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In this first paper of a series on the bactericidal action of ultra violet light the methods of isolating and measuring monochromatic radiations, of preparing and exposing the bacteria, and of estimating the effects of exposure, are given in detail. At all the different wave lengths studied the reactions of S. aureus followed similar curves, but occurred, at each wave length, at a different energy level. The general similarity of these curves to those for monomolecular reactions provokes a discussion of their signifiance, and emphasis is laid upon variations in susceptibility of individual organisms, due especially to age and metabolic activity, so that the typical curve seems to be best interpreted as one of probability.  相似文献   

1. Wide differences in the intensity of incident ultra violet energy are not accurately compensated by corresponding changes in the exposure time, so that the Bunsen-Roscoe reciprocity law does not hold, strictly, especially for bactericidal action on young, metabolically and genetically active bacteria. In the present series of experiments, however, the energies used at various wave lengths did not differ by so much as to cause a significant error in the reported reactions. 2. The longer wave length limit of a direct bactericidal action on S. aureus was found to be between 302 and 313 mµ. The shorter limit was not determined because the long exposures required vitiate quantitative results. Bactericidal action was observed at λ225 mµ. 3. The temperature coefficient of the bactericidal reaction approaches 1 and thus furnishes empirical evidence that the direct action of ultra violet light on bacteria is essentially physical or photochemical in character. 4. The hydrogen ion concentration of the environment has no appreciable effect upon the bactericidal reaction between the limits of pH 4.5 and 7.5. At pH 9 and 10 evidence of a slight but definite increase in bacterial susceptibility was noted, but this difference may have been due to a less favorable environment for subsequent recovery and multiplication of injured organisms. 5. Plane polarization of incident ultra violet radiation has no demonstrable effect upon its bactericidal action. In a third paper of this group the ratios of incident to absorbed ultra violet energy at various wave lengths and the significance of these relations in an analysis of the bactericidal reaction will be discussed.  相似文献   

1. The Roscoe-Bunsen law holds for the light growth response of Phycomyces if the time component of stimulation is short. With exposures longer than a few seconds, the reaction time to light is determined by the intensity and not by the energy of the flash. 2. The possible nature of the very long latency in the response to light is considered in terms of the structure of the cell and its mechanism of growth. It is suggested that during the latency some substance produced by light in the protoplasm is transported centrifugally to the cell wall or outermost layer of protoplasm. 3. The total elongation occurring over a period of 1 to 2 hours is independent of flashes of light or temporary darkening. Light acts by facilitating some change already under way in the growth system, and during the principal phase of elongation is not a necessary or limiting factor for growth. 4. Judged by the reaction time, the original sensitivity is restored in the light system following exposure to light in about one-third the time required for equilibrium to be reattained in the growth system.  相似文献   

1. After a consideration of the existing data and of the sources of error involved, an arrangement of apparatus, free from these errors, is described for measuring the relative energy necessary in different portions of the spectrum in order to produce a colorless sensation in the eye. 2. Following certain reasoning, it is shown that the reciprocal of this relative energy at any wave-length is proportional to the absorption coefficient of a sensitive substance in the eye. The absorption spectrum of this substance is then mapped out. 3. The curve representing the visibility of the spectrum at very low intensities has exactly the same shape as that for the visibility at high intensities involving color vision. The only difference between them is their position in the spectrum, that at high intensities being 48 µµ farther toward the red. 4. The possibility is considered that the sensitive substances responsible for the two visibility curves are identical, and reasons are developed for the failure to demonstrate optically the presence of a colored substance in the cones. The shift of the high intensity visibility curve toward the red is explained in terms of Kundt''s rule for the progressive shift of the absorption maximum of a substance in solvents of increasing refractive index and density. 5. Assuming Kundt''s rule, it is deduced that the absorption spectrum of visual purple as measured directly in water solution should not coincide with its position in the rods, because of the greater density and refractive index of the rods. It is then shown that, measured by the position of the visibility curve at low intensities, this shift toward the red actually occurs, and is about 7 or 8 µµ in extent. Examination of the older data consistently confirms this difference of position between the curves representing visibility at low intensities and those representing the absorption spectrum of visual purple in water solution. 6. It is therefore held as a possible hypothesis, capable of direct, experimental verification, that the same substance—visual purple—whose absorption maximum in water solution is at 503 µµ, is dissolved in the rods where its absorption maximum is at 511 µµ, and in the cones where its maximum is at 554 µµ (or at 540 µµ, if macular absorption is taken into account, as indeed it must be).  相似文献   

