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Les levures dans les eaux de la Moselle   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We have identified 95 yeast species, in the river Moselle. Trichosporon cutaneum is a very good indicator for pollution caused by men and disappears rapidly in the zone of recovery. In not polluted water, the white yeasts are absent or nearly so, and only red pigmented yeasts are present. Sporobolomyces odorus is always present in these fractions. From the source till the border (Thionville) an increasing percentage of red yeasts present in the water is an indicator for a recovery of the river after heavy pollution.

Freddy De Bock 《Geobios》1982,15(6):845-871
The Silurian-Devonian boundary beds of the southeastern Montagne Noire contain few but well-preserved Chitinozoans. A total of 20 species have been recognized. We distinguish 4 assemblages which characterize the Upper Ludlovian, the Pridolian and the Lochkovian sediments.  相似文献   

New outcrops in the Rambervillers and Mirecourt area (Vosges) have provided a fine Estherian fauna in Lettenkohle horizons. Euestheria minuta and E. laxitexta lived together, E. minuta being the most numerous species, thoughout the Middle Lettenkohle, when the environment was favorable.  相似文献   

Jaglin, J.-C. & Paris, F. 1992 04 IS: Exemples de tératologie chez les Chitinozoaires du Pridoli de Libye et implications sur la signification biologique du groupe. [Teratologic cases among Pridolian chitinozoans from Libya and implications on the biological interpretation of the group.] Lethaia , Vol. 25, pp. 151–164. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Fairly numerous chitinozoans displaying morphological anomalies are recorded in Late Silurian subsurface material from Western Libya. The individuals described and illustrated in our paper range exclusively in a short interval at the top of the investigated sequence. These abnormal vesicles are interpreted as teratologic cases related lo an event of unknown origin. From our conclusions, the hypothesis of vegetative reproduction stages stated by previous authors seems unlikely. Therefore we still interpret the chitinozoan vesicles as eggs (or to a lesser extent as spores) of marine organisms. * Libya, Chitinozoans, Silurian, teratology, chitinozoan affinities .  相似文献   

Résumé Une analyse de la variance est proposée pour comparer la variance entre chromatides soeurs, celle entre chromosomes d'un même doublet et celle entre doublets homologues, un doublet se composant d'um chromosome et de sa copie obtenue par endoréduplication. La variance totale des chromatides est comparée à celle due uniquement aux erreurs de mesure.
Formulae are suggested to analyse the variance of chromatids in karyotypes with replicated chromosomes. For chromosomes 1, 2 and 3, it is possible to analyse the variance between sister chromatids, the variance between replicated chromosomes and the variance between homologous chromosomes. It is also possible to compare the total variance of chromatids (1, 2 or 3) with the variance originating only in errors of measure.

Dans le Miocène moyen du Sud-Est de l'Europe on rencontretrès rarement des exemplaires fossiles de lamellibrancheslithophages, quelques-uns de ceux-ci appartenant au genre Lithophagaet d'autres au Pholas, Clavagella, Saxicava, Petricola, et Barnea.Certaines especes de Pholas et de Barnea sont rélativementsouvent rencontrees non seulement dans le Miocène moyen(etage Tortonien), mais aussi dans le Miocène supérieur(étage Sarmatien). En génèral ces espèces se rencontrent surun substrat calcaire. Å la fin du Miocène les espècesde lamellibranches fossiles lithophages disparaissent du basinde la Mer Noire, a cause que celui-ci est devenu un basin d'eaudouce. Mais, dans le temps actuel trois espèces de lamellibrancheslithophages vivent aussi dans la Mer Noire, venues dans le Quaternairede la Mer Mediterranee. C'est-à-dire: Pholas dactylusL., Barnea Candida var. pontica Mil., qui vivent sur un substratformé surtout de marnes argileuses ou de marnes calcaires.Sur un substrat de grès dures calcaire se rencontre presqueexclusivement Petricola lithophaga Retzius, sur la plateformerocheuse du sud de Constantza (Roumanie).  相似文献   

The sediments at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary record a major crisis of pelagic carbonate producers (calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera). Nevertheless, Maastrichtian-like nannofossils are found in lowermost Danian sediments. Their origin (reworked vs. survivors) is still under debate. A recently developed protocol leading to separation of the various calcareous components included in the lowermost Danian sediments allows evaluation of the nannofossil isotopic signatures across the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary. Maastrichtian-like nannofossils found in Danian sediments record isotopic ratios (carbon and oxygen) similar to the Cretaceous ones. These results provide evidence that Maastrichtian-like nannofossils are mostly reworked at Bidart.  相似文献   

