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Responses to exogenous growth hormone were measured in lactating dairy cows surgically prepared to allow measurement of nutrient exchanges across mammary and hind-limb muscle tissues. Cows were injected daily with either saline or growth hormone, at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg liveweight, over periods of 6 days. During administration of growth hormone milk yield, milk fat content and yields of milk fat protein and lactose increased. Arterial plasma concentrations of glucose and non-esterified fatty acids were increased, uptake of glucose by leg muscle tissue decreased, lactate release from leg muscle tended to increase, mammary uptake of non-esterified fatty acids increased, blood flow to leg muscle tended to increase and blood flow to mammary tissue increased during injection of growth hormone. The results show that growth hormone affects supply to and utilization of key nutrients by tissues, resulting in the supply to the mammary gland of additional precursors for milk synthesis.  相似文献   

Responses to daily injections of bovine growth hormone (GH, 0.15 mg kg-1 liveweight), beginning on day 10 of lactation, were measured in lactating ewes. Milk yields of GH-treated ewes increased soon after commencement of injections and continued to increase for some 25 days before reaching plateau levels. By comparison, yields of ewes injected with excipient (controls) decreased over the experiment. There was a tendency for contents of milk fat to be higher and milk protein to be lower for GH-treated than for control ewes during the first 15-20 days after injections were started. At the beginning and over the first 15-20 days of the experiment feed intakes of both groups of ewes were similar, but thereafter intakes of GH-treated ewes gradually increased to reach plateau levels some 200-300 g day-1 higher than for control ewes by about day 35. Liveweights of both groups of ewes decreased during the first 2 weeks of treatment then increased, with GH-treated ewes losing, then gaining, more weight than control ewes. The efficiency of food utilization for milk production was higher for GH-treated than control ewes throughout the experiment but digestibility of food organic matter was not different during the eighth week of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, body composition, assessed by dilution of tritiated water, was similar for both groups of ewes. Differences in milk production were not sustained after withdrawal of GH injections. Measurements of tissue uptake of key metabolites were made on days 3 and 45 of GH treatment. On day 3, GH lowered uptake of glucose and non-esterified fatty acids by leg muscle tissue and increased mammary uptake of non-esterified fatty acids. By day 45 there were no apparent differences of tissue uptake of key metabolites. The results indicate that there is a biphasic response to exogenous GH in the lactating ruminant. It appears that initially GH affects nutrient partition thereby increasing supplies to the mammary gland of key nutrients for milk synthesis. In the longer term, GH increases feed intake, which provides sufficient nutrients to sustain increased milk production and also liveweight gain.  相似文献   

The galactopoietic effect of daily injections, for five day periods, of growth hormone was examined by measuring milk yield, mammary blood flow and arteriovenous differences of glucose and amino acids on 12 occasions in four goats. In 10 periods there were marked increases (mean 18.1%) in mammary blood flow (8 statistically significant) and less-marked increases (mean 8.0%) in milk yield (6 statistically significant). On 8 of the occasions on which it was measured the maximum blood plasma growth hormone concentration was increased to more than 8 ng/ml. There were no statistically significant changes in mammary arteriovenous concentration differences of glucose or amino acids in response to growth hormone injections. It is suggested that, contrary to the usual situation in which the rate of mammary blood flow appears to be regulated by the metabolic activity of the gland, the galactopoietic response to growth hormone may be a consequence of elevated blood flow, which increases the supply to the gland of rate-limiting metabolic substrates.  相似文献   

Effects of insulin on exchanges of glucose across skeletal muscle and mammary tissue were measured in short-term studies in lactating ewes. Insulin secretion was suppressed by a primed/continuous infusion of somatostatin, then insulin was administered by continuous intravenous infusion of doses that were increased, in a step-wise manner, from 0 to 2 U h-1. Plasma glucose was maintained essentially constant by frequent monitoring and intravenous administration of exogenous glucose. Somatostatin suppressed but did not completely inhibit insulin secretion as shown by maintenance of plasma concentration of C-peptide. As plasma insulin was increased, while arterial glucose was maintained stable, uptake of glucose by skeletal muscle increased and glucose uptake by the mammary gland decreased. These observations confirm the role of insulin in regulating glucose uptake by skeletal muscle and raise the possibility that insulin also regulates glucose uptake by the mammary gland.  相似文献   

