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The recently emerged plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum is responsible for causing the sudden oak death epidemic. This review documents the emergence of P. ramorum based on evolutionary and population genetic analyses. Currently infection by P. ramorum occurs only in Europe and North America and three clonal lineages are distinguished: EU1, NA1 and NA2. Ancient divergence of these lineages supports a scenario in which P. ramorum originated from reproductively isolated populations and underwent at least four global migration events. This recent work sheds new light on mechanisms of emergence of exotic pathogens and provides crucial insights into migration pathways.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum (Oomycetes) is an emerging plant pathogen in forests in southwestern Oregon (Curry County). Moreover, since 2003 it has been repeatedly isolated from plants in Oregon nurseries. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity of the P. ramorum population in Oregon from 2001 to 2004 by using microsatellites. A total of 323 isolates (272 from the infested forest; 51 from nurseries) were screened at 10 loci. The overall P. ramorum population in Oregon is characterized by low genetic diversity and has all the hallmarks of an introduced organism. All isolates within the A2 mating type belonged to the same clonal lineage and no recombinant genotypes were found. The forest population (24 genotypes) was dominated by a single multilocus genotype which persisted over years, indicating that eradication efforts in the forest have not completely eliminated inoculum sources. In contrast, genotypic evidence suggests that eradication was effective in nurseries. In 2003 and 2004, a total of 11 genotypes were found in the nurseries (one belonged to the European lineage of P. ramorum) but no genotype was recovered in both sampling years. Significant differentiation and low gene flow were detected between nursery and forest populations. Only two nursery genotypes were also found in the forest, and then at low frequency. Thus, the nursery infestation is not caused by the genotypes observed in Curry County, but likely resulted through introduction of novel genotypes from nurseries out-of-state. This highlights the continued importance of sanitation and quarantine in nurseries to prevent further introduction and spread of P. ramorum.  相似文献   

The genus Phytophthora includes some of the most destructive plant pathogens affecting agricultural and native ecosystems and is responsible for a number of recent emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases of plants. Sudden oak death, caused by the exotic pathogen P. ramorum , has caused extensive mortality of oaks and tanoaks in Northern California, and has brought economic losses to US and European nurseries as well due to its infection of common ornamental plants. In its known range, P. ramorum occurs as three distinct clonal lineages. We inferred the evolutionary history of P. ramorum from nuclear sequence data using coalescent-based approaches. We found that the three lineages have been diverging for at least 11% of their history, an evolutionarily significant amount of time estimated to be on the order of 165 000 to 500 000 years. There was also strong evidence for historical recombination between the lineages, indicating that the ancestors of the P. ramorum lineages were members of a sexually reproducing population. Due to this recombination, the ages of the lineages varied within and between loci, but coalescent analyses suggested that the European lineage may be older than the North American lineages. The divergence of the three clonal lineages of P. ramorum supports a scenario in which the three lineages originated from different geographic locations that were sufficiently isolated from each other to allow independent evolution prior to introduction to North America and Europe. It is thus probable that the emergence of P. ramorum in North America and Europe was the result of three independent migration events.  相似文献   

We describe specific primers and conditions to amplify two dinucleotide and five trinucleotide microsatellite DNA loci isolated from the oomycete Phytophthora ramorum, the causal agent of sudden oak death. The primer sets were tested on 14–30 isolates from North America and Europe. Seven of 14 loci differentiated between A1 and A2 mating types. All seven loci successfully amplified DNA isolated from infected plant tissue. Four loci may be useful for the diagnosis of P. ramorum because they do not amplify closely related Phytophthora species.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum acutatum causes anthracnose on a wide range of hosts including woody and herbaceous crops, ornamentals, fruits and conifers. Almond, citrus, lupin, olive and strawberry are some of the crops in which C. acutatum diseases are economically important. With the application of molecular markers and diagnostic PCR over the last 10–15 years, C. acutatum was identified as a major pathogen on a number of hosts instead of or along with C. gloeosporioides . C. acutatum displays high levels of genotypic and phenotypic diversity. The global populations of this cosmopolitan pathogen fit into at least eight distinct molecular groups, A1–A8, which show some degree of correlation with the morphological characteristics and varying patterns of host association and geographical distribution. The pathogen has complex epidemiology, exhibiting pathogenic and non-pathogenic lifestyles on target hosts, non-target crops and weeds. C. acutatum populations also show pathogenic variability and cross-infection potential in relation to a number of hosts. Molecular genetic tools are being developed to investigate the pathogenicity mechanisms of this key pathogen. This article mainly focuses on the global population diversity in C. acutatum , pathogen epidemiology and diagnosis, host colonization processes, and the development of tools for the identification and analysis of genes associated with pathogenicity. Background information on the pathogen origin, host range, disease symptoms and disease management strategies is also provided.  相似文献   

