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In this study, the frontal plane moment arms of tibialis anterior (TA) and the lateral and medial heads of gastrocnemius (LG and MG) were determined using ultrasonography of ten healthy subjects. Analysis of variance was performed to investigate the effects of frontal plane angle, muscle activity, and plantarflexion angle on inversion–eversion moment arm for each muscle. The moment arms of each muscle were found to vary with frontal plane angle (all p<0.001). TA and LG exhibited eversion moment arms when the foot was everted, but MG was found to have a slight inversion moment arm in this position. As the ankle rotated from 0° to 20° inversion, the inversion moment arm of each increased, indicating that the three muscles became increasingly effective inverters. In neutral position, the inverter moment arm of MG was greater than that of LG (p=0.001). Muscle activity had a significant effect on both LG and MG moment arm at all frontal plane positions (all p0.005). These results demonstrate the manner in which frontal plane moment arms of gastrocnemius and TA differ across the frontal plane range of motion in healthy subjects. This method for assessing muscle action in vivo used in this study may prove useful for subject-specific planning of surgical treatments for frontal plane foot and ankle deformities.  相似文献   

Patella alta is common in cerebral palsy, especially in patients with crouch gait. Correction of patella alta has been advocated in the treatment of crouch, however the appropriate degree of correction and the implications for knee extensor function remain unclear. Therefore, the goal of this study was to assess the impact of patellar position on quadriceps and patellar tendon forces during normal and crouch gait. To this end, a lower extremity musculoskeletal model with a novel 12 degree of freedom knee joint was used to simulate normal gait in a healthy child, as well as mild (23 deg min knee flexion in stance), moderate (41 deg), and severe (67 deg) crouch gait in three children with cerebral palsy. The simulations revealed that quadriceps and patellar tendon forces increase dramatically with crouch, and are modulated by patellar position. For example with a normal patellar tendon position, peak patellar tendon forces were 0.7 times body weight in normal walking, but reached 2.2, 3.2 and 5.4 times body weight in mild, moderate and severe crouch. Moderate patella alta acted to reduce quadriceps and patellar tendon loads in crouch gait, due to an enhancement of the patellar tendon moment arms with alta in a flexed knee. In contrast, patella baja reduced the patellar tendon moment arm in a flexed knee and thus induced an increase in the patellar tendon loads needed to walk in crouch. Functionally, these results suggest that patella baja could also compromise knee extensor function for other flexed knee activities such as chair rise and stair climbing. The findings are important to consider when using surgical approaches for correcting patella alta in children who exhibit crouch gait patterns.  相似文献   

A novel technique to estimate the contribution of finger extensor tendons to joint moment generation was proposed. Effective static moment arms (ESMAs), which represent the net effects of the tendon force on joint moments in static finger postures, were estimated for the 4 degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the index finger. Specifically, the ESMAs for the five tendons contributing to the finger extensor apparatus were estimated by directly correlating the applied tendon force to the measured resultant joint moments in cadaveric hand specimens. Repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that the finger posture, specifically interphalangeal joint angles, had significant effects on the measured ESMA values in 7 out of 20 conditions (four DOFs for each of the five muscles). Extensor digitorum communis and extensor indicis proprius tendons were found to have greater MCP ESMA values when IP joints are flexed, whereas abduction ESMAs of all muscles except extensor digitorum profundus were mainly affected by MCP flexion. The ESMAs were generally smaller than the moment arms estimated in previous studies that employed kinematic measurement techniques. Tendon force distribution within the extensor hood and dissipation into adjacent structures are believed to contribute to the joint moment reductions, which result in smaller ESMA values.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of muscle–tendon forces in vivo requires knowledge of the muscle–tendon moment arm. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) can produce 2D images suitable for visualising both tendon and bone, thereby potentially allowing the moment arm to be measured but there is currently no validated DXA method for this purpose. The aims of this study were (i) to compare in vivo measurements of the patellar tendon moment arm (dPT) assessed from 2D DXA and magnetic resonance (MR) images and (ii) to compare the reliability of the two methods. Twelve healthy adults (mean±SD: 31.4±9.5 yr; 174.0±9.5 cm; 76.2±16.6 kg) underwent two DXA and two MR scans of the fully extended knee at rest. The tibiofemoral contact point (TFCP) was used as the centre of joint rotation in both techniques, and the dPT was defined as the perpendicular distance from the patellar tendon axis to the TFCP. The dPT was consistently longer when assessed via DXA compared to MRI (+3.79±1.25 mm or +9.78±3.31%; P<0.001). The test–retest reliability of the DXA [CV=2.13%; ICC=0.94; ratio limits of agreement (RLA)=1.01 (?/÷1.07)] and MR [(CV=2.27%; ICC=0.96; RLA=1.00 (?/÷1.07)] methods was very high and comparable between techniques. Moreover, the RLA between the mean DXA and MRI dPT values [1.097 (?/÷1.061)] demonstrated very strong agreement between the two methods. In conclusion, highly reproducible dPT measurements can be determined from DXA imaging with the knee fully extended at rest. This has implications for the calculation of patellar tendon forces in vivo where MR equipment is not available.  相似文献   