The net uptake and oxidation of glucose by leg muscle, pregnant uterus, and lactating mammary gland, together with the rate of irreversible loss and oxidation of glucose in the whole body of Merino ewes are reported. The ewes were fed on either chaffed oaten hay (OH), chaffed lucerne hay (L), or a mixture of chaffed oaten and lucerne hays (OHL). Measurements were made during five different physiological states: dry (nonpregnant), at 94 and 125 days of pregnancy, and at 20 and 50 days after lambing. Whole body glucose irreversible loss was related significantly to intake of metabolizable energy and fleece-free maternal body weight and this relation was the same in dry, pregnant and lactating ewes. The proportion of glucose oxidized in the whole body was unaffected by diet, but was lower in pregnant than in dry or lactating ewes. Some 6% of whole body carbon dioxide (CO2) production was derived from oxidation of glucose, and in ewes eating the OH diet this proportion was lower than for ewes fed on other diets. The proportion of CO2 derived from glucose was lower in pregnant ewes than in dry and lactating ewes. Leg (muscle) glucose uptake was lower in ewes fed on the OH diet than in ewes given the other diets. This arose partly because of decreased blood flow to the leg in ewes fed OH. Muscle glucose uptake, corrected for lactate output, accounted for 20, 44 and 34% of glucose irreversible loss in ewes fed OH, OHL and L respectively. There was no significant effect of physiological state on glucose uptake by leg muscle. The maximum contribution glucose uptake, corrected for output of lactate, could make to leg muscle oxygen consumption was 31% and there were no differences due to diet or physiological state. Uterine glucose uptake was 10.5 mg min-1 kg-1, and was unaffected by diet and stage of pregnancy. Glucose uptake was maintained, despite a decline in blood flow per kilogram of uterus from 399 to 237 ml min-1 kg-1, between 94 and 125 days of pregnancy by an increase in arteriovenous difference of glucose over the same period from 2.8 to 4.4 mg 100 ml-1. Total uptake of glucose by the uterus increased from 26 to 47 mg min-1 between 94 and 125 days of pregnancy. The proportion of glucose irreversible loss accounted for by uterine uptake increased from 46 to 65% between 94 and 125 days, and was greater for ewes fed OH (84%) than L (46%) at 125 days of pregnancy. A maximum of 71% of milk lactose could have been derived directly from glucose; 17% of glucose taken up by the mammary gland was oxidized, contributing to 20% of mammary CO2 output. Mammary glucose uptake was lower in ewes fed OH than in ewes fed the other diets.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

BackgroundCurcumin is a naturally occurring polyphenol found in Curcuma longa with multiple therapeutic properties, such as anti-inflammatory, wound healing and anti-cancer effects. Curcuma longa is also used as a galactagogue to improve milk production during lactation.PurposeTo assess curcumin could have therapeutic potential for breastfeeding mothers, we investigated whether and how curcumin influences milk production in lactating mammary epithelial cells (MECs) at the cellular and molecular levels.MethodsWe prepared a lactating MEC culture model that produced milk components and formed less-permeable tight junctions (TJs) to investigate the molecular mechanism of curcumin on milk production, TJs, and inflammation in vitro.ResultsCurcumin downregulated milk production in lactation MECs concurrently with inactivation of lactogenesis-relating signaling (STAT5 and glucocorticoid receptor). The maintenance of a less-permeable TJ barrier was also confirmed, although the TJ protein claudin-4 increased. Curcumin inactivated NFκB and STAT3 signaling, which are closely involved in inflammatory responses in weaning and mastitis mammary glands. The expression levels of IL-1β and TNF-α were also decreased by curcumin treatment. Furthermore, curcumin blocked activation of inflammatory signaling by lipopolysaccharide treatment in MECs, similar to those in MECs that were treated with diclofenac sodium. The drastic phosphorylation of ERK was induced by curcumin treatment in the absence of EGF. U0126, an inhibitor of ERK phosphorylation, attenuated the adverse effects of curcumin on lactating MECs.ConclusionThe results of the present study suggests that curcumin downregulates milk production via inactivation of STAT5 and GR signaling with concurrent suppression of inflammatory responses via STAT3 and NFκB signaling in MECs. These findings provide new insights into the role of curcumin as a mild suppressor of milk production without inflammatory damages in breastfeeding mothers.  相似文献   

