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A systematic overview is presented of the literature that reports the antifouling (AF) protection of underwater structures via the action of enzymes. The overall aim of this review is to assess the state of the art of enzymatic AF technology, and to highlight the obstacles that have to be overcome for successful development of enzymatic AF coatings. The approaches described in the literature are divided into direct and indirect enzymatic AF, depending on the intended action of the enzymes. Direct antifouling is used when the enzymes themselves are active antifoulants. Indirect antifouling refers to the use of enzymes to release an active biocide with AF activity. For direct AF, several patents have been granted, and a commercial product has been launched. However, the achievement of an efficient broad-spectrum AF coating based on a single or a few enzymes has not yet been achieved. An indirect AF coating is not yet available commercially. The technology is mainly limited by the instability of substrate supply, whether the substrates are found in the surrounding seawater or in the coating itself. Legislative issues regarding which part(s) of an enzyme system should be regarded as biocidal for product registration purposes are also considered. The above question currently remains unanswered for technologies utilising indirect enzymatic AF.  相似文献   

A highly potent attachment-inhibitor, polygodial, was isolated from a hexane extract of the leaves of Tasmannia lanceolata. The attachment-inhibiting activity of polygodial against the blue mussel was increased 4-fold when used in combination with sorbic acid, anethole, and indole.  相似文献   


Straight-hinge veliger and pediveliger larvae of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were refrigerated for varying periods for use in bioassays. Straight-hinge veliger larvae grew to the umbo-veliger stage after 2 months in the refrigerator, but no pediveligers were observed during the 3-month refrigeration period. The average survival rate of larvae in the refrigerator was 79% after 1 month, but gradually decreased with the refrigeration period, and was as low as 22% after 3 months. All refrigerated larvae grew to the pediveliger stage in the incubator at 17°C at the same rate as that of the control larvae that were not refrigerated. Settlement and metamorphosis of pediveligers from both refrigerated and control groups were facilitated by microbial film and epinephrine and inhibited by phentolamine. Thus, refrigeration can be used as an effective method of storing larvae of M. galloprovincialis for use in assays to assess candidate settlement inducers and antifouling substances.  相似文献   


Due to the forthcoming IMO ban on the use of tributyltin (TBT) antifouling paints, a new generation of TBT-free coatings has been developed that typically contain cuprous oxide and an organic co-biocide. Accurate and reproducible test methods are needed to evaluate the performance and environmental impact of these new coatings. This study investigated a methodology for evaluating TBT-free, AF coatings containing cuprous oxide. A commercially available AF coating underwent rotary immersion testing at 0, 0.51 and 2.05 m s?1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis were used to assess leach layer formation, percentage cuprous oxide by weight and particle size distribution (PSD). Biocide release rates and surface roughness were also measured. An increase in rotary speed caused a spike in Cu2+ release rate after which the release rate stabilised to previous levels. An increase in leach layer thickness was also observed after the rotary speed increase. A model is suggested to account for the observations.  相似文献   

Fouling organisms in bivalve aquaculture cause significant economic losses for the industry. Managing biofouling is typically reactive, and involves time- and labour-intensive removal techniques. Mussel spat settlement and biofouling were documented over 20 months at three mussel farms within Port Phillip Bay (PPB), Australia to determine if knowledge of settlement patterns could assist farmers in avoiding biofouling. Mussel spat settlement was largely confined to a 2-month period at one farm. Of the problematic foulers, Ectopleura crocea settlement varied in space and time at all three farms, whilst Ciona intestinalis and Pomatoceros taeniata were present predominantly at one farm and exhibited more distinct settlement periods. Within PPB, complete avoidance of biofouling is impossible. However, diligent monitoring may help farmers avoid peaks in detrimental biofouling species and allow them to implement removal strategies such as manual cleaning, and postpone grading and re-socking practices, until after these peaks.  相似文献   

