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Cells of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38 were immobilized on poly (2,6-dimethyl)-p-phenyleneoxide in powder form (Sorfix) coated with poly-L-lysine (molecular weight 40 000 daltons). The dependence of cell immobilization on the amount of bound polyL-lysine was estimated.Abbreviations MW molecular weight - dwt dry weight - fwt fresh weight  相似文献   

A gene from groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) coding for stilbene synthase was transferred together with a chimaeric kanamycin resistance gene. It was found to be rapidly expressed after induction with UV light and elicitor in tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum). Comparative studies of stilbene synthase mRNA synthesis in groudnut and transgenic tobacco suspension cultures revealed the same kinetics of gene expression. Stilbene synthase specific mRNA was detectable 30 minutes after elicitor induction and 10 minutes after UV irradiation. The maximum of mRNA accumulation was between 2 and 8 hours post induction. 24 hours after induction stilbene synthase mRNA accumulation ceased. Furthermore, in transgenic tobacco plants, the gene was found to be inducible in sterile roots, stems and leaves. Stilbene synthase was demonstrated in crude protein extracts from transgenic tobacco cell cultures using specific antibodies. Resveratrol, the product of stilbene synthase, was identified by HPLC and antisera raised against resveratrol.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of cell division in plant development, we isolated several plant genes which encode homologues of animal and yeast cell cycle regulators known as cyclins.Through the use of degenerate primers and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) we isolated a Brassica sequence which showed homology to the cyclin box functional domain found within cyclin proteins. Southern blot analysis indicated that Brassica napus has a large number of genes containing cyclin box-related sequences. This was further supported by the isolation of cyclin box sequences from six different genomic clones. In addition, we have isolated two different cyclin cDNA clones, BnCYC1 and BnCYC2, from a Brassica napus shoot apical cDNA library. Both of the cDNA clones contain a destruction box regulatory domain similar to animal mitotic cyclins.Northern blot analysis using BnCYC2 shows mRNA levels which correlate well with the level of cell division in various tissues. Messenger RNA abundance was highest in 1–3 mm leaves, root tips and shoot apices. The mRNA detected using BnCYC1 was restricted to young leaves and the shoot apex, suggesting divergent, organ-specific roles for cyclin family members. The results demonstrate that the plant cyclin gene family is more extensive than previously demonstrated and consists of genes expressed in all dividing tissues as well as a subset of developmentally specific members.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts ofNicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi were incubated with liposomes containing the plasmid plGVneo23 encoding kanamycin resistance. Transformed protoplasts and calli and plants derived from transformed protoplasts were treated with the demethylating agent 5-azacytidine. Three lines of evidence indicate that 5-azacytidine can increase NPT II activity in transformed cell lines and plants: a) Addition of azacytidine to the protoplast medium increased the proportion of kanamycin-resistant transformants recovered. b) NPT II activity could not be detected in approximately 50% of calli derived from transformed protoplasts although such calli grew slowly on medium containing kanamycin. Treatment of NPT-negative calli with 5-azacytidine restored detectable gene activity and increased the growth rate of the callus in the presence of kanamycin. c) Shoot tips regenerated from transformed calli were either NPT-positive or NPT-negative. When shoots were NPT-negative, treatment with 5-azacytidine restored detectable gene activity and improved growth in the presence of kanamycin.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation is involved in a variety of biological processes, many of which are chromatin-dependent and linked to important functions during the cell cycle. However, any study on ADP-ribosylation and the cell cycle faces the problem that synchronization with chemical agents or by serum starvation and subsequent growth factor addition already activates ADP-ribosylation by itself. Here, we investigated the functional contribution of ARTD1 in cell cycle re-entry and G1/S cell cycle progression using T24 urinary bladder carcinoma cells, which synchronously re-enter the cell cycle after splitting without any additional stimuli. In synchronized cells, ARTD1 knockdown, but not inhibition of its enzymatic activity, caused specific down-regulation of cyclin E during cell cycle re-entry and G1/S progression through alterations of the chromatin composition and histone acetylation, but not of other E2F-1 target genes. Although Cdk2 formed a functional complex with the residual cyclin E, p27Kip1 Murray AH, Hunt T. The cell cycle: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. [Google Scholar] protein levels increased in G1 upon ARTD1 knockdown most likely due to inappropriate cyclin E-Cdk2-induced phosphorylation-dependent degradation, leading to decelerated G1/S progression. These results provide evidence that ARTD1 regulates cell cycle re-entry and G1/S progression via cyclin E expression and p27Kip1 Murray AH, Hunt T. The cell cycle: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. [Google Scholar] stability independently of its enzymatic activity, uncovering a novel cell cycle regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Cyclin E1 is expressed at the G₁/S phase transition of the cell cycle to drive the initiation of DNA replication and is degraded during S/G₂M. Deregulation of its periodic degradation is observed in cancer and is associated with increased proliferation and genomic instability. We identify that in cancer cells, unlike normal cells, the closely related protein cyclin E2 is expressed predominantly in S phase, concurrent with DNA replication. This occurs at least in part because the ubiquitin ligase component that is responsible for cyclin E1 downregulation in S phase, Fbw7, fails to effectively target cyclin E2 for proteosomal degradation. The distinct cell cycle expression of the two E-type cyclins in cancer cells has implications for their roles in genomic instability and proliferation and may explain their associations with different signatures of disease.  相似文献   

