventral pore, lack of canal plate, direct contact between the sulcal anterior plate and the flagellar pore, possession of six postcingular plates and asymmetrical arrangement of the antapical plates. Affinity to existing families of the order Gonyaulacales has not been determined. Based on the unique cell shape, thecal plate arrangement and the presence of ventral pore, a new genus, Amphidiniella, is established for this organism and the species is named A. sedentaria Horiguchi gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

The symbiotic dinoflagellate Gymnoxanthella radiolariae T. Yuasa et T. Horiguchi gen. et sp. nov. isolated from polycystine radiolarians is described herein based on light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy as well as molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA sequences. Motile cells of G. radiolariae were obtained in culture, and appeared to be unarmored. The cells were 9.1–11.4 μm long and 5.7–9.4 μm wide, and oval to elongate oval in the ventral view. They possessed an counterclockwise horseshoe‐shaped apical groove, a nuclear envelope with vesicular chambers, cingulum displacement with one cingulum width, and the nuclear fibrous connective; all of these are characteristics of Gymnodinium sensu stricto (Gymnodinium s.s.). Molecular phylogenetic analyses also indicated that G. radiolariae belongs to the clade of Gymnodinium s.s. However, in our molecular phylogenetic trees, G. radiolariae was distantly related to Gymnodinium fuscum, the type species of Gymnodinium. Based on the consistent morphological, genetic, and ecological divergence of our species with the other genera and species of Gymnodinium s.s., we considered it justified to erect a new, separate genus and species G. radiolariae gen. et sp. nov. As for the peridinioid symbiont of radiolarians, Brandtodinium has been erected as a new genus instead of Zooxanthella, but the name Zooxanthella is still valid. Brandtodinium is a junior synonym of Zooxanthella. Our results suggest that at least two dinoflagellate symbiont species, peridinioid Zooxanthella nutricula and gymnodinioid G. radiolariae, exist in radiolarians, and that they may have been mixed and reported as “Z. nutricula” since the 19th century.  相似文献   

The new benthic toxic dinoflagellate, Ostreopsis fattorussoi sp. nov., is described from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon and Cyprus coasts, and is supported by morphological and molecular data. The plate formula, Po, 3′, 7″, 6c, 7s, 5?, 2′′′′, is typical for the Ostreopsis genus. It differs from all other Ostreopsis species in that (i) the curved suture between plates 1′ and 3′ makes them approximately hexagonal, (ii) the 1′ plate lies in the left half of the epitheca and is obliquely orientated leading to a characteristic shape of plate 6″. The round thecal pores are bigger than the other two Mediterranean species (O. cf. ovata and O. cf. siamensis). O. fattorussoi is among the smallest species of the genus (DV: 60.07 ± 5.63 μm, AP: 25.66 ± 2.97 μm, W: 39.81 ± 5.05 μm) along with O. ovata. Phylogenetic analyses based on the LSU and internal transcribed spacer rDNA shows that O. fattorussoi belongs to the Atlantic/Mediterranean Ostreopsis spp. clade separated from the other Ostreopsis species. Ostreopsis fattorussoi produces OVTX‐a and structural isomers OVTX‐d and ‐e, O. cf. ovata is the only other species of this genus known to produce these toxins. The Lebanese O. fattorussoi did not produce the new palytoxin‐like compounds (ovatoxin‐i, ovatoxin‐j1, ovatoxin‐j2, and ovatoxin‐k) that were previously found in O. fattorussoi from Cyprus. The toxin content was in the range of 0.28–0.94 pg · cell?1. On the Lebanon coast, O. fattorussoi was recorded throughout the year 2015 (temperature range 18°C–31.5°C), with peaks in June and August.  相似文献   

