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Association mapping is a powerful approach for exploring the molecular basis of phenotypic variations in plants.A peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)mini-core collection in China comprising 298 accessions was genotyped using 109 simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers,which identified 554 SSR alleles and phenotyped for 15 agronomic traits in three different environments,exhibiting abundant genetic and phenotypic diversity within the panel.A model-based structure analysis assigned all accessions to three groups.Most of the accessions had the relative kinship of less than 0.05,indicating that there were no or weak relationships between accessions of the mini-core collection.For 15 agronomic traits in the peanut panel,generally the Q t K model exhibited the best performance to eliminate the false associated positives compared to the Q model and the general linear model-simple model.In total,89SSR alleles were identified to be associated with 15 agronomic traits of three environments by the Q t K model-based association analysis.Of these,eight alleles were repeatedly detected in two or three environments,and 15 alleles were commonly detected to be associated with multiple agronomic traits.Simple sequence repeat allelic effects confirmed significant differences between different genotypes of these repeatedly detected markers.Our results demonstrate the great potential of integrating the association analysis and marker-assisted breeding by utilizing the peanut mini-core collection.  相似文献   

An easy and manageable in vitro screening system for drought tolerance of sunflower seedlings based on MS media supplemented with polyethylene glycol 6000 was evaluated. Morphological and physiological parameters were compared between control (-0.05 MPa) and drought-stressed (-0.6 MPa) seedlings of Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovick. There was a significant growth deficit in drought-stressed plants compared to control plants in terms of hypocotyl length, and shoot and root fresh mass. Shoot growth was more restricted than root growth, resulting in an increased root/shoot ratio of drought-stressed plants. Accumulation of osmolytes such as inositol (65-fold), glucose (58-fold), proline (55-fold), fructose (11-fold) and sucrose (eightfold), in leaves of drought-stressed plants could be demonstrated by gas-liquid chromatography. Soluble protein patterns of leaves were analysed with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. A set of 46 protein spots allowed identification of 19 marker proteins. Quantitative changes in protein expression of drought-stressed versus control plants were detected. In leaves of drought-stressed sunflower seedlings six proteins were significantly up-regulated more than twofold: a putative caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyltransferase (4.5-fold), a fructokinase 3 (3.3-fold), a vegetative storage protein (2.5-fold), a glycine-rich RNA binding protein (2.2-fold), a CuZn-superoxide dismutase (2.1-fold) and an unknown low molecular weight protein (2.3-fold). These proteins represent general stress proteins induced under drought conditions or proteins contributing to basic carbon metabolism. The up-regulated proteins are interesting candidates for further physiological and molecular investigations regarding drought tolerance in sunflower.  相似文献   

Our experiment was conducted in order to find out effects of paclobutrazol (PBZ; 30 μl l–1) on morphology, photosynthetic process, and stress markers under water surplus and deficit conditions in several wheat genotypes. Study revealed that relative water content (RWC), photosynthetic rate, and maximal quantum yield of PSII (FV/FM) was improved after a PBZ application both under irrigation and water deficit across the genotypes, while the stomatal conductance was reduced. Further, the application of PBZ led to reduced leaf area in wheat genotypes. Moreover, a proline content was higher in the wheat genotypes under water stress as compared to the irrigated plants. The application of PBZ led to downregulation of the proline content under water deficit, while there was no significant change in the content and activity under irrigation with or without the PBZ treatment. These findings indicated that due to the application of PBZ the wheat genotypes might sense a lower stress level (indicated by the proline content) and better drought tolerance (according to RWC and photosynthetic characteristics).  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对花生根系生长发育和生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以花育17号和唐科8号两个花生品种为试验材料,在防雨棚栽培池内进行土柱栽培试验,研究了中度干旱胁迫和正常供水处理下花生生育后期根系形态发育特征和生理特性.结果表明: 唐科8号具有较发达的根系及较高的产量和抗旱系数,花育17号根系对干旱胁迫的适应性小于唐科8号.两品种根长密度、根系生物量均主要分布于0~40 cm土层中,但同一土层内两品种根系性状存在差异.与正常供水处理相比,干旱胁迫处理使花育17号各生育期总根长、根系总表面积和总体积均降低,而唐科8号除花针期显著降低外,其余生育期均明显升高;干旱胁迫增加了两品种20~40 cm土层内根系生物量、根系表面积和体积,而降低了40 cm以下土层内各根系性状;干旱胁迫处理使两品种饱果期40 cm以下土层内根系活力降低,且花育17号降低幅度高于唐科8号.干旱胁迫下两品种生育后期根系发育和生理特性的差异表明其根系在干旱胁迫下对水分吸收和利用存在差异.  相似文献   

