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Spectrophotometric measurements show that it is chiefly the trimethyl thionin that is present in the sap extracted from the vacuoles of uninjured cells of Nitella or Valonia which have been placed in methylene blue solution at a little above pH 9. Whether these measurements were made immediately or several hours later the same results were obtained. Methylene blue is detected in the sap (1) when the cells are injured or (2) when the contamination of the sap from the stained cell wall occurs at the time of extraction. The sap is found to be incapable of demethylating methylene blue dissolved in it even on standing for several hours. It is somewhat uncertain as to whether the trimethyl thionin penetrated as such from the external methylene blue solution which generally contains this dye as impurity (in too small concentration for detection by spectrophotometer but detectable by extraction with chloroform), or whether it has formed from methylene blue in the protoplasm. The evidences described in the text tend to favor the former explanation. Theory is discussed on basis of more rapid penetration of trimethyl thionin (in form of free base) than of methylene blue, or of trimethyl thionin in form of salt.  相似文献   

1. The electromotor variations of pure iron wires, arranged to react rhythmically with nitric acid, are recorded and described. 2. Resemblances between these variations and those of rhythmically reacting living tissues (especially the heart) are pointed out and discussed.  相似文献   

The rate of reduction of methylene blue by milk and acetaldehyde is proportional to the concentration of oxygen in the milk. This fact may be made the basis of a method of determining oxygen in gaseous mixtures.  相似文献   

Glass electrode measurements of the pH value of the sap of cells of Nitella show that azure B in the form of free base penetrates the vacuoles and raises the pH value of the sap to about the same degree as the free base of the dye added to the sap in vitro, but the dye salt dissolved in the sap does not alter the pH value of the sap. It is concluded that the dye penetrates the vacuoles chiefly in the form of free base and not as salt. The dye from methylene blue solution containing azure B free base as impurity penetrates and accumulates in the vacuole. This dye must be azure B in the form of free base, since it raises the pH value of the sap to about the same extent as the free base of azure B dissolved in the sap in vitro. The dye absorbed by the chloroform from methylene blue solution behaves like the dye penetrating the vacuole. These results confirm those of spectrophotometric analysis previously published. Crystal violet exists only in one form between pH 5 and pH 9.2, and does not alter the pH value of the sap at the concentrations used. It does not penetrate readily unless cells are injured. A theory of "multiple partition coefficients" is described which explains the mechanism of the behavior of living cells to these dyes. When the protoplasm is squeezed into the sap, the pH value of the mixture is higher than that of the pure sap. The behavior of such a mixture to the dye is very much like that of the sap except that with azure B and methylene blue the rise in the pH value of such a mixture is not so pronounced as with sap when the dye penetrates into the vacuoles. Spectrophotometric measurements show that the dye which penetrates from methylene blue solution has a primary absorption maximum at 653 to 655 mµ (i.e., is a mixture of azure B and methylene blue, with preponderance of azure B) whether we take the sap alone or the sap plus protoplasm. These results confirm those previously obtained with spectrophotometric measurements.  相似文献   

LaBrec, Eugene H., Herman Schneider, Thomas J. Magnani, and Samuel B. Formal. Epithelial cell penetration as an essential step in the pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery. J. Bacteriol. 88:1503-1518. 1964.-A parent strain of Shigella flexneri 2a and a colonial mutant derived from it were studied in three animal models. Both strains were equally virulent for mice when living cells suspended in hog gastric mucin were injected by the intraperitoneal route. Feeding the parent strain to starved guinea pigs, followed by the intraperitoneal injection of opium, resulted in the formation of ulcerative lesions in the intestinal tract and in the death of these animals. When the colonial variant was fed to similarly prepared animals, the animals survived and the intestinal tract remained normal. The parent produced diarrheal symptoms and intestinal lesions after its oral administration to rhesus monkeys; the variant caused neither symptoms nor pathology in this species. Studies were carried out to define the characteristics present in the parent strain and absent in the colonial mutant, which would enable the parent to produce ulcerative lesions of the bowel and death in the guinea pig model or intestinal lesions and diarrheal symptoms in the monkey. Neither serological studies nor growth studies conducted both in vitro and in vivo offered a clue to explain this difference. The virulent parent strain was shown to penetrate the bowel epithelium and enter the lamina propria; the avirulent mutant did not do this. Entrance to the lamina propria was by way of the epithelial cell of the mucosa. The avirulent mutant did not possess the capacity to penetrate this cell. This observation was extended to show that the virulent parent possesses the ability to infect and multiply within HeLa cells; furthermore, the organisms are able to penetrate epithelial cells of the guinea pig cornea, causing ulcerative lesions. The avirulent variant possesses neither of these capacities. It is suggested that epithelial cell penetration is a major factor in determining the pathogenicity of dysentery bacilli.  相似文献   