Absorption curves have been obtained in the spectral region of 450 to 900 mµ for the water soluble cell juice of four species of photosynthetic bacteria, Spirillum rubrum (strain S1), Rhodovibrio sp. (strain Gaffron), Phaeomonas sp. (strain Delft), and Streptococcus varians (strains C11 and orig.). These curves all show maxima at 790 and 590 mµ due to bacteriochlorophyll, whose highest band, however, occurs at 875, 855, or 840 mµ depending on the species. The bacteria that appear red rather than brown have a band at 550 mµ due to a carotinoid pigment. An absolute absorption curve of bacteriophaeophytin has maxima at 530 and 750 mµ. The extraction of cell juice by supersonic vibration does not change the position of the absorption bands or of the light absorbing capacity of the pigment.  相似文献   

1. The conditions of illumination were found to exert a very significant influence on absorption of ions from dilute solution by Nitella. These conditions were also found to influence the penetration of Br and NO3 into the cell sap. 2. It is concluded that absorption of ions by plants from dilute solutions involves energy exchanges, with light as the ultimate source of the energy. It is suggested that the absorption is intimately related to growth and metabolism. 3. One ion may affect the removal from solution or penetration into the cell sap of another ion present in the same solution, even in solutions of extremely low concentration. It is probable that all three types of relations may exist—anion to anion, cation to cation, and anion to cation. 4. The sulfate and phosphate ions exerted far less influence on the absorption of nitrate than did chlorine and bromine ions. It is suggested as a possibility that sulfate does not penetrate readily to those surfaces at which chlorine, bromine, nitrate, and other ions may become effective.  相似文献   

1. The relative absorption spectrum of the pigments in their natural state in the photosynthetic bacterium Spirillum rubrum is given from 400 to 900 mµ. The position of the absorption maxima in the live bacteria due to each of the pigments is: green pigment, 420, 590, 880; red pigment, 490, 510, 550. 2. The relative absorption spectrum of the green pigment in methyl alcohol has been determined from 400 to 900 mµ. Bands at 410, 605, and 770 mµ were found. 3. The wave length sensitivity curve of the photosynthetic mechanism has been determined and shows maxima at 590 and about 900 mµ. 4. It is concluded that the green bacteriochlorophyll alone and not the red pigment can act as a light absorber for photochemical CO2 reduction.  相似文献   

The photoinactivation of complement has been studied with a view to determining if possible how many kinds of molecules disappeared during the reaction. It was found that: 1. The apparent course of photoinactivation is that of a monomolecular reaction. 2. Diffusion is not the limiting factor responsible for this fact, because the temperature coefficient of diffusion is much higher than that of photoinactivation (Q 10 = 1.22 to 1.28, and Q 10 = 1.10 respectively). 3. There is no change in the transparency of serum solutions during photoinactivation, at least for light of the effective wave-length, which is in the ultra-violet region probably at about 2530 Ångström units. It is pointed out that under these conditions only one interpretation is possible; namely, that during photoinactivation a single disappearing molecular species governs the rate of reaction. This substance must be primarily responsible for the hemolytic power of serum when it is used as complement.  相似文献   

For the growing cell of Phycomyces, a difference in the phototropic effect of light is described depending on its plane of polarization with reference to the axis of the cell. The difference which is found is primarily due to differences in the reflection losses at the cell surface. The magnitude of the effect approximates that deduced from the theory of phototropism suggested for this system. No specific effect of plane polarized light on the growth processes of the cell need be postulated.  相似文献   

The luminescence of Cypridina luciferin-luciferase solution is inhibited by illumination from a carbon arc of 15,000 foot candles in between 1 and 2 seconds. The blue to violet rays are the effective ones, the limits lying somewhere around 4,600 Å. u. to 3,800 Å. u. The luciferin, not the luciferase, is the substance affected by the light. The effect is partially reversible in the dark. The chemiluminescences obtained by oxidizing phosphorus, lophin, and chlorphenylmagnesium bromide are not inhibited by light under the above conditions.  相似文献   

1. An unidentified unit in the mechanism of the photosynthesis of Chlorella pyrenoidosa is rendered inactive by the absorption of one quantum of ultraviolet light (2537 Å wave length). 2. The same irradiation has no effect on the normal respiration of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Experiments have not yet been made on the respiration inhibitable by HCN. 3. No chemical change was detected in the chlorophyll extracted from irradiated cells.  相似文献   