In flowers grown at warm temperatures in environmental chambers and at cooler temperatures in the greenhouse, eight parameters of the sperm-cell organization of Nicotiana tabacum were examined during sperm cell maturation using serial ultrathin sectioning, transmission electron microscopy and quantitative cytology. Despite employing the same seed source, and similar soil and nutrient conditions, the surface area and volume of the cell, the nucleus and the chondriome were larger in flowers grown in growth chambers under warmer controlled conditions, whereas the number of plastids appeared to be the same, or slightly higher, in flowers grown under cooler greenhouse conditions. These results suggest that environmental conditions may influence the quantity of cytoplasmic organelles, including mitochondria and plastids, thus potentially influencing the likelihood of male cytoplasmic inheritance.  相似文献   

Cytokinins play important roles in regulating plant growth and development. A new genetic construct for regulating cytokinin content in plant cells was cloned and tested. The gene coding for isopentenyl transferase (ipt) was placed under the control of a 0.821 kb fragment of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase gene promoter from Lycopersicon esculentum (LEACO1) and introduced into Nicotiana tabacum (cv. Havana). Some LEACO10.821 kb-ipt transgenic plant lines displayed normal shoot morphology but with a dramatic increase in the number of flower buds compared to nontransgenic plants. Other transgenic lines produced excessive lateral branch development but no change in flower bud number. Isolated leaves of transgenic tobacco plants showed a significantly prolonged retention of chlorophyll under dark incubation (25°C for 20 days). Leaves of nontransformed plants senesced gradually under the same conditions. Experiments with LEACO10.821 kb-gus transgenic tobacco plants suggested auxin and ethylene involvement in induction of LEACO10.821 kb promoter activity. Multiple copies of nucleotide base sequences associated with either ethylene or auxin response elements were identified in the LEACO10.821 kb promoter fragment. The LEACO10.821 kb-ipt fusion gene appears to have potential utility for improving certain ornamental and agricultural crop species by increasing flower bud initiation and altering branching habit.  相似文献   

Three lines of evidence indicated a connectionbetween zearalenone (ZEN) and flower bud formationin thin cell layer (TCL) explants of Nicotianatabacum L. cv. Samsun. (1) There were two peaks inthe endogenous ZEN level during the formation offlower buds. (2) The specific inhibitor of ZENbiosynthesis, malathion (MAL), inhibited thebiosynthesis of endogenous ZEN and at the same timeflower bud neoformation. (3) Exogenous ZEN inducedflower bud neoformation.  相似文献   

Given the essential role played by phenol metabolism in many resistance responses to different types of stress, the aim of the present work was to determine how different application rates of calcium may influence this metabolic process. Increased calcium in the nutrient solution in which tobacco plants were grown considerably reduced the foliar concentration of phenolic compounds. Calcium clearly exerted a positive influence on the activities of enzymes (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase) involved in the metabolism of the phenolics. High dosages of calcium (5 mM) promoted more oxidation than synthesis of these compounds, thus explaining the lower concentration of the phenolics.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty stable variant lines resistant to isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH), an inhibitor of the conversion of glycine to serine in the glycolate pathway, were isolated in cell cultures initiated from allodihaploid Nicotiana tabacum. Plants were regenerated from 13 of these lines and explants were tested for resistance. For some lines virtually all of the regenerated plants scored as resistant; for others a mixed population of sensitive and resistant plants were obtained. One or more plants from 5 lines were fertile, presumably as a result of spontaneous diploidization of cells in the plant or culture. Callus initiated from the seed progeny of these plants was resistant to INH confirming the characteristic as a stable mutation. Seedlings from all INH-resistant plants were small and slow-growing, but the slow-growth trait could be separated from resistance in backcrosses of hybrids. In one case (line I21) crosses with sensitive lines show the resistant trait in that line to be dominant.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescence microscopy was used to visualize microtubules (Mts) and chromatin in an effort to further clarify the relationship between the generative cell (GC) and vegetative nucleus (VN) in pollen tubes of tobacco. Prominent Mt bundles are present in one or more GC extensions that can be finger-like or lamellar in form. While the VN is positioned distal to the GC in most cases, it can also straddle the cell or lie proximal to it. In all cases, however, extensions embrace, penetrate or clasp the VN. GC Mts are reorganized during the formation of the mitotic apparatus, and cell extensions are fully or partially withdrawn. By telophase in many pollen tubes, the VN shifts to a more proximal position and appears to adhere to the region of the GC containing the phragmoplast. Application of oryzalin leads to the disorganization of Mts, changes in cell shape, including the loss or alteration of cell extensions, and separation of the GC and VN in some cases. However, the position and polarity of the VN is maintained in most pollen tubes. The results indicate that GC Mts and cell extensions play a role in the association with the VN. However, the relationship appears to be controlled by other factors as well. Attention should now be directed at potential interactions involving the VN envelope, vegetative plasma membrane, GC plasma membrane and extracellular matrix.Abbreviations GC Generative cell - MGU male germ unit - Mt microtubule - VN vegetative nucleus  相似文献   