1. An enzyme capable of oxidizing reduced cytochrome c (i.e. a cytochrome oxidase) has been obtained from Arbacia eggs. In 0.02 M hydroquinone, the cytochrome oxidase was half activated at a cytochrome c concentration of approximately 4 x 10–6 M. The concentration of the cytochrome oxidase was found to be nearly the same in unfertilized and fertilized eggs, the amount of the enzyme—as measured by means of its activity toward cytochrome c as a representative substrate—being more than sufficient to account for the highest rate of oxygen utilization yet observed in the intact, living, fertilized eggs, and of the same order as that in certain rat tissues. 2. The Arbacia cytochrome oxidase was strongly inhibited by carbon monoxide in the dark, the inhibition being almost completely reversed by light. The inhibition constant was not greatly altered by variation in the concentration of cytochrome c or the concentration of hydroquinone used as reductant for the cytochrome c, having a value of 3 to 5 under the conditions used. The inhibition constant was about 2 with p-phenylenediamine as reductant for the cytochrome c, but apparently had the surprisingly low value of about 0.5 with 0.02 M cysteine as reductant. 3. The cytochrome oxidase was completely inhibited by sufficiently high concentrations of sodium cyanide, sodium azide, and sodium sulfide. It was also completely inhibited in 0.6 M sodium chloride. It was not inhibited by two inhibitors of copper containing enzymes, 8-hydroxyquinoline and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. It was also not significantly inhibited by 2,4-dinitrothymol, 2,4-dinitro-o-cyclohexylphenol, phenylurethane, 5-isoamyl-5-ethylbarbituric acid, or iodoacetic acid. 4. Quantitative examination of the fertilized eggs showed that cytochrome c, if present at all, occurred in a concentration of less than 2 micrograms per gram of wet fertilized Arbacia eggs. On the basis of these data and those of Fig. 2, above, it seems safe to conclude that cytochrome c cannot carry a significant fraction of the oxygen consumption of fertilized Arbacia eggs. It was also found that, in contrast to similar preparations from certain other animal tissues, the Arbacia cytochrome oxidase preparation displayed no succinic dehydrogenase activity when tested manometrically in the presence of excess cytochrome c. 5. Extending previously reported (3) experiments with other inhibitors, the effects of sodium azide and sodium sulfide on the respiration and cell division of fertilized Arbacia eggs were determined, the eggs being initially exposed to the reagents 30 minutes after fertilization at 20°C. With either reagent cleavage was completely blocked by a concentration of reagent which reduced the respiration to approximately 50 per cent of the normal level. 6. On the basis of certain theoretical considerations regarding the possible mechanism of action of cyanide and other respiratory inhibitors it is suggested that a fraction of the respiration apparently concerned with supplying energy for division processes in the fertilized Arbacia egg may be keyed into the respiratory cycle through a carrier having a somewhat higher potential than those which carry the larger portion of the egg respiration. The theory is also employed in an effort to resolve a number of hitherto apparently paradoxical observations regarding the effects of cyanide, azide, and carbon monoxide on cell respiration.  相似文献   

