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Increased use of N fertilizer and more intensive cropping due to the rising food demand in the tropics requires design and evaluation of sustainable cropping systems with minimum soil acidification. The objectives of this study were to quantify acidification of an Oxic Kandiustalf with different types of N fertilizer in two cropping systems under no-tillage and its effect on crop performance. Chemical soil properties in continuous maize (Zea mays L.) and maize-cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) rotation were determined with three N sources (urea (UA), ammonium sulfate (AS) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN)) in Nigeria, West Africa, during five years. Chemical soil properties were related to grain yield and diagnostic plant nutrient concentrations. For the three N sources, the rate of decline in soil pH in maize-cowpea rotation was 57±7.5% of that in continuous maize, where double the amount of N fertilizer was applied. The rate of soil acidification during the five years was greater for AS than for UA or CAN in continuous maize, and not different for UA and CAN in both cropping systems. With AS, soil pH decreased from 5.8 to 4.5 during five years of continuous maize cropping. Exchangeable acidity increased with N fertilization, but did not reach levels limiting maize or cowpea growth. Return of residues to the soil surface may have reduced soluble and exchangeable Al levels by providing a source of organic ligands. Soil solution Mn concentrations increased with N fertilization to levels likely detrimental for crop growth. Symptoms of Mn toxicity were observed on cowpea leaves where AS was applied to the preceding maize crop, but not on maize plants. Soil acidification caused significant reductions in exchangeable Ca and effective CEC. Main season maize yield with N fertilization was lower with AS than with UA or CAN, but not different between UA and CAN during the six years of cropping. The lower maize grain yield with AS than with the other N sources was attributed to lower pH and a greater extractable Mn concentration with AS. When kaolinitic Alfisols are used for continuous maize cropping, even under no-tillage with crop residues returned as mulch, the soil may become acidifed to pH values of 5.0 and below after a few years. The no-till cereal-legume rotation with judicial use of urea or CAN as N sources for the cereal crop is a more suitable system for these poorly buffered, kaolinitic soils than continuous maize cropping. The use of AS as N source should be avoided. H Marschner Section editor  相似文献   

The severity and increase of the Imperata cylindrica constraint as a weed, the decline of the traditional fallow systems as a means of soil fertility management and the lack of inorganic fertilizer appear to have created opportunities for adoption of mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) technology by smallholder farmers in some areas in the derived savanna of West Africa. What is not known, however, is the extent to which the establishment and N contribution of mucuna in these areas depend on symbiotic properties such as effective nodulation and mycorrhizal infection. Short term surveys carried out in 34 farmer's arable fields located in four different sites in the derived savanna, southern Benin, West Africa, together with results of greenhouse and field experiments showed that mycorrhizal infection rate of mucuma ranged from 2 to 31% and correlated positively with nodulation and shoot dry matter production. Nodulation occurred in 79% of the fields with numbers of nodules ranging from 0 to 135 plant–1. Mucuna responded both to inoculation and N fertilizer in degraded soils but growth response depended on the rhizobia strains and mucuna varieties. Mucuna accumulated in 12 weeks about 313 kg N ha–1 as either a sole crop or 166 kg N ha–1 when mixed/intercropped with maize, respectively. Across all cropping systems it derived an average of 70% of its N from atmospheric N2 (estimates made by the 15N isotope dilution method), representing 167 kg N ha–1 per 12 weeks in the field. Mucuna interplanted with maize obtained a greater proportion of its nitrogen (74%) from fixation than did mucuna grown alone (66%) suggesting that competition for soil N influences the proportion of nitrogen fixed by mucuna. The total amount of N2 fixed per hectare was, however, reduced significantly by intercropping mucuna with maize. A preceding mucuna crop provided a maize yield equivalent to 120 kg N kg ha–1 of inorganic N fertilizer.  相似文献   

* Leguminous trees are very common in the tropical rainforests of Guyana. Here, species-specific differences in N(2) fixation capability among nodulating legumes growing on different soils and a possible limitation of N(2) fixation by a relatively high nitrogen (N) and low phosphorus (P) availability in the forest were investigated. * Leaves of 17 nodulating species and 17 non-nodulating reference trees were sampled and their delta(15)N values measured. Estimates of N(2) fixation rates were calculated using the (15)N natural abundance method. Pot experiments were conducted on the effect of N and P availability on N(2) fixation using the (15)N-enriched isotope dilution method. * Nine species showed estimates of > 33% leaf N derived from N(2) fixation, while the others had low or undetectable N(2) fixation rates. High N and low P availability reduced N(2) fixation substantially. * The results suggest that a high N and low P availability in the forest limit N(2) fixation. At the forest ecosystem level, N(2) fixation was estimated at c. 6% of total N uptake by the tree community. We conclude that symbiotic N(2) fixation plays an important role in maintaining high amounts of soil available N in undisturbed forest.  相似文献   

