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By transiently or stably overexpressing the mitochondrial fission factor dynamin-related protein-1 (Drp-1), we evaluated the role of mitochondrial division in organelle Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptotic signaling. Quantitative 3D digital microscopy revealed a split mitochondrial network in Drp-1-overexpressing cells without changes in cell viability. High-speed mitochondrial [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]m) imaging revealed propagating intramitochondrial Ca2+ waves in intact cells, which were blocked in the Drp-1-fragmented network, leaving a fraction of individual mitochondria without substantial [Ca2+]m elevation. Consequently, in Drp-1-expressing cells the apoptotic efficacy of ceramide, which causes a Ca2+-dependent perturbation of mitochondrial structure and function, was drastically reduced. Conversely, the sensitivity to staurosporine-induced apoptosis, previously shown to be directly triggered by Drp-1-dependent recruitment of proapoptotic proteins to mitochondria, was enhanced. These results demonstrate that the regulated process of mitochondrial fusion and fission controls the spatiotemporal properties of mitochondrial Ca2+ responses and, thus, physiological and pathological consequences of cellular Ca2+ signals.  相似文献   

电压门控钙通道受钙依赖性易化和失活两种相互对立的反馈机制调节.不同浓度的钙离子,通过作为钙感受器的钙调蛋白的介导,主要与钙通道α1亚基羧基端的多个不连续片段发生复杂的相互作用,分别引发钙依赖性易化和失活.钙/钙调蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱ及其它钙结合蛋白等也参与此调节过程.新近研究表明,钙通道的钙依赖性调节机制失衡与心律失常等的发病机制密切相关.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a highly versatile Ca(2+) signaling transducer known to regulate over a hundred proteins. In this paper, we further demonstrate the versatility of CaM binding by showing that it binds to a synthetic peptide (revCKKp) made by reversing the amino acid sequence of the CaM-binding peptide (CKKp) from CaM-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK) (residues 438-463). Sequence comparison between revCKKp and other CaM-binding peptides (CBPs) from the CaM target databank showed that revCKKp does not resemble any existing classes of CBPs, except CKKp [M. Zhang, T. Yuan, Molecular mechanisms of calmodulin's functional versatility, Biochem. Cell Biol. 76 (1998) 313-323; S.W. Vetter, E. Leclerc, Novel aspects of calmodulin target recognition and activation, Eur. J. Biochem. 270 (2003) 404-414]. Furthermore, computational modeling showed that revCKKp could bind CaM in a similar manner to CKKp. Lastly, we experimentally showed that our synthetic revCKKp binds to CaM in a reversible Ca(2+)-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The mechanism of fibrate-induced myopathy was investigated in this report. When clofibrate (30 to 300 microM) was applied to L6 rat skeletal myoblasts, dose-dependently apoptosis was observed within 24 h. In the apoptotic myoblasts, a caspase-12 cleavage was observed at 2 h and with following caspases-9 and -3-related cascade activation. In contrast, the neutral protease calpain, that is a key enzyme in ER stress-related apoptosis via caspase-12 activation, was significantly decreased during apoptosis. Next, the authors evaluated a role of calcium-dependent signal(s). When clofibrate was added into medium, cytosolic calcium concentration was rapidly and persistently increased. On the other hand, an addition of 10 mM EGTA depressed sustained calcium phase, and concurrent myoblasts apoptosis was completely inhibited. Taken together, our findings indicate that the clofibrate-induced myopathy is triggered by Ca2+ influx, then activated cytosolic caspase-12 through calpain-independent cascade, and consequently caused apoptotic DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

Bcl-2 blocks p53-dependent apoptosis.   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
Adenovirus E1A expression recruits primary rodent cells into proliferation but fails to transform them because of the induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis). The adenovirus E1B 19,000-molecular-weight protein (19K protein), the E1B 55K protein, and the human Bcl-2 protein each cause high-frequency transformation when coexpressed with E1A by inhibiting apoptosis. Thus, transformation of primary rodent cells by E1A requires deregulation of cell growth to be coupled to suppression of apoptosis. The product of the p53 tumor suppressor gene induces apoptosis in transformed cells and is required for induction of apoptosis by E1A. The ability of Bcl-2 to suppress apoptosis induced by E1A suggested that Bcl-2 may function by inhibition of p53. Rodent cells transformed with E1A plus the p53(Val-135) temperature-sensitive mutant are transformed at the restrictive temperature and undergo rapid and complete apoptosis at the permissive temperature when p53 adopts the wild-type conformation. Human Bcl-2 expression completely prevented p53-mediated apoptosis at the permissive temperature and caused cells to remain in a predominantly growth-arrested state. Growth arrest was leaky, occurred at multiple points in the cell cycle, and was reversible. Bcl-2 did not affect the ability of p53 to localize to the nucleus, nor were the levels of the p53 protein altered. Thus, Bcl-2 diverts the activity of p53 from induction of apoptosis to induction of growth arrest, and it is thereby identified as a modifier of p53 function. The ability of Bcl-2 to bypass induction of apoptosis by p53 may contribute to its oncogenic and antiapoptotic activity.  相似文献   

