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Purification of penicillin-binding protein 2 of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A protein with a molecular weight of 60,000 (60K) constitutes approximately 20% of the envelope protein of Azotobacter vinelandii. This protein was removed from cells and purified from other proteins by a simple washing procedure that had no effect on cell viability. Anti-60K antiserum blocked azotophage A-22 adsorption and agglutinated both vegetative cells and cysts; ferritin-conjugated antibodies used in indirect labeling studies bound uniformly to the periphery of vegetative cells. We conclude that 60K is present on the outer surface of vegetative cells and cysts. The protein is similar to the surface protein alpha of Acinetobacter ssp. in molecular weight, reassociation characteristics, and high ratio of acidic to basic amino acids. We propose that 60K forms a layer external to the outer membrane of A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

Activity of penicillin-binding protein 3 from Escherichia coli.   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The activity of penicillin-binding protein 3 of Escherichia coli has been studied both in vivo and in ether-permeabilized cells. The peptidoglycan transpeptidase activity of penicillin-binding protein 3 appears to use either nascent or exogenously added UDP-N-acetylmuramyl tripeptide-derived substrates as acceptors. By means of a defilamentation system which elicited the activity of penicillin-binding protein 3 in vivo, the structure of peptidoglycan made by this enzyme has been elucidated. This peptidoglycan, very probably of septal location, contained increased amounts of cross-linked peptidoglycan as well as a higher ratio of tripeptide-containing cross-linked subunits.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Shi Q  Meroueh SO  Vakulenko SB  Mobashery S 《Biochemistry》2007,46(35):10113-10121
Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and beta-lactamases are members of large families of bacterial enzymes. These enzymes undergo acylation at a serine residue with their respective substrates as the first step in their catalytic events. Penicillin-binding protein 5 (PBP 5) of Escherichia coli is known to perform a dd-carboxypeptidase reaction on the bacterial peptidoglycan, the major constituent of the cell wall. The roles of the active site residues Lys47 and Lys213 in the catalytic machinery of PBP 5 have been explored. By a sequence of site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification, we individually introduced gamma-thialysine at each of these positions. The pH dependence of kcat/Km and of kcat for the wild-type PBP 5 and for the two gamma-thialysine mutant variants at positions 47 and 213 were evaluated. The pH optimum for the enzyme was at 9.5-10.5. The ascending limb to the pH optimum is due to Lys47; hence, this residue exists in the free-base form for catalysis. The descending limb from the pH optimum is contributed to by both Lys213 and a water molecule coordinated to Lys47. These results have been interpreted as Lys47 playing a key role in proton-transfer events in the course of catalysis during both the acylation and deacylation events. However, the findings for Lys213 argue for a protonated state at the pH optimum. Lys213 serves as an electrostatic anchor for the substrate.  相似文献   

R Prats  M Gomez  J Pla  B Blasco    J A Ayala 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(9):5194-5198
In this paper we describe a new beta-lactam-binding protein from the cell envelope of Escherichia coli. It can be detected in cells grown at either 37 or 42 degrees C in medium containing glucose but not in cells grown at 30 degrees C. This novel component has an apparent molecular size that is 2.0 kilodaltons larger than that of penicillin-binding protein 3 and is derived from the latter through a divalent-cation-mediated process probably catalyzed by components located in the periplasmic space. The significance of this protein with regard to regulation of the amount of functional penicillin-binding protein 3 in the cell is discussed.  相似文献   

The peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase (GT) module of class A penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and monofunctional GTs catalyze glycan chain elongation of the bacterial cell wall. These enzymes belong to the GT51 family, are characterized by five conserved motifs, and have some fold similarity with the phage lambda lysozyme. In this work, we have systematically modified all the conserved amino acid residues of the GT module of Escherichia coli class A PBP1b by site-directed mutagenesis and determined their importance for the in vivo and in vitro activity and the thermostability of the protein. To get an insight into the GT active site of this paradigm enzyme, a model of PBP1b GT domain was constructed based on the available crystal structures (PDB codes 2OLV and 2OLU). The data show that in addition to the essential glutamate residues Glu233 of motif 1 and Glu290 of motif 3, the residues Phe237 and His240 of motif 1 and Gly264, Thr267, Gln271, and Lys274 of motif 2, all located in the catalytic cavity of the GT domain, are essential for the in vitro enzymatic activity of the PBP1b and for its in vivo functioning. Thus, the first three conserved motifs contain most of the residues that are required for the GT activity of the PBP1b. The residues Asp234, Phe237, His240, Thr267, and Gln271 are proposed to maintain the structure of the active site and the positioning of the catalytic Glu233.  相似文献   