After parturition (Day 0), 31 mature spring-lambing, fine-wool ewes were randomly allotted to one of six groups. Treatments were lambs suckled (one or two) and ovine growth hormone (oGH; 0, 5 or 10 mg). Growth hormone was administered subcutaneously daily from Days 6 to 25. Milk characteristics were determined on Day 26. Ewes were observed for estrus beginning on Day 27. Serum insulin did not differ (P > 0.10) between suckling intensity before or after oGH treatment on Days 6, 15 or 25. Likewise, no difference (P > 0.10) in serum insulin was detected among ewes receiving 0, 5 or 10 mg oGH. Ewes suckling twins had higher (P < 0.05) serum growth hormone on Day 6 (before beginning oGH treatment) than ewes suckling single lambs. In ewes receiving 0, 5 and 10 mg oGH, serum growth hormone differed (P < 0.01) in a linear fashion 1 h after treatment was initiated on Day 6 and continued through Hour 6. Serum growth hormone on Days 15 and 25 differed among groups both before and after oGH was administered (P < 0.01). Suckling intensity did not affect (P > 0.10) milk or milk protein and fat yields; however, oGH increased (linear, P < 0.05) fat but did not affect milk or protein yields. Interval from parturition to estrus did not differ (P > 0.20) in ewes suckling single or twin offspring. Likewise, no differences (P > 0.20) in interval length were noted in ewes receiving 0, 5 or 10 mg oGH. Suckling intensity and oGH administration for 20 d had little effect on postpartum interval or milk characteristics during the first 30 d after lambing in fine-wool ewes.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in using sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) to feed sheep, but it contains proanthocyanidins (PACs), and the associated effects of PAC on sheep production are not well-known. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the presence of PAC from sainfoin, through the inclusion of polyethylene glycol (PEG), on the intake and productive parameters of local ewes bearing one male lamb. For the experiment, 20 ewes and their newborn male lambs were placed in individual indoor cages. All ewes were fed ad libitum fresh sainfoin plus 200 g/d barley. Twice daily, half of the ewes were orally dosed with only water (Sainfoin Group; n = 10), and the other half were orally dosed with 100 g/d PEG 4000 per ewe (Sainfoin + PEG Group; n = 10). Sucking lambs were permanently housed with their dams until they reached 10–12 kg BW. The intake of sainfoin was recorded daily, and its chemical composition was analysed. Weekly, the BW, body condition score (BCS), milk yields and individual milk and blood samples were recorded. At the beginning and end of the experiment, faecal samples were collected from ewes and analysed for the anthelmintic role of PAC. The chemical composition, polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of the diet and milk were analysed. The presence of PAC did not affect the intake, BW, BCS or milk yield of the dams (P > 0.05); however, all parameters were affected by the week of lactation (P < 0.05). Milk components were affected by the week of lactation (P < 0.001), but only the polyphenol and urea contents were reduced in the presence of PAC (P < 0.01). Similarly, the presence of PAC decreased the plasma urea concentration (P < 0.01) without effect on the rest of metabolites, polyphenols and antioxidant activity (P > 0.05). The presence of PAC had no effect on parasitism (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the presence of PAC had no relevant effects on milk production, although it affected protein metabolism, as indicated by the urea contents in milk and plasma.  相似文献   

Short-term effects of nutrition on conception rate (CR), ovulation rate (OR), ova and embryo losses (OEL) during the first 50 days following insemination and total reproductive wastage after ovulation (TRW), were investigated in primiparous lactating Sarda ewes after oestrous synchronisation and cervical [corrected] artificial insemination (AI). Eighty ewes grazing a green high-quality pasture were offered one of three iso-energetic supplements from day 14 before to day 2 after AI: whole maize grain (M); soyabean meal (S); maize gluten meal (G); or served as controls (C). Supplements G and S were iso-nitrogenous but provided different amounts of rumen undegradable digestible protein. The intake of herbage and digestible dry matter, measured by the n560 mg/l was associated with lower CR. Ranking by ovulation groups of CR was single相似文献   