Understanding the migration patterns of invasive organisms is of paramount importance to predict and prevent their further spread. Previous attempts at reconstructing the entire history of the sudden oak death (SOD) epidemic in California were limited by: (1) incomplete sampling; (2) the inability to include infestations caused by a single genotype of the pathogen; (3) collapsing of non-spatially contiguous yet genetically similar samples into large meta-samples that confounded the coalescent analyses. Here, we employ an intensive sampling coverage of 832 isolates of Phytopthora ramorum (the causative agent of SOD) from 60 California forests, genotyped at nine microsatellite loci, to reconstruct its invasion. By using age of infestation as a constraint on coalescent analyses, by dividing genetically indistinguishable meta-populations into highly-resolved sets of spatially contiguous populations, and by using Bruvo genetic distances for most analyses, we reconstruct the entire history of the epidemic and convincingly show infected nursery plants are the original source for the entire California epidemic. Results indicate that multiple human-mediated introductions occurred in most counties and that further disease sources were represented by large wild infestations. The study also identifies minor introductions, some of them relatively recent, linked to infected ornamental plants. Finally, using archival isolates collected soon after the discovery of the pathogen in California, we corroborate that the epidemic is likely to have resulted form 3 to 4 core founder individuals evolved from a single genotype. This is probably the most complete reconstruction ever completed for an invasion by an exotic forest pathogen, and the approach here described may be useful for the reconstruction of invasions by any clonally reproducing organism with a relatively limited natural dispersal range.  相似文献   

Sudden oak death is an emerging forest disease caused by the invasive pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. Genetic and environmental factors affecting susceptibility to P. ramorum in the key inoculum-producing host tree Umbellularia californica (bay laurel) were examined across a heterogeneous landscape in California, USA. Laboratory susceptibility trials were conducted on detached leaves and assessed field disease levels for 97 host trees from 12 225-m(2) plots. Genotype and phenotype characteristics were assessed for each tree. Effects of plot-level environmental conditions (understory microclimate, amount of solar radiation and topographic moisture potential) on disease expression were also evaluated. Susceptibility varied significantly among U. californica trees, with a fivefold difference in leaf lesion size. Lesion size was positively related to leaf area, but not to other phenotypic traits or to field disease level. Genetic diversity was structured at three spatial scales, but primarily among individuals within plots. Lesion size was significantly related to amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, but local environment explained most variation in field disease level. Thus, substantial genetic variation in susceptibility to P. ramorum occurs in its principal foliar host U. californica, but local environment mediates expression of susceptibility in nature.  相似文献   

Host cell death is an intrinsic immune defense mechanism in response to microbial infection. However, bacterial pathogens use many strategies to manipulate the host cell death and survival pathways to enhance their replication and survival. This manipulation is quite intricate, with pathogens often suppressing cell death to allow replication and then promoting it for dissemination. Frequently, these effects are exerted through modulation of the mitochondrial pro-death, NF-κB-dependent pro-survival, and inflammasome-dependent host cell death pathways during infection. Understanding the molecular details by which bacterial pathogens manipulate cell death pathways will provide insight into new therapeutic approaches to control infection.  相似文献   