To study the expression activity of various vectors containing anti-caspase-3 ribozyme cassettesin vivo, and to further study the role of caspas-3 in the apoptotic pathway, we constructed anti-caspase-3 hammerhead ribozyme embedded into the human snRNA U6, and detected the activity of the ribozymein vitro andin vivo. Meanwhile we compared it with the self-cleaving hammerhead ribozymes that we previously studied, and with the general ribozyme, cloned into RNA polymerase II expression systems. The results showed that the three ribozymes, p1.5RZ107, pRZ107 and pU6RZ107 had the correct structure, and that they could cleave caspase-3 mRNA exactly to produce two fragments: 143nt/553nt. p1.5RZ107 has the highest cleavage efficiencyin vitro, almost 80%. However, the U6 chimeric ribozyme, pU6RZ107, has the highest cleavage activityin vivo, almost to 65%, though it has lower cleavage activityin vitro. The cleavage results demonstrated that the pU6RZ107, the U6 chimeric ribozyme, could more efficiently express and downregulate the level of caspase-3in vivo, and the ribozyme could provide an alternative approach to the research into the mechanism of apoptosis and human gene therapy also.  相似文献   

Using the method of phenylhydrazine-induced anemia in rabbits, a mass of new reticulocytes, which synchronously grow, were got in vivo. The measurements of deformation index, orientation index, electrophoresis mobility etc. were performed for more than 72 h in the process of reticulocytes turning into red blood cells in vivo. There were obvious changes in the micro- rheological characteristics of reticulocytes in the course of turning into erythrocytes. The present study is significant in clinic for studying erythrocytes' microrheological characteristics when there are a lot of reticulocytes in blood, and also important in basic theorem for studying reticulocytes microrheological characteristics. It makes up a deficiency in the study on microrheological characteristics of reticulocytes turning into new RBCs from reticulocytes during reticulocytes life span.  相似文献   

Several indirect methods have been developed for the detection and quantification of highly reactive oxygen species (hROS), which may exist either as free hydroxyl radicals, bound “crypto” radicals or Fe(IV)-oxo species, in vivo. This review discusses the strengths and weaknesses associated with those most commonly used, which determine the hydroxylation of salicylate or phenylalanine. Chemical as well as biological arguments indicate that neither the hydroxylation of salicylate nor that of phenylalanine can guarantee an accurate hydroxyl radical quantitation in vivo. This is because not all hydroxylated product-species can be used for detection and the ratio of these species strongly depends on the chemical environment and on the reaction time. Furthermore, at least in the case of salicylate, the high concentrations of the chemical trap required (mM) are known to influence biological processes associated with oxidative stress.Two, newer, alternative methods described, the 4-hydroxy benzoic acid (4-HBA) and the terephthalate (TA) assays, do not have these drawbacks. In each case reaction with hROS leads to only one hydroxylated product. Thus, from a chemical viewpoint, they should provide a better hROS quantitation. Further work is needed to assess any possible biological effects of the required millimolar (4-HBA) and micromolar (TA) concentrations of the chemical traps.  相似文献   