Internal deletions close to the C-terminus of the Escherichia coli penicillin binding protein 5 (PBP5, DacA) have defined the C-terminal 18 residues of the protein as essential for membrane binding. This C-terminal sequence is capable of forming a strongly amphiphilic alpha-helix. In this paper we show that the PBP5 amphiphilic helix is able to anchor the periplasmic TEM-beta-lactamase to the inner membrane. In addition, we have demonstrated that mature PBP5 (lacking the N-terminal signal sequence) possesses the ability to bind to the membrane from a soluble form of the protein, showing that translocation across the membrane is unnecessary for anchoring to be established.  相似文献   

Abstract The glutamic acid E396, aspartic acid D409 and glutamic acid E411 residues of the Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein 3 were each converted into an alanine residue. As deduced from penicillin-binding and complementation experiments, none of these dicarboxylic acid residues is involved in the mechanism of acylation by penicillin and none of them is essential for the in vivo functioning of the PBP. The mutation E396, however, causes an increased thermolability of the protein.  相似文献   

We determined the active site of penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 2 of Escherichia coli. A water-soluble form of PBP 2, which was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, was purified by affinity chromatography, labeled with dansyl-penicillin, and then digested with a combination of proteases. The amino acid composition of the labeled chymotryptic peptide purified by HPLC was identical with that of the amino acid sequence, Ala-Thr-Gln-Gly-Val-Tyr-Pro-Pro-Ala-Ser330-Thr-Val-Lys-Pro (residues 321-334) of PBP 2, which was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the pbpA gene encoding PBP 2. This amino acid sequence was verified by sequencing the labeled tryptic peptide containing the labeled chymotryptic peptide region. A mutant PBP 2 (thiol-PBP 2), constructed by site-directed mutagenesis to replace Ser330 with Cys, lacked the penicillin-binding activity. These findings provided evidence that Ser330 near the middle of the primary structure of PBP 2 is the penicillin-binding active-site residue, as predicted previously on the basis of the sequence homology. Around this active site, the sequence Ser-Xaa-Xaa-Lys was observed, which is conserved in the active-site regions of all E. coli PBPs so far studied, class A and class C beta-lactamases, and D-Ala carboxypeptidases. The COOH-terminal amino acid of PBP 2 was identified as His633.  相似文献   

In the Gram-negative bacterium of Escherichia coli, eight genes organized as a ccm operon (ccmABCDEFGH) are involved in the maturation of c-type cytochromes. The proteins encoded by the last three genes ccmFGH are believed to form a lyase complex functioning in the reduction of apocytochrome c and haem attachment. Among them, CcmH is a membrane-associated protein; its N-terminus is a catalytic domain with the active CXXC motif and the C-terminus is predicted as a TPR-like domain with unknown function. By using SCAM (scanning cysteine accessibility mutagenesis) and Gaussia luciferase fusion assays, we provide experimental evidence for the entire topological structure of E. coli CcmH. The mature CcmH is a periplasm-resident oxidoreductase anchored to the inner membrane by two transmembrane segments. Both N- and C-terminal domains are located and function in the periplasmic compartment. Moreover, the N-terminal domain forms a monomer in solution, while the C-terminal domain is a compact fold with helical structures. The NMR solution structure of the catalytic domain in reduced form exhibits mainly a three-helix bundle, providing further information for the redox mechanism. The redox potential suggests that CcmH exhibits a strong reductase that may function in the last step of reduction of apocytochrome c for haem attachment.  相似文献   