Numerous reports have shown that mitochondrial dysfunctions play a major role in apoptosis of Leishmania parasites, but the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced apoptosis in Leishmania remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigate ER stress-induced apoptotic pathways in Leishmania major using tunicamycin as an ER stress inducer. ER stress activates the expression of ER-localized chaperone protein BIP/GRP78 (binding protein/identical to the 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein) with concomitant generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species. Upon exposure to ER stress, the elevation of cytosolic Ca(2+) level is observed due to release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. Increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) causes mitochondrial membrane potential depolarization and ATP loss as ablation of Ca(2+) by blocking voltage-gated cation channels with verapamil preserves mitochondrial membrane potential and cellular ATP content. Furthermore, ER stress-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent release of cytochrome c and endonuclease G from mitochondria to cytosol and subsequent translocation of endonuclease G to nucleus are observed. Inhibition of caspase-like proteases with the caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-VAD-fluoromethyl ketone or metacaspase inhibitor antipain does not prevent nuclear DNA fragmentation and phosphatidylserine exposure. Conversely, significant protection in tunicamycin-induced DNA degradation and phosphatidylserine exposure was achieved by either pretreatment of antioxidants (N-acetyl-L-cysteine, GSH, and L-cysteine), chemical chaperone (4-phenylbutyric acid), or addition of Ca(2+) chelator (1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid-acetoxymethyl ester). Taken together, these data strongly demonstrate that ER stress-induced apoptosis in L. major is dependent on ROS and Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial toxicity but independent of caspase-like proteases.  相似文献   

Thorne GD  Ishida Y  Paul RJ 《Cell calcium》2004,36(3-4):201-208
The mechanisms of oxygen sensing in vascular smooth muscle have been studied extensively in a variety of tissue types and the results of these studies indicate that the mechanism of hypoxia-induced vasodilation probably involves several mechanisms that combined to assure the appropriate response. After a short discussion of the regulatory mechanisms for smooth muscle contractility, we present the evidence indicating that hypoxic vasorelaxation involves both Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent mechanisms. More recent experiments using proteomic approaches in organ cultures of porcine coronary artery reveal important changes evoked by hypoxia in both Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Ca2+-dependent potentiation of muscarinic receptor-mediated Ca2+ elevation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Muscarinic receptor-mediated increases in Ca(2+) in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells consist of an initial fast and transient phase followed by a sustained phase. Activation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels prior to muscarinic stimulation resulted in a several-fold potentiation of the fast phase. Unlike the muscarinic response under control conditions, this potentiated elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) was to a large extent dependent on extracellular Ca(2+). In potentiated cells, muscarinic stimulation also activated a rapid Mn(2+) entry. By using known organic and inorganic blockers of cation channels, this influx pathway was easily separated from the known Ca(2+) influx pathways, the store-operated pathway and the voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. In addition to the Ca(2+) influx, both IP(3) production and Ca(2+) release were also enhanced during the potentiated response. The results suggest that a small increase in intracellular Ca(2+) amplifies the muscarinic Ca(2+) response at several stages, most notably by unravelling an apparently novel receptor-activated influx pathway.  相似文献   

The treatment of rat thymocytes with A23187 + Ca2+, ascorbate-phenazine methosulphate or propranolol induced quinine-sensitive fluxes of K+ (Rb+) suggesting the presence in the cell membrane of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels. Concanavalin A induced K+ channel activation only at very high doses (13 micrograms/ml). Neither quinine nor the increase of the K+ concentration in the medium to 30 mM prevented the stimulation of amino acid transport induced by concanavalin A, suggesting that the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel is not involved in the early phenomena of lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