When orientation is attained under the influence of beams of parallel light opposed at 180° the deflection θ from a path at right angles to the beams is given by tan See PDF for Equation, where I 1 and I 2 are the photic intensities and H is the average angle between the photoreceptive surfaces. This expression is independent of the units in which I is measured, and holds whether the primary photosensory effect is proportional to I or to log I. When photokinetic side-to-side motions of the head occur, H decreases with increasing total acting light intensity, but increases if higher total light intensity restricts the amplitude of random movements; in each case, H is very nearly proportional to log I 1 I 2. For beams of light at 90°, See PDF for Equation. The application of these equations to some particular instances is discussed, and it is shown why certain simpler empirical formulæ previously found by others yield fair concordance with the experimental data. The result is thus in complete accord with the tropism theory, since the equations are based simply on the assumption that when orientation is attained photic excitation is the same on the two sides.  相似文献   

1. Although the carotenoid pigments are present in large concentration in the plastids of etiolated Avena seedlings as compared with protochlorophyll, the pigment precursor of chlorophyll, it is possible to show that the carotenoids do not act as filters of the light incident on the plant in the blue region of the spectrum where they absorb heavily. This suggests that the carotenoids are located behind the protochlorophyll molecules in the plastids. 2. Since the carotenoids do not screen and light is necessary for chlorophyll formation, an effectiveness spectrum of protochlorophyll can be obtained which is the reciprocal of the light energy necessary to produce a constant amount of chlorophyll with different wavelengths. The relative effectiveness of sixteen spectral regions in forming chlorophyll was determined. 3. From the effectiveness spectrum, one can conclude that protochlorophyll is a blue-green pigment with major peaks of absorption at 445 mµ, and 645 mµ, and with smaller peaks at 575 and 545 mµ. The blue peak is sharp, narrow, and high, the red peak being broader and shorter. This differs from previous findings where the use of rougher methods indicated that red light was more effective than blue and did not give the position of the peaks of absorption or their relative heights. 4. The protochlorophyll curve is similar to but not identical with chlorophyll. The ratio of the peaks of absorption in the blue as compared to the red is very similar to chlorophyll a, but the position of the peaks resembles chlorophyll b. 5. There is an excellent correspondence between the absorption properties of this "active" protochlorophyll and what is known of the absorption of a chemically known pigment studied in impure extracts of seed coats of the Cucurbitaceae. Conclusive proof of the identity of the two substances awaits chemical purification, but the evidence here favors the view that the pumpkin seed substance, which is chemically chlorophyll a minus two hydrogens, is identical with the precursor of chlorophyll formation found in etiolated plants.  相似文献   

1. An optical system is described which furnishes an intensity of 282,000 meter candles at the bottom of a Warburg manometric vessel. With such a high intensity available it was possible to measure the rate of photosynthesis of single fronds of Cabomba caroliniana over a large range of intensities and CO2 concentrations. 2. The data obtained are described with high precision by the equation KI = p/(p 2 max.p 2)½ where p is the rate of photosynthesis at light intensity I, K is a constant which locates the curve on the I axis, and p max. is the asymptotic maximum rate of photosynthesis. With CO2 concentration substituted for I, this equation describes the data of photosynthesis for Cabomba, as a function of CO2 concentration. 3. The above equation also describes the data obtained by other investigators for photosynthesis as a function of intensity, and of CO2 concentration where external diffusion rate is not the limiting factor. This shows that for different species of green plants there is a fundamental similarity in kinetic properties and therefore probably in chemical mechanism. 4. A derivation of the above equation can be made in terms of half-order photochemical and Blackman reactions, with intensity and CO2 concentration entering as the first power, or if both sides of the equation are squared, the photochemical and Blackman reactions are first order and intensity and CO2 enter as the square. The presence of fractional exponents or intensity as the square suggests a complex reaction mechanism involving more than one photochemical reaction. This is consistent with the requirement of 4 quanta for the reduction of a CO2 molecule.  相似文献   

