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Abstract— The effects of salt on the properties of human placental choline acetyltransferase have been examined. Increases in enzyme activity, thermal denaturation and susceptibility to proteolysis can be related to increases in ionic strength, rather than to specific salt effects. Increased ionic strength increases the maximal velocity (Km) of the reaction, with no change in the kinetic parameter Vmax/Km (choline). The pH-Km profile, measured over the range of 6.5–8.0, indicates the requirement of a dissociated acidic residue whose pKa is below 7.5 at high ionic strength, and a protonated residue whose pKa is above 7.5 at low ionic strength. It is proposed that the conformation of the enzyme is different at high ionic strength and at low ionic strength, and that these different conformational states of the enzyme result in different rate-determining steps of the reaction.  相似文献   

1. Conditions under which gelatin may be salted out into two liquid layers at 35° were studied. 2. The equilibria governing the amounts and composition of the layers salted out with sodium chloride are found to accord with the requirements of the phase rule for the quaternary system gelatin-sodium chloride-hydrogen ion-water. 3. So far, soaps and gelatin are found to be surprisingly similar in their behaviour and definite indications are given as to where further similarities may be sought. 4. It is evident from this work that the term "coagulation" as ordinarily applied to the salting out of proteins is definitely a misnomer.  相似文献   

藻胆蛋白是蓝绿藻的天线蛋白,由无色多肽连接,形成的一定结构叫做藻胆体,作为蓝绿藻的主要光能捕获器。一种分子量为90—120KD的无色多肽将藻胆体固着在类囊体膜表面,从而使吸收的光能可从藻蓝蛋白有效地传递给类囊体膜中光系统Ⅱ反应中心的叶绿素a3。为探讨在能量传递水平上藻胆体和类囊体膜之间的相互作用,我们研究了离子强度对蓝绿藻胆体和叶绿素a之间能量传递的影响。    相似文献   

1. In pure gelatin solutions the conductivity of the solution increases with increasing concentrations, regardless of the hydrogen ion concentration. The actual value of the specific conductivity is greater at that reaction where the degree of ionization is greater. 2. The addition of gelatin in increasing concentrations to a 0.6 per cent sodium chloride solution affects the conductivity of that solution in two ways: (a) At pH 3.3, (where gelatin is highly ionized) the conductivity increases with each added increment of gelatin. (b) At pH 5.1 and 7.4 (where gelatin is less highly ionized) the conductivity decreases with each added increment of gelatin. A similar study is being made of crystalline egg albumin.  相似文献   

采用激光散射等方法测定了在添加不同的两价无机盐情况下,C8-卵磷脂微团溶液的液-液相分离曲线,及其相变临界温度随盐类型和盐离子强度的变化。并从理论上分析了两价盐对C8-卵磷脂微团溶液吉布斯自由能的影响,推导出-关于盐对该微团溶液相交临界温度影响的半经验半理论公式,可满意地描述该微团溶液的液-液相分离受益调控的规律。  相似文献   

两价盐对C_8-卵磷脂微团溶液液-液相分离的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用激光散射等方法测定了在添加不同的两价无机盐情况下,C8-卵磷脂微团溶液的液-液相分离曲线,及上变临界温度随盐类型和盐离子强度的变化,并从理论上分析两价盐对C8-卵磷脂微团溶液吉布斯自由能的影响,推导出-关于盐对该微团溶液相变临界温度影响的半经验半理论公式,可满意地描述该微团溶液的液-液相分离受盐调控的规律。  相似文献   

1. It may be shown by means of cells of the flowers of a hybrid Rhododendron which contain a natural indicator, by means of starfish eggs stained with neutral red, and by means of an "artificial cell" in which living frog''s skin is employed that increased intracellular alkalinity may be brought about by solutions of a decidedly acid reaction which contain ammonium salts. 2. These results are analogous to those previously obtained with the CO2-bicarbonate system, and depend on the facts: (a) that NH4OH is sufficiently weak as a base to permit a certain degree of hydrolysis of its salts; and (b) that living cells are freely permeable to NH4OH (or NH3?) and not to mineral and many organic acids, and presumably not at least to the same extent to ammonium salts as such.  相似文献   