During daily monitoring in Yongho Bay off Busan, Korea in 2019, an isolate of the dinoflagellate genus Heterocapsa was established in clonal culture. Light and electron microscopic examination revealed that the isolate was ellipsoid in shape, exhibiting a thecal plate arrangement (Po, cp, X, 5′, 3a, 7″, 6c, 5s, 5‴, 2ʹʹʹʹ) consistent with most other Heterocapsa species. A large, elongated nucleus was positioned on the left side of the cell, a single reticulate chloroplast was located peripherally, and a single, starch-sheathed, spherical pyrenoid was present in the episome or near the cingulum. Morphologically, the isolate most closely resembles H. circularisquama and H. illdefina. Transmission electron microscopic examination of whole mounts revealed that the isolate had two body scale types, one of which was a complex, three-dimensional, fine structure distinct from other Heterocapsa species, whereas the other simpler type was structurally similar to the scales of H. horiguchii. Molecular phylogeny based on rRNA sequences revealed that the isolate was distantly related to morphologically similar species, but formed a sister lineage to H. horiguchii, a species characterized by a similar body scale morphology. Based on morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular data, we proposed it as a new species, Heterocapsa busanensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new species of toxic benthic dinoflagellate is described based on laboratory cultures isolated from two locations from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. The morphology was studied with SEM and LM. Cells are elliptical in right thecal view and flat. They are 37–44 μm long and 29–36 μm wide. The right thecal plate has a V shaped indentation where six platelets can be identified. The thecal surface of both thecal plates is smooth and has round or kidney shaped and uniformly distributed pores except in the central area of the cell, and a line of marginal pores. Some cells present an elongated depression on the central area of the apical part of the right thecal plate. Prorocentrum caipirignum is similar to Prorocentrum lima in its morphology, but can be differentiated by the general cell shape, being elliptical while P. lima is ovoid. In the phylogenetic trees based on ITS and LSU rDNA sequences, the P. caipirignum clade appears close to the clades of P. lima and Prorocentrum hoffmannianum. The Brazilian strains of P. caipirignum formed a clade with strains from Cuba, Hainan Island and Malaysia and it is therefore likely that this new species has a broad tropical distribution. Prorocentrum caipirignum is a toxic species that produces okadaic acid and the fast acting toxin prorocentrolide.  相似文献   

A new species of benthic marine dinoflagellate, Pyramidodinium spinulosum Horiguchi, Moriya, Pinto & Terada is described from the deep (36 m) seafloor off Mageshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan in the subtropical region of the northwest Pacific. The life cycle of the dinoflagellate consists of a dominant, attached, dome‐shaped, vegetative form and short‐lasting, motile cell. Asexual reproduction takes place by the formation of two motile cells within each non‐motile cell. The released motile cells swim only for a short period and transform directly into the dome‐shaped vegetative form. The duration of the cell cycle varies and can be extremely long, ranging 5–38 days under culture conditions. The non‐motile cell is enclosed by a cell wall and its surface is covered with many (80 – 130) spines of various length. The dinoflagellate is photosynthetic and contains many (more than 50) discoidal chloroplasts. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the dinoflagellate is closely related to the type species of the genus Pyramidodinium, P. atrofuscum which also possesses a dominant, attached, non‐motile form. However, P. spinulosum can be clearly distinguished from P. atrofuscum by the cell shape (dome‐shaped vs. pyramid‐shaped) and surface ornamentation (spines vs. wart‐like processes) of the non‐motile form. Based on these morphological differences together with molecular evidence, it was concluded that this organism from a deep water sand sample should be described as a second species of the genus Pyramidodinium, P. spinulosum.  相似文献   

Cellular morphology and the phylogenetic position of a new unarmored photosynthetic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium fulvescens Iwataki, Kawami et Matsuoka sp. nov. were examined by light microscopy and molecular phylogenetic analyses based on partial large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA) and small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. The cells of C. fulvescens closely resemble C. polykrikoides, one of the most harmful red tide forming dinoflagellates, due to it possessing a cingulum encircling the cell approximately twice, a spherical nucleus positioned in the anterior part of the cell and an eyespot‐like orange pigmented body located in the dorsal side of the epicone, as well as formation of cell‐chains. However, this species is clearly distinguished from C. polykrikoides based on several morphological characteristics, namely, cell size, shape of chloroplasts and the position of narrow sulcus situated in the cell surface. The sulcus of C. fulvescens is located at the intermediate position of the cingulum in the dorsal side, whereas that of C. polykrikoides is situated immediately beneath the cingulum. LSU rDNA phylogenies indicated that C. fulvescens is clearly distinct from, but closely related to C. polykrikoides among dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

A new, sand-dwelling, armored dinoflagellate, Roscoffia minor sp. nov., is described from Ishikari beach, Hokkaido, Japan. The dinoflagellate has been collected from sand samples taken both near the water's edge and further upshore (25 m from the water's edge at a depth of 1 m), indicating that it is a true sand-dwelling species. Roscoffia minor is heterotrophic and lacks both a chloroplast and an eye-spot. The cell consists of a flattened cap-shaped epitheca and a large hemispheroidal hypotheca, and it is quite different from cells of the typical armored dinoflagellates. The thecal plate formula is: Po, 3′, la, 5″, 3c, 3s, 5″, 1″″. Its distinct cell shape and the thecal plate arrangement indicate affinity to the monotypic genus Roscoffia. Roscoffia minor is distinguished from Roscoffia capitata, the type species, by its smaller size and the possession of a finger-like apical projection. The thecal arrangement of the epitheca is similar to those of the members of the family Podolampaceae, while the hypothecal arrangement is the same as that of members of the subfamily Diplopsalioideae (family Congruentidiaceae). The organism seems to be positioned somewhere intermediate between these two families, but the family to which this dinoflagellate should be affiliated could not be determined.  相似文献   