Jean-Pierre Suc 《Geobios》1978,11(3):399-403
Pollen-analysis shows the presence of the genus Hamamelis in the pliocene flora of southern France. It contributesto the knowledge of the past distribution of taxa which are now extinct in western Europe.  相似文献   

R. Negre 《Plant Ecology》1969,18(1-6):167-202
Summary The Gentiano-Caricetum in the central Pyrenees parallelles the Caricetum curvulae in the Alps. As a climax of the granitic and schistic platforms it has some subassociations both at the north and the south slopes of the mountain.By biological research of different kinds we found a new classification of the life-forms.Though the soils occur in the large group of the Rankers, nevertheless they are also peculiar to each subassociation, belonging to the microclimate.
Zusammenfassung Das Gentiano-Caricetum der zentralen Pyrenäen entspricht in der alpinen Stufe dem Caricetum curvulae der Alpen. Als Klimaxgesellschaft der Granit-und Schieferhochplateaus weist diese Assoziation mehrere Subassoziationen auf, welche die südlichen und nördlichen Abhänge bewohnen.Das biologische Studium der Arten ermöglicht eine neue Einteilung der Lebensformen.Die Bodentypen können unter die Ranker eingereiht werden, aber mit gewissen Besonderheiten für jede Subassoziation, die wahrscheinlich zum Mikroklima in Beziehung stehen.

Professeur à la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille

Cette note fait suite à l'étude des rochers, des éboulis, des moraines du bassin versant de l'One, publiée dans Port. Acta bot. (17). L'One est un affluent de la Pique, celle-ci se jetant elle-même dans la Garonne à Mérignac. La région qui nous intéresse ici est portée sur les deux cartes au 20 000e Bagnères de Luchon no 6 et no 7; elle figure sur la carte Michelin au 200 000e no 85 Biarritz-Luchon, au pli 19 et sur la carte Michelin au 1 000 000e au Sud de la route de Bagnères de Luchon — col de Peyresourde.  相似文献   

Treatment with 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP; 10−5 g/ml) accelerates the growth of detached cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativas L.), primarily through an increased water uptake by the tissues. A comparative study of pigment composition and ultrastructure in 6-BAP treated and untreated cotyledons shows that cytokinin, in the presence of light, accelerates the transformation of etioplasts into chloroplasts. 6-BAP also enhances the synthesis of membrane precursors as indicated by the formation of a dense prolamellar body and by the persistence of a pseudo-cristalline structure in 6-BAP treated material. Stimulation of biosynthetic activity by cytokinin leads simultaneously to an increase in the rate of the pigment synthesis and to an acceleration in the building of the lamellar system. Furthermore, chloroplasts of 6-BAP treated cotyledons show abnormal features such as a striking increase in the number of thylacoids per granum and a poor development of the intergranal system.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):181-188
Enigmatic calcareous microfossils are present in the stratotype section at Tercis, Landes, France (Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary). Thirty to thirty-five forms have been pictured and 1 to 100 specimens have been picked for each of them. The single-chambered tests show a small aperture. They present an axial symmetry, which is altered when radial equatorial expansions are added to the 75 to 200 μm-large bodies of discoidal, spheroidal, cupuliform, conical or barrel-like shapes. These peculiar characters are those of the gilianelles, a group of uncertain status created here. In addition to their palaeontological interest, these microfossils display a short time distribution and might have a stratigraphical interest. Gilianella stellata n. gn. n. sp. is described as a type form and illustrated.  相似文献   

Daniel Melin 《Phytochemistry》1975,14(10):2193-2197
Phenylalanine is the precursor of the cinnamic acids and coumarins in the stems and leafs of P. graeca L. Esterification of p-coumaric acid by quinic acid is required before oxidation to chlorogenic acid. In our experiments, we did not obtain radioactive flavonols from 14C phenylalanine. PAL activity varies as a result of light and temperature in the same manner as the level of flavonoids (especially the phenolic acids). This enzyme, therefore, plays a regulatory role in the synthesis of these phenolic substances. The variation in PAL activity during illumination does not follow the same course as described for other plants.  相似文献   

Thirty three species of Chitinozoans are recorded inthe Upper Ktaoua and in the Lower Deuxième Bani Formations (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). These two lithological units have been refered to the upper part of the Ashgill Series on Trilobite, Brachiopod and Echinoderm evidence. This age assignment is well supported by the present study of the Chitinozoans. Strong affinities with North american Chitinozoan assemblages (Anticosti Island, Québec; Oklahoma, U.S.A.) are pointed out. The Upper Ktaoua Formation can be correlated with part of the Vaureal Formation (Richmodian of Quebec); the Lower Deuxième Bani Formation seems to be of the same age as the lower part of the Ellis-Bay Formation (Gamachian of Quebec).  相似文献   

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