1. The addition of Na taurocholate produces an increase in the rate of respiration at a concentration of 0.0000125 M, and a decrease at 0.001 M and in higher concentrations. 2. NaCl is antagonized by Na taurocholate, the most favorable proportion being 14,375 parts of NaCl to 1 part of Na taurocholate (molecular proportions). 3. Solutions of saponin, at concentrations from 0.00005 M to 0.001 M, decrease the rate of respiration: lower concentrations produce no effect.  相似文献   

1. Colloids have been divided into two groups according to the ease with which their solutions or suspensions are precipitated by electrolytes. One group (hydrophilic colloids), e.g., solutions of gelatin or crystalline egg albumin in water, requires high concentrations of electrolytes for this purpose, while the other group (hydrophobic colloids) requires low concentrations. In the latter group the precipitating ion of the salt has the opposite sign of charge as the colloidal particle (Hardy''s rule), while no such relation exists in the precipitation of colloids of the first group. 2. The influence of electrolytes on the solubility of solid Na caseinate, which belongs to the first group (hydrophilic colloids), and of solid casein chloride which belongs to the second group (hydrophobic colloids), was investigated and it was found that the forces determining the solution are entirely different in the two cases. The forces which cause the hydrophobic casein chloride to go into solution are forces regulated by the Donnan equilibrium; namely, the swelling of particles. As soon as the swelling of a solid particle of casein chloride exceeds a certain limit it is dissolved. The forces which cause the hydrophilic Na caseinate to go into solution are of a different character and may be those of residual valency. Swelling plays no rôle in this case, and the solubility of Na caseinate is not regulated by the Donnan equilibrium. 3. The stability of solutions of casein chloride (requiring low concentrations of electrolytes for precipitation) is due, first, to the osmotic pressure generated through the Donnan equilibrium between the casein ions tending to form an aggregate, whereby the protein ions of the nascent micellum are forced apart again; and second, to the potential difference between the surface of a micellum and the surrounding solution (also regulated by the Donnan equilibrium) which prevents the further coalescence of micella already formed. This latter consequence of the Donnan effect had already been suggested by J. A. Wilson. 4. The precipitation of this group of hydrophobic colloids by salts is due to the diminution or annihilation of the osmotic pressure and the P.D. just discussed. Since low concentrations of electrolytes suffice for the depression of the swelling and P.D. of the micella, it is clear why low concentrations of electrolytes suffice for the precipitation of hydrophobic colloids, such as casein chloride. 5. This also explains why only that ion of the precipitating salt is active in the precipitation of hydrophobic colloids which has the opposite sign of charge as the colloidal ion, since this is always the case in the Donnan effect. Hardy''s rule is, therefore, at least in the precipitation of casein chloride, only a consequence of the Donnan effect. 6. For the salting out of hydrophilic colloids, like gelatin, from watery solution, sulfates are more efficient than chlorides regardless of the pH of the gelatin solution. Solution experiments lead to the result that while CaCl2 or NaCl increase the solubility of isoelectric gelatin in water, and the more, the higher the concentration of the salt, Na2SO4 increases the solubility of isoelectric gelatin in low concentrations, but when the concentration of Na2SO4 exceeds M/32 it diminishes the solubility of isoelectric gelatin the more, the higher the concentration. The reason for this difference in the action of the two salts is not yet clear. 7. There is neither any necessity nor any room for the assumption that the precipitation of proteins is due to the adsorption of the ions of the precipitating salt by the colloid.  相似文献   

O ne of the characteristic features of living cells is that they are permeable to ammonia, but relatively impermeable to caustic soda or caustic potash. The usual method of demonstrating this fact is by staining cells with neutral red. This dye is readily taken up by living cells and is at first diffused through the cytoplasm, which thereby acquires a distinct red colour. At a later stage the dye is usually aggregated into irregular granules. When exposed to dilute solutions of ammonia the neutral red in living cells rapidly becomes yellow, indicating the penetration of the alkali. In NaOH or K. OH the colour of the dye does not change, however, until the cell begins to show obvious signs of degeneration.  相似文献   

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