A new armored dinoflagellate species, Heterocapsa psammophila Tamura, Iwataki et Horiguchi sp. nov. is described from Kenmin‐no‐hama beach, Hiroshima, Japan using light and electron microscopy. This dinoflagellate possesses the typical thecal plate arrangement of the genus Heterocapsa, Po, cp, 5′, 3a, 7′′, 6c, 5s, 5′′′, 2′′′′; and the 3‐D body scales of Heterocapsa on the plasma membrane. The cell shape is ovoidal. The spherical nucleus and the pyrenoid are situated in the hypotheca and the epitheca, respectively. The ultrastructure of H. psammophila is typical of dinoflagellates and the pyrenoid is invaginated by cytoplasmic tubules. H. psammophila is distinguished from all other hitherto‐described Heterocapsa species by the cell shape, the relative position of the nucleus and pyrenoid and the structure of the body scale. The habitat and behavior of this new species in culture suggest that the organism is truly a sand‐dwelling species.  相似文献   

任菲  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,(8):901-905
对来自我国不同地区的柔膜菌科真菌材料进行了分类研究,在海南省发现一个新属,命名为华胶垫菌属Sinocalloriopsis,模式种为华胶垫菌S.guttulata。以下性状组合为该属区别于相近属的显著特征:子囊盘盘状至垫状,淡色,无柄;外囊盘被组织胶化,细胞及菌丝淡色;子囊孢子梭形,单细胞,内含油滴;侧丝顶端呈头状。对新属的属征及其与近似属的区别进行了讨论,对新种进行了详细的描述和图示。  相似文献   

A new genus of sand‐dwelling photosynthetic dinoflagellate, Testudodinium Horiguchi, Tamura, Katsumata et A. Yamaguchi is proposed based on Testudodinium testudo (Herdman) Horiguchi, Tamura, Katsumata, et A. Yamaguchi comb. nov. (Basionym: Amphidinium testudo Herdman) and a new species in this new genus, Testudodinium maedaense Katsumata et Horiguchi sp. nov. is described. Amphidinium corrugatum is also transferred to this genus, making a new combination T. corrugatum (Larsen et Patterson) Horiguchi, Tamura et A. Yamaguchi. These three species are similar to the members of the genus Amphidinium in having an extremely small episome and a dorsoventrally flattened cell body. They are, however, distinguished from the genus Amphidinium seusu stricto by the possession of a distinct longitudinal furrow in the middle of ventral side of the episome. Phylogenetic trees based on small subunit (SSU) rDNA revealed that all three of these Testudodinium species formed a robust clade and, although statistical support is not high, the tree suggests Testudodinium clade is not closely related to Amphidinium seusu stricto clade. The morphological differences together with molecular data support the establishment of a new genus for A. testudo and its related species.  相似文献   

A new athecate dinoflagellate, Bispinodinium angelaceum N. Yamada et Horiguchi gen. et sp. nov., is described from a sand sample collected on the seafloor at a depth of 36 m off Mageshima Island, subtropical Japan. The dinoflagellate is dorsiventrally compressed and axi‐symmetric along the sulcus. The morphology resembles that of the genus Amphidinium sensu lato by having a small epicone that is less than one third of the total cell length. However, it has a new type of apical groove, the path of which traces the outline of a magnifying glass. The circular component of this path forms a complete circle in the center of the epicone and the straight “handle” runs from the sulcus to the circular component. Inside the cell, a pair of elongated fibrous structure termed here the “spinoid apparatus” extends from just beneath the circular apical groove to a point near the nucleus. Each of two paired structures consists of at least 10 hyaline fibers and this is a novel structure found in dinoflagellates. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU and LSU RNA genes did not show any high bootstrap affinities with currently known athecate dinoflagellates. On the basis of its novel morphological features and molecular signal, we conclude that this dinoflagellate should be described as a new species belonging to a new genus.  相似文献   

Specimens of dinoflagellate collected in tide pools along the Pacific coast of central and southern Japan are described as a new species,Scrippsiella hexapraecingula Horiguchi et Chihara, of the Peridiniaceae (Class Dinophyceae). The plate formula is pp, x, 4′, 3a, 6″, 6c, 5‴, 2″" and, 5s, the same as that of other species ofScrippsiella, except in lacking one precingular plate. The genus must be emended, therefore, as having either six or seven precingular plates. This dinoflagellate migrates diurnally. In the morning motile cells are released from non-motile cells attached to the substrate and in the evening the motile cells swim down to settle on the bottom of the tide pool. Attached non-motile cells form either motile mono- or bispores. Sexual reproduction was not observed.  相似文献   

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