The correct spatial and temporal control of Ca2+ signaling is essential for such cellular activities as fertilization, secretion, motility, and cell division. There has been a long-standing interest in the role of caveolae in regulating intracellular Ca2+ concentration. In this review we provide an updated view of how caveolae may regulate both Ca2+ entry into cells and Ca2+-dependent signal transduction  相似文献   

Besides the nerve endings, the soma of trigeminal neurons also respond to membrane depolarizations with the release of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the extracellular space within the ganglion, a process potentially important for the cross-communication between neighboring sensory neurons. In this study, we addressed the dependence of somatic release on Ca2+ influx in trigeminal neurons and the involvement of the different types of voltage-gated Ca2+ (Cav) channels in the process. Similar to the closely related dorsal root ganglion neurons, we found two kinetically distinct components of somatic release, a faster component stimulated by voltage but independent of the Ca2+ influx, and a slower component triggered by Ca2+ influx. The Ca2+-dependent component was inhibited 80% by ω-conotoxin-MVIIC, an inhibitor of both N- and P/Q-type Cav channels, and 55% by the P/Q-type selective inhibitor ω-agatoxin-IVA. The selective L-type Ca2+ channel inhibitor nimodipine was instead without effect. These results suggest a major involvement of N- and P/Q-, but not L-type Cav channels in the somatic release of trigeminal neurons. Thus antinociceptive Cav channel antagonists acting on the N- and P/Q-type channels may exert their function by also modulating the somatic release and cross-communication between sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Characterization of the putative Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum, which is thought to mediate Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, was carried out in order to elucidate the mechanism of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Heavy and light fractions of fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle were loaded passively with Ca2+, and then passive Ca2+ efflux was measured under various conditions. The fast phase of the Ca2+ efflux depended on the extravesicular free Ca2+ concentration and was assigned to the Ca2+ efflux through the Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channel. Vesicles with the Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channels comprised about 85% of the heavy fraction and about 40% of the light fraction. The amount of Ca2+ loaded in FSR was found to be much larger than that estimated on the basis of vesicle inner volume and the equilibration of intravesicular with extravesicular Ca2+, indicating Ca2+ binding inside FSR. Taking this fact into account, the Ca2+ efflux curve was quantitatively analyzed and the dependence of the Ca2+ efflux rate constant on the extravesicular free Ca2+ concentration was determined. The Ca2+ efflux was maximal, with the rate constant of 0.75 s-1, when the extravesicular free Ca2+ was at 3 microM. Caffeine increased the affinity for Ca2+ of Ca2+-binding sites for opening the channel with only a slight change in the maximum rate of Ca2+ efflux. Mg2+ inhibited the Ca2+ binding to the sites for opening the channel while procaine seemed to inhibit the Ca2+ efflux by blocking the ionophore moiety of the channel.  相似文献   

Ca2 是促发囊泡胞吐的关键调节因子.最近的研究表明,分泌囊泡和通道之间的空间距离调节囊泡分泌的过程和性质.Ca2 通道开口附近形成的Ca2 微区和Ca2 钠区和囊泡快速递质释放有非常紧密的联系.SNARE蛋白和钙离子传感器synaptotagmins等在触发分泌中起调控作用.同时另有一类不依赖于Ca2 的囊泡分泌存在.Latrotoxin和mastoparan等可以激活这一类不依赖于Ca2 的信号通路,从而触发囊泡释放.本文主要从ca2 对囊泡胞吐的调控作用着手,综述了Ca2 依赖和Ca2 不依赖的囊泡分泌过程和可能的调控机制.  相似文献   