为探索阿尔茨海默症(AD)中β淀粉样肽(Aβ)对线粒体功能的影响,比较了稳定表达人野生型淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)的细胞和同时转入人Swedish突变APP及ΔE9突变PS1的双转细胞(swe.Δ9)的线粒体功能.结果发现,swe.Δ9细胞的线粒体膜电位、细胞色素c氧化酶活性、线粒体膜流动性、ATP含量均明显低于APP细胞,而APP细胞又明显低于对照的转入空质粒的细胞.在转基因小鼠上也得到类似结果:同时转入人Swedish突变APP和人PS1 M146V敲入的双转小鼠的细胞色素c氧化酶活性和ATP含量比只转入Swedish突变APP的Tg2576小鼠更低.结果证明了AD模型中线粒体功能损害程度与Aβ产量的正相关关系.  相似文献   

Swainsonine, an extract from Astragalus membranaceus, is known for its anti-cancer effects and could prevent metastases. In order to investigate the effects and mechanisms of swainsonine in C6 glioma cells, we carry out correlated experiments in vitro and in vivo. After treatment with swainsonine, the effective dose and IC50 value of swainsonine in the C6 glioma cell were examined using the MTT assay. Cell cycle distribution and apoptotic rates were analyzed using FCM and [Ca2+]i was measured by LSCM. Expressions of p16 and p53 protein were evaluated by immunocytochemical methods. Simultaneously, glioma-bearing rats were administered swainsonine at doses of 2, 4 and 8 mg/kg body wt. The inhibition rate was calculated and pathological sections were observed. The results indicated that the growth of C6 glioma cells is inhibited by swainsonine in vitro, with an IC50 value within 24 h of 0.05 μg/ml. Increases in swainsonine correlate with S phase percentages of 11.3%, 11.6% and 12.4%, respectively. Moreover, the expression of apoptosis inhibiting p53 and p16 protein decreases gradually. Tumor weight in vivo decreased clearly and HE dyeing of tumor tissue showed gray, its texture was soft, with necrosis and hemorrhagic concentrated inward. Swainsonine could inhibit the proliferation of C6 glioma cells in vitro and the growth of C6 glioma in vivo. The mechanisms of swainsonine-induced apoptosis may relate with the expression of apoptosis-related genes and overloading-[Ca2+]i-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress.  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白与红细胞的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据金属硫蛋白(MT)对标记在膜上的马来酰亚胺自旋标记物的ESR波谱的影响,研究了MT与红细胞膜的相互作用,发现不同种属的MT对膜构象的影响不同.体外实验表明,MT可以吸附在红细胞的表面,用CdCl2诱导家兔,对血浆和红细胞溶血液中的MT组分进行色谱分离,发现血液中的MT主要存在于血细胞中.进而对血液MT的来源、分布及其重要的生物学意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The optimal conditions for labeling Trypanosoma cruzi culture forms with 51CrO42− were determined. Labeled trypanosomes or labeled human red blood cells (RBCs) were injected intravenously into normal C3H(He) female mice and the rate of clearance and organ distribution of the isotope were observed over a 30 h period. It was found that trypanosomes and xenogeneic RBCs were cleared rapidly from the peripheral blood and accumulated primarily in the liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. A difference was noted in accumulation of trypanosomes and RBCs in these mice.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨中药单体黄芩苷对嗜水气单胞菌在体内外生长及生物膜形成的影响.[方法]体外实验中,利用牛津杯法检测抑菌圈直径,结晶紫法检测生物膜的形成,通过泳动实验检测黄芩苷对嗜水气单胞菌运动性的影响,紫外吸收法检测细胞膜完整性,用透射电镜技术观察黄芩苷对细菌形态的影响.体内实验利用草鱼为对象检测黄芩苷对嗜水气单胞菌增殖的影...  相似文献   

近期发现细菌的sRNA在菌体内和菌体外均具有一定的生物学功能.为研究结核分枝杆菌菌体内外sRNA的表达情况,通过分析卡介苗(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Vaccine,BCG)菌体和外泌体RNA测序结果,采用RT-qPCR法检测常规培养与缺氧条件下BCG菌体内外sRNA相对表达量,分析菌体内外sR...  相似文献   

