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砂培条件下施加钙、砷对蜈蚣草吸收砷、磷和钙的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
廖晓勇  肖细元  陈同斌 《生态学报》2003,23(10):2057-2065
在砂培条件下 ,研究施加钙、砷对蜈蚣草生长和砷、磷和钙的吸收及转运的影响。添加砷对蜈蚣草的生物量 (根、叶柄和羽叶的干物重 )虽未达到显著影响 (p<0 .0 5) ,但添加 0 .1 mmol/L砷时 ,表现出刺激生长效应。提高介质中钙浓度明显抑制蜈蚣草根系生长 ,钙浓度过高还会显著限制地上部生长。供应 0 .0 3mmol/L钙时 ,蜈蚣草羽片砷浓度为 42 1 8mg/kg,明显高于 2 .5和 5 mmol/L钙处理下相应的砷浓度。砷的转运系数 (羽片 /根 )随着介质中砷浓度的升高而增大 ,随着介质中钙浓度的升高而减少。这说明一定范围内提高介质中砷浓度促进砷向地上部运输 ,而钙却明显抑制砷向地上部转运。钙和砷浓度过高时 ,植株均会出现中毒症状。钙中毒表现为叶脉变褐和叶肉坏死 ;而砷中毒现象表现在叶尖和叶缘变褐。介质中砷限制蜈蚣草根部对磷的吸收 ,但对地上部磷浓度无显著影响。介质中添加砷 ,植物体内钙浓度升高 ,可能起缓解砷毒的作用。钙、砷对蜈蚣草羽片砷累积量和总累积量均有极显著的交互作用 ,钙是负交互效应 ,砷是正交互效应。添加 2 .5和 5.0 mmol/L钙时 ,相对于 0 .0 3 mmol/L钙处理分别减少地上部砷累积量 2 0 .8%和73.1 %。这表明在应用蜈蚣草进行植物修复时 ,介质中出现过高浓度的钙是不利于提高土壤修复效率  相似文献   

紫色土中砷、磷的吸附-解吸和竞争吸附   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邹强  刘芳  杨剑虹 《应用生态学报》2009,20(6):1383-1389
采用批培养法研究了As、P在三峡库区典型土壤紫色土中的吸附-解吸特点及竞争吸附对As、P迁移活化的影响.结果表明:3种紫色土中As、P的吸附-解吸特点相似,等温吸附均符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程,As在酸性、中性和石灰性紫色土中的最大吸附量分别为1428.6、1250.0和1111.1 mg·kg-1;P在酸性、中性和石灰性紫色土中的最大吸附量分别为322.6、357.1和434.8 mg·kg-1;As、P吸附动力学过程为先快后慢,均符合一级动力学方程与Elovich方程,快速吸附段符合一级动力学方程,为交换吸附;慢速吸附阶段满足Elovich方程,可能属于深层吸附或专性吸附.As、P竞争吸附试验表明,As、P共存时P的吸附速度和吸附量均增强,而As的吸附速度和吸附量均降低,表明As的存在能明显增强紫色土对P的吸附作用,P的存在则明显抑制紫色土对As的吸附.  相似文献   

氮磷营养盐对四种淡水丝状蓝藻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过设定不同的氮、磷营养盐浓度,在实验室条件下研究了不同浓度的氮和磷对4种淡水丝状蓝藻:皮质颤藻、尖细颤藻、蛇形颤藻和坑形细鞘丝藻生长的影响.结果表明,皮质颤藻和坑形细鞘丝藻对高浓度的氮、磷有着较强的适应能力,在硝态氮浓度0.016mg·mL-1~2.0mg·mL、磷浓度1.36mg·mL-1~13.6μg·mL时生长较好.4株藻在只存在氨态氮的情况下生长都受到抑制.  相似文献   

长期施磷对黄壤旱地磷库变化及地表径流中磷浓度的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
对贵州黄壤旱地进行采样以及盆栽试验,探索黄壤旱地磷库的变化及其对地表径流磷量的影响。结果表明,长期施磷后黄壤旱地无机磷占全磷的比例逐渐增高,Al-P、Fc-P和Ca-P积累的顺序为Fe-P>Al-P>Ca-P。长期施磷后黄壤旱地的有效磷和藻类可利用的总磷也不断积累,高磷(Olsen-P>25mg·kg^-1)旱地藻类可利用的总磷与Al-P、Fe-P和Ca-P的相关系数分别为0.859、0.903和0.650,Fc-P对藻类可利用磷量的影响起着最重要的作用。在模拟雨强为63.2mm·h^-1下,降雨30min后,低磷黄壤旱地(Olsen-P为4.62-15.9mg·kg^-1)径流中磷酸根磷含量仅为2.81-4.17μg·L^-1,生物有效性磷含量为0.723-0.876mg·L^-1;高磷黄壤旱地(Olsen-P)为29.4-59.2mg·kg^-1)径流中磷酸根磷含量达到0.026-0.714mg·L^-1,生物有效性磷含量增加到0.996-1.281mg·L^-1;高磷黄壤旱地地表径流磷量能加速水体富营养化的产生。  相似文献   

