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In addition to a previous report, the reaction of tigogenin acetate with ICl in refluxing CHCl3 produced the hitherto unknown 23R-iodotigogenin acetate, bearing an axial iodine atom at C-23 and its already reported 23S-epimer. The same treatment of sarsasapogenin acetate led to a single diasteromer characterized as 23S-iodosarsasapogenin acetate. A full characterization of the obtained compound including 1H, 13C NMR, MS and X-ray diffraction is provided.  相似文献   

When accounting for structural fluctuations or measurement errors, a single rigid structure may not be sufficient to represent a protein. One approach to solve this problem is to represent the possible conformations as a discrete set of observed conformations, an ensemble. In this work, we follow a different richer approach, and introduce a framework for estimating probability density functions in very high dimensions, and then apply it to represent ensembles of folded proteins. This proposed approach combines techniques such as kernel density estimation, maximum likelihood, cross-validation, and bootstrapping. We present the underlying theoretical and computational framework and apply it to artificial data and protein ensembles obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. We compare the results with those obtained experimentally, illustrating the potential and advantages of this representation.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of patients with 18q23 deletions.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The 18q- syndrome is a deletion syndrome that is characterized by mental retardation, hearing loss, midfacial hypoplasia, growth deficiency, and limb anomalies. Most patients with this syndrome have deletions from 18q21-qter. We report on three patients with deletions of 18q23. A mother and daughter with identical deletions of 18q23 have many of the typical features of the 18q- syndrome, including midfacial hypoplasia and hearing loss. In contrast, the third patient has few of the symptoms of the 18q- syndrome. A contig of the 18q23 region was generated to aid in the mapping of the breakpoints. FISH was used to map both breakpoints to the same YAC clone. Furthermore, somatic-cell hybrids from the daughter and the third patient were isolated. The mapping results of sequence-tagged sites relative to the two breakpoints were identical, suggesting that the two deletion breakpoints map very close to one another. The analyses of these patients demonstrate that the critical region for the 18q- syndrome maps to 18q23 but that a deletion of 18q23 does not always lead to the clinical features associated with the syndrome. These patients demonstrate the wide phenotypic variability associated with deletions of 18q.  相似文献   

Sarakatsannis JN  Duan Y 《Proteins》2005,60(4):732-739
The structure and folding mechanism of a given protein are determined by many factors, including the electrostatic interactions between charged residues of protein molecules known in general as salt bridges. In this study, analyses were conducted on 10,370 salt bridges in 2017 proteins and the results compared to previous statistical surveys of 36 protein structures. Although many of the general trends remained consistent with other studies, more detailed information was illuminated by the larger dataset. In particular, it was shown that there is a strong correlation between secondary structure and salt bridge formation, and that salt bridges display preferential formation in an environment of about 30% solvent accessible surface area.  相似文献   

CD23 is a surface antigen expressed by a variety of human hematopoietic cells and shown to display multiple biological functions. In present work, we assayed CD23 expression by human bone marrow (BM) or by stromal cells derived from this tissue. While freshly isolated BM-cells showed low CD23 expression, a subset of long term BM-culture (LTBMC)-derived stromal cells expressed CD23 mRNA at high levels in their steady state and secreted soluble CD23 in their culture supernatants. To assay the role of CD23 in LTBMC, these cultures were initiated in the presence of neutralizing anti-CD23 mAb. A dramatic decrease in total numbers of hematopoietic cells and CFU-GM recovery was observed in these cultures as compared to controls. These data suggest a role of CD23 expression in stroma cell functions and further confirm the ability of this antigen to regulate human hematopoietic cell development.  相似文献   

Identification and characterization of XPC-binding domain of hHR23B.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
hHR23B was originally isolated as a component of a protein complex that specifically complements nucleotide excision repair (NER) defects of xeroderma pigmentosum group C cell extracts in vitro and was identified as one of two human homologs of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae NER gene product Rad23. Recombinant hHR23B has previously been shown to significantly stimulate the NER activity of recombinant human XPC protein (rhXPC). In this study we identify and functionally characterize the XPC-binding domain of hHR23B protein. We prepared various internal as well as terminal deletion products of hHR23B protein in a His-tagged form and examined their binding with rhXPC by using nickel-chelating Sepharose. We demonstrate that a domain covering 56 amino acids of hHR23B is required for binding to rhXPC as well as for stimulation of in vitro NER reactions. Interestingly, a small polypeptide corresponding to the XPC-binding domain is sufficient to exert stimulation of XPC NER activity. Comparison with known crystal structures and analysis with secondary structure programs provided strong indications that the binding domain has a predominantly amphipathic alpha-helical character, consistent with evidence that the affinity with XPC is based on hydrophobic interactions. Our work shows that binding to XPC alone is required and sufficient for the role of hHR23B in in vitro NER but does not rule out the possibility that the protein has additional functions in vivo.  相似文献   