Interaction of Cu(II) and Gly-His-Lys, a growth-modulating tripeptide from plasma, was investigated by 13C- and 1H-n.m.r. and e.p.r. spectroscopy. The n.m.r. line-broadening was interpreted in terms of major and minor species formed as a function of pH. The results indicate that the n.m.r. line-broadening is due to the presence of minor species in rapid exchange and not due to the major species in solution, which has a large tau M. It is concluded that the technique of 13C- and 1H-n.m.r. line broadening, caused by paramagnetic Cu(II) ion, should be undertaken with caution, since the method may not be useful for obtaining structural information on the major species. The e.p.r. spectra over a wide pH range are almost entirely due to similarly co-ordinating species. Starting at pH 5.5, the narrowest absorption near 340 mT shows superhyperfine structure, which comes out sharply in the pH region 6.0-9.6. The spectra in this pH range showed the seven lines of nitrogen superhyperfine splitting, indicating clearly the co-ordination of three nitrogen atoms to Cu(II). The e.p.r. parameters in the medium pH range, A parallel = 19.5 mT and g parallel = 2.21, fit well with the contention that Cu(II) is ligated to Gly-His-Lys through one oxygen atom and three nitrogen atoms in a square-planar configuration.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that decorin, a member of the small leucine-rich proteoglycan family of extracellular matrix proteoglycans/glycoproteins is a Zn(2+) metalloprotein at physiological Zn(2+) concentrations (Yang, V. W-C., LaBrenz, S. R., Rosenberg, L. C., McQuillan, D., and H??k, M. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 12454-12460). We now report that the decorin proteoglycan binds fibrinogen in the presence of Zn(2+). The fibrinogen-binding site is located in the N-terminal domain of the decorin core protein and a 45-amino acid peptide representing this domain binds to the fibrinogen D fragment with an apparent K(D) of 1.7 x 10(-6) m, as determined from fluorescence polarization data. Furthermore, we show that Zn(2+) promotes the self-association of decorin. The N-terminal domain of the core protein also mediates this activity. The results of solid-phase binding assays and gel filtration chromatography suggest that the N-terminal domain of decorin, when present at low micromolar concentrations, forms an oligomer in a Zn(2+)-dependent manner. Thus, Zn(2+) appears to play a pivotal role in the interactions and biological function of decorin.  相似文献   

These experiments were performed to determine the effects ofreducing Ca2+ influx(Cain) onK+ currents(IK) inmyocytes from rat small mesenteric arteries by1) adding externalCd2+ or2) lowering externalCa2+ to 0.2 mM. When measured froma holding potential (HP) of 20 mV(IK20),decreasing Cain decreasedIK at voltageswhere it was active (>0 mV). When measured from a HP of 60 mV(IK60),decreasing Cain increasedIK at voltagesbetween 30 and +20 mV but decreased IK at voltagesabove +40 mV. Difference currents(IK) weredetermined by digital subtraction of currents recorded under controlconditions from those obtained whenCain was decreased. At testvoltages up to 0 mV,IK60 exhibitedkinetics similar to controlIK60, with rapidactivation to a peak followed by slow inactivation. At 0 mV, peakIK60 averaged75 ± 13 pA (n = 8) withCd2+ and 120 ± 20 pA(n = 9) with lowCa2+ concentration. At testvoltages from 0 to +60 mV,IK60 always had an early positive peak phase, but its apparent "inactivation" increased with voltage and its steady value became negative above +20mV. At +60 mV, the initial peakIK60 averaged115 ± 18 pA with Cd2+ and 187 ± 34 pA with low Ca2+. With 10 mM pipette BAPTA, Cd2+ produced asmall inhibition ofIK20 but stillincreased IK60 between 30 and +10 mV. InCa2+-free external solution,Cd2+ only decreased bothIK20 andIK60. In thepresence of iberiotoxin (100 nM) to inhibitCa2+-activatedK+ channels(KCa),Cd2+ increasedIK60 at allvoltages positive to 30 mV while BAY K 8644 (1 µM) decreasedIK60. Theseresults suggest that Cain, through L-type Ca2+ channels and perhapsother pathways, increases KCa(i.e., IK20) and decreases voltage-dependent K+currents in this tissue. This effect could contribute to membrane depolarization and force maintenance.


To clarify phosphorylation of calpains I and II in vivo, we purified both calpains concurrently from the [32P] metabolic-labeled human chronic myelogenous leukemia cell line K-562. By Ultragel AcA34 column chromatography, enzymatic activity of calpain I was separated from [32P] radioactivity. Whereas calpain II activity was closely associated with [32P] radioactivity on Ultragel AcA34 and Blue Sepharose CL-6B column chromatographies. By the above purification procedures, calpain I was purified 1300-fold from the crude extract and calpain II was 920-fold from the original sample, respectively. Autoradiographies of purified calpains I and II from [32P] labeled K-562 cells revealed that both calpains were not specifically phosphorylated in vivo. The autophosphorylation in vitro on calpains and modulation of their proteolytic activities reported recently thus may not occur within cells.  相似文献   

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