不同抗旱性花生品种的根系形态发育及其对干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
丁红  张智猛  戴良香  宋文武  康涛  慈敦伟 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5169-5176
为明确不同抗旱性花生品种的根系形态发育特征,探讨其根系形态发育特征对不同土壤水分状况的响应机制,在防雨棚旱池内进行土柱栽培试验,研究抗旱型品种“花育22号”、“唐科8号”和干旱敏感型品种“花育23号”3个不同抗旱性花生品种根系形态发育特征及其对干旱胁迫的响应.结果表明:抗旱型品种根系较发达,具有较大的根系生物量、总根长、总根系表面积.干旱胁迫使抗旱型品种根系总表面积和体积增加,而干旱敏感型品种则相反.干旱胁迫显著增加抗旱型品种“花育22号”20 cm以下土层内根长密度分布比例及根系表面积和体积,但“唐科8号”相应根系性状仅在20-40 cm土层内增加;干旱胁迫使干旱敏感型品种“花育23号”40 cm以下土层内各根系性状升高,但未达显著水平且其深层土壤内各根系性状增加幅度小于“花育22号”.花生根系总长、总表面积及0-20 cm土层内根系性状与产量间呈显著或极显著正相关.土壤水分亏缺条件下,花生主要通过增加深层土壤内根长、根系表面积和体积等形态特性,优化空间分布构型,以调节植株对水分的利用.  相似文献   

王姗姗  王颜红  张红 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1761-1765
采用盆栽试验,研究了重金属镉(Cd)对花生籽实品质安全性的影响及花生籽实对镉胁迫的响应机制。结果表明:在供试镉处理范围内(≤10mg.kg-1),镉胁迫对花生籽实脂肪和蛋白质含量均有显著影响,但品种间存在差异;花生籽实中的镉含量随外源镉含量的增加而显著增加(P<0.05),且在土壤低镉浓度(≤1mg.kg-1)下籽实更易富集镉;受镉污染的花生籽实,其蛋白质是络合镉的主要营养部位,且其镉含量远高于食品中镉的限量值,而脂肪中镉的含量甚微,因此供试花生籽实不能作为人体植物蛋白来源,但可以作为人体食用油脂来源。  相似文献   

Drought stress impacts the quality and yield of Pisum sativum. Here, we show how short periods of limited water availability during the vegetative stage of pea alters phloem sap content and how these changes are connected to strategies used by plants to cope with water deficit. We have investigated the metabolic content of phloem sap exudates and explored how this reflects P. sativum physiological and developmental responses to drought. Our data show that drought is accompanied by phloem-mediated redirection of the components that are necessary for cellular respiration and the proper maintenance of carbon/nitrogen balance during stress. The metabolic content of phloem sap reveals a shift from anabolic to catabolic processes as well as the developmental plasticity of P. sativum plants subjected to drought. Our study underlines the importance of phloem-mediated transport for plant adaptation to unfavourable environmental conditions. We also show that phloem exudate analysis can be used as a useful proxy to study stress responses in plants. We propose that the decrease in oleic acid content within phloem sap could be considered as a potential marker of early signalling events mediating drought response.  相似文献   

In order to understand the physiological traits important in conferring salt tolerance in three barley genotypes, this study was performed under field conditions with three water salinity levels (2, 10, and 18 dS m–1). High salinity decreased net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance, K+ concentration, K+:Na+ ratio, and grain yield, but increased electrolyte leakage and Na+ content. Under 10 and 18 dS m–1 salinity, Khatam (salt-tolerant) had the maximum stomatal conductance, K+, K+:Na+ ratio, and the grain yield, and a minimum Na+ content and electrolyte leakage, whereas Morocco (salt-sensitive) had the lowest net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, K+ content, K+:Na+ ratio, and grain yield, and the highest Na+ content and electrolyte leakage. This study showed that tolerant genotypes of barley may avoid Na+ accumulation in aboveground parts, facilitating a higher photosynthetic rate and higher grain yield.  相似文献   

秦斐斐  慈敦伟 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8486-8498
防雨棚内设盆栽试验,设置对照(Control,75%田间持水量)、干旱胁迫(D,35%)、重复干旱胁迫(D_D,35%)3个处理,探讨花生幼苗对预干旱胁迫的适应和记忆响应,分析预干旱对缓解重复干旱胁迫危害的生理作用。结果表明,与干旱胁迫处理相比,重复干旱胁迫提高了叶片的相对含水量,减少脯氨酸的积累,降低MDA和O·_2~-含量;抗氧化酶SOD、CAT活性降低,其中POD活性降低最为明显,并在复水后恢复到与对照相同水平或低于对照。与正常水分的对照相比,干旱胁迫显著降低叶片光合速率(P_N)、最大光合势能(P_C)、最大光量子产量(Y_Q),但重复干旱处理在重复干旱胁迫时期和复水后P_N、P_C和Y_Q均高于干旱处理。预干旱胁迫导致光合和气孔导度滞后面积、滞后率(H_P和H_g)增加,经过预干旱胁迫后,重复干旱显著降低光合和气孔导度滞后面积和滞后率。预干旱胁迫提高植株在重复干旱胁迫下叶片含水量,减轻重复干旱对植株造成的生理伤害,在光合作用上提高对重复干旱的抵御能力,并在复水后快速恢复到正常水分条件下植株生长水平,减少干旱对植株的不利影响。因此,预干旱胁迫促使花生幼苗具备适应或可记忆初始胁迫的能力,重复干旱胁迫时表现更为迅速和强烈的生理防御和快速的生理恢复机制。  相似文献   