Nitrile hydratase of Pseudomonas chlororaphis B23 was completely stabilized by the addition of 22 mM n-butyric acid. The enzyme was purified from extracts of methacrylamide-induced cells of P. chlororaphis B23 in eight steps. At the last step, the enzyme was crystallized by adding ammonium sulfate. The crystallized enzyme appeared to be homogeneous from analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, analytical ultracentrifuge, and double diffusion in agarose. The enzyme has a molecular mass of about 100 kDa and consists of four subunits identical in molecular mass (approximately 25 kDa). The enzyme contained approximately 4 mol iron/mol enzyme. The concentrated solution of highly purified nitrile hydratase had a pronounced greyish green color and exhibited a broad absorption in visible range with a absorption maxima at 720 nm. A loss of enzyme activity occurred in parallel with the disappearance of the absorption in the visible range under a variety of conditions. The enzyme catalyzed stoichiometrically the hydration of nitrile to amide, and no formation of acid and ammonia were detected. The enzyme was active toward various aliphatic nitriles, particularly, nitriles with 3-6 carbon atoms, e.g. propionitrile, n-butyronitrile, acrylonitrile and cyclopropyl cyanide, served as the most suitable substrates.  相似文献   

The piezoelectric properties of bone play an important role in the bone remodeling process and can be employed in clinical bone repair. In this study, the piezo-voltage of bone between two surfaces of a bone beam under bending deformation was measured using an ultra-high-input impedance bioamplifier. The influence of shear stress on the signs of piezo-voltages in bone was determined by comparing and contrasting the results from three-point and four-point bending experiments. From the three-point bending experiment, the study found that the signs of piezo-voltages depend only on shear stress and are not sensitive to the normal stress.  相似文献   

Single point mutations corresponding to the positions G2505 and G2583 have been constructed in the gene encoding E.coli 23S rRNA. These mutations were linked to the second mutation A1067 to T, known to confer resistance to thiostrepton (1). Mutant ribosomes were analyzed in vitro for their ability to direct poly(U) dependent translation, their missence error frequency and in addition their sensitivity to peptidyltransferase inhibitors. It was evident that the mutated ribosomes had an altered dependence on [Mg2+] and an increased sensitivity to chloramphenicol during poly(U) directed poly(Phe) synthesis. In a transpeptidation assay mutated ribosomes were as sensitive to chloramphenicol as wild-type ribosomes. However, the mutant ribosomes exhibited an increased sensitivity to lincomycin. An increase in translational accuracy was attributed to the mutations at the position 2583: accuracy increased in the order G less than A less than U less than C.  相似文献   

HBP-23 is a stress-induced multifunctional rat protein that belongs to a novel family of antioxidant proteins, referred to as peroxiredoxins, and exhibits heme-binding and inhibition of c-Abl protein tyrosine kinase. Recombinant HBP-23 was crystallized by a hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method. The crystals belong to space group P41212 or P43212 with unit-cell dimensions of a = b = 73.47 A, c = 210.37 A and contain two protein molecules in the asymmetric unit. A data set at 2.7-A resolution was collected with a cryo-crystallographic technique. Crystals of selenomethionyl HBP-23 were also obtained under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of DNA from archaeological bone.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
DNA was extracted from human and animal bones recovered from archaeological sites and mitochondrial DNA sequences were amplified from the extracts using the polymerase chain reaction. Evidence is presented that the amplified sequences are authentic and do not represent contamination by extraneous DNA. The results show that significant amounts of genetic information can survive for long periods in bone, and have important implications for evolutionary genetics, anthropology and forensic science.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of rat alveolar bone cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples of rat alveolar bone were first treated by collagenase digestion and then used as explants for cell culture. The cells obtained were subcultured and characterized by morphological and functional criteria. Their alkaline phosphatase activity was increased after incubation in 1,25-(OH)2 vitD3 10(-8) M whereas with gingival cells it did not change. The bone derived-cells organized nodular structures, synthesized type I collagen, Gla-protein, few type III collagen, and fibronectin. In the defined culture conditions no mineralization was observed. However, the method used allows to obtain cells from rat alveolar bone displaying some features of the osteoblastic phenotype.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impedance characteristics of a 5 MHz quartz crystal resonator oscillating in a thickness-shear mode for utilization as a biosensor. An impedance analyzer measured the impedance of the quartz crystal, which determined all mechanical properties of the oscillating quartz and its immediate environment. In this study, the impedance behavior of the oscillating crystal was characterized in air, in potassium phosphate buffer solution, and with immobilization of antibodies using protein-A. The potassium phosphate buffer behaved like a Newtonian liquid. The series resonance frequency shifted down about 900 Hz on contact with the buffer. An immobilized-antibody layer on the quartz surface behaved like a rigid mass when immersed in the buffer solution. The impedance curve following immobilization of antibodies was shifted down in frequency by about 200 Hz compared with its value when the bare crystal was immersed in the buffer solution.  相似文献   