Supplementation of pregnant ewes with long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) demonstrably improves indicators of neonatal lamb vigour, potentially improving the number of lambs reared per ewe. The present study investigated the effect of supplementing ewes with fish oil and vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) throughout both pregnancy and lactation on the performance of lactating ewes and sucking lambs. Forty-eight ewes were supplemented with one of four concentrates containing either Megalac or fish oil plus a basal (50 mg/kg) or supranutritional (500 mg/kg) concentration of vitamin E from 6 weeks pre-partum until 4 weeks post partum in a two-by-two factorial randomised-block design. All concentrates were formulated to contain approximately 60 g/kg supplemental fatty acids. Ewes were housed, penned on sawdust and offered straw ad libitum. Blood samples were taken from ewes and lambs at intervals throughout the experiment and milk samples were obtained at 21 days into lactation. There was no notable effect of dietary vitamin E concentration upon ewe or lamb performance. Ewe dry-matter (DM) intake and yield were unaffected by dietary treatment, although ewes fed fish oil lost less weight during lactation (-1.88 kg compared with -3.97 kg for Megalac-supplemented ewes; P < 0.01). Milk fat concentrations (67.3 g/kg compared with 91.8 g/kg; P < 0.01) and yields (6.65 g/h v. 9.26 g/h; P < 0.01) were reduced in ewes fed fish oil and these decreases were associated with lower litter-growth rates (0.49 g/day compared with 0.54 g/day; P < 0.05). Milk protein yield was increased by fish oil supplementation (3.82 g/h) compared with Megalac supplementation (3.28 g/h; P < 0.05); moreover, there was an interaction between fat source and vitamin E concentration in that both protein concentration and yield were significantly lower in milk from ewes fed treatment with Megalac + basal vitamin E (MB) compared with the other three treatments. Fish oil supplementation increased the concentrations of C18:1 trans-, cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), C20:5 (n-3) and C22:6 (n-3) within ewe plasma, milk and lamb plasma. The mechanisms by which fish oil supplementation affects milk composition warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Two separate experiments were conducted with alloxan-induced, diabetic ewes. In one study it was found that the diabetes induced by alloxan could be stabilized with exogenous insulin (1.2-1.3 U h-1). Feed intake and milk yield were maintained at normal levels even though a mild hyperglycaemia persisted. Despite this, milk fat content tended to increase, an observation that is consistent with insulin being a key factor in the aetiology of the low-milk-fat syndrome in the ruminant. Interruption of insulin infusion then resumption at 90% of the rate previously required to stabilize the diabetes was followed by marked changes in glucose kinetics. Initially, glucose production increased with little change in glucose utilization. This resulted in an increase in plasma glucose, which remained high even though both glucose production and utilization increased, to be similar on resumption of insulin infusions. It seems that the changed sensitivity to insulin reflects 'up-regulation' of insulin receptors. In a second study, exogenous recombinant bovine growth hormone (rebGH) was administered to insulin-stabilized, diabetic ewes. Immediately after the first injection of rebGH, glucose production increased with little change in glucose utilization, which led to increased plasma glucose. This observation suggests that rebGH was glucogenic. Ultimately, it was necessary to increase the dose of insulin to stabilize plasma glucose and by the fourth day of injection of rebGH, the insulin infusion rate required to stabilize the ewes had doubled from c. 1.5 to c. 3 U h-1. After cessation of injections of rebGH the dose of insulin required to stabilize the ewes decreased. These observations confirm the diabetogenic activity of growth hormone (GH) in the sheep.  相似文献   

Twelve multiparous Holstein cows at 72 ± 20 days in milk were used in a switch-back design with 14-d periods to determine the effect of replacing barley grain into a dairy total mixed ration with micronized or raw flaxseed on nutrient digestibility, milk yield, milk composition. Total mixed diets were (DM basis) 50% barley silage, 50% concentrate mix mainly rolled barley grain and canola meal. Diets were supplemented with 1 kg raw (RF) or micronized (MF) flaxseed to substitute 1 kg of rolled barley grain (C). Neutral detergent fibre, ADF and CP digestibility of the diets were not significantly affected by supplementation; however, calcium digestibility was reduced by 62% and 46% when raw and micronized flax were fed, respectively. Milk yield (38.3, 39.6, and 38.4 kg/d for diets C, RF and MF, respectively) was similar for all diets. Milk fat (3.50, 3.48, and 3.52%) and protein (3.31, 3.34, and 3.31%) for diets C, RF and MF, respectively, were not affected by treatment diets. Concentrations of c9, t11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; 0.51, 0.72 and 0.76 g/100 g fatty acids) in milk fat increased (P < 0.05) similarly among the two flaxseed supplemented diets. The RF and MF diets significantly increased the C18:1, C18:1 trans-11, C18:2 cis-9, cis-12 and C18:3 in milk fat however, C12:0, C14:0 and C16:0 were significantly reduced compared with control. Replacing barley grain with flaxseed in the diet of lactating cows increased the beneficial fatty acids in milk without depressing nutrient digestibility. Micronization of flaxseed did not reveal any advantage over raw flaxseed.  相似文献   