施钙对干旱胁迫下花生生理特性、产量和品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以花生品种606为试材,在旱棚池栽人工控水条件下,研究了钙肥不同用量对花针期和结荚期干旱胁迫下花生的营养生长、生理特性、产量及品质的影响.结果表明:干旱胁迫下施钙,可以促进花生的营养生长,提高叶片的叶绿素含量、净光合速率和根系活力,提高干旱后复水过程中花生的恢复能力,缓解干旱对花生的不利影响;增加了花生荚果和籽仁的产量,尤其是增加了单株结果数和出仁率.施钙提高了籽仁中的脂肪和蛋白质含量,改善了干旱胁迫下花生的籽仁品质.在本试验条件下,施钙量为300 kg·hm-2时效果最佳.  相似文献   

Peanut allergy is one of the most life-threatening food allergies and one of the serious challenges facing the peanut and food industries. Current proposed solutions focus primarily on ways to alter the immune system of patients allergic to peanut. However, with the advent of genetic engineering novel strategies can be proposed to solve the problem of peanut allergy from the source. The objectives of this study were to eliminate the immunodominant Ara h 2 protein from transgenic peanut using RNA interference (RNAi), and to evaluate the allergenicity of resulting transgenic peanut seeds. A 265-bp-long PCR product was generated from the coding region of Ara h 2 genomic DNA, and cloned as inverted repeats in pHANNIBAL, an RNAi-inducing plant transformation vector. The Ara h 2-specific RNAi transformation cassette was subcloned into a binary pART27 vector to construct plasmid pDK28. Transgenic peanuts were produced by infecting peanut hypocotyl explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA 105 harbouring the pDK28 construct. A total of 59 kanamycin-resistant peanut plants were regenerated with phenotype and growth rates comparable to wild type. PCR and Southern analyses revealed that 44% of plants stably integrated the transgene. Sandwich ELISA performed using Ara h 2-mAbs revealed a significant ( P <  0.05) reduction in Ara h 2 content in several transgenic seeds. Western immunobloting performed with Ara h 2-mAb corroborated the results obtained with ELISA and showed absence of the Ara h 2 protein from crude extracts of several transgenic seeds of the T0 plants. The allergenicity of transgenic peanut seeds expressed as IgE binding capacity was evaluated by ELISA using sera of patients allergic to peanut. The data showed a significant decrease in the IgE binding capacity of selected transgenic seeds compared to wild type, hence, demonstrating the feasibility of alleviating peanut allergy using the RNAi technology.  相似文献   

Amelioration of NaCl stress by triadimefon in peanut seedlings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.cv. VRI-2) seeds were imbibed in distilled water(control), 30 mM NaCl (stressed) and 30 mM NaCl + 10 mg L-1 triadimefon for 12 h and grown in a seed germinator with a day/night temperature of 30/22 °C and a photoperiod of 16 h with a PPFD of 250 µEm-2 s-1. Seedlings were irrigated with respective treatment solutions. Fifteen days old seedlings were harvested and used for the study. The NaCl stress decreased seedling growth, dry weight, photosynthetic pigments, protein content and the level of proline oxidase activity and it increased proline, glycine betaine content, protease and ATPase activities. Triadimefon treatment ameliorated the stress caused NaCl by increasing root growth, dry weight, chlorophyll, carotenoid, protein and glycine betaine contents and by decreasing proline accumulation, proline oxidase levels and ATPase. The stress amelioration conferred by triadimefon may be mediated by increased protein synthesis, osmoregulation and reduced energy requirement.  相似文献   

Root sugar accumulation was studied in two grapevine varieties contrasting in tolerance to water stress. During a 10‐day water withholding treatment, the drought‐tolerant variety, Grenache, sustained less negative predawn and midday leaf water potentials as well as root water potential compared with the sensitive variety, Semillon. Grenache vines also maintained lower stomatal conductance and transpiration than Semillon vines throughout the drying period. In both varieties there was accumulation of sucrose in the roots and concentrations were inversely correlated to leaf and root water status. In both Grenache and Semillon, elevated root osmolality was associated with decreased soil moisture indicating that sugar accumulation may play a role in osmotic protection. Petiole xylem sap abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations increased with water deficit in both varieties and were highest for vines with the most negative root and predawn leaf water potentials. Furthermore, root sucrose concentrations were positively correlated with leaf xylem sap ABA concentrations, indicative of integration between carbohydrate metabolism and the ABA signalling system. Similar root sugar accumulation patterns between the two varieties, however, demonstrate that other factors are likely influencing the ability of the drought‐tolerant variety to remain hydrated.  相似文献   