采用厌氧分离技术从奶牛瘤胃中分离出1株细菌,通过对其形态、培养特性、生理生化特性、16S rRNA基因序列测定与同源性分析等研究,确定分离菌株为牛链球菌(Streptococcus bovis),为进一步研究其对瘤胃发酵的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipases from human, bovine or guinea-pig milk were purified, judged for domain relationships by characterization of sites sensitive to proteases, and structurally compared. The subunit of human lipoprotein lipase migrated slightly slower than those of bovine or guinea-pig lipoprotein lipases on sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Bovine lipoprotein lipase is known to be a dimer of two non-covalently linked subunits of equal size, and the lipases from all three sources now yielded homogeneous N-terminal amino acid sequences (followed for 15-27 residues). The results indicate that the two subunits are identical. Bovine lipoprotein lipase had two additional N-terminal residues, Asp-Arg, compared to the human and guinea-pig enzymes, and the next two positions revealed residue differences, but further on homologies were extensive between all three enzymes as far as presently traced. Exposure of bovine lipoprotein lipase to trypsin led to production of three fragments (T1, T2a, and T2b), suggesting cleavage at exposed segments delineating domain borders. Time studies gave no evidence for precursor-product relationships between the fragments, and prolonged digestion did not lead to further cleavage. Fragments T2a and T2b had the same N-terminal sequence as intact lipase. Fragment T1 revealed a new sequence, and represents the C-terminal half of the molecule. Plasmin caused a similar cleavage as trypsin, whereas thrombin, factor Xa, and tissue plasminogen activator did not cleave the enzyme. Chymotrypsin cleaved off a relatively small fragment from the C-terminal of the molecule, after which exposure to trypsin still resulted in cleavage at the same sites as in intact lipase. Tryptic cleavage of guinea-pig lipoprotein lipase yielded two fragments. One had a similar size as bovine fragment T2b; the other had a similar size as bovine fragment T1 and an N-terminal sequence homologous with that of T1. Thus, trypsin recognizes the same unique site in guinea-pig lipoprotein lipase as in the bovine enzyme. This confirms the conclusion that this segment is the border between two domains in the subunit. The binding site for heparin was retained after both tryptic and chymotryptic cleavages and was identified as localized in the C-terminal part of the molecule.  相似文献   

The Bos indicus Vechur breed cow milk is known for its medicinal value and the breed is listed under the category of critically maintained breeds by the Food and Agriculture Organization. The lactoferrin protein in milk is known for its nutritional value. Gene polymorphisms have been reported for Bovine lactoferrin. Mutations in the evolutionarily conserved sites tend to impair protein function and are related with the physicochemical difference between the known variants with 11 SNPs within the wild type. Structural differences are located due to these SNPs that may lead to functional variations. The structural variation is seen primarily in the first 48 residues at 5' end in all the samples modelled. Out of 11 SNPs 5 amino acid variations fall under alpha helix and beta sheet region, this might be of functional significance. This result may provide evidence that the SNPs detected in lactoferrin gene might have potential effects on milk composition. Our result demonstrates one major domain that could be a common binding pocket to all the samples, and important as an active site common to all the breeds that could be utilized for effective drug designing. Moreover, at some SNP positions in Vechur breed, antimicrobial peptides were located indicating importance of those residues for enhanced antimicrobial activity in lactoferrin of Vechur breed. Second binding pocket found in N- lobe region with the three required residues aspartic acid, histidine and tyrosine for iron binding, was considered as major binding site.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament protein skeletin from cow heart Purkinje fibres was purified to homogeneity by a selective extraction procedure and gel chromatography in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Monospecific antibodies were obtained by immunisation of rabbits with the sodium dodecyl sulphate-skeletin complex, and rocket electrophoresis made it possible to quantify the concentration of protein. The skeletin monomer has a molecular weight of 55 000. Amino acid analysis revealed that skeletin has a high content of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine and leucine, together constituting more than 50% of the molecule. The isoelectric point is determined as 6.35. Skeletin is insoluble at pH 4--6 in the absence of detergent and shows increasing solubility at higher and lower pH. The biochemical characteristics are discussed in relation to the cytoskeletal function of the filaments. Comparison with intermediate-sized filament protein of other tissues show certain important similarities suggesting that the filaments may share a common evolutionary ancestry.  相似文献   

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