This study investigated the physiology and behaviour following treatment with ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), of Pseudomonas fluorescens in both the planktonic and sessile states. Steady-state biofilms and planktonic cells were collected from a bioreactor and their extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were extracted using a method that did not destroy the cells. Cell structure and physiology after EPS extraction were compared in terms of respiratory activity, morphology, cell protein and polysaccharide content, and expression of the outer membrane proteins (OMP). Significant differences were found between the physiological parameters analysed. Planktonic cells were more metabolically active, and contained greater amounts of proteins and polysaccharides than biofilm cells. Moreover, biofilm formation promoted the expression of distinct OMP. Additional experiments were performed with cells after EPS extraction in order to compare the susceptibility of planktonic and biofilm cells to OPA. Cells were completely inactivated after exposure to the biocide (minimum bactericidal concentration, MBC = 0.55 ± 0.20 mM for planktonic cells; MBC = 1.7 ± 0.30 mM for biofilm cells). After treatment, the potential of inactivated cells to recover from antimicrobial exposure was evaluated over time. Planktonic cells remained inactive over 48 h while cells from biofilms recovered 24 h after exposure to OPA, and the number of viable and culturable cells increased over time. The MBC of the recovered biofilm cells after a second exposure to OPA was 0.58 ± 0.40 mM, a concentration similar to the MBC of planktonic cells. This study demonstrates that persister cells may survive in biocide-treated biofilms, even in the absence of EPS.  相似文献   

Biofouling is one of the challenges that can strongly affect the finfish farm economy. Although several studies on biofouling in aquaculture have been conducted in the Mediterranean Sea, they focused on specific taxa or were limited to a particular period of sampling. The present study investigated for the first time the development, composition and variation in a biofouling community in a finfish farm with immersion time, season and depth. The results indicate that all these factors influence biofouling succession and recruitment. Moreover, the species that had a crucial role in structuring the community and in the farm cleaning activities were the ascidian Styela plicata and the bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis. Compared with the literature data, the results highlight the heterogeneity in the composition of the biofouling present in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, such knowledge of the biofouling community could provide important information about management efforts and the costs that farmers will face when siting new fish farms.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of smooth shelled blue mussels of the genus Mytilus has received considerable attention in the last 25 years. Despite this, the situation in the southern hemisphere remains uncertain and is in need of clarification. Recent work suggests that contemporary New Zealand mussels from two cool/cold temperate locations are M. galloprovincialis. However, the distribution of Mytilus in New Zealand ranges from 35 ° to 52 ° south (~ 1800 km), meaning that large areas of the subtropical/warm temperate north and the subantarctic south remain unsampled, an important consideration when species of this genus exhibit pronounced macrogeographical differences in their distributions which are associated with environmental variables such as water temperature, salinity, wave action and ice cover. This study employed multivariate morphometric analyses of one fossil, 83 valves from middens, and 92 contemporary valves from sites spanning the distributional range of blue mussels to determine a historical and contemporary perspective of the taxonomic status of Mytilus in New Zealand. The findings indicated that all fossil and midden mussels are best regarded as M. galloprovincialis and confirmed that contemporary mussels, with one possible regional exception, are also best regarded as M. galloprovincialis. Contemporary mussels from the Bay of Islands (warm temperate/subtropical) exhibited much greater affinity to M. edulis than they did to M. galloprovincialis, indicating that mussels from this area require detailed genetic examination to determine their taxonomic status. The analyses revealed a significant difference between the fossil/midden mussels and the contemporary mussels, consistent with levels of present day differentiation among intraspecific populations and not thought to reflect any substantive temporal change between mussels of the two groups. The continuous distribution of M. galloprovincialis in New Zealand from the warm north to the subantarctic south indicates that the physiology of this species is adapted to a wide range of water temperature conditions. Therefore, the distribution of this species on a worldwide scale is unlikely to be restricted by its adaptation to warm water alone, as has previously been widely assumed. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 329–344.  相似文献   

为了科学施药, 合理保护和利用天敌对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera进行综合防治, 本研究在室内测定和比较了复配杀虫剂BtA和7种常用杀虫剂(阿维菌素、 Bt、 β-氯氰菊酯、辛硫磷、定虫隆、氰戊菊酯和丁硫克百威)对棉铃虫的杀虫效果及对其天敌中红侧沟茧蜂Microplitis mediator蛹和雌成虫的触杀毒性。采用浸叶法测定杀虫剂在室内72 h内对棉铃虫3龄幼虫的杀虫效果, 结果表明: 与其他杀虫剂相比, BtA对棉铃虫幼虫具有更高的毒性和致死效应 (LC50=0.7364 mg/mL)。将棉铃虫3龄幼虫接到用浓度4 mg/mL上述杀虫剂分别处理过的大白菜上24, 48和72 h, 发现其死亡率之间存在显著差异(P≤0.05)。但在72 h后, BtA和其他杀虫剂对棉铃虫幼虫的杀虫效果之间并无显著差异(P>0.05)。BtA施药后, 随着时间的延长, 棉铃虫幼虫的死亡率也在增加。另外, 通过杀虫剂对寄生蜂中红侧沟茧蜂蛹和雌成虫的触杀毒性的生物测定发现: 与β-氯氰菊酯、 氰戊菊酯和丁硫克百威相比, BtA对中红侧沟茧蜂蛹和雌成虫的毒性较低, 对其蛹和雌成虫致死率分别仅为13.82%和7.33%。本研究证明BtA对鳞翅目害虫具有中等毒性, 而对寄生蜂中红侧沟茧蜂则具有较低毒性。  相似文献   