  • The environment experienced by plants can influence the phenotype of their offspring. Such transgenerational plasticity can be adaptive when it results in higher fitness of the offspring under conditions correlated with those experienced by the mother plant. However, it has rarely been tested if such anticipatory parental effects may be induced with different environments.
  • We grew clonal replicates of Silene vulgaris under control conditions and three types of stress (nutrient deficiency, copper addition and drought), which are known from natural populations of the species. We then subjected offspring from differently treated mother plants to each of the different stress treatments to analyse the influence of maternal and offspring environment on performance and several functional traits.
  • Current stress treatments strongly influenced biomass and functional traits of the plants, mostly in line with responses predicted by the theory of functional equilibrium. Plant performance was also influenced by maternal stress treatments, and some effects independent of initial size differences remained until harvest. In particular, stressed mothers produced offspring of higher fitness than control plants. However, there was no evidence for treatment‐specific adaptive transgenerational plasticity, as offspring from a mother plant that had grown in a specific environment did not grow better in that environment than other plants.
  • Our results indicate that the maternal environment may affect offspring traits and performance, but also that this transgenerational plasticity is not necessarily adaptive.

高肥力土壤条件下不同基因型花生对氮素利用的差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在桶栽条件下,利用15N示踪技术,选用20个基因型花生为供试材料,研究了高肥力土壤条件下不同基因型花生对氮素利用的差异.结果表明:高肥力土壤条件下花生氮素营养以土壤氮为主,根瘤固氮次之,肥料氮最低.不同基因型间花生对全氮、肥料氮、土壤氮和根瘤固氮的吸收和积累均存在显著差异,基因型间遗传变异以根瘤固氮最大,肥料氮和土壤氮相当.氮素荚果生产效率和氮肥利用率基因型间差异显著,最高值分别为最低值的3.6和2.1倍.全氮、肥料氮、土壤氮和根瘤固氮的氮素收获指数基因型间均存在显著遗传变异,且以根瘤固氮的氮素收获指数基因型间遗传变异最大.花生荚果产量与不同氮源氮素积累量及氮素收获指数、氮素荚果生产效率和氮肥利用率呈显著或极显著正相关.依据花生对不同氮源氮素吸收积累和荚果产量筛选出全氮高积累高产型、肥料氮高积累高产型、土壤氮高积累高产型和根瘤固氮高积累高产型四大类型花生,其中四大类型特征兼有的有4个花生基因型.  相似文献   

Plants adopt several strategies for fighting against low potassium (LK) stress. Our previous study identified some Tibetan wild barley accessions which show the higher LK tolerance than cultivated barley. However, the physiological mechanisms underlying the wild barley are not well understood. In this study, growth performance, elements content, SPAD value, photosynthetic parameters, and ATPase activities were measured to investigate the effect of LK stress on the two wild barley genotypes (XZ153 and XZ141) and one barley cultivar (ZD9) differing in LK tolerance. The results revealed that LK stress inhibited barley growth and induced reduction in dry weight, with XZ153 being least inhibited. Moreover, XZ153 had less reduction in photosynthetic rate, SPAD value, and K concentrations in the younger leaves under LK stress compared to the other two genotypes. Although the activities of H+/K+-ATPase and Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPase were increased significantly in all three genotypes in response to LK, the highest H+/K+-ATPase activity was observed in XZ153. The current results indicate that higher LK tolerance of XZ153 is partly attributed to its high capacity of transferring K from the old leaves to younger ones.  相似文献   

Increasing soil salinity represents a major constraint for agriculture in arid and semi‐arid lands, where mineral nitrogen (N) deficiency is also a frequent characteristic of soils. Biological N fixation by legumes may constitute a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilisation in salinity‐affected areas, provided that adapted cultivars and inoculants are available. Here, the performance of three peanut cultivars nodulated with two different rhizobial strains that differ in their salt tolerance was evaluated under moderately saline water irrigation and compared with that of N‐fertilised plants. Shoot weight was used as an indicator of yield. Under non‐saline conditions, higher yields were obtained using N fertilisation rather than inoculation for all the varieties tested. However, under salt stress, the yield of inoculated plants became comparable to that of N‐fertilised plants, with minor differences depending on the peanut cultivar and rhizobial strain. Our results indicate that N fixation might represent an economical, competitive and environmentally friendly choice with respect to mineral N fertilisation for peanut cultivation under moderate saline conditions.  相似文献   

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