Invasive species can increase the susceptibility of ecosystems to disease by acting as reservoir hosts for pathogens. Invasive hosts are often sparsely recorded and not in equilibrium, so predicting their spatial distributions and overlap with other hosts is problematic. We applied newly developed methods for modelling the distribution of invasive species to the invasive shrub Rhododendron ponticum—a foliar reservoir host for the Phytophthora oomycete plant pathogens, P. ramorum and P. kernoviae, that threaten woodland and heathland habitat in Scotland. We compiled eleven datasets of biological records for R. ponticum (1,691 points, 8,455 polygons) and developed Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) models incorporating landscape, soil and climate predictors. Our models produced accurate predictions of current suitable R. ponticum habitat (training AUC = 0.838; test AUC = 0.838) that corresponded well with population performance (areal cover). Continuous broad-leaved woodland cover, low elevation (<400 m a.s.l.) and intermediate levels of soil moisture (or Enhanced Vegetation Index) favoured presence of R. ponticum. The high coincidence of suitable habitat with both core native woodlands (54 % of woodlands) and plantations of another sporulation host, Larix kaempferi (64 % of plantations) suggests a high potential for spread of Phytophthora infection to woodland mediated by R. ponticum. Incorporating non-equilibrium modelling methods did not improve habitat suitability predictions of this invasive host, possibly because, as a long-standing invader, R. ponticum has filled more of its available habitat at this national scale than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Hybridization plays a central role in plant evolution, but its overall importance in fungi is unknown. New plant pathogens are thought to arise by hybridization between formerly separated fungal species. Evolution of hybrid plant pathogens from non-pathogenic ancestors in the fungal-like protist Phytophthora has been demonstrated, but in fungi, the most important group of plant pathogens, there are few well-characterized examples of hybrids. We focused our attention on the hybrid and plant pathogen Verticillium longisporum, the causal agent of the Verticillium wilt disease in crucifer crops. In order to address questions related to the evolutionary origin of V. longisporum, we used phylogenetic analyses of seven nuclear loci and a dataset of 203 isolates of V. longisporum, V. dahliae and related species. We confirmed that V. longisporum was diploid, and originated three different times, involving four different lineages and three different parental species. All hybrids shared a common parent, species A1, that hybridized respectively with species D1, V. dahliae lineage D2 and V. dahliae lineage D3, to give rise to three different lineages of V. longisporum. Species A1 and species D1 constituted as yet unknown taxa. Verticillium longisporum likely originated recently, as each V. longisporum lineage was genetically homogenous, and comprised species A1 alleles that were identical across lineages.  相似文献   

Plants are exposed to microbial pathogens as well as herbivorous insects and their natural enemies. Here, we examined the effects of inoculation of potato plants, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae), with the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary (Peronosporales: Pythiaceae) on an aphid species commonly infesting potato crops and one of the aphid's major parasitoids. We observed the peach‐potato aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and its natural enemy, the biocontrol agent Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), on potato either inoculated with water or P. infestans. Population growth of the aphid, parasitism rate of its natural enemy, and other insect life‐history traits were compared on several potato genotypes, the susceptible cultivar Désirée and genetically modified (GM) isogenic lines carrying genes conferring resistance to P. infestans. Effects of P. infestans inoculation on the intrinsic rate of aphid population increase and the performance of the parasitoid were only found on the susceptible cultivar. Insect traits were similar when comparing inoculated with non‐inoculated resistant GM genotypes. We also tested how GM‐plant characteristics such as location of gene insertion and number of R genes could influence non‐target insects by comparing insect performance among GM events. Different transformation events leading to different positions of R‐gene insertion in the genome influenced aphids either with or without P. infestans infection, whereas effects of position of R‐gene insertion on the parasitoid A. colemani were evident only in the presence of inoculation with P. infestans. We conclude that it is important to study different transformation events before continuing with further stages of risk assessment of this GM crop. This provides important information on the effects of plant resistance to a phytopathogen on non‐target insects at various trophic levels.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens biotype III octopine strains have been isolated from grapevine tumors worldwide. They comprise limited and wide host range (LHR and WHR) strains that carry related tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmids with two T-regions, TA and TB. The WHR TA-region resembles the biotype I octopine region, whereas the LHR TA-region is a recent deletion derivative of the WHR TA-region, which lacks the iaa genes and part of the ipt gene. Sequencing of the TA-region of the ubiquitous LHR strain AB3 showed that the deleted region is replaced by an insertion sequence (IS) element, IS868, which resembles the IS51 element of Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi. The Ti plasmid of LHR strain Ag57 carries essentially the same iaa gene deletion as pTiAB3, but lacks IS868. We propose that the LHR Ti plasmids arose by the recent insertion of an IS868 element into the TA-region of a WHR-type Ti plasmid, followed by transposition to a nearby site. The deletion was caused during the second transposition or by later recombination between the two IS868 copies. Biotype III octopine strains also carry an IS51-like sequence close to the TB iaa genes. Our results confirm and extend earlier observations indicating that IS51-like elements in Pseudomonas and Agrobacterium are associated with iaa genes and played a major role in Ti plasmid evolution.  相似文献   

