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Fundamental to effective management of migratory waterbird populations is an understanding of their flyway delineation. Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis fabalis wintering in NW Denmark, Scotland and England are considered to originate from northern and central Sweden, southern and central Norway (‘Western flyway’), those wintering in southern Sweden, NE and southern Denmark are considered to originate from northern Fennoscandia and western Russia (‘Central flyway’), and those wintering in eastern Germany and Poland (which show far less favourable conservation status) are thought to come from western Siberia (‘Eastern 1 flyway’), although evidence to demonstrate this has largely been lacking. Evidence for different natal and moult origins of Taiga Bean Geese was investigated using stable isotope analyses of feathers of four elements (δ2H, δ13C, δ15N and δ34S). There were significant differences in isotopic composition of feathers from Swedish (Central) and German (Eastern 1) wintering populations and those moulting in Sweden in late summer (Western), which validated the three proposed major management flyway units above. The strong continental gradient in the stable hydrogen isotope ratios in precipitation (δ2Hp) across the region was used to assign wintering birds geospatially to natal and moulting origin, indicating separate natal and moulting areas for German (= 37, from western Siberia) and Swedish (= 20, Fennoscandia and more western Russia) wintering birds. These results confirm the largely discrete nature of these three flyways and contribute significantly to our ability to deliver effective targeted and appropriate research, monitoring and management actions throughout the ranges of these flyways.  相似文献   

A central theme in community ecology is understanding how similar species co‐exist and how their interactions may evolve in the context of climate change. Most studies of resource partitioning among central place foragers, particularly birds, focus on the offspring‐rearing period, when they are accessible, but breeding success may be determined earlier and little is known about how such species partition resources at the onset of breeding. We used a non‐invasive approach to evaluate resource partitioning in co‐existing females at a sub‐Antarctic island during their pre‐laying periods. Three hypotheses were tested using carbon, nitrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios measured in shells and membranes of hatched eggs as ecological tracers: 1) resource partitioning by geographic location and trophic level will exist among the 12 bird species and will be enhanced within taxonomic groups; 2) given the absence of strong oxygen gradients in the Southern Ocean we will not detect spatial structuring based on oxygen isotopes, but differences will exist between resident and oceanic species as the former may use meteoric water; 3) capital and income breeder strategies can be differentiated using stable isotopes of egg remains. Two and three dimensional isotopic data showed resource partitioning among species. As predicted, segregation was evident within the four main taxonomic groups: penguins, albatrosses, burrowing petrels and giant petrels. Unexpectedly, oxygen isotopes revealed widespread use of meteoric water among a suite of sub‐Antarctic birds. Stable isotopes allowed us to identify females of most species as income breeders at the onset of breeding, with the exception of the females of the two crested penguin exhibiting a mix of income and capital resources use. Multidimensional isotopic analyses revealed that resource partitioning exists at multiple stages of the annual cycle in ways likely to be important under global change, exhibiting wide potential for ecosystem analysis.  相似文献   

The world's oceans have undergone significant ecological changes following European colonial expansion and associated industrialization. Seabirds are useful indicators of marine food web structure and can be used to track multidecadal environmental change, potentially reflecting long‐term human impacts. We used stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analysis of feathers from glaucous‐winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) in a heavily disturbed region of the northeast Pacific to ask whether diets of this generalist forager changed in response to shifts in food availability over 150 years, and whether any detected change might explain long‐term trends in gull abundance. Sampled feathers came from birds collected between 1860 and 2009 at nesting colonies in the Salish Sea, a transboundary marine system adjacent to Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. To determine whether temporal trends in stable isotope ratios might simply reflect changes to baseline environmental values, we also analysed muscle tissue from forage fishes collected in the same region over a multidecadal timeframe. Values of δ13C and δ15N declined since 1860 in both subadult and adult gulls (δ13C, ~ 2–6‰; δ15N, ~4–5‰), indicating that their diet has become less marine over time, and that birds now feed at a lower trophic level than previously. Conversely, forage fish δ13C and δ15N values showed no trends, supporting our conclusion that gull feather values were indicative of declines in marine food availability rather than of baseline environmental change. Gradual declines in feather isotope values are consistent with trends predicted had gulls consumed less fish over time, but were equivocal with respect to whether gulls had switched to a more garbage‐based diet, or one comprising marine invertebrates. Nevertheless, our results suggest a long‐term decrease in diet quality linked to declining fish abundance or other anthropogenic influences, and may help to explain regional population declines in this species and other piscivores.  相似文献   