锌对2种淡水浮游藻类增殖的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选用铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和脆杆藻(Fragilariasp.)为试验材料,在不同锌离子浓度下对2类微藻的增殖影响进行研究分析.藻类增长潜力(AGP)实验结果显示,在Zn2 浓度为0.02~1.00μg/L的液体培养基中,铜绿微囊藻的生长增殖快,Zn2 浓度达到100.00μg/L时,受到明显抑制.Zn2 浓度在0.02μg/L时,脆杆藻的生长繁殖快,Zn2 浓度>0.10μg/L后,则受到不同程度的抑制.  相似文献   

红壤小流域坡地不同利用方式对土壤磷素流失的影响   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
以浙江德清县排溪冲小流域生态系统为实例,采用定位土芯Eu示踪和无界径流小区法研究了流域内坡地不同利用方式对土壤磷素流失的影响,结果表明:(1)坡地不同利用方式磷素流失差异明显,流失最严重提是竹园,其次是旱地作物和新建果园,再次是幼龄茶园,林地和未开发利用的荒草地磷素的流失较轻;(2)泥沙结合态磷(Particulate phosphorus,PP)随泥沙迁移流失是红壤坡地磷素流的的主要形式,6种利  相似文献   

氮磷对污水净化中藻类群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内模拟生物净化槽中比较研究了氮,磷对污水净化藻类群落结构和污水净化效果的影响。其结果TN/TP=44.7/7.01mg/L组,藻类种类多样性最高,净生产力最高,污水净化效果也最佳。  相似文献   

低分子量有机酸对红壤无机态磷转化及酸度的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
以鄂南、赣北两红壤样品为材料,加入不同有机酸并经室温培养后,测定不同P组分、pH及活性Al含量的变化。结果表明,供试有机酸均使土壤Ca2-P含量增高,增幅大小依次为柠檬酸>苹果酸>琥珀酸>乙酸;2种土壤的Ca8-P和Ca10-P含量无明显变化规律,Fe-P、Al-P和O-P含量有所下降,除乙酸处理的土壤pH值无显著变化外,其它有机酸的加入使pH下降0.65-1.96;有机酸引起活性Al量增多,除乙酸处理的变化较小外,其它有机酸或混合物的加入使土壤中0.02mol.L^-1CaCl2提取Al增加4.7-50.3倍,1mol.L^-1提取Al增加4.0-67.3倍。可见,有机酸具有双重作用,既增加P的有效性,又增加土壤酸度和Al毒。  相似文献   

不同磷浓度对玉米生长及磷、锌吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在不同磷水平(0.1、1.0、5.0、10和100μmol·L-1P)的水培液中培养玉米苗,测定不同培养时期玉米的生长和玉米植株对P、Zn吸收和利用效率.结果表明,玉米在100μmol·L-1P的溶液中生长速率最大,而根冠比在0.1μmol·L-1P的溶液中为最大.随着水培液中P水平的增加,植株对P的吸收速率增加,而利用效率降低;玉米根系含Zn量增加,而冠层含Zn量变化不大,说明增P使Zn在根内富集,Zn向冠层转移速率较小,玉米幼苗根系中P和Zn的浓度呈正相关关系.  相似文献   

外源腐殖酸对三种土壤磷吸附与解吸特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨凯  关连珠  颜丽  朱教君  贺婧 《生态学杂志》2009,28(7):1303-1307
通过对3种土壤(红壤、棕壤和褐土)施入不同腐殖酸的室内培养试验,探讨了外源腐殖酸对不同土壤磷素吸附和解吸的影响。结果表明:与对照土壤相比,不同腐殖酸降低了3种供试土壤磷素的吸附量,其降低顺序为:褐土>红壤>棕壤;外源腐殖酸提高了红壤和棕壤磷素的解吸量和解吸率,提高的幅度与腐殖酸的种类有关;而腐殖酸对褐土磷素的解吸量则无明显促进作用。表明外源腐殖酸对3种土壤磷素吸附-解吸作用最强的为红壤,其次为棕壤,最弱的为褐土;同时表明腐殖酸可提高红壤和棕壤磷素的利用率。  相似文献   