Differences in growth, nodulation and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) root infection among recent cowpea breeding lines from IITA were examined at low and high P levels in pot (94 lines) and field experiments (43 lines) at Fashola in the derived savanna zone of Nigeria. Based on their growth performance, these lines were subdivided into 5 groups: (i) poor performance under low and high P conditions; (ii) good performance under low P and poor performance under high P; (iii) intermediate performance under high and low P; (iv) good performance under high and low P conditions; and (v) good performance under high P and poor performance under low P. About 42% of the breeding lines (18 out of 43 lines tested) had the same grouping for the field and pot experiments. Eight cowpea lines (4 P-responders and 4 non-P-responders) were selected from the first experiment for subsequent studies on the effect of P supply (0, 20, 40 and 60 kg P ha-1) on P uptake, P use efficiency, dry matter production, N-fixation, AMF infection and N balance. Dry matter production, shoot/root ratio, total shoot N, and total N-fixed of the non-P-responder line, IT81D-715, were strongly related to P uptake efficiency. The P-responder IT81D-849 had a significant (95%) correlation between AMF and P-use efficiency. The cowpea lines fixed on average 22 kg N ha-1, which was 70% of the plant total N. The N balance based on the difference between the amount of N2 fixed and N exported through the harvest, ranged between −10.6 kg N ha-1 and +7.7 kg N ha-1. Based on its adaptability to grow in low P soils and overall positive N balance, the cowpea line IT81D-715 should be recommended for cultivation when P is the limiting factor. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Soil amendment with organic wastes in the Highlands of Ethiopia has been greatly reduced by widespread use of dung cakes and crop residues as fuels. This study assessed the interaction between household energy and recycling of nutrients and carbon to the soil using household survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, direct observations and measurements between 2014 and 2015 in Kumbursa village (Central Highlands of Ethiopia). All surveyed households were entirely dependent on biomass fuel for cooking, with production and consumption rates directly related to wealth status, which significantly varied (P < 0.001) among three farm wealth groups (poor, medium and rich). Crop residues and dung cakes accounted for 80(±3)% by energy content and 85(±4)% by dry mass weight of total biomass fuel consumption. Mean losses were 59(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 nitrogen (109(±8) kg yr?1 per household), 13.9(±0.3) kg ha?1 yr?1 phosphorus (26(±2) kg yr?1 per household), 79(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 potassium (150(±11) kg yr?1 per household) and 2100(±40) kg ha?1 yr?1 organic carbon (3000(±300) kg yr?1 per household). Rich farmers lost significantly more carbon and nutrients in fuel than farmers in other wealth groups. However, these losses were spread over a larger area, so losses per land area were significantly higher for medium and poor than for rich farmers. This means that the land of poorer farmers is likely to become degraded more rapidly due to fuel limitations than that of rich farmers, so increasing the poverty gap. The estimated financial loss per household due to not using dung and crop residues as organic fertilizer was 162(±8) USSoil amendment with organic wastes in the Highlands of Ethiopia has been greatly reduced by widespread use of dung cakes and crop residues as fuels. This study assessed the interaction between household energy and recycling of nutrients and carbon to the soil using household survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, direct observations and measurements between 2014 and 2015 in Kumbursa village (Central Highlands of Ethiopia). All surveyed households were entirely dependent on biomass fuel for cooking, with production and consumption rates directly related to wealth status, which significantly varied (P < 0.001) among three farm wealth groups (poor, medium and rich). Crop residues and dung cakes accounted for 80(±3)% by energy content and 85(±4)% by dry mass weight of total biomass fuel consumption. Mean losses were 59(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 nitrogen (109(±8) kg yr?1 per household), 13.9(±0.3) kg ha?1 yr?1 phosphorus (26(±2) kg yr?1 per household), 79(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 potassium (150(±11) kg yr?1 per household) and 2100(±40) kg ha?1 yr?1 organic carbon (3000(±300) kg yr?1 per household). Rich farmers lost significantly more carbon and nutrients in fuel than farmers in other wealth groups. However, these losses were spread over a larger area, so losses per land area were significantly higher for medium and poor than for rich farmers. This means that the land of poorer farmers is likely to become degraded more rapidly due to fuel limitations than that of rich farmers, so increasing the poverty gap. The estimated financial loss per household due to not using dung and crop residues as organic fertilizer was 162(±8) US$ yr?1. However, this is less than their value as fuels, which was 490(±20) US$ yr?1. Therefore, farmers will only be persuaded to use these valuable assets as soil improvers if an alternative, cheaper fuel source can be found.  相似文献   

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