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Research on biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions has mainly focused on native species in natural ecosystems. However, much of the ozone and aerosol formation occurs in city atmospheres due to BVOC emissions by local urban vegetation. Plant composition of urban habitats is often dominated by non-native ornamental plant species, for which only limited data on BVOC emissions are available. To gain insight into the influence of ornamental vegetation on the urban atmospheric reactivity in Barcelona, Spain, we studied volatile isoprenoid emissions in 11 widespread ornamental tree species (three conifers and nine angiosperms). We found significant monoterpene emissions in all studied species, with normalized emission potentials (T=30 degrees C, photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)=1000 micromol x m(-2) x s(-1)) ranging between 0.2 to 110 microg x g(-1) (dry weight) h(-1). Depending on species, the emissions were dominated by alpha- and beta-pinene, myrcene, alpha- and beta-phellandrene, carene, limonene and eucalyptol. These data demonstrate that ornamental plants may significantly contribute to the BVOC load in urban atmospheres and also underscore the importance of broadleaf angiosperms as significant monoterpene emitters.  相似文献   

Quantitative comparisons of distribution and abundance of exotic species in their native and non‐native ranges represent a first step when studying invaders. However, this approach is rarely applied 2 particularly to tree species. Using biogeographical contrasts coupled with regional dispersal surveys, we assessed whether two exotic maple tree species, Acer negundo and Acer platanoides, can be classified as invasive in the non‐native regions surveyed. We also examined the importance of biogeography in determining the degree of invasion by exotic species using this reciprocal approach. Local‐scale surveys were conducted in a total of 34 forests to compare density, relative abundance, age structure of native and introduced populations, and whether the two introduced maple species negatively affected native tree species density. Regional‐scale surveys of a total of 136 forests were then conducted to assess distribution in the introduced regions. Introduced populations of A. negundo were denser than populations measured in their native range and negatively related to native tree species density. Age structure did not differ between regions for this species. At the regional scale, this species has invaded most of the riparian corridors sampled in France. Conversely, the density of A. platanoides introduced populations was similar to that of native populations and was not related to native tree species density. Although seedling recruitment was higher away than at home, this species has invaded only 9% of the forests sampled in southern Ontario, Canada. Although reported invasive, these two exotic maple species differed in their relative demographic parameters and regional spread. Acer negundo is currently invasive in southern France while A. platanoides is not aggressively invasive in southern Ontario. Importantly, this study effectively demonstrates that biogeography through structured contrasts provide a direct means to infer invasion of exotic species.  相似文献   

Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia are two aggressive exotic tree species invading riparian ecosystems in Central Spain. We explored their allelopathic potentials as a possible mechanism explaining their success in these ecosystems. Specifically, we aimed (1) to compare the phytotoxic effects of the exotic and native (Fraxinus angustifolia and Populus alba) trees on the fitness of several understory plants coexisting in riparian ecosystems, and (2) to assess the capacity of the riparian soil to modulate the phytotoxic effects. In laboratory bioassays, aqueous leaf litter extracts from the donor tree species at field-realistic concentrations were tested on different fitness indicators of 13 understory target species, using germination paper and soil as substrates in petri dishes. Using germination paper, we found species-specific effects between donor and target species, but the phytotoxicity of the exotic trees as a group was not greater than that of the natives. Nevertheless, the exotic R. pseudoacacia was the most effective donor species reducing the radicle growth of the target species. Over riparian soil substrate, the aqueous leaf litter extracts did not produce any phytotoxic effect on the target species, except in one case. Altogether, our results highlight the importance of using both a native control when assessing the phytotoxicity of nonnative plants and also the natural soil in the modulation of phytotoxic effects. Ignoring both factors in laboratory bioassays would have led to the overestimation of the phytotoxicity of the exotic species as a mechanism contributing to their invasion success.  相似文献   

Limnology - Introduction of exotic species into riparian vegetation can result in a negative impact on invertebrates and microorganisms and, consequently, on leaf litter decomposition. In Manaus...  相似文献   

