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Original and literature data supporting the evolutionary conservation of the morphofunctional organization of totipotent cells of germ and stem lineages in metazoan animals are reviewed. We studied stem cells of the colonial rhizocephalans, Peltogasterella gracilis, Polyascus polygenea and Thylacoplethus isaevae, the turbellarian Dugesia tigrina, the colonial hydroid Obelia longissima, and cultured embryonic stem cells of mouse. The typical germinal granules of germ plasm, selective expression of the activity of alkaline phosphatase and of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), which are known as markers of stem and primary germ cells of vertebrates, and the specific expression of the protein product of the vasa gene in cells of rhizocephalans, which is a marker of cells of germ and stem lineages of various metazoans, specified the stem cells of invertebrates of such different taxa. The self-renewing pool of totipotent stem cells is the cellular basis of the reproductive strategy, including sexual and asexual reproduction; such cells share morphofunctional features of embryonic stem and germline cells of Metazoa.  相似文献   

One of the main characteristics of sponges is their capacity for cell dedifferentiation. This capability can allow an impressive amount of asexual reproduction in these animals, because they are able to develop new individuals from just a few somatic cells. Studies of dedifferentiation, however, have focused mainly on sponges of the class Demospongiae. Therefore, we investigated here whether individuals of three different species of Calcarea are able to reconstitute new individuals following artificial fragmentation. We observed that fragmentation releases clumps of choanoderm able to initiate somatic embryogenesis. In Borojevia brasiliensis (asconoid aquiferous system, subclass Calcinea) and Paraleucilla magna (leuconoid aquiferous system, subclass Calcaronea), these clumps started to develop, but they did not pass through the first developmental phases. In Sycettusa hastifera (syconoid aquiferous system, subclass Calcaronea), the choanoderm was reorganized into primmorphs that fused to each other and formed an exopinacoderm. The first primmorphs’ spicules were triactines. Despite a large mortality rate, the primmorphs developed into olynthus stages. The somatic embryogenesis and the metamorphosis of the olynthus were similar to those observed during the sexual development of this and other calcareous sponge species. Our results show that in S. hastifera, and perhaps in other syconoid calcareous sponges, somatic embryogenesis occurs mainly from choanocytes, at least in vitro. However, primmorph development does not follow the same pattern observed in post‐metamorphic sexual development, as in that case diactines are always the first spicules to be synthesized in calcaronean species.  相似文献   

Modern stem cell biology has achieved a transformation that was thought by many to be every bit as unattainable as the ancient alchemists' dream of transforming base metals into gold. Exciting opportunities arise from the process known as 'cellular reprogramming' in which cells can be reliably changed from one tissue type to another. This is enabling novel approaches to more deeply investigate the fundamental basis of cell identity. In addition, new opportunities have also been created to study (perhaps even to treat) human genetic and degenerative diseases. Specific cell types that are affected in inherited disease can now be generated from easily accessible cells from the patient and compared with equivalent cells from healthy donors. The differences in cellular phenotype between the two may then be identified, and assays developed to establish therapies that prevent the development or progression of disease symptoms. Cellular reprogramming also has the potential to create new cells to replace those whose death or dysfunction causes disease symptoms. For patients suffering from inherited cases of degenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as motor neuron disease), the future realization of such cell-based therapies would truly be worth its weight in gold. However, before this enormous potential can become a reality, several significant biological and technical challenges must be overcome. Furthermore, to maintain the credibility of the scientific community with the general public, it is important that hope-inspiring advances are not over-hyped. The papers in this issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences cover many areas relevant to this topic. In this Introduction, we provide an overall context in which to consider these individual papers.  相似文献   

Published and original data indicating evolutionary conservation of the morphofunctional organization of reserve stem cells providing for asexual and sexual reproduction of invertebrates are reviewed. Stem cells were studied in representatives of five animal types: archeocytes in sponge Oscarella malakhovi (Porifera), large interstitial cells in colonial hydroid Obelia longissima (Cnidaria), neoblasts in an asexual race of planarian Girardia tigrina (Platyhelmintes), stem cells in colonial rhizocephalans Peltogasterella gracilis, Polyascus polygenea, and Thylacoplethus isaevae (Arthropoda), and colonial ascidian Botryllus tuberatus (Chordata). Stem cells in animals of such diverse taxa feature the presence of germinal granules, are positive for proliferating cell nuclear antigen, demonstrate alkaline phosphatase activity (a marker of embryonic stem cells and primary germ cells in vertebrates), and rhizocephalan stem cells express the vasa-like gene (such genes are expressed in germline cells of different metazoans). The self-renewing pool of stem cells is the cellular basis of the reproductive strategy including sexual and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

clonality V.0.4 is a program for testing heterozygosity-genet size relationships in clonal organisms using a randomization procedure. The software has been developed under the Borland Delphi developing environment and a Windows-executable version is freely downloadable from http://gemi.mpl.ird.fr/SiteSGASS/Prugnolle/ClonalityPage.html. The program compares the observed F(IS) of the population with the F(IS) expected if genets (multilocus genotypes present in multiple copies within the population) were chosen randomly from the set of different multilocus genotypes. The randomization procedure is performed with the same number of genets and the same number of repetitions per genet as what is observed in the original data set.  相似文献   