A method for replacing the cell sap of Nitella with an artificialsolution was introduced. The technique, which is a modificationof KAMIYA and KURODA'S (1, 2), is applicable not only for isotonicbut also for hypertonic or hypotonic solutions. Photometricdeterminations of K+, Na+, Ca++ and Cl proved that thereplacement of the cell sap with the present method is satisfactory.The internodal cell of Nitella, whose cell sap was replacedwith an isotonic solution with a simple composition such asa mixture of KCl, NaCl and CaCl2, can be kept living at leastfor several days, sometimes even for more than one month. (Received September 6, 1963; )  相似文献   

The penetration of acid into mantle tissue of Chromodoris zebra is accelerated after local faradic stimulation, and is retarded by brief treatment with anesthetic solutions. The spontaneous outward diffusion of intracellular pigment is an inadequate criterion of "permeability." Outward diffusion of pigment and penetration of acid are both facilitated when the tissue is artificially put under tension.  相似文献   

The quiescence, rounding, sinking of the granules, and paling of the nucleus are similar to the effects seen after the injection of potassium and sodium chloride (11). Since the sodium salts of the anions were used, it might be inferred that the sodium is the active agent in the injected solutions. This is not entirely the case, however, for the effective concentrations of NaCl required are many times greater than those required in the case of the sodium salts of the calcium-precipitating anions. The fact that practically the same effects can be obtained in both cases leads one to suspect that there is a relation between the results of an increase in sodium ions and a decrease in calcium ions. It has been shown that a M/416 CaCl2 solution will antagonize a M/1 NaCl solution and even a more concentrated solution of KCl inside the ameba (12). Therefore the reduction in amount of calcium may leave a comparatively high concentration of unantagonized sodium and potassium. The fine, purplish red granules resulting from the injection of the alizarin are, no doubt, the insoluble calcium alizarinate. Recovery of an ameba from such an injection may be explained by the postulate that the free calcium ions in the living ameba are in equilibrium with a reserve supply of unionized calcium. The equilibrium is upset when the free calcium is removed by precipitation or by other means, and the system may possibly react in such a way as to counteract the effect of the change imposed. By mobilization of the calcium from a reserve supply the ameba can therefore gradually resume its normal activity. The time required for the recovery depends on the amount of alizarin injected. The diffuse red color which is seen immediately following the injection of alizarin probably represents that extra amount of dye which was not used in precipitating the immediately available calcium. Then, as the calcium is being liberated from the reserve, it is taken up by this surplus alizarin, resulting in a gradual loss of the diffuse coloration and an increase in the number of purplish See PDF for Structure red calcium alizarinate granules. Only when all of the injected dye has been precipitated can the mobilized calcium be used to carry on the normal physiological processes of the organism. The need of calcium to effect ameboid movement has been shown by Pantin (13) in a series of immersion experiments. This fact is quite suggestive, because the first effect of the injection of any of the calcium precipitants is absolute quiescence. Furthermore, there is no return to normal movement until the calcium apparently becomes available to the protoplasm. In support of the conception of a reserve supply of calcium is the presence of the large crystals which give a positive reaction with alizarin for calcium on the death of the ameba. Schewiakoff (14), from crystallographic studies, claims that they are calcium phosphate. The effect of the injection of the calcium-precipitating anions on the calcium of the protoplasm may be shown in another way. In determining the relative toxicity of these salts an arbitrarily standardized injection, about one-fourth of the volume of an ameba, was used. This was introduced because of the necessity to avoid effects due to variable amounts of the solvent, viz., water.. Thus the water effect was kept constant, and the variations in actual amount of salt injected were obtained by using a graded series of concentrations. Arranging the sodium salts of these anions in order of increasing toxicity in one column, and the in vitro solubility products of the corresponding calcium salts in another column, it is seen that as the toxicity increases, the solubility product decreases (Table 1). This fact strongly suggests that the toxicity depends on the ability of the salt to remove calcium ions from the protoplasm. The apparent deviation of the carbonate from the rule can be explained by the specific effect of 002 (10) which is always present from the hydrolysis of the carbonate.  相似文献   

