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亚麻籽粒中主要脂肪酸和蛋白质积累过程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以亚麻品种82(50)为材料,研究了亚麻籽粒中主要脂肪酸、蛋白质和糖积累的规律,结果表明:在亚麻籽粒发育成熟的过程中,棕榈酸、亚油酸含量持续下降,当籽粒完全成熟时降至最低;油酸和亚麻酸含量持续增加,当籽粒完全成熟时含量最高;硬脂酸在籽粒发育10~25d,其含量逐渐提高,以后逐渐下降。蛋白质随着籽粒发育成熟其含量持续提高,且蛋白质含量的提高主要发生在籽粒发育成熟的30d以前。总糖随籽粒发育成熟含量迅速下降,当种子完全成熟时降至最低。  相似文献   

摘要:目的:了解不同哺乳期母乳中各种脂肪酸水平的差异及其变化趋势,为母乳喂养及婴幼儿配方奶粉的配制提供科学依据。方法:收集2015年7月—2016年3月,在北京大学人民医院足月顺产的25~40岁产妇产后1~5d的初乳、6~10d的过渡乳和30d的成熟乳123份,采用气相色谱质谱联用法(GC-MS)检测母乳中的脂肪酸成分,分析母乳中各脂肪酸水平的差异及随时间的变化趋势。结果:随着泌乳时间的延长,C18∶0、C14∶1ω5、C18∶3ω6水平和ω-6/ω-3比例呈增高趋势;C24∶0、C16∶1ω9、C20∶1ω9、C20∶2ω6、C20∶3ω6、C20∶4ω6(AA)、C22∶2ω6、C22∶4ω6、C22∶5ω6、C22∶5ω3和C22∶6ω3(DHA)水平呈下降趋势,总体SFA含量逐渐增加,但无显著性意义;而PUFA 尤其是ω-3 PUFA水平显著减少(P<0.05)。 结论:母乳中的各种脂肪酸随着泌乳时间的延长而不断变化,新生儿喂养及配方奶粉的配制时应考虑母乳中各种脂肪酸含量的微观变化。  相似文献   

以遗传背景相似、种子颜色不同的5个甘蓝型油菜品系为材料,研究甘蓝型油菜种子发育过程中玉米素核苷(ZR)、生长素(IAA)和脱落酸(ABA)含量的动态变化及其对籽粒产量和油脂成分的影响。结果表明,开花授粉后10~20 d,ZR呈上升趋势,其中黄籽中ZR较黑籽积累更快含量更高,IAA在籽粒中大量积累;开花授粉后20~25 d,黄籽中的IAA含量均显著高于黑籽;ABA浓度先呈上升趋势,逐渐积累ABA,之后开始又稍有下降然后维持在一定水平。授粉后10 d油菜籽粒油酸含量逐步升高,黄籽中的油酸、亚油酸含量均显著高于黑籽,黄籽含油量极显著高于黑籽,说明籽粒发育前期和中期较高浓度的ZR和IAA有利于油酸、亚油酸和油脂的积累。  相似文献   

人参不同加工品中脂肪酸成分的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用GC法分析测定了人参不同加工品的脂肪酸含量、人参加工品经加热处理,亚油酸含量呈上升趋势,从而为人参加工机理的脂质类成分转化提供了证据。  相似文献   

山茱萸( Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.)为山茱萸科( Cornaceae)山茱萸属( Cornus Linn.)的多年生木本植物[1],主要产自中国的陕西、河南和浙江等地,在四川、安徽和山东等地亦有栽培[2]。山茱萸是世界三大名贵木本药材之一[3],临床上常以成熟果实去核后的果肉入药,而占山茱萸果实质量约80%的种子则被大量废弃。因此,对山茱萸种子资源的研究有利于提高山茱萸的综合利用价值。  相似文献   

试验在巴基斯坦Arid农业大学进行,于2001年春、秋两季分别调查向日葵杂交种的油和脂肪酸含量,其中5个向日葵杂交种按完全随机区组设计,春向日葵在3月播种,6月收获;秋向日葵在8月播种,11月收获。调查结果表明,油和油酸的含量,春向日葵比秋向日葵高;软脂肪酸和亚油酸含量,秋向日葵比春向日葵高。因此,依据油和油酸的含量来推断,春向日葵比秋向日葵有优势;从亚油酸角度判断,秋向日葵比春向日葵更有优势。  相似文献   