This study presents a comprehensive analysis ofnitrogen (N) cycling in a second-order forestedstream in southern Michigan that has moderatelyhigh concentrations of ammonium (mean,16 g N/L) and nitrate (17 g N/L). Awhole-stream 15NH4 + addition wasperformed for 6 weeks in June and July, and thetracer 15N was measured downstream inammonium, nitrate, and detrital and livingbiomass. Ancillary measurements includedbiomass of organic matter, algae, bacteria andfungi, nutrient concentrations, hydrauliccharacteristics, whole-stream metabolism, andnutrient limitation assays. The resultsprovide insights into the heterotrophic natureof woodland streams and reveal the rates atwhich biological processes alter nitrogentransport through stream systems.Ammonium uptake lengths were 766–1349 m anduptake rates were 41–60 g N m–2min–1. Nitrate uptake could not bedetected. Nitrification rates were estimatedfrom the downstream increase in15N-enriched nitrate using a simulationmodel. The ammonium was removed bynitrification (57% of total uptake),heterotrophic bacteria and fungi associatedwith detritus (29%), and epilithic algae(14%). Growth of algae was likely limited bylight rather than nutrients, and dissolvedO2 revealed that the stream metabolism washeterotrophic overall (P:R = 0.2). Incubationsof detritus in darkened chambers showed thatuptake of 15N was mostly heterotrophic.Microbial N in detritus and algal N inepilithon appeared to reach isotopic steadystate with the dissolved ammonium, but theisotopic enrichment of the bulk detritus andepilithon did not approach that of ammonium,probably due to a large fraction of organic Nin the bulk samples that was not turning over. The actively cycling fraction of total N inorganic compartments was estimated from theisotopic enrichment, assuming uptake ofammonium but not nitrate, to be 23% forepilithon, 1% for fine benthic organic matter,5% for small woody debris, and 7% for leaves. These percentages agree with independentestimates of epilithic algal biomass, whichwere based on carbon:chlorophyll ratios in bulksamples and in algal fractions separated bydensity-gradient centrifugation in colloidalsilica, and of microbial N in the detritus,which were based on N released by chloroformfumigations.  相似文献   

1. Inputs of animal and plant detritus are the main energy sources for food webs in a number of isolated container systems, including discarded automobile tyres and tree holes. Containers are dominated by mosquitoes in the genera Culex and Aedes, which among other differences often engage in different foraging behaviours. We hypothesised that because Aedes feed more by browsing surfaces, whereas Culex often filter the water column, these mosquitoes would show variation in performance and differentially affect detritus. Effects of different ratios of animal and plant detritus on survival, mass, and development time for two common container mosquito species, Culex restuans L. and Aedes albopictus Skuse, were examined. We also quantified detrital contribution to biomass via isotopic and nutrient analysis and the effect of larvae on detrital decay. 2. Adult male and female mass of both species was highest with some animal detritus and lowest in only leaf detritus. Aedes albopictus survival was higher than C. restuans across most detritus ratios. 3. Aedes albopictus had higher values of 15N and in some cases 13C across all detritus ratios compared with C. restuans; A. albopictus had lower nitrogen in tissue. Aedes albopictus appeared to be more efficient at obtaining potentially limiting nutrients and had a greater overall effect on detrital decay – a possible consequence of greater foraging effort. 4. Findings further support the view that mosquito performance can be influenced by detritus type, and provide a more precise hypothesis (i.e. lower need for nitrogen) that may explain the superior competitive ability of A. albopictus over other container mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The majority of landbird species feed their nestlings arthropods and variation in arthropod populations can impact reproductive outcomes in these species. Arthropod populations in turn are influenced by climate because temperature affects survival and reproduction, and larval development. Thus, climate factors have the potential to influence many bird species during their reproductive phases. In this study, we assessed climate factors that impact the diet of nestling White‐headed Woodpecker (Dryobates albolarvatus), an at‐risk keystone species in much of its range in western North America. To do this, we measured stable isotope signatures (δ13C and δ15N) in 152 nestlings across six years and linked variation in isotopic values to winter (December–February) and spring (June) precipitation and temperature using mixed effects models. We also explored habitat factors that may impact δ13C and δ15N and the relationship between δ15N and nest productivity. Last, we estimated isotopic niche width for nestlings in different watersheds and years using Bayesian standard ellipses, which allowed us to compare dietary niche width and overlap. We found that colder winter temperatures were associated with an increase in δ15N and δ15N levels had a weak positive relationship with nest productivity. We also found that sites with a more diverse tree community were associated with a broader isotopic niche width in nestlings. Our findings suggest that nestling diet is affected by climate, and under future warming climate scenarios, White‐headed Woodpecker nestling diet may shift in favor of lower trophic level prey (prey with lower δ15N levels). The impact of such changes on woodpecker populations merits further study.  相似文献   