This study investigated the cycling of C and N following application of olive mill wastewater (OMW) at various rates (0, 42, 84, and 168 m3/ha). OMW stimulated respiration rate throughout the study period, but an increase in soil organic matter was observed only at the highest rate. Soil phenol content decreased rapidly within 2 weeks following application but neither phenol oxidase and peroxidase activity nor laccase gene copies could explain this response. Soil NH4 +-N content increased in response to OMW application rate, while an opposite trend observed for NO3 ?-N, which attributed to immobilization. This decrease was in accordance with amoA gene copies of archaeal and bacterial ammonia oxidizers in the first days following OMW application. Afterwards, although amoA gene copies and potential nitrification rates recovered to values similar to or higher than those in the non-treated soils, NO3 ?-N content did not change among the treatments. A corresponding increase in denitrifying gene copies (nirK, nirS, nosZ) during that period indicates that denitrification, stimulated by OMW application rate, was responsible for this effect; a hypothesis consistent with the decrease in total Kjeldahl nitrogen content late in the season. The findings suggest that land application of OMW is a promising practice for OMW management, even at rates approaching the soil water holding capacity.  相似文献   

Lee MR  Flory SL  Phillips RP 《Oecologia》2012,170(2):457-465
Understanding the mechanisms by which invasive plants maintain dominance is essential to achieving long-term restoration goals. While many reports have suggested invasive plants alter resource availability, experimental tests of feedbacks between invasive plants and soil resources are lacking. We used field observations and experimental manipulations to test if the invasive grass Microstegium vimineum both causes and benefits from altered soil nitrogen (N) cycling. To quantify M. vimineum effects on N dynamics, we compared inorganic N pools and nitrification rates in 20 naturally invaded and uninvaded plots across a range of mixed hardwood forests, and in experimentally invaded and uninvaded common garden plots. Potential nitrification rates were 142 and 63?% greater in invaded than uninvaded plots in forest and common garden soils, respectively. As a result, soil nitrate was the dominant form of inorganic N during peak M. vimineum productivity in both studies. To determine the response of M. vimineum to altered nitrogen availability, we manipulated the dominant N form (nitrate or ammonium) in greenhouse pots containing M. vimineum alone, M. vimineum with native species, and native species alone. M. vimineum productivity was highest in monocultures receiving nitrate; in contrast, uninvaded native communities showed no response to N form. Notably, the positive response of M. vimineum to nitrate was not apparent when grown in competition with natives, suggesting an invader density threshold is required before positive feedbacks occur. Collectively, our results demonstrate that persistence of invasive plants can be promoted by positive feedbacks with soil resources but that the magnitude of feedbacks may depend on interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Species effects on nitrogen cycling: a test with perennial grasses   总被引:42,自引:9,他引:42  
Summary To test for differing effects of plant species on nitrogen dynamics, we planted monocultures of five perennial grasses (Agropyron repens, Agrostis scabra, Poa pratensis, Schizachyrium scoparium, and Andropogon gerardi) on a series of soils ranging from sand to black soil. In situ net N mineralization was measured in the monocultures for three years. By the third year, initially identical soils under different species had diverged up to 10-fold in annual net mineralization. This divergence corresponded to differences in the tissue N concentrations, belowground lignin concentrations, and belowground biomasses of the species. These results demonstrate the potential for strong feedbacks between the species composition of vegetation and N cycling. If individual plant species can affect N mineralization and N availability, then competition for N may lead to positive or negative feedbacks between the processes controlling species composition and ecosystem processes such as N and C cycling. These feedbacks create the potential for alternative stable states for the vegetation-soil system given the same initial abiotic conditions.  相似文献   