利用瘤胃体外产气法研究在羊草底物条件下添加不同水平的亚麻籽油(LSO)对气体产量、瘤胃发酵和脂肪酸组分的影响。LSO添加水平分别为底物干物质的5%和10%,体外培养持续48 h。在12、24和48 h时测量总气体产量、甲烷及氢气产量,培养结束后测定发酵指标和发酵液中脂肪酸成分。结果表明,LSO显著降低了产气量和甲烷产量,提高了氢气产量;添加LSO显著提高了总挥发性脂肪酸含量、丙酸和丁酸的比例,还显著降低了发酵液pH和氨氮浓度;同时,添加LSO提高了发酵液中对人体健康有益的共轭亚油酸以及其他不饱和脂肪酸的比例。这些结果表明,富含十八碳不饱和脂肪酸的LSO可以在粗饲料条件下抑制甲烷生成,改善瘤胃发酵,增加了多不饱和脂肪酸的含量,而且抑制甲烷生成及改善瘤胃发酵的效果与添加剂量有关。  相似文献   

以酿酒葡萄品种赤霞珠为试材,研究了果实发育时期、机械创伤处理与外源茉莉酸甲酯处理对葡萄果皮中脂肪酸组分、含量及LOX活性的变化。结果表明:(1)葡萄果皮的LOX活性在花后12周达到最大值;花后15周对果实进行创伤处理,处理3h后LOX活性达到最高点;花后17周对果实进行MeJA处理,处理后24hLOX活性达到最大值。(2)葡萄果皮脂肪酸组分中,饱和脂肪酸以棕榈酸和硬脂酸为主,而不饱和脂肪酸以亚油酸和亚麻酸为主。(3)葡萄果实脂肪酸含量随葡萄发育先增加后下降,花后15周创伤处理后的葡萄脂肪酸含量波动较大,花后17周茉莉酸甲酯处理后24h葡萄脂肪酸含量显著升高。  相似文献   

不同蛋白质含量小麦品种叶片NRA与氮素积累关系的研究   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
以鲁麦5号和昌乐5号两种不同蛋白质含量小麦品种为材料,研究了各生育期叶片NRA与氮素积累的关系。其结果是,在不同施氮量下,各生育期叶片NRA、NO3^--N、NH2-N、还原N含量皆随施氮量增加而增加,但生育前期昌乐5号的毕大于鲁麦5号,而生育后期则相反,鲁麦5号的皆大于昌乐5号,籽粒蛋白质含量亦为鲁麦5号高于昌乐5号。表明生育后期(开花期后)叶片NRA是反映籽粒蛋白质含量高低的一项重要指标。  相似文献   

饲料中不同脂肪源对黄鳝生长和组织中脂肪酸含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用6种不同脂肪源:鱼油(FO)、亚麻油(LO)、大豆油(SO)、二十碳四稀酸(ARA)+花生油(APO)、花生油(PO)和猪油(PL),配制了6组含脂量为8%的等氮(44%粗蛋白)、等能(19.4 MJ/kg)饲料,喂养黄鳝10周后,其结果显示:饲料中不同脂肪源对黄鳝的生长有影响。PO组的特定生长率(SGR)最低,显著低于SO、FO组(P<0.05);SO组的SGR显著高于除FO组之外的其他各组(P<0.05)。黄鳝组织中的18:3n-3和18:2n-6含量与饲料中的对应脂肪酸含量呈线性相关,缺乏ARA的试验组黄鳝各组织中ARA的含量与饲料中的18:2n-6含量存在弱的线性相关;但在各组织中ARA的含量均显著低于APO组(P<0.05)。缺乏二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)的LO、SO、PL、PO各组,卵巢中的EPA和DHA含量与饲料中的18:3n-3含量呈对数函数相关;但在各组织中EPA、DHA的含量均显著低于FO组(P<0.05)。结果表明n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)是黄鳝生长重要的脂肪酸,黄鳝生长需要一个适宜的n-6/n-3比值;大豆油、亚麻油、猪油替代鱼油可基本满足黄鳝生长对脂肪酸的需要,其中以大豆油最佳。黄鳝可合成长链多不饱和脂肪酸(LC-PUFA),但合成LC-PUFA的量有限。  相似文献   

亚麻EST序列中SSR标记的筛选   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用亚麻NCBI数据库中的7 941条亚麻EST序列进行SSR的筛选,共发现222个SSR,占整个EST数据库的2.73%,其中三核苷酸重复单元的EST-SSR占总SSR的72.1%,二核苷酸和四核苷酸二者出现的频率基本相近,分别占总SSR的14.4%和13.5%.AGAA是四核苷酸中的优势重复类型,占四核苷酸重复类型的67.67%.设计的21对EST-SSR引物中有18对在10个亚麻材料中有扩增产物,占设计引物的85%,有14对产物条带比较清晰并具有多态性.基于SSR标记进行聚类分析,可将10个亚麻材料划分为3个组.本研究建立的亚麻SSR标记,为亚麻遗传多样性鉴定、分子作图等研究提供了一种有效的分子标记系统.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - The interaction of 11 genes of flax which control the color of the hypocotyl, flowers and seeds, as well as deformation of petals, was evaluated by genetic analysis....  相似文献   