Curves relating flicker frequency (F) to mean critical illumination (Im) for threshold response to flickered light, with equal durations of light and no light intervals, and relating illumination (I) to mean critical flicker frequency (Fm) for the same response, have been obtained from homogeneous data based upon the reactions of dragonfly larvae (Anax junius). These curves exhibit the properties already described in the case of the fish Lepomis. The curve for Fm lies above the curve of Im by an amount which, as a function of I, can be predicted from a knowledge either of the variation of Im or of Fm. The law of the observable connection between F and I is properly expressed as a band, not as a simple curve. The variation of Im (and of Fm) is not due to "experimental error," but is an expression of the variable character of the organism''s capacity to exhibit the reaction which is the basis of the measurements. As in other series of measurements, P.E. I is a rectilinear function of Im; P.E. F passes through a maximum as F (or I) increases. The form of P.E. F as a function of I can be predicted from the measurements of P.E. I. It is pointed out that the equations which have been proposed for the interpretation of curves of critical flicker frequency as a function of intensity, based upon the balance of light adaptation and dark adaptation, have in fact the character of "population curves;" and that their contained constants do not have the properties requisite for the consistent application of the view that the shape of the F - I curve is governed by the steady state condition of adaptation. These curves can, however, be understood as resulting from the achievement of a certain level of difference between the average effect of a light flash and its average after effect during the dark interval.  相似文献   

  1. A substance which inhibits indoleacetic acid (IAA)-and naphthaleneaceticacid (NAA)-induced elongation of Avena coleoptile section andIAA-induced Avena coleoptile curvature was found in an ethersoluble neutral fraction of water extract of sunflower leavesand in agar blocks containing the diffusate from young sunflowerleaves.
  2. This substance also inhibits the growth of isolatedsunflowerepicotyl.
  3. The Rf value (0.9) of the substance ona paper chromatogramdeveloped with ammoniacal iso-propanolindicates that it isidentical with the inhibitor reported byAUDUS et al. (1956),but not with inhibitor-ß.
  4. Theinhibitor can be transported from leaf to stem, and thetransportseems to be accelerated by illuminating the leaf.
  5. The auxindiffused from sunflower leaf into agar block may beidenticalwith IAA.
  6. A substance, which has the same properties as theinhibitorfrom sunflower leaf, was obtained in crystalline formfrom theleaf of Jerusalem artichoke.
  7. The mechanism of growthinhibition caused by this crystallinesubstance seems to involveinactivation of a sulfhydryl group.
  8. The reason why the stemgrowth of sunflower seedlings is reducedby strong light isdiscussed: the amount of the inhibitor transportedfrom leafto stem is increased under strong light, and in thestem, growthinhibition is caused by a direct effect of thisinhibitor ongrowth and by its inhibiting effect on the transportof IAAfrom leaf to stem.
1 Present address: Botanical Garden, Faculty of Science, Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo (Received February 15, 1961; )  相似文献   

1. The permeability of Paramecium to NH4OH is greater when the cells are exposed to light than it is when they are in darkness. 2. This change can be demonstrated in cells exposed to monochromatic red light, though it is small. It becomes greater as the wave lengths shorten, and is greatest in the near ultra-violet. 3. The permeability increases as the duration of exposure to light is prolonged. 4. These experiments demonstrate the necessity of controlling the illumination when using Paramecium in physiological tests.  相似文献   

1. Heat does not sensitize paramecia to ultraviolet light but ultraviolet light sensitizes them to heat. Paramecia of two species (Paramecium caudatum and P. multimicronucleate) are much more readily killed by heat at 42.3° C. if they are first exposed to ultraviolet light. 2. From studies on paramecia irradiated with a given dosage at various wave lengths before being killed by heat, an action spectrum of the compound in the protoplasm being sensitized to heat can be determined. Proteins with absorption similar to that of pseudoglobulin are suggested by these experiments. 3. The effect upon living things differs from that on pure protein systems in that paramecia are not rendered more sensitive to temperatures below the lethal temperature whereas proteins are. 4. Almost complete recovery from ultraviolet light as judged by heat sensitivity occurs within 4 to 5 days. 5. By a study of the rate of recovery from doses at different wave lengths evidence suggesting effects on nucleic acid is obtained. 6. The possible significance of the data and the action spectrum is discussed.  相似文献   

The curve connecting mean critical illumination (Im) and flicker frequency (F) for response of the sunfish Lepomis (Enneacanthus gloriosus) to flicker is systematically displaced toward lower intensities by raising the temperature. The rod and cone portions of the curve are affected in a similar way, so that (until maximum F is approached) the shift is a nearly constant fraction of Im for a given change of temperature. These relationships are precisely similar to those found in the larvae of the dragonfly Anax. The modifications of the variability functions are also completely analogous. The effects found are consistent with the view that response to flicker is basically a matter of discrimination between effect of flashes of light and their after effects,—a form of intensity discrimination. They are not consistent with the stationary state formulation of the shape of the flicker curve. An examination of the relationships between the cone portion and the rod portion of the curves for the sunfish suggests a basis for their separation, and provides an explanation for certain "anomalous" features of human flicker curves. It is pointed out how tests of this matter will be made.  相似文献   

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