Responses of plasma growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), and milk production to subcutaneous (sc) injection(s) of two synthetic human growth hormone-releasing factor (hGRF) analogs were studied in dairy cows. Two mg of each hGRF analog dissolved in 5 ml saline per cow were injected into the shoulder area of each experimental animal, and jugular venous blood samples were collected via an indwelling catheter or by venipuncture. Plasma GH and IGF-I concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay methods. In dry cows, the mean concentration of plasma GH after a single sc injection of hGRF analogs rose to 22.0-28.3 ng/ml at about 5 h from 1.4-1.7 ng/ml at 0 h (just before injection), and returned to the level before injection after 10-12 h. On the other hand, the plasma IGF-I began to increase after a lag of 4-6 h following a single injection of hGRF analogs, and reached maximum values of 71.1-89.4 ng/ml at 20 h from 43.7-46.4 ng/ml at 0 h. The IGF-I concentration at 24 h after a single injection of hGRF analogs was still higher than the value for the dry cows given saline. In lactating cows, the plasma concentration of GH at 2 h after daily sc injections of hGRF analogs during 14 consecutive days (an injection period) was higher than those for the lactating cows which received saline. Also, during the injection period, the concentration of IGF-I was higher in the lactating cows which received hGRF analog injections than in the cows which received saline injections. During the last 7 days of the injection period, the administration of hGRF analogs increased the mean milk yield by 11-19% in comparison with those for the saline injected cows. A positive correlation was observed between the mean plasma IGF-I concentration and the mean milk yield in the lactating cows treated with hGRF analogs throughout the injection and a postinjection (11 consecutive days after cessation of hGRF analog injection) periods. The results demonstrate that a single sc injection of hGRF analogs stimulates both GH release and the circulating level of IGF-I in dry cows, and that daily sc injections of hGRF analogs over 14 days enhance milk production, and plasma GH and IGF-I levels in lactating cows.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fasting and exogenous insulin administration on the expression of growth hormone receptor (GHR) and IGF-I mRNA in the pre-ovulatory follicle of ewes. Fifteen ewes received an intravaginal progesterone releasing device that was removed 6 days later (day of removal = day 0). On day -2, the ewes were divided into three groups: (i) fasting group (n = 5) that was fasted from day -2 to day 2; (ii) control group (n = 5) that received a maintenance diet; and (iii) insulin group (n = 5) that received insulin injections (0.25 IU/kg) every 12 h from day -2 to day 2 under the same diet as the control group. Follicular samples were obtained on day 2. Fasting increased plasma non-esterified fatty acids concentrations from day -1 to day 2 (P < 0.001). There was no difference (P > 0.05) in the number of follicles, although there was a tendency for an increase in the pre-ovulatory follicle diameter for the insulin group in comparison to the control group (P = 0.12). Thecal GHR mRNA expression was very low and was considered insignificant. Moreover, granulosa cells GHR mRNA expression increased (P < 0.05) in the insulin group. Expression of IGF-I mRNA was not different among groups in both tissues. In conclusion, insulin administration increases GHR mRNA but not IGF-I mRNA expression in granulosa cells of the pre-ovulatory follicle. However, fasting did not change the pattern of GHR/IGF-I mRNA expression in the pre-ovulatory follicle.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of exogenous growth hormone (GH) treatment on the soleus and rectus femoris muscles of young female rats. Rat GH (1.8 IU/mg) was administered for 3 weeks by subcutaneous injection, twice a day, at doses of 0.5, 0.6, and 0.8 mg/day during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd week, respectively. Final body weight, as well as wet and dry weight, of the soleus and rectus femoris muscles were significantly greater in the GH-treated group, compared to controls. Muscle weight to body weight ratios did not differ between the two groups. The fiber type composition of the soleus muscle was determined by histochemical staining for myosin ATPase activity. No statistically significant difference was found between the GH-treated and the control groups in the percentages of fiber types. However, GH treatment significantly increased the cross-sectional area of type II fibers of the soleus muscle. These results suggest that, in young female rats, acceleration of body weight gain by homologous GH administration is accompanied by a proportional hypertrophy of skeletal muscle mass. Increased muscle mass is due to hypertrophy of muscle fibers. Type II muscle fibers appear to be more sensitive to GH stimulation.  相似文献   

Inoculation of the udders of cows with the virus of enzootic abortion of ewes resulted in a severe acute mastitis. The mastitis was characterized clinically by pyrexia, anorexia, decreased milk production, swelling and marked alteration in the physical quality of the milk. The basic lesion was necrosis of alveolar and duct epithelial cells. Virus particles were demonstrated in all levels of the mammary gland three days after inoculation illustrating the rapid spread of the agent. Cells resembling Reed-Sternberg cells and similar to those seen in experimental mastitis produced by the virus of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis were seen in tissues collected six and nine days after inoculation.  相似文献   

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