The homology between the acidic isoperoxidases from two environmentally-inducedflax genotrophs, L and S, was examined with antisera raisedagainst purified isozymes from S stem tissue. Peroxidases S1,S2 and S4 were found to be immunologically indistinguishablefrom their counterparts L1, L2 and L4 based on results fromimmunodiffusion, immunoinhibition and immunoprecipitation experiments.Corresponding isozymes from S and L, despite displaying differencesin apparent molecular weight, were shown to have identical plvalues. These results support our view that post-translationalmodification of the carbohydrate moiety of the isoperoxidasesfrom L and S is responsible for their differences on polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. The affinity of the antisera toward threehorseradish peroxidases was also studied and the presence ofthree antigenically distinct groups of peroxidases in plantsis suggested. Key words: Flax peroxidase, horseradish peroxidase, isoperoxidases, homology  相似文献   

Cell walls of flax suspension-cultured cells contain both ß1  相似文献   

One of the major concerns in genetic characterization and breeding of cultivated flax is the lack of informative microsatellite markers (SSRs). In this regard, the development of SSRs using molecular methods might be time-consuming, laborious, and expensive. On the other hand, using bioinformatics to mine sequences in public databases enables a cost-effective discovery of SSRs. A total of 3,242 Linum usitatissimum genomic sequences were surveyed for the identification of SSRs. Among them, 118 non-redundant sequences containing repeats were selected for designing primers. The most abundant motifs were tri- (72.4%) and dinudeotide (16.6%), within which AGG/CCT and AG/CT were predominant. Primers were tested for polymorphism in 60 L. usitatissimum cultivars/accessions including 57 linseed and three fiber flax. Eighty-eight pairs gave amplifications within the expected size range while 60 pairs were found to be polymorphic. The mean number of alleles amplified per primer was 3.0 (range, 2–8; 180 total alleles). The mean polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.39 (range, 0.06–0.87), and the highest average PIC was observed in dinucleotide SSRs (0.41). The SSR data mining presented here demonstrates the usefulness of in silico development of microsatellites. These novel genomic SSR markers could be used in genetic diversity studies, the development of genetic linkage maps, quantitative trait loci mapping, association mapping, and marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Cell wall phenolic compounds were analysed in xylem and bastfibre-rich peels of flax stems by biochemical, histochemicaland ultrastructural approaches. Localization of cell wall phenolicsby the enzyme-gold method using laccase revealed several goldparticle distribution patterns. One of the major types (an evendistribution of single gold particles) was present mainly inxylem, while the other (compact branched groups of ten–40gold particles) was found both in xylem and fibre cells. Thelignin content of the stem parts was estimated by the Klasonprocedure and by the thioglycolic acid assay, and the phenolicproducts recovered after alkaline cupric oxide oxidation ofcell walls were analysed by GC. By combining chemical analysisdata and the frequency of various gold particle types withinthe tissues, different patterns of gold particle distributioncould be ascribed to certain cell wall phenolics; lignin wasstained as evenly distributed single gold particles, while branchedclusters represented hydroxycinnamic acids. The Klason proceduredid not remove all the non-lignin components from flax fibres,known for their highly crystalline cellulose, and considerablyoverestimated the lignin content. The thioglycolic acid assayresults were consistent with GC and microscopic observations.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Linum usitatissimum L., bast fibres, cell wall, lignin, hydroxycinnamic acids  相似文献   

Genomic microsatellites (gSSRs) and expressed sequence tag-derived SSRs (EST-SSRs) have gained wide application for elucidating genetic diversity and population structure in plants. Both marker systems are assumed to be selectively neutral when making demographic inferences, but this assumption is rarely tested. In this study, three neutrality tests were assessed for identifying outlier loci among 150 SSRs (85 gSSRs and 65 EST-SSRs) that likely influence estimates of population structure in three differentiated flax sub-populations (F ST?=?0.19). Moreover, the utility of gSSRs, EST-SSRs, and the combined sets of SSRs was also evaluated in assessing genetic diversity and population structure in flax. Six outlier loci were identified by at least two neutrality tests showing footprints of balancing selection. After removing the outlier loci, the STRUCTURE analysis and the dendrogram topology of EST-SSRs improved. Conversely, gSSRs and combined SSRs results did not change significantly, possibly as a consequence of the higher number of neutral loci assessed. Taken together, the genetic structure analyses established the superiority of gSSRs to determine the genetic relationships among flax accessions, although the combined SSRs produced the best results. Genetic diversity parameters did not differ statistically (P?>?0.05) between gSSRs and EST-SSRs, an observation partially explained by the similar number of repeat motifs. Our study provides new insights into the ability of gSSRs and EST-SSRs to measure genetic diversity and structure in flax and confirms the importance of testing for the occurrence of outlier loci to properly assess natural and breeding populations, particularly in studies considering only few loci.  相似文献   

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