High stranding frequency of porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, along the Dutch coast since 2006 has led to increased interest in the ecology of porpoises in the North Sea. Stranded porpoises were collected along the Dutch coast (2006–2008) and their diet was assessed through stomach content and stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) of porpoise muscle and prey. Stable isotope analysis (SIAR) was used to estimate the contribution of prey species to the porpoises' diet. This was compared to prey composition from stomach contents, to analyze differences between long‐ and short‐term diet. According to stomach contents, 90.5% of the diet consisted of gobies, whiting, lesser sandeel, herring, cod, and sprat. Stable isotope analysis revealed that 70‐83% of the diet consisted of poor cod, mackerel, greater sandeel, lesser sandeel, sprat, and gobies, highlighting a higher importance of pelagic, schooling species in the porpoises' diet compared to stomach contents. This could be due to prey distribution as well as differences in behavior of porpoises and prey between the coastal zone and offshore waters. This study supports the need for multi‐method approaches. Future ecological and fishery impact assessment studies and management decisions for porpoise conservation should acknowledge this difference between the long‐ and short‐term diet.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the kinetics of substrate fluxes in a microbial community in order to elucidate the roles of the community members. Methods and Results: The kinetics of substrate sharing in a bacterial consortium were measured by a new analytical approach combining immunostaining, stable isotope probing and fluorescence‐activated cell sorting (FACS). The bacterial consortium, consisting of four strains and growing on 4‐chlorosalicylate (4‐CS), was pulse‐dosed with the degradation intermediate [U‐13C]‐4‐chlorocatechol (4‐CC). Cells were stained with strain‐specific antibodies sorted by FACS and the 13C‐incorporation into fatty acids of the two most abundant members of the community was determined by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. From the two most abundant strains, the primary degrader Pseudomonas reinekei MT1 incorporated the labelled substrate faster than strain Achromobacter spanius MT3 but the maximal incorporation in strain MT3 was almost three times higher than in MT1. Conclusions: It has been reported that strain MT1 produces 4‐CC as an intermediate but has a lower LD50 for it than strain MT3; therefore, MT3 still degrades 4‐CC when the concentrations of 4‐CC are already too toxic, even lethal, for MT1. By degrading 4‐CC, produced by MT1, MT3 protects the entire community against this toxin. The higher affinity but lower tolerance of strain MT1 for 4‐chlorocatechol compared to strain MT3 explains the complementary function these two strains have in the consortium adding exceptional stability to the entire community. Significance and Impact of the Study: The novel approach can reveal carbon fluxes in microbial communities generating quantitative data for systems biology of the microbial community.  相似文献   

Lateral exchange of water and nutrients between xylem and surrounding tissues helps to de‐couple uptake from utilization in all parts of a plant. We studied the dynamics of these exchanges, using stable isotope tracers for water (H218O), magnesium (26Mg), potassium (41K) and calcium (44Ca) delivered via a cut stem for various periods to the transpiration stream of bean shoots (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Fardenlosa Shiny). Tracers were subsequently mapped in stem cross‐sections with cryo‐secondary ion mass spectrometry. The water tracer equilibrated within minutes across the entire cross‐section. In contrast, the nutrient tracers showed a very heterogeneous exchange between xylem vessels and the different stem tissues, even after 4 h. Dynamics of nutrients in the tissues revealed a fast and extensive exchange of nutrients in the xylem parenchyma, with, for example, calcium being completely replaced by tracer in less than 5 min. Dilution of potassium tracer during its 30 s transit in xylem sap through the stem showed that potassium concentration was up‐regulated over many hours, to the extent that some of it was probably supplied by phloem recirculation from the shoot.  相似文献   