The responses of relative growth rate (% day‐1) and pigment content (chlorophyll a, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin) to temperature, irradiance and photoperiod were analyzed in culture in seven freshwater red algae: Audouinella hermannii (Roth) Duby, Audouinella pygmaea (Kützing) Weber‐van Bosse, Batrachospermum ambiguum Montagne, Batrachospermum delicatulum (Skuja) Necchi et Entwisle,‘Chantransia’ stages of B. delicatulum and Batrachospermum macrosporum Montagne and Compsopogon coeruleus (C. Agardh) Montagne. Experimental conditions included temperatures of 10, 15, 20 and 25°C and low and high irradiances (65 and 300 μmol photons m?2 s?1, respectively). Long and short day lengths (16:8 and 8:16 LD cycles) were also applied at the two irradiances. Growth effects of temperature and irradiance were evident in most algae tested, and there were significant interactions among treatments. Most freshwater red algae had the best growth under low irradiance, confirming the preference of freshwater red algae for low light regimens. In general there was highest growth rate in long days and low irradiance. Growth optima in relation to temperature were species‐specific and also varied between low and high irradiances for the same alga. The most significant differences in pigment content were related to temperature, whereas few significant differences could be attributed to variation in irradiance and photoperiod or interactions among the three parameters. The responses were species‐specific and also differed for pigments in distinct temperatures, irradiances and photoperiods in the same alga. Phycocyanin was generally more concentrated than phycoerythrin and phycobiliproteins were more concentrated than chlorophyll a. The highest total pigment contents were found in two species typical of shaded habitats: A. hermannii and C. coeruleus. The expected inverse relationship of pigment with irradiance was observed only in C. coeruleus. In general, the most favorable conditions for growth were not coincident with those with highest pigment contents.  相似文献   

Natural and intercalated Wyoming montmorillonite (MMT) with the tetramethylammonium (TMA) cations were used for the adsorption of phenol and aniline. Laboratory experiments characterised by adsorption isotherms were compared with the results of molecular modelling simulations. Aniline adsorbed itself strongly on MMT; while using the TMA intercalates (TMA-MMT), its adsorption decreased. On the contrary, the adsorption of phenol on TMA-MMT was moderately higher than on the MMT surface. The MMT surface models were described by empirical force field used in molecular mechanics and dynamics. The Burchart–Universal force field was used in the Cerius2 modelling environment. The modelling results revealed the important role of water forming a moderately concentrated layer on the pure MMT surface. Water molecules enable the adsorption of aniline on MMT and, on the contrary, repel phenol molecules from MMT. In the case of TMA-MMT, lower amount of water near a silicate layer caused decrease in the aniline adsorption and, on the contrary, increase in the phenol adsorption.  相似文献   

淡水藻类产毒研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
淡水藻类的许多种属都可产生毒素,如微囊藻属(Microcystis)、节球藻属(Nodularia)、鱼腥藻属(Anabaena)等。藻类毒素可通过多种途径,直接或间接引起人类或动物的健康问题。严重者,甚至导致死亡。试就国内外近年来对藻类毒素的毒理、性质、结构和检测方法等方面的研究作一简要综述。  相似文献   

The analysis of the currently available data for morphologically unambiguously defined freshwater blue-green algae indicates that besides (sub-)cosmopolitan species, taxa with a more restricted distribution also exist. Many of these have a holarctic or pantropic distribution. It is hypothesized that, besides the distribution of ecological niches, temperature is one of the main controlling factors restricting species to particular latitudinal zones. Furthermore, the presence of species with a regional distribution (endemics) can not be ruled out, indicating that other factors must be considered. The possible role of dispersal capacities and of dispersal rates in relation to the earth history and to the speciation of blue-green algae is discussed.  相似文献   

淡水藻类在监测水质和净化污水中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
淡水藻类作为水体中的初级生产者,分布广泛,适应性强,在水生生态系统食物链中占据着十分重要的地位,在水质监测中起着关键的作用。通过对藻类生长与水环境之间的相互关系进行简要的概述,探讨了pH值和氮磷对淡水藻类的生长的影响,以及淡水藻类的生长对外界环境的影响。藻类不但应用于水质监测,而且还能去除水体中的氮、磷等营养物质和其它有机物,对自然水域中的污水有良好的净化作用。重点论述淡水藻类在水质监测和污水净化中的作用以及利用淡水藻类来处理污水的方法。并提出了保护水资源的相关建议,为综合监测和治理水环境提供一定的理论依据和支持。  相似文献   