Exotic pathogens and pests threaten ecosystem service, biodiversity, and crop security globally. If an invasive agent can disperse asymptomatically over long distances, multiple spatial and temporal scales interplay, making identification of effective strategies to regulate, monitor, and control disease extremely difficult. The management of outbreaks is also challenged by limited data on the actual area infested and the dynamics of spatial spread, due to financial, technological, or social constraints. We examine principles of landscape epidemiology important in designing policy to prevent or slow invasion by such organisms, and use Phytophthora ramorum, the cause of sudden oak death, to illustrate how shortfalls in their understanding can render management applications inappropriate. This pathogen has invaded forests in coastal California, USA, and an isolated but fast-growing epidemic focus in northern California (Humboldt County) has the potential for extensive spread. The risk of spread is enhanced by the pathogen's generalist nature and survival. Additionally, the extent of cryptic infection is unknown due to limited surveying resources and access to private land. Here, we use an epidemiological model for transmission in heterogeneous landscapes and Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo inference to estimate dispersal and life-cycle parameters of P. ramorum and forecast the distribution of infection and speed of the epidemic front in Humboldt County. We assess the viability of management options for containing the pathogen's northern spread and local impacts. Implementing a stand-alone host-free "barrier" had limited efficacy due to long-distance dispersal, but combining curative with preventive treatments ahead of the front reduced local damage and contained spread. While the large size of this focus makes effective control expensive, early synchronous treatment in newly-identified disease foci should be more cost-effective. We show how the successful management of forest ecosystems depends on estimating the spatial scales of invasion and treatment of pathogens and pests with cryptic long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. salsolae (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc. in Penz. (CGS) is a facultative parasitic fungus being evaluated as a classical biological control agent of Russian thistle or tumbleweed (Salsola tragus L.). In initial host range determination tests, Henderson’s mixed model equations (MME) were used to generate best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of disease severity reaction to CGS among 89 species of plants related to S. tragus. The MME provided: (1) disease assessments for rare and difficult or impossible to grow species, (2) environmentally independent measures of disease severity, (3) measures of disease severity for species versus a sample of material tested in a greenhouse, (4) objective indicators of susceptible and non-susceptible species, (5) a means to objectively compare disease on targets versus non-targets. Of the 89 species evaluated by the MME, eight native N. American species were predicted to be susceptible. As a result of these predictions, these eight species were further evaluated to determine the amount of actual damage caused by CGS. This was done by comparing root and shoot areas and weights between non-inoculated plants and plants inoculated with CGS. Results showed that several of the species exhibited some minor reduction in root weight and root area, but none of the species had any damage to above-ground plant parts. This supports the BLUP output in the initial host range determination tests. As a result of both analyses, there is no evidence that CGS would cause any non-target effects in nature.  相似文献   

? Little is known about how effectors from filamentous eukaryotic plant pathogens manipulate host defences. Recently, Phytophthora infestans RXLR effector AVR3a has been shown to target and stabilize host E3 ligase CMPG1, which is required for programmed cell death (PCD) triggered by INF1. We investigated the involvement of CMPG1 in PCD elicited by perception of diverse pathogen proteins, and assessed whether AVR3a could suppress each. ? The role of CMPG1 in PCD events was investigated using virus-induced gene silencing, and the ability of AVR3a to suppress each was determined by transient expression of natural forms (AVR3a(KI) and AVR3a(EM)) and a mutated form, AVR3a(KI/Y147del) , which is unable to interact with or stabilize CMPG1. ? PCD triggered at the host plasma membrane by Cf-9/Avr9, Cf-4/Avr4, Pto/AvrPto or the oomycete pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP), cellulose-binding elicitor lectin (CBEL), required CMPG1 and was suppressed by AVR3a, but not by the AVR3a(KI/Y147del) mutant. Conversely, PCD triggered by nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) proteins R3a, R2 and Rx was independent of CMPG1 and unaffected by AVR3a. ? CMPG1-dependent PCD follows perception of diverse pathogen elicitors externally or in association with the inner surface of the host plasma membrane. We argue that AVR3a targets CMPG1 to block initial signal transduction/regulatory processes following pathogen perception at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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