Youssefi  Farbod  Weinbaum  Steven A.  Brown  Patrick H. 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):273-281
Two treatments were employed to influence the amount of amino nitrogen (N) transport in phloem. In walnut trees (Juglans regia L.), developing fruit significantly reduced the efflux of foliar-applied 15N-enriched urea from treated spurs over a 33-day period in comparison with similarly-treated defruited spurs. Those data suggest that local aboveground demand for N influences vascular transport of amino N. In another experiment, a 1% urea solution was applied foliarly to 5-year old `Mission' almond trees [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb] to increase the concentration of amino N in the phloem. The effect of foliar N treatments on a) the transport and distribution of labelled urea N within the trees over the experimental period and b) the uptake of soil-applied labelled N were determined by replicated whole tree excavation, fractionation into various tree components and mass spectrometric analyses of the 14N/15N ratios. Concentrations and composition of amino acids in the phloem and xylem saps of control trees and trees receiving foliar-applied urea were also determined. In foliar urea-treated trees, the amino acid concentrations increased significantly in leaf and bark phloem exudate, within 24 and 96 h, respectively. Foliar-applied urea N was translocated to the roots of almond trees over the experimental period and decreased soil N uptake. The results of these experiments are consistent with the hypothesis that aboveground N demand affects the amount of amino N cycling between shoots and roots, and may be involved in the regulation of soil N uptake. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The central Iberian Peninsula has one of the highest densities of roe deer populations in Spain. A new motorway is planned to pass through the middle of the distribution of roe deer, thus making it necessary to conduct a connectivity analysis. A map of resistance to roe deer dispersal movements was obtained based on the literature and expert judgment. Three factors were selected: land use (defined by the ability to hide movements, food source, and degree of naturalness), landforms, and influence due to proximity to elements that increase (such as roads and urban areas) or decrease (water resources and proximity to optimal habitat patches) resistance at the local level. Different combinations of factors derived using the analytical hierarchy and fuzzy logic processes were analysed and compared with the real distribution of the species. More realistic resistance (cost) values were obtained for gamma values close to 0.9. This highlights the greater predominance of the fuzzy sum over the fuzzy product in modelling the cost surface. Better results were obtained in scenarios where the predominant factors were either land use and landforms or land use and proximity to human-modified areas. This indicates that roe deer will readily range far from their optimal patches if the land use provides partial cover. These movements appear to be conditioned by steep terrain. Our case study offers a good example of building a cost resistance matrix to help locate areas where the expansion of the species may be curbed or encouraged.  相似文献   

Laroche  Fabien  Paltto  Heidi  Ranius  Thomas 《Oecologia》2018,188(3):671-682
Oecologia - In many fragmented habitats, the detectability of a population in a habitat patch closely depends on the local abundance of individuals. However, metapopulation studies rarely connect...  相似文献   

Uranium concentrates bioproduction in Spain: A case study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: ENUSA mines an ore-body in the 'Schisto-greywacke complex' near Ciudad Rodrigo, close to the Portuguesc border. The uranium ore (pitchblende) is associated with sulphide minerals (pyrite, chalcopyrite). The whole Spanish yellow cake production (250 t U∼Os/year) is obtained from this mine (MINA FE) by bioleaching, although at the beginning, in 1973. it was an acid heap-leaching operation.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between two invasive invertebrate species in a shallow Central European flooded sandpit: the epibiosis of Ponto-Caspian zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha on the American crayfish Orconectes limosus. Between 2004 and 2005, we followed the seasonal variation in number and size of the mussels attached to crayfish bodies, and microhabitats preferred by mussels. The proportion of crayfish colonised by mussels varied seasonally: in spring and early summer it was consistently over 75%, afterwards it dropped temporarily due to loss of bivalves during the crayfish moult, and later increased again due to re-colonisation by often relatively large juvenile mussels. Three different pathways of mussel settlement on crayfish hosts are likely: (1) primary settlement of free-swimming pediveliger larvae; (2) secondary settlement of plantigrade mussels and juveniles; (3) active re-attachment of grown mussels from the substrate to crayfish. This epibiosis was promoted by lack of suitable substrates at the studied locality. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two irrigation systems were used to compare nitrogen uptake efficiency in citrus trees and to evaluate the NO3 runoff in «Navelina» orange trees [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] on Carrizo citrange rootstock (Citrus sinensis × Poncirus trifoliata Raf.). These were fertilized with 125 g N as labelled K15NO3 and grown outdoors in containers filled with a sand-loamy soil. Two groups of 3 trees received this N dose either in five equally split applications by a flooding irrigation system or in 66 applications by drip. Trees were harvested at the end of the vegetative cycle (December) and the isotopic ratios of 15N/14N were measured in the soil-plant system. The N uptake efficiency of the whole tree was higher with drip irrigation (75 percnt;) than with flooding system (64 percnt;). In the 0-90 cm soil profile, the N immobilized in the organic fraction was similar for both irrigation methods (around 13 percnt;), whereas the N retained as NO3 was 1 percnt; of the N applied under drip and 10 percnt; under flooding. In the last case, most of NO3 remained under root system and it could be lost to leaching either by heavy rainfalls or excessive water applications. These results showed that a drip irrigation system was more efficient for improving water use and N uptake from fertilizer, in addition to potentially reduced leaching losses.  相似文献   