Regeneration in medicine is a concept that has roots dating back to the earliest known records of medical interventions. Unfortunately, its elusive promise has still yet to become a reality. In the field of plastic surgery, we use the common tools of the surgeon grounded in basic operative principles to achieve the present day equivalent of regenerative medicine. These reconstructive efforts involve a broad range of clinical deformities, both congenital and acquired. Outlined in this review are comments on clinical conditions and the current limitations to reconstruct these clinical entities in the effort to practice regenerative medicine. Cleft lip, microtia, breast reconstruction, and burn reconstruction have been selected as examples to demonstrate the incredible spectrum and diverse challenges that plastic surgeons attempt to reconstruct. However, on a molecular level, these vastly different clinical scenarios can be unified with basic understanding of development, alloplastic integration, wound healing, cell–cell, and cell‐matrix interactions. The themes of current and future molecular efforts involve coalescing approaches to recapitulate normal development in clinical scenarios when reconstruction is needed. It will be a better understanding of stem cells, scaffolding, and signaling with extracellular matrix interactions that will make this future possible. Eventually, reconstructive challenge will utilize more than the current instruments of surgical steel but engage complex interventions at the molecular level to sculpt true regeneration. Immense amounts of research are still needed but there is promise in the exploding fields of tissue engineering and stem cell biology that hint at great opportunities to improve the lives of our patients. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 84:322–334, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Acacia loderi, the ecosystem engineer of the endangered Acacia loderi Shrublands in arid eastern Australia, spans a persistent (> 15 000 year) but poorly studied landscape feature, the Darling River. We investigated the genetic structure of 19 stands of eight to > 1000 plants separated by < 300 km to test for variation in life histories between semi‐arid and arid stands to the east and west of the Darling River, respectively. Eight of nine stands east of the Darling were exclusively sexual, whereas most of those to the west were clonal. Three western stands were monoclonal, two were polyploid, and one was a diverse mix of diploid and triploid phenotypes. Bayesian analysis revealed a complex genetic structure within the western stands, whereas the eastern stands formed only two genetic clusters. Conservation of small stands may require augmentation of genotypic diversity. However, most genotypic diversity resides within the eastern stands. Although arid zone stands of A. loderi are not always clonal, clonality and polyploidy are more common in the arid west. Clear demarcation of life histories either side of the Darling River may reflect ancient or contemporary effects of physical disturbance associated with the river channel, or cryptic environmental differences, with sexual and asexual reproduction, respectively, at a selective premium in the semi‐arid east and arid west. The restricted distribution of clones and variation in clonality and polyploidy suggests that smaller stands may be vulnerable and warrant individual management.  相似文献   

The decline of tissue regenerative potential with the loss of stem cell function is a hallmark of mammalian aging. We study Botryllus schlosseri, a colonial chordate which exhibits robust stem cell-mediated regeneration capacities throughout life. Larvae, derived by sexual reproduction and chordate development, metamorphose to clonal founders that undergo weekly formation of new individuals by budding from stem cells. Individuals are transient structures which die through massive apoptosis, and successive buds mature to replicate an entire new body. As a result, their stem cells, which are the only self-renewing cells in a tissue, are the only cells which remain through the entire life of the genotype and retain the effects of time. During aging, a significant decrease in the colonies’ regenerative potential is observed and both sexual and asexual reproductions will eventually halt. When a parent colony is experimentally separated into a number of clonal replicates, they frequently undergo senescence simultaneously, suggesting a heritable factor that determines lifespan in these colonies. The availability of the recently published B. schlosseri genome coupled with its unique life cycle features promotes the use of this model organism for the study of the evolution of aging, stem cells, and mechanisms of regeneration.  相似文献   

Nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntESCs) show stem cell characteristics such as pluripotency but cause no immunological disorders. Although ntESCs are able to differentiate into somatic cells, the ability of ntESCs to differentiate into primordial germ cells (PGCs) has not been examined. In this work, we examined the capacity of mouse ntESCs to differentiate into PGCs in vitro. ntESCs aggregated to form embryoid bodies (EB) in EB culture medium supplemented with bone morphogenetic protein 4(BMP4) as the differentiation factor. The expression level of specific PGC genes was compared at days 4 and 8 using real time PCR. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining were used to detect Mvh as a specific PGC marker. ntESCs expressed particular genes related to different stages of PGC development. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining confirmed the presence of Mvh protein in a small number of cells. There were significant differences between cells that differentiated into PGCs in the group treated with Bmp4 compared to non-treated cells. These findings indicate that ntESCs can differentiate into putative PGCs. Improvement of ntESC differentiation into PGCs may be a reliable means of producing mature germ cells.  相似文献   

Joint morphogenesis involves signaling pathways and growth factors that recur in the adult life with less redundancy to safeguard joint homeostasis. Loss of such homeostasis due to abnormal signaling networks as in aging could lead to diseases such as osteoarthritis. Stem cells are the cellular counterpart and targets of the morphogenetic signals, and they function to maintain the tissues by ensuring replacement of cells lost to physiological turnover, injury, aging, and disease. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are key players in regenerative medicine for their ability to differentiate toward multiple lineages such as cartilage and bone, but they age along the host body and senesce when serially passaged in culture. Understanding correlations between aging and its effects on MSCs is of the utmost importance to explain how aging happens and unravel the underlying mechanisms. The investigation of the MSC senescence in culture will help in developing more efficient and standardized cell culture methods for cellular therapies in skeletal regenerative medicine. An important area to explore in biomedical sciences is the role of endogenous stem cell niches in joint homeostasis, remodeling, and disease. It is anticipated that an understanding of the stem cell niches and related remodeling signals will allow the development of pharmacological interventions to support effective joint tissue regeneration, to restore joint homeostasis, and to prevent osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

At the end of embryogenesis of Lepisma saccharina L. (Insecta, Zygentoma), when the stomodaeum and proctodaeum are completely formed, the midgut epithelium is replaced by the primary midgut, a yolk mass is surrounded by a cell membrane. Midgut epithelium formation begins in the 1st larval stage. Energids migrate toward the yolk periphery and aggregate just beneath the cell membrane. They are gradually enclosed by cell membrane folds of the primary midgut. Single cells are formed. Succeeding energids join just formed cells. Thus, groups of cells, regenerative cell groups, are formed. Their number gradually increases. The external cells of the regenerative cell groups transform into epithelial cells and their basal regions spread toward the next regenerative cell groups. Epithelial cells of neighboring regenerative cell groups join each other to form the epithelium. At the end of the 2nd larval stage, just before molting, degeneration of newly the formed epithelium begins. Remains of organelles and basal membrane occur between the regenerative cell groups. The new epithelium is formed from the regenerative cell groups, which are now termed stem cells of the midgut epithelium.  相似文献   

The reproductive division of labour is a key feature of eusociality in ants, where queen and worker castes show dramatic differences in the development of their reproductive organs. To understand the developmental and genetic basis underlying this division of labour, we performed a molecular analysis of ovary function and germ cell development in queens and workers. We show that the processes of ovarian development in queens have been highly conserved relative to the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. We also identify specific steps during oogenesis and embryogenesis in which ovarian and germ cell development have been evolutionarily modified in the workers. These modifications, which we call ‘reproductive constraints’, are often assumed to represent neutral degenerations that are a consequence of social evolutionary forces. Based on our developmental and functional analysis of these constraints, however, we propose and discuss the alternative hypothesis that reproductive constraints represent adaptive proximate mechanisms or traits for maintaining social harmony in ants. We apply a multi-level selection framework to help understand the role of these constraints in ant social evolution. A complete understanding of how cooperation, conflict and developmental systems evolve in social groups requires a ‘socio-evo-devo’ approach that integrates social evolutionary and developmental biology.  相似文献   

Body fragmentation, in some animal groups, is a mechanism for survival and asexual reproduction. Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774), an aquatic oligochaete worm, is capable of regenerating into complete individuals from small body fragments following injury and reproduces primarily by asexual reproduction. Few studies have determined the cellular mechanisms that underlie fragmentation, either regenerative or asexual. We utilized boric acid treatment, which blocks regeneration of segments in amputated fragments and blocks architomic fission during asexual reproduction, to investigate mechanistic relationships and differences between these two modes of development. Neural morphallaxis, involving changes in sensory fields and giant fiber conduction, was detected in amputated fragments in the absence of segmental regeneration. Furthermore, neural morphallactic changes occurred as a result of developmental mechanisms of asexual reproduction, even when architomy was prevented. These results show that fragmentation in L. variegatus, during injury or asexual reproduction, employs developmental and morphallactic processes that can be mechanistically dissociated by boric acid exposure. In regeneration following injury, compensatory morphallaxis occurred in response to fragmentation. In contrast, anticipatory morphallaxis was induced in preparation for fragmentation during asexual reproduction. Thus, various forms of regeneration in this lumbriculid worm can be activated independently and in different developmental contexts.  相似文献   