Lipid modification of Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein 3.   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
S Hayashi  H Hara  H Suzuki    Y Hirota 《Journal of bacteriology》1988,170(11):5392-5395
The primary structure of penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP 3), an essential enzyme for cell division in Escherichia coli, was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the ftsI gene (M. Nakamura, I. N. Maruyama, M. Soma, J. Kato, H. Suzuki, and Y. Hirota, Mol. Gen. Genet. 191:1-9, 1983). An amino acid sequence of Leu-26-Leu-Cys-Gly-Cys-30 was found near the amino terminus of the deduced sequence, showing a rather striking homology to the Leu-Leu-Ala-Gly-Cys consensus sequence for the modification and processing of precursors of the E. coli murein lipoprotein and other bacterial lipoproteins. As expected from this finding, PBP 3 was found to be modified with glycerol and fatty acids, although the lipid modification occurred only in a small fraction, accounting for less than 15% of the total PBP 3 molecules.  相似文献   

Treatment of pure 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate aldolase from Escherichia coli, a "lysine-type," Schiff-base mechanism enzyme, with the substrate analog bromopyruvate results in a time- and concentration-dependent loss of enzymatic activity. Whereas the substrates pyruvate and 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate provide greater than 90% protection against inactivation by bromopyruvate, no protective effect is seen with glycolaldehyde, an analog of glyoxylate. Inactivation studies with [14C] bromopyruvate show the incorporation of 1.1 mol of 14C-labeled compound/enzyme subunit; isolation of a radioactive peptide and determination of its amino acid sequence indicate that the radioactivity is associated with glutamate 45. Incubation of the enzyme with excess [14C]bromopyruvate followed by denaturation with guanidine.HCl allow for the incorporation of carbon-14 at cysteines 159 and 180 as well. Whereas the presence of pyruvate protects Glu-45 from being esterified, it does not prevent the alkylation of these 2 cysteine residues. The results indicate that Glu-45 of E. coli 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate aldolase is essential for catalytic activity, most likely acting as the amphoteric proton donor/acceptor that is required as a participant in the overall mechanism of the reaction catalyzed.  相似文献   

Deletion of the penicillin-binding protein 5 gene of Escherichia coli.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A strain of Escherichia coli that has a deletion of the entire dacA gene has been constructed. The complete lack of penicillin-binding protein 5 in this strain establishes that the activity of this protein is not essential for the growth of E. coli.  相似文献   

Soluble, truncated mutant and wild-type forms of penicillin-binding protein 5 (sPBP 5) from Escherichia coli were produced in large amounts by placing the dacA gene that encodes PBP 5 under the control of the trp-lac fusion promoter. The 3' end of the dacA gene used in this study contains a stop codon that results in the deletion of 15 amino acids from the carboxyl terminus and the production of a soluble protein. Using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, the role of cysteine 115 in the mechanism of sPBP 5 was investigated. Alkylation of cysteine 115 with sulfhydryl reagents has previously been shown to inhibit severely the D-alanine carboxypeptidase activity of PBP 5. Alkylation also inhibits the hydrolysis of bound penicillin G, with only a slight effect on its binding. Cysteine 115 in sPBP 5 was changed to either a serine (sPBP 5C-S) or an alanine (sPBP 5C-A) residue. The wild-type and mutant sPBPs were purified in milligram amounts from induced cultures by ampicillin affinity chromatography. The mutant PBPs showed only a 2-fold increase in the half-life of the penicilloyl-PBP complex, and had a binding affinity for penicillin G identical to wild-type PBP 5. The Km for the release of D-alanine from the peptide L-Ala-D-gamma-Glu-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala was 5.0, 3.5, and 7.8 mM for PBP 5, PBP 5C-S, and PBP 5C-A, respectively, while the values for Vmax were 2.5, 3.3, and 5.1 mumol/min/mg. From these data it was concluded that the cysteine residue does not directly participate in the enzymatic mechanism.  相似文献   