Glass electrode measurements of the pH value of the sap of Nitella show that cresyl blue in form of free base penetrates the vacuoles and raises pH value of the sap to about the same degree as the free base of the dye added to the sap in vitro, while the dye salt dissolved in the sap does not alter its pH value. It is proved conclusively that the increase in the pH value of the sap is due only to the presence of the dye and not to some other alkaline substance. Spectrophotometric measurements show that the dye which penetrates the vacuole is chiefly cresyl blue. When the protoplasm is squeezed into the sap, the pH value of the sap is higher than that of the pure sap. Such a mixture behaves very much like the sap in respect to the dye.  相似文献   

Blue whale calls in the eastern North Pacific Ocean consist of a two-part call often termed the A-B call. This call has been described for regions offshore of Oregon, Washington, and California, USA and the Sea of Cortez, Mexico (reviewed in Rivers 1997). Data collected from moored hydrophones in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) indicate that the A-B pattern is common in this region as well. There is consistency in this call type throughout the eastern North Pacific and throughout the year. This acoustic evidence indicates continuity between blue whales in the ETP and those found west of North America. The acoustic data suggest that the population of blue whales generally referred to as the “Californi/Mexico” stock might better be termed the “northeast Pacific” stock of blue whales.  相似文献   

本文所研究的人工羊草草地是在内蒙古锡林河中游南岸羊草草原的基础上建成的。此项研究试就人工种植的羊草(Aneurolepidium chinensis)和原生群落建群种羊草在高生长和生物量增长方面作一比较。 (1)从返青后四十天开始,人工羊草种群的高生长表现为曲线 种群平均高度最大值达52.98cm,并在垂直结构上控制着群落的中层和上层;原生群落中羊草的高生长曲线为:种群平均高度最大值为40.61cm。(2) 人工羊草种群的生物量按方程增长,植物地上部分的干物质含量依直线CA=27.4874+0.2245t变化。生物量峰值(172.00g/m2)和干物质含量极值 (58.24%)都超过了天然生长的羊草。目前人工草地适于作为割草场使用,可获得优质高产的牧草。  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms form a particularly important community in oligotrophic lakes, but factors influencing their distribution are not well known. This study reports the depth distribution of living motile and total diatoms (living plus dead diatoms) on both natural (from sand to fine organic mud) and artificial substrates in an oligotrophic lake. On artificial substrates, motile diatom densities peaked in abundance (24–30 cells · mm?2) between 0.6 and 1.9 m depth; on natural sediment surfaces, motile diatoms were generally more numerous and peaked in abundance (925 cells · mm?2) at 1.3 m depth. Total diatom densities on artificial substrates were highest (1260 valves · mm?2) at 0.6 m depth, with very low values below 3 m depth; on natural sediment surfaces, total diatom abundances were generally much higher (21600 valves · mm?2) at 3 m depth and declined gradually with depth. Significant relationships were found between light and diatom densities on the artificial substrate. Ordination analysis indicated that substrate type significantly correlated with the variation of diatom composition on artificial and natural substrates. Our results suggest that in oligotrophic lakes, light influences benthic diatom abundance, whereas substrate type has more influence on benthic diatom composition.  相似文献   

1. Analyses have been made of the electrolytes and proteins of serum and transudates from human subjects. 2. The distribution ratios of HCO3, Cl, Na, and H+ deviated from unity as predicted by the Gibbs-Donnan law for similar heterogeneous systems. 3. Analyses of serum, and of artificial salt solutions approximating edema fluid in composition, after equilibration across collodion membranes showed distributions similar to those between serum and edema fluid in vivo.  相似文献   