Germ cells give rise to all cell lineages in the next‐generation and are responsible for the continuity of life. In a variety of organisms, germ cells and stem cells contain large ribonucleoprotein granules. Although these particles were discovered more than 100 years ago, their assembly and functions are not well understood. Here we report that glycolytic enzymes are components of these granules in Drosophila germ cells and both their mRNAs and the enzymes themselves are enriched in germ cells. We show that these enzymes are specifically required for germ cell development and that they protect their genomes from transposable elements, providing the first link between metabolism and transposon silencing. We further demonstrate that in the granules, glycolytic enzymes associate with the evolutionarily conserved Tudor protein. Our biochemical and single‐particle EM structural analyses of purified Tudor show a flexible molecule and suggest a mechanism for the recruitment of glycolytic enzymes to the granules. Our data indicate that germ cells, similarly to stem cells and tumor cells, might prefer to produce energy through the glycolytic pathway, thus linking a particular metabolism to pluripotency.  相似文献   

Levels and origins of clonal diversity in asexual hybrid animals are critical to understanding how they can coexist with their sexual progenitor species. In this study, asexual gynogenetic hybrids between Fundulus diaphanus and Fundulus heteroclitus known from two sites in Nova Scotia (Canada) were characterized using discriminant morphological traits, eight microsatellite loci, and mitochondrial DNA. Fifteen clonal genotypes were uncovered, all bearing the same F. diaphanus maternal haplotye. Each site harboured a different dominant clone along with several rarer clones that all appear to be of recent origin. Unexpectedly, highly introgressed sexually reproducing hybrids (0.25 > q > 0.75) were also detected. Sexual hybrids with maternal ascendance in either species were also found at three other sites in the Atlantic region. Based on a single meristic trait (scale counts), it is shown that asexual clones can be significantly more variable than populations of sexual parental species. Also, species are morphologically more alike when living in sympatry, suggesting that introgression may occur via sexual hybrids. Altogether, these results confirm and refine the available knowledge on this hybrid system, and indicate that hybridization is probably a more widespread phenomenon than suspected, with implications for the phenotypic variability of a widely used model species, F. heteroclitus.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction has been recently shown to increase intestinal stem cell competition and to reduce mutation fixation in young mice. However, the impact of aging on this process is unknown. By employing Confetti reporter mice, here we show that, unexpectedly, old mice have more intestinal stem cell (ISC) competition than young mice. Moreover, differently from what observed in young mice, calorie restriction, when applied at late-life, decreases this process. Importantly, we also observed a strong correlation between the ISC competition and Paneth cell number. In vivo analysis and in vitro organoid experiments indicated that Paneth cells play a major role in driving intestinal stem cell competition and crypt clonality. Taken together, our results provide evidence that increasing the number of Paneth cells can increase the number of competitive ISCs, representing a valuable therapeutic target to delay fixation of mutated intestinal stem cells.  相似文献   

Studies of regeneration provide insight across many scales of animal biology from the processes of cellular communication to the ecology of whole populations. Sponges are highly regenerative animals, with studies showing adults can both recover large portions of their body after predation or damage due to storms, and even reform whole individuals, via an aggregation stage, from dissociated tissues. While sponges are clearly highly regenerative, few studies actually show dissociated cells forming functional individuals. As sponges often serve as model organisms for studying the development and function of traits in metazoans, determining the universality and mechanics of their regeneration potential is important. We tested the capacity of members of seven sponge species from temperate freshwater and marine environments, from a range of taxonomic positions, and with different habits, to form functional sponges after dissociation. Development to a functional sponge progressed through a series of checkpoints: the sorting of cells and removal of debris; adhesion to a substrate and differentiation of cells; organization of cells into tissues; and regionalization of tissues. Two of the seven species tested, Spongilla lacustris and Haliclona cf. permollis, progressed through all four checkpoints, while the remaining five species progressed to various levels of development before aggregates disintegrated. Our findings highlight three important conclusions: (1) The ability of aggregates to differentiate into functional sponges is not as widespread as previously thought; (2) The species‐specific ability of aggregates to develop to functional sponges appears to be an adaptive trait; and (3) The progression of development in aggregates through checkpoints, which in later development involves formation of tissues and regionalization of tissues, highlights the complexity of the sponge body plan and suggests fundamental rules in development shared across metazoans.  相似文献   

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