A test matrix of antifouling (AF) coatings including pMMA, an erodible binder and a novel trityl copolymer incorporating Cu2O and a furan derivative (FD) natural product, were subjected to pontoon immersion and accelerated rotor tests. Fluorescence and optical microscopy techniques were applied to these coatings for quantification of organic biocide and pigment distribution. Total leaching of the biocide from the novel copolymer binder was observed within 6 months of rotor immersion, compared to 35% from the pMMA coating. In pontoon immersions, 61% of the additive was lost from the pMMA coating, and 53% from the erodible binder. Profiles of FD content in the binders revealed an accelerated loss of additive from the surface of the CDP resulting from rosin degradation, compared to even depletion from pMMA. In all samples, release of the biocide was inhibited beyond the Cu2O front, corresponding to the leached layer in samples where Cu2O release occurred.  相似文献   

The response of isolated digestive cells of the digestive gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis to hypotonic shock was studied using videometric methods. The isolated cells exposed to a rapid change (from 1100 to 800 mosmol kg?1) of the bathing solution osmolality swelled but thereafter underwent a regulatory volume decrease (RVD), tending to recover the original size. When the hypotonic stress was applied in the presence of quinine and glibenclamide, known inhibitors of swelling activated ion channels, the cells did not exhibit an RVD response; in addition, they showed a larger increase in size in respect to control cells. These observations suggest that the digestive cells of the digestive gland have the machinery to cope with the hyposmotic shock allowing them to exhibit a small but significant RVD preventing an excessive increase in cell size. The pharmacological treatment of digestive cells during the RVD experiments suggests that cell volume is regulated by K+ and Cl? efflux followed by an obliged water efflux from the cell. The involvement of organic osmolytes such as taurine and betaine seems to be excluded by NMR measurement on digestive cells. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The activity and the tissue distribution of the oxygen radical producing enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) were measured in the digestive gland of the common marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk along an annual cycle. No xanthine oxidase (XOX) activity could be measured, the enzyme only displaying xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activity in all the cases. This is interpreted as a mechanism to avoid the harmful effects of the oxygen radicals that would be produced by XOX during periods following anoxic conditions at low tide. The highest XDH activities coincided with the late spring/early summer months, the activity maxima being recorded from May to July. Histochemically XOR activity was very pronounced in duct and stomach epithelial cells as well as in the surrounding connective tissue and hemolymph vessels, the activity increasing towards the summer months. These seasonal variations in XDH or XOR activities are possibly linked to hormonal changes governing the reproductive cycle and to changes in food availability. The localization of the protein in the connective tissue lining the hemolymph vessels was confirmed immunohistochemically using a polyclonal antibody against rat liver protein that cross-reacted specifically with a polypeptide of 150 kDa of molecular mass in homogenates of the digestive gland. This polypeptide was linked to cytosolic fractions isolated by differential centrifugation from mussel digestive glands. In paraffin sections the antibody labeled the digestive cells of digestive tubules, as well as the connective tissue surrounding the hemolymph vessels, gonadal follicles, digestive epithelia and certain protozoan parasites. Taken together our results suggest that in the digestive gland of bivalve molluscs XOR is involved in the metabolism of purines and in the scavenging of oxygen free radicals.  相似文献   


Although a total ban on the use of TBT coatings is not expected in the short term, there is a growing need for environmentally safe antifouling systems. To assist in the rapid screening of a large number of potential antifouling substances, a method that is simple, efficient and inexpensive is required. The production of byssus threads by the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, has often been studied for testing the antifouling efficacy of various compounds. The present study reports a new antifouling assay based on the inhibition of purified M. edulis phenoloxidase activity. The method has the advantage of being specific, reliable, sensitive and rapid.  相似文献   