Cells of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila produce compounds that act as autocrine (paracrine) survival and/or growth factors. 8-Bromo cyclic GMP, sodium nitroprusside, hemin, protoporphyrin IX, human recombinant and bovine insulin were tested for their ability to substitute for the cell-produced factors and stimulate cell survival and proliferation. The cells were inoculated into conical flasks in a nutritionally complete, chemically defined medium at known cell densities from 5 to 5000cells/ml. In unsupplemented medium cells at 5 to 500cells/ml (‘low initial cell density cultures’) died within 8h, whereas cells at 1000 and 5000cells/ml (‘high initial cell density cultures’) proliferated with lag phases lasting for up to 4h. In the presence of insulin compounds, hemin, protoporphyrin IX, or 8-bromo cyclic GMP, cells also proliferated at all low initial cell densities. Sodium nitroprusside was effective over two separate concentration ranges: at the nanomolar levels as well at low pico- to femtomolar levels. At initial population densities of up to 50cells/ml the cells at both concentrations of sodium nitroprusside survived about 4-fold longer than the controls. At 500 initial cells/ml, cells at thehigh concentrations of sodium nitroprusside survived about 4-fold longer than those of the control cultures; they proliferated in the low concentrations of sodium nitroprusside. Concentrations of hemin, too low to have any effects on their own, had synergistic effects with sodium nitroprusside. NG-methyl-L-arginine inhibited proliferation at high initial cell densities. This inhibitory action was reduced by high concentrations of L-arginine, protoporphyrin IX, sodium nitroprusside, or 8-bromo cGMP, but not by insulin. Methylene blue inhibited cell proliferation at high initial cell densities. This inhibition was circumvented by addition of 8-bromo cGMP. The findings that insulin-related material may be released from Tetrahymena and that insulin and sodium nitroprusside increase intracellular cGMP in these cells are discussed in relation to the presented results. Together these observations suggest that cGMP is responsible for supporting cell survival in Tetrahymena and switching the cells into their proliferative mode, and that cell-produced signal molecules and insulin stimulate an NO-dependent guanylate cyclase into producing cGMP.  相似文献   

The components of higher-plant cell walls which become electron-opaque after staining with ruthenium-osmium were studied by electron microscopy. A fibrillar material which absorbs this stain is a major wall constituent in the root epidermal cells of carrot and morning glory. In both form and size, these fibrils resemble those found on the surface of suspension-cultured cells of the same species Some cells of woody species show an irregular distribution of electron-opaque material in the cell wall matrix and middle lamella. This material, which has an amorphous appearance with many electron stains, is shown by ruthenium-osmium staining to be an aggregate of discrete granules, 150–220 A in diameter. These observations are not consistent with the concept of the cell wall matrix and middle lamella as an amorphous, uniform gel  相似文献   

1. The effects of a number of respiratory inhibiting agents on the cell division of fertilized eggs of Arbacia punctulata have been determined. For eggs initially exposed to the reagents at 30 minutes after fertilization at 20°C., the levels of oxygen consumption prevailing in the minimum concentrations of reagents which produced complete cleavage block were (as percentages of the control): In 0.4 per cent O2-99.6 per cent N2, 32; in 0.7 per cent O2-99.3 per cent CO, 32; in 1.6 x 10–4 M potassium cyanide, 34; in 1 x 10–3 M phenylurethane, 70; in 4 x 10–3 M 5-isoamyl-5-ethyl barbituric acid, 20; in 3 x 10–4 M iodoacetic acid, 53. 2. The carbon monoxide inhibition of oxygen consumption and cell division was reversed by light. The percentage inhibition of oxygen consumption by carbon monoxide in the dark is described by the usual mass action equation with K, the inhibition constant, equal to approximately 60, as compared to values of 5 to 10 for yeast and muscle. In 20 per cent O2-80 per cent CO in the dark there was a slight stimulation of oxygen consumption, averaging 20 per cent. 3. Spectroscopic examination of fertilized and unfertilized Arbacia eggs reduced by hydrosulfite revealed no cytochrome bands. The thickness and density of the egg suspension was such as to indicate that, if cytochrome is present at all, the amount in Arbacia eggs is extremely small as compared to that in other tissues having a comparable rate of oxygen consumption. 4. Three reagents poisoning copper catalyses, potassium dithio-oxalate (10–2 M), diphenylthiocarbazone (10–4 M), and isonitrosoacetophenone (2 x 10–3 M) produced no inhibition of division of fertilized Arbacia eggs. 5. These results indicate that the respiratory processes required to support division in the Arbacia egg may perhaps differ in certain essential steps from the principal respiratory processes in yeast and muscle.  相似文献   

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