Photoinhibition and recovery kinetics after short exposure to solar radiation following three different irradiance treatments of irradiances (PAR, PAR+UVA and PAR+UVA+UVB) was assessed in two intertidal species of the genus Gelidium, Gelidium sesquipedale and G. latifolium, collected from Tarifa (southern Spain) using in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence (PAM fluorometry). After 3 h UV radiation exposure, optimal quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) in G. sesquipedale decreased between 25 and 35% relative to the control. Under PAR alone, values decreased to 60%. In G. latifolium, photoinhibition did not exceed 40%. Similar results were found for the effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm′), however, no marked differences in relation to light treatments were seen. When plants were shaded for recovery from stress, only in G. latifolium a significant increase in photosynthesis was observed (between 80 and 100% of control). In contrast, photosynthesis of G. sesquipedale suffered a chronic photoinhibition or photodamage under the three light irradiances. Full solar radiation (PAR+UVA+UVB) affected also the electron transport rate in both species. Here, initial slopes of electron transport vs. irradiance curves decreased up to 60% of controls. Although the recovery kinetic under PAR+UVA+UVB conditions was delayed in G. latifolium, after 24 h recovery this species reached significantly higher than G. sesquipedale. PAR impaired electron trasport only in G. sesquipedale. Overall, both species are characterized by different capacity to tolerate enhanced solar radiation. G. latifolium is a sun adapted plant, well suited to intertidal light conditions, whereas G. sesquipedale, growing at shaded sites in the intertidal zone, is more vulnerable to enhanced UV radiation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The loss of foundational tree species to non-native pests can have far reaching consequences for forest composition and function, yet little is known about the impacts on other ecosystem components such as wildlife. We had the opportunity to observe how the loss of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), due to the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), influenced the population ecology of the Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens) over a 7 year period. We followed the process of adelgid infestation and subsequent hemlock loss, which allowed us to investigate the patterns and mechanisms of population change. We document a precipitous decline in breeding pairs at one site where hemlock was most abundant in the understory, but not at our other two sites. We observed no changes in reproductive output or apparent survival, yet territory size increased dramatically at the most affected site, suggesting that the decline was due to a lack of colonization by new breeders. Our results demonstrate how an invasive insect pest can indirectly influence wildlife species not believed to be vulnerable and in ways not typically investigated.  相似文献   

Two irrigation systems were used to compare nitrogen uptake efficiency in citrus trees and to evaluate the NO3 runoff in «Navelina» orange trees [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] on Carrizo citrange rootstock (Citrus sinensis × Poncirus trifoliata Raf.). These were fertilized with 125 g N as labelled K15NO3 and grown outdoors in containers filled with a sand-loamy soil. Two groups of 3 trees received this N dose either in five equally split applications by a flooding irrigation system or in 66 applications by drip. Trees were harvested at the end of the vegetative cycle (December) and the isotopic ratios of 15N/14N were measured in the soil-plant system. The N uptake efficiency of the whole tree was higher with drip irrigation (75 percnt;) than with flooding system (64 percnt;). In the 0-90 cm soil profile, the N immobilized in the organic fraction was similar for both irrigation methods (around 13 percnt;), whereas the N retained as NO3 was 1 percnt; of the N applied under drip and 10 percnt; under flooding. In the last case, most of NO3 remained under root system and it could be lost to leaching either by heavy rainfalls or excessive water applications. These results showed that a drip irrigation system was more efficient for improving water use and N uptake from fertilizer, in addition to potentially reduced leaching losses.  相似文献   

High atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is expected to impair phosphorus (P) nutrition of temperate forest ecosystems. We examined N and P cycling in organic soil horizons of temperate forests exposed to long-term N addition in the northeastern USA and Scandinavia. We determined N and P concentrations, enzyme activities and net N and P mineralization rates in organic soil horizons of two deciduous (Harvard Forest, Bear Brook) and two coniferous (Klosterhede, Gårdsjön) forests which had received experimental inorganic N addition between 25 and 150 kg N ha?1 year?1 for more than 25 years. Long-term N addition increased the activity of phosphatase (+?180%) and the activity of carbon (C)- and N-acquiring enzymes (cellobiohydrolase: +?70%, chitinase: +?25%). Soil N enrichment increased the N:P ratio of organic soil horizons by up to 150%. In coniferous organic soil horizons, net N and P mineralization were small and unaffected by N addition. In deciduous organic soil horizons, net N and P mineralization rates were significantly higher than at the coniferous sites, and N addition increased net N mineralization by up to 290%. High phosphatase activities concomitant with a 40% decline in P stocks of deciduous organic soil horizons indicate increased plant P demand. In summary, projected future global increases in atmospheric N deposition may induce P limitation in deciduous forests, impairing temperate forest growth.  相似文献   

Modeling nitrogen cycling in a coastal fresh water sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increased nitrogen (N) loading to coastal marine and freshwater systems is occurring worldwide as a result of human activities. Diagenetic processes in sediments can change the N availability in these systems, by supporting removal through denitrification and burial of organic N (Norg) or by enhancing N recycling. In this study, we use a reactive transport model (RTM) to examine N transformations in a coastal fresh water sediment and quantify N removal rates. We also assess the response of the sediment N cycle to environmental changes that may result from increased salinity which is planned to occur at the site as a result of an estuarine restoration project. Field results show that much of the Norg deposited on the sediment is currently remineralized to ammonium. A rapid removal of nitrate is observed in the sediment pore water, with the resulting nitrate reduction rate estimated to be 130 μmol N cm−2 yr−1. A model sensitivity study was conducted altering the distribution of nitrate reduction between dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and denitrification. These results show a 40% decline in sediment N removal as NO 3 reduction shifts from denitrification to DNRA. This decreased N removal leads to a shift in sediment-water exchange flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) from near zero with denitrification to 133 μmol N cm−2 yr−1 if DNRA is the dominant pathway. The response to salinization includes a short-term release of adsorbed ammonium. Additional changes expected to result from the estuarine restoration include: lower NO 3 concentrations and greater SO 4 2− concentrations in the bottom water, decreased nitrification rates, and increased sediment mixing. The effect of these changes on net DIN flux and N removal vary based on the distribution of DNRA versus denitrification, illustrating the need for a better understanding of factors controlling this competition.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fertilizer applied in the NH4+ form results in some degree of soil acidification, which could influence nutrient availability to plants and nutrient losses through leaching. Effects of various N rates (0 – 168 kg N ha-1 yr-1) on soil acidification and nutrient availability were investigated in a Riviera fine sand with 26-year-old white Marsh grapefruit (Citrus paradisi MacFadyen) trees. Soil pH significantly decreased with increasing NH4–N rates. Application of 112 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for four years decreased the pH by 0.7 to 1.7 unit. Soil acidification was greater when the NH4+ form of N fertilizer was applied as dry soluble granular material compared to fertigation or controlled release forms. The marked effect of NH4–N fertilization on the pH of the Riviera fine sand was due to its low buffering capacity. Soil acidification increased the concentration of extractable Fe and P but decreased that of K, Zn and Mn. Soil pH was positively correlated with concentration of Ca, but negatively with concentrations of Fe, Mn and Zn in six-month-old spring flush leaves of the grapefruit trees. Leaf P concentrations, however, were poorly correlated with soil pH. This study also demonstrated an increase in leaching of P and K below the grapefruit trees rootzone with a decrease in soil pH.  相似文献   

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