Abstract Soil organic matter (SOM) was sampled from lateritic soil profiles across an abrupt eucalypt savanna–monsoon rainforest boundary on the north coast of Croker Island, northern Australia. Accelerator mass spectrometry dating revealed that SOM that had accumulated at the base of these 1.5 m profiles had a radiocarbon age of about 5000 years. The mean carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition of SOM from 10 cm deep layers from the surface, middle and base of three monsoon rainforest soil profiles was significantly different from the means for these layers in three adjacent savanna soil profiles, suggesting the isotopic ‘footprint’ of the vegetation boundary has been stable since the mid Holocene. Although there were no obvious environmental discontinuities associated with the boundary, the monsoon rainforest was found to occur on significantly more clay rich soils than the surrounding savanna. Tiny fragments of monsoon rainforest and abandoned ‘nests’ (large earthen mounds) of the orange‐footed scrubfowl, an obligate monsoon rainforest species, occurred in the savanna, signalling that the rainforest was once more extensive. Despite episodic disturbances, such as tropical storm damage and fires, the stability of the boundary is probably maintained because clay rich soils enable monsoon rainforest tree species to grow rapidly and achieve canopy closure, thereby excluding grass and reducing the risk of fire. Conversely, slower tree growth rates, grass competition and fire on the savanna soils would impede the expansion of the rainforest although high rainfall periods with shorter dry seasons may enable rainforest trees to grow sufficiently quickly to colonize the savanna successfully.  相似文献   

1. The variability in the stable isotope signatures of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) in different phytoplankton taxa was studied in one mesotrophic and three eutrophic lakes in south‐west Finland. The lakes were sampled on nine to 16 occasions over 2–4 years and most of the time were dominated by cyanobacteria and diatoms. A total of 151 taxon‐specific subsamples covering 18 different phytoplankton taxa could be isolated by filtration through a series of sieves and by flotation/sedimentation, followed by microscopical identification and screening for purity. 2. Substantial and systematic differences between phytoplankton taxa, seasons and lakes were observed for both δ13C and δ15N. The values of δ13C ranged from ?34.4‰ to ?5.9‰ and were lowest in chrysophytes (?34.4‰ to ?31.3‰) and diatoms (?30.6‰ to ?26.6‰). Cyanobacteria were most variable (?32.4‰ to ?5.9‰), including particularly high values in the nostocalean cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata (?14.4‰ to ?5.9‰). For δ13C, the taxon‐specific amplitude of temporal changes within a lake was usually <1–8‰ (<1–4‰ for microalgae alone and <1–8‰ for cyanobacteria alone), whereas the amplitude among taxa within a water sample was up to 31‰. 3. The values of δ15N ranged from ?2.1‰ to 12.8‰ and were high in chrysophytes, dinophytes and diatoms, but low in the nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria Anabaena spp., Aphanizomenon spp. and G. echinulata (?2.1‰ to 1.6‰). Chroococcalean cyanobacteria ranged from ?1.4‰ to 8.9‰. For δ15N, the taxon‐specific amplitude of temporal changes within a lake was 2–6‰, (2–6‰ for microalgae alone and 2–4‰ for cyanobacteria alone) and the amplitude among taxa within a water sample was up to 11‰. 4. The isotopic signatures of phytoplankton changed systematically with their physical and chemical environment, most notably with the concentrations of nutrients, but correlations were non‐systematic and site‐specific. 5. The substantial variability in the isotopic signatures of phytoplankton among taxa, seasons and lakes complicates the interpretation of isotopic signatures in lacustrine food webs. However, taxon‐specific values and seasonal patterns showed some consistency among years and may eventually be predictable.  相似文献   

Documentary evidence and artistic representations have traditionally served as the primary sources of information about Byzantine diet. According to these sources, Byzantine diet was based on grain (primarily wheat and barley), oil, and wine, supplemented with legumes, dairy products, meat, and marine resources. Here, we synthesize and compare the results of stable isotope ratio analyses of eight Greek Byzantine populations (6th-15th centuries AD) from throughout Greece. The δ(13) C and δ(15) N values are tightly clustered, suggesting that all of these populations likely consumed a broadly similar diet. Both inland and coastal Byzantine populations consumed an essentially land-based C(3) diet, significant amounts of animal protein, and possibly some C(4) plants, while no evidence of a general dependence on low-δ(15) N legumes was observed. One interesting result observed in the isotopic data is the evidence for the consumption of marine protein at both coastal sites (a reasonable expectation given their location) and for some individuals from inland sites. This pattern contrasts with previous isotopic studies mainly on prehistoric Greek populations, which have suggested that marine species contributed little, or not at all, to the diet. The possibility that fasting practices contributed to marine protein consumption in the period is discussed, as are possible parallels with published isotope data from western European medieval sites.  相似文献   