Biodegradable polymers are promising binders and carriers for natural antifoulants. In the present study, an antifouling (AF) coating was developed by adding a non-toxic AF compound (butenolide) to a bio-based and biodegradable poly(lactic acid)-based polyurethane. Mass loss measurement showed that the polymer degraded in seawater at a rate of 0.013?mg cm?2?day?1. Measurements showed that butenolide was released from the coatings into seawater over a period of at least three months. Both the concentration of butenolide in the coatings and the ambient temperature determined the release rate of butenolide. The results further demonstrate that incorporating rosin into the coatings increase the self-renewal rate of the polymer and facilitated the long-term release of butenolide from the coating. The results show that poly(lactic acid)-based polyurethane is a suitable polymer for butenolide-based AF coatings.  相似文献   

The smooth shelled blue mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk (Bivalvia: Mollusca) arrived in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawai'i on 22 June 1998 as a member of the fouling community of the USS Missouri, and mussel spawning activity was observed within 2h of the vessel's arrival. Small mussels (<10mm shell length, approximately 6 weeks post-metamorphosis) were collected on 30 September 1998 from a submarine ballast tank in Pearl Harbor, indicating that a successful recruitment event had taken place very soon after the first arrival of the species at this location. We suggest that even if M. galloprovincialis is not able to establish permanently within Pearl Harbor, the fact that it has been able to successfully spawn and recruit to another shipping vector within the Harbor indicates that a stepping stone model of range expansion from temperate to temperate region via an intermediary subtropical environment is quite feasible for this species. Data from worldwide distributions of mussels of the family Mytilidae indicate that preferred habitats are eutrophic continental shelf regions, which suggests that successful establishment within Pearl Harbor is possible. However, oceanic coral-reef environments are not preferred habitat types, suggesting that M. galloprovincialis is not likely to become widely distributed in the Hawaiian Islands.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate micro-organisms capable of utilizing polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) as a sole source of nitrogen, and to demonstrate biodegradation of the biocide. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two consortia of bacteria were successfully enriched at the expense of PHMB, using sand from PHMB-treated swimming pools as inoculum. Both consortia were shown to contain bacteria belonging to the genera Sphingomonas, Azospirillum and Mesorhizobium. It was shown that the presence of both Sphingomonas and Azospirillum spp. was required for extensive growth of the consortia. In addition, the Sphingomonads were the only isolates capable of growth in axenic cultures dosed with PHMB. Using a stable isotope (15N)-labelled PHMB, metabolism of the biocide by both consortia was demonstrated. By comparing the level of 15N atom incorporation into bacterial DNA after growth on either 15N-PHMB or 15N-labelled NH4Cl, it was possible to estimate the percentage of PHMB biodegradation. CONCLUSIONS: The microbial metabolism of nitrogen from the biguanide moiety of PHMB has been demonstrated. It was revealed that Sphingomonas and Azospirillum spp. are the principal organisms responsible for growth at the expense of PHMB. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first study to demonstrate the microbial metabolism of PHMB.  相似文献   

Interaction of poly(hexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride) (PHMB), which is a polymeric biocide bearing biguanide groups in its main chain, with phospholipid bilayers was studied by the fluorescence depolarization method. A strong interaction of PHMB with negatively charged bilayers composed of phosphatidylglycerol(PG) alone or of PG and phosphatidylcholine (PC) was observed, whereas neutral PC bilayers were not affected. On adding PHMB, the fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene embedded in the negatively charged bilayers was reduced to a great extent, especially in the gel phase. This was interpreted in terms of PHMB-induced expansion and fluidization of the bilayer, which enables the probe molecule to undergo less-hindered torsional motion. Similarity between PHMB and polymyxin B in the structure, the mode of action against bacteria and the interaction with lipid membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel, non-toxic strategy to combat marine biofouling is presented. The technology is paint with additions of up to 43% of industrial protein. Through microbial degradation of the protein component, an oxygen-depleted layer rapidly forms in a 0.2 mm layer close to the paint surface. With the present paint formulations, a stable, O2-depleted layer can persist for 16 weeks. Barnacle larvae (cyprids) did not settle on panels where oxygen saturation was <20%, and cyprids were killed when exposed to O2-free water for more than 1 h. It is also shown that the O2-depleted layer will rapidly reform (within 15 min) after exposure to turbulent flow. Field exposure of panels for 16 weeks showed that paint with protein reduced fouling by barnacles and bryozoans by 80% and close to 100%, respectively. The results suggest that this novel technology may be developed into a non-toxic alternative to copper-based antifouling paints, especially for pleasure boats in sensitive environments. There is clearly potential for further development of the paint formulation, and a full-scale test on a boat-hull suggested that service-life under realistic operations needs to be improved.  相似文献   

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