The level of penicillin-binding protein 6, a D-alanine carboxypeptidase I, was found to be 2- to 10-fold higher in stationary-phase cells than in exponentially growing cells of Escherichia coli. This increase appeared to be due to de novo synthesis rather than to an unmasking of preexisting material. There was no comparable change in the amount of any of the other six penicillin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein 5 (PBP5) anchors to the inner membrane in a pH-dependent manner via a C-terminal amphiphilic alpha-helix. Low pH was found to enhance both levels of PBP5 membrane anchoring and levels of alpha-helicity in an aqueous PBP5 C-terminal homologue, which led to the suggestion that levels of PBP5 membrane anchoring are related to levels of PBP5 C-terminal alpha-helicity. Here we have used Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and a peptide homologue of the PBP5 C-terminal sequence to investigate the effect of pH on the conformational behavior of this sequence at a lipid interface and on its ability to interact with lipid. Our results suggest that the membrane-anchoring mechanism of PBP5 is unlikely to involve conformational change in the protein's C-terminal region and may therefore involve conformational changes in the protein's ectomembranous domain.  相似文献   

It was suggested previously that the primary structure of penicillin-binding protein 4 (PBP4) is new and unique among proteins that interact with penicillin. Our proposal that PBP4 carries an additional domain, located between the active-site fingerprints SXXK and SXN, was investigated by mutational deletion analysis. A clustered set of internal deletions was created in this region by exonuclease treatment of the dacB coding DNA, starting from two internal restriction sites. PBP4 mutants carrying internal deletions were selected by screening for immunoreactive forms of PBP4 with reduced molecular weight that were still active with respect to penicillin binding. DNA sequencing revealed 24 distinct PBP4 mutants with internal deletions ranging from 37 to 113 amino acids. The amino- and carboxy-terminal end points of the deletions were not randomly distributed but tended to cluster in certain areas. Overproduction of the individual mutated forms of PBP4 resulted in accumulation of the major portion of the proteins in the particulate cell fraction. The yield of soluble and active mutated forms of the protein was reduced from below 1% to 79% of the level obtained for the native protein. The deletions that were introduced had minor effects on the deacylation rate of bound benzylpenicillin. Two pairs of cysteine residues (Cys-139-Cys-153 and Cys-197-Cys-214) that are located in the deletable region may form disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

We report the sequence of the active site tryptic peptide of penicillin-binding protein 3 from Escherichia coli. Purified penicillin-binding protein 3 was labeled with [14C]penicillin G and digested with trypsin, and the resulting radioactive peptides were isolated by a combination of gel filtration and high-pressure liquid chromatography. The major radioactive peak from high-pressure liquid chromatography was sequenced, and the peptide Thr-Ile-Thr-Asp-Val-Phe-Glu-Pro-Gly-Ser-Thr-Val-Lys, which comprises residues 298 to 310 in the amino acid sequence, was identified. This sequence is compared with the active site sequences from other penicillin-binding proteins and beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

H Adachi  T Ohta  H Matsuzawa 《FEBS letters》1987,226(1):150-154
Penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 2 of Escherichia coli is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. The N-terminal hydrophobic segment (31 amino acids, residues 15-45) of PBP2 was removed by a deletion in the PBP2 gene by site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in the production of a water-soluble form of PBP2 (called PBP2*). PBP2* retained the penicillin-binding activity, was localized in the cytoplasm and was overproduced under the control of the lpp-lac promoter. this indicates that the removed hydrophobic segment is an uncleaved signal sequence required for translocation of PBP2 across the cytoplasmic membrane, and also suggests that the segment anchors the protein to the membrane.  相似文献   

The catalytic properties of four class A beta-lactamases were studied with 24 different substrates. They exhibit a wide range of variation. Similarly, the amino acid sequences are also quite different. However, no relationships were found between the sequence similarities and the substrate profiles. Lags and bursts were observed with various compounds containing a large sterically hindered side chain. As a group, the enzymes could be distinguished from the class C beta-lactamases on the basis of the kappa cat. values for several substrates, particularly oxacillin, cloxacillin and carbenicillin. Surprisingly, that distinction was impossible with the kappa cat./Km values, which represent the rates of acylation of the active-site serine residue by the beta-lactam. For several cephalosporin substrates (e.g. cefuroxime and cefotaxime) class A enzymes consistently exhibited higher kappa cat. values than class C enzymes, thus belying the usual distinction between 'penicillinases' and 'cephalosporinases'. The problem of the repartition of class A beta-lactamases into sub-classes is discussed.  相似文献   

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