G. Kandra  P. Maliga 《Planta》1977,133(2):131-133
Cytokinin-habituated, as compared to nonhabituated Nicotiana tabacum cv. Havana 425 callus was shown to tolerate higher concentrations of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) if cytokinin was added to the medium [Meins, Planta 129, 239–244 (1976)].Our aim was to clarify whether or not BUdR-resistance and cytokinin-habituation are linked characters in callus cultures of our BUdR-resistant tobacco mutant BR 37/21, obtained from Nicotiana tabacum cv. Ottawa.It is demonstrated that BUdR-resistance and cytokinin-habituation are independent characters in the case of this mutant. Non-habituated BR 37/21 callus grows as a resistant line on a medium containing BUdR at a selective concentration (30 mg/l) whereas cytokinin-habituated callus, not selected for BUdR-resistance, behaves as a sensitive line, i.e. turns brown and dies, on the same medium.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental parameters for direct gene transfer with recombinant DNA encoding neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) under control of eukaryotic expression signals were established. The introduced gene was shown by the growth of transformants on media containing kanamycin, by genomic blotting and by assaying NPTII activity. Leaf protoplasts from three green genotypes of varieties xanthii and petit havanna, and from four plastome-encoded albino genotypes of Nicotiana tabacum were analyzed with respect to cell division kinetics and yield of kanamycin-tolerant colonies after direct gene transfer. No clear correlation was found between the time of onset of cell division and transformation frequency.  相似文献   

Summary Nucelli and developing embryo sacs were enzymatically isolated from ovules of Nicotiana tabacum. Megaspore mother cells, tetrads, uninucleate, binucleate, four-nucleate, eight-nucleate and mature embryo sacs were obtained. The isolated embryo sacs were intact and living, and maintained their original shape and organization. Cytoplasmic streaming was clearly observed. Prolonged incubation of ovules or reincubation of isolated embryo sacs in the maceration mixture resulted in the liberation of the gametophytic cells as individual, living protoplasts.  相似文献   

哺乳动物肝细胞中cyp2e1基因所编码的蛋白CYP2E1在代谢异型有机物方面起着重要作用,转cyp2e1基因植物可以代谢多种小分子有机污染物;但cyp2e1基因在植物体内的表达调控和代谢机理尚不完全清楚。文中将含有cyp2e1基因的质粒pSLD50-6和对照gus基因的质粒pKH200转入根癌农杆菌GV3101,利用根癌农杆菌转基因技术将cyp2e1基因和对照gus基因成功转入烟草,分别获得了转cyp2e1和gus基因再生植株。选取PCR鉴定的再生植株进行荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析,结果表明:在转录水平上,转cyp2e1基因烟草中,乙醇处理后cyp2e1基因的表达明显下降,苯和甲苯处理后cyp2e1基因的表达量稍有下降;而丙酮、甲醛处理和缺氧条件下cyp2e1基因的表达有不同程度的升高。此外,苯处理后,转cyp2e1基因烟草中NADPH-P450氧化还原酶和细胞色素b5酶的基因活性显著提高,说明烟草中NADPH-P450氧化还原酶和细胞色素b5酶与CYP2E1酶的解毒过程有关,可能起到哺乳动物体内的NADPH-P450氧化还原酶和细胞色素b5的功能,参与CYP2E1酶催化过程的电子传递链。  相似文献   

Summary HRS60.1, a monomer unit (184 bp) of a highly repeated nuclear DNA sequence of Nicotiana tabacum, has been cloned and sequenced. Following BamHI digestion of tobacco DNA, Southern hybridization with HRS60.1 revealed a ladder of hybridization bands corresponding to multiples of the basic monomer unit. If the tobacco DNA was digested with restriction endonucleases which have no target site in HRS60.1, the larger part of DNA homologous to HRS60.1 remained as uncleaved relic DNA. These results suggest a tandem arrangement of this DNA repeat unit. Four other clones of tobacco nuclear DNA cross-hybridized with HRS60.1, thus forming a HRS60-family. Sequencing their inserts has shown their strong mutual homology. HRS60-family comprised about 2% of the nuclear genome of N. tabacum. Computer comparisons with other tandem plant-repeated DNA sequences could not detect any other homologous sequence.  相似文献   

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