Nine green algae, a diatom and three cyanobacteria were shown to precipitate CaCO3 in batch culture, when grown in the light in a hard water medium containing 68 mg L−1 soluble calcium. The composition of the medium was based on that found in a natural hardwater marina where precipitation of CaCO3 within algal biofilms occurred. Deposition occurred as a direct result of photosynthesis which caused an increase in the pH of the medium. Once a critical pH had been reached, typically approximately pH 9.0, precipitation began evidenced by a fall in the concentration of soluble calcium in the medium. Certain characteristics of the precipitation process displayed by the diatom Navicula sp. were different to those of the other algae. All algae produced extracellular crystals of irregular morphology. Using a standardized protocol employing the green algae Chlorococcum sp. and Stigeoclonium variabile, the effects of various inhibitors of CaCO3 nucleation or growth of crystals were studied. Fifteen compounds were screened and assessed for their performance in this context. Most materials effectively delayed deposition of CaCO3, many decreased precipitation rates and all had a marked effect on crystal morphology. The most effective compound was HEDP (1-hydroxyethylene 1,1 diphosphonic acid), which inhibited precipitation completely at a concentration of 2.5 mg L−1 The use of such compounds to reduce the precipitation of calcium salts within algal biofilms in natural hard waters is discussed.  相似文献   

山西省的淡水红藻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道山西省的淡水红藻植物,共计有15种,隶属于6目,7科,9属,即紫球藻Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) Drew et Ross,暗紫红毛菜Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) Agardh,细弱弯枝藻Compsopogon tenellus Ling et Xie,弯枝藻C.coeruleus (Balbis ex C.Agardh)Momagne,灌木状拟弯枝藻Copsopogonopsis fruticosa (Jao) Seto,异孢奥杜藻Audouinella heterospora Xie et Ling,硬枝奥杜藻A.chalybea (Roth) Bory,矮小奥杜藻A.pygmaea (Ktitzing) Weber-van Bosse,棘刺红索藻Thorea hispida (Thore) Desvaux,鸭形串珠藻Batrachospermum anatinum Sirodot,胶串珠藻B.gelatinosum (Linnaeus) De Candolle,弧形串珠藻B.arcuatum Kylin,绞扭串珠藻B.intortum Jao,细连珠藻Sirodotia tenuissima (Collins) Skuja ex Flint和胭脂藻Hildenbrandia rivularis (Leibmann)Agardh.  相似文献   

报道中国产的淡水红藻一个新记录属--巴尔比亚藻属(Balbiania Sirodot).  相似文献   

Benthic algal mats and phytoplankton of Lake Gondwana (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) were investigated. Biomass, chlorophyll content and floristic analyses were carried out on algal mats. The mats are composed of two layers different in colour, floristic composition and chlorophyll content. The algal flora of the mats amount to 34 taxa (19 Cyanophyta, 7 Bacillariophyta, 8 Chlorophyta). The phytoplankton community is species-poor (only 5 taxa). Crytophyta account for about 98% of total algal density.  相似文献   

1. Growth rates of seven species of planktonic algae were determined in culture over a range of temperature from 2 to 35 °C. Additional observations on growth and viability were made for 13 species in the temperature range 20–35 °C. 2. There was a wide range of growth rates between species at their optimal temperatures, from 1.7 divisions day?1 (Asterionella formosa) to 0.3 divisions day?1 (Ceratium furcoides). 3. There were considerable differences between species for growth at low and high temperature. Certain algae, including the diatom A. formosa and the flagellates Cryptomonas marssonii, Dinobryon divergens and Eudorina unicocca var. unicocca, had growth rates of 0.4 divisions day?1 or more at 5 °C. The cyanophyte Tychonema (formerly Oscillatoria) bourrellyi, the xanthophyte Tribonema sp., the desmid Staurastrum cingulum and the large dinoflagellate C. furcoides grew poorly or not at all at this temperature. All 21 species tested could grow at 25 °C, but many – including most of the diatoms, some cyanophytes, and all the flagellates – failed to grow persistently at 30 °C. Only Aphanizomenon flosaquae survived with moderate increase at 35 °C, a lethal temperature for the other species. 4. The applicability was considered of proposed quantitative formulations of the rate‐temperature relationship. Simple exponential relationships applied only to very limited lower ranges of temperature. The relationship proposed by B?lehrádek was a better fit over a wider temperature range, but still excluded rate‐decline at high temperature. 5. The interspecific differences found are of potential significance for restrictions in natural distributions associated with season, altitude (especially above 500 m) and latitude.  相似文献   

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