The hypothesis according to which proliferation of periphytic algae under acid conditions results from a release of grazing pressure is tested. Stable carbon isotope analysis is used to investigate the autochthonous/allochthonous balance of invertebrate feeding in streamside artificial channels that were experimentally acidified. We find that the relative contribution of autochthonous food sources (epilithon) to total invertebrate biomass was slightly lower (after 1 mo of acidification) or not altered (after 2 mo) under acidified conditions when compared with a control. Feeding shifts were exhibited by some invertebrate taxa and provided evidence that acidification modifies trophic interactions between attached algae and primary consumers. Cross-treatment calculations showed that reduction of grazing pressure after the first month of acidification was an effect rather than the cause of periphyton proliferation. Our approach using stable carbon isotope analysis and biomass measurements of macroinvertebrates allows the quantification of the trophic base of lotic secondary producer communities under both experimental and natural conditions.  相似文献   

The late Kimmeridgian Nusplingen Plattenkalk (palaeolatitude ~30°N) is one of the well‐known European Plattenkalk konservatlagerstätten. The laminated limestones of this lagerstätte have been deposited in a shallow lagoon, surrounded by sponge‐microbial mounds, some of which formed small islands. Plattenkalk sediments are often thought to have been deposited below a halocline, which was induced by high evaporation rates. By measuring the stable isotope composition of belemnite rostra (n = 27) of the species Hibolithes semisulcatus, the depositional environment of the Nusplingen Plattenkalk has been investigated. Cathodoluminescence‐microscopy and trace element analysis have been applied to check for diagenetic alteration of the studied rostra. The mean δ13C of the well‐preserved rostra is +0.03 ± 0.27‰, the mean δ18O ?0.68 ± 0.3‰. A narrow range of stable isotope data acquired from an accumulation of rostra, regurgitated by a fish or reptile, supports the notion that belemnite calcite reflects environmental conditions. The palaeontological and sedimentological findings suggest that H. semisulcatus was autochthonous to the Nusplingen Plattenkalk. Anoxic conditions prevailed in the sediments and temporarily in the water‐column above the sediment/bottom water interface. A nektobenthic life style can be excluded for the Nusplingen belemnites; a demersal life style seems unlikely. Comparison with δ18Obel data from other latitudes indicates that a latitudinal gradient played a role in the δ18O composition of seawater. A pelagic, inner shelf setting is therefore suggested for the Plattenkalk, an interpretation that is supported by palaeontological evidence. It is here proposed that the formation of the Nusplingen Plattenkalk was not caused by salinity stratification. It is further suggested that the belemnites were not restricted to deep‐water settings, but also occurred in shallow waters and higher in the water‐column.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were grown hydroponically and fed with two sulphate sources differing in stable isotope composition, one having a δ 34S of 13·7‰ and the other 4·1‰. Plant sulphur (S) isotope ratios were determined using an on-line continuous flow-isotope ratio mass spectrometer. This method greatly simplified the procedure for the measurement of S isotope ratios, and was found to be precise for samples containing > 1 mg S g–1 dry weight. The δ 34S values of plant shoots, which had been grown on a single sulphate source, were very close to the source values, suggesting little isotope fractionation during sulphate uptake and transport from roots to shoots. By changing the sulphate sources at different growth stages, it was possible to estimate S accumulation and redistribution within different plant parts. At maturity, wheat grain derived 14, 30, 6 and 50% of its S from the accumulation during the following successive growth stages: between emergence and early stem extension, between stem extension and flag leaf emergence, between flag leaf emergence and anthesis, and after anthesis, respectively. It was estimated that 39, 32 and 52% of the S present in the flag leaves, older leaves and stems, respectively, at anthesis, was exported during the postanthesis period. These results demonstrate considerable cycling of S within wheat plants, and highlight the importance of S uptake after anthesis to the accumulation of S in grain under the experimental conditions employed.  相似文献   

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