The human metatarsophalangeal joints play a key role in weight transmission and propulsion during bipedal gait, but at present, the identification of when a habitual, human-like metatarsi-fulcrimating mechanism first appeared in the fossil record is debated. Part of this debate can be attributed to the absence of certain detailed quantitative data distinguishing human and great ape forefoot form and function.The aim of this study is to quantitatively test previous observations that human metatarsophalangeal joints exhibit greater amounts of dorsal excursion (i.e., dorsiflexion) than those of Pan at the terminal stance phase of terrestrial locomotion. Video recordings were made in order to measure sagittal excursions of the medial metatarsophalangeal joints in habitually shod/unshod adult humans and adult bonobos (Pan paniscus). Results indicate that the human first and second metatarsophalangeal joints usually dorsiflex more than those of bonobos. When timing of maximum excursion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is coupled with existing plantar pressure data, the unique role of the human forefoot as a key site of leverage and weight transmission is highlighted. These results support hypotheses that significant joint functional differences between great apes and humans during gait underlie taxonomic distinctions in trabecular bone architecture of the forefoot.  相似文献   

目的探讨国产西罗莫司与原研品对移植宿主外周血中免疫细胞的影响效果。方法体外实验:人膀胱癌T24细胞体外培养,分别加入国产西罗莫司和原研品,CKK-8法检测并比较细胞增殖活性受抑制的情况。体内实验:建立小鼠异位心脏移植模型,设立对照无手术组(对照组)、移植无治疗组(Tx组)、移植+国产西罗莫司组(Tx+YXK组)、移植+原研品组(Tx+RAPA组)。观察移植心脏搏动情况,受者脾脏的流式细胞学检测,以及脾脏及移植物中免疫细胞浸润的病理检查。流式细胞检测树突状细胞(DC),CD8+细胞和调节性T细胞(Treg),病理组织学检测及免疫组化染色比较两组免疫细胞浸润情况。两组间比较采用独立样本t检验,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,两两比较采用LSD-t检验。结果体外实验结果显示,国产西罗莫司与原研品对T24细胞活力影响的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。体内实验结果显示,Tx组移植心脏于第7天停止搏动,Tx+YXK组和Tx+RAPA组在第10天心脏搏动仍有力、节律正常。(1)脾脏流式细胞检测显示,与对照组、Tx组比较,Tx+RAPA组、Tx+YXK组CD11c+I-A+CD86+DC细胞(15.88±4.73、22.90±3.86比4.51±1.57、5.40±2.54)、CD8+淋巴细胞数量(6.32±0.98、6.75±1.34比3.03±1.12、3.23±0.97)均降低,而Tx+RAPA组CD4+CD25+Foxp3+阳性细胞数量(15.06±3.42比7.87±1.95,10.88±2.08)升高(P均<0.05)。Tx+YXK组和Tx+RAPA组3种免疫细胞数量差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(2)移植心脏病理免疫细胞组化染色灰度分析,Tx组、Tx+YXK组和Tx+RAPA组CD4,CD8,IDO和CD11b数量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),与Tx组比较,Tx+RAPA组和Tx+YXK组CD11c(25143.52±3525.12比12936.30±766.94、14240.60±3124.67)、Foxp3阳性细胞浸润数量(500.78±238.33比46.05±68.16、49.22±25.82)降低(P均<0.05),Tx+YXK组和Tx+RAPA组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(3)模型动物脾脏病理免疫细胞组化染色灰度分析,Tx组CD 4和CD8阳性细胞浸润数量较Tx+YXK组和Tx+RAPA组少,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),Tx+YXK组和Tx+RAPA组比较,各种细胞染色的IOD值差异均无统计学意义。结论使用国产西罗莫司与原研品两种药物后受者移植心脏和脾脏中的细胞浸润变化一致;在体外对细胞增殖、移植后抗排斥作用和体内免疫细胞的影响表现均一致。  相似文献   

The digestibility of different forms of starch was examined in an ileostomy model. Six otherwise healthy ileostomists were fed a controlled polysaccharide-free diet for four days, on three of which a test starch was added at breakfast. 50 g starch was fed as either whole or homogenized chick peas or as a retrograded starch gel. A readily digestible wheat starch biscuit was used as a control. Ileostomy effluent was collected every 2 hours over a 16 hour period and a final collection made at 24 hours after the test meal. The monosaccharide composition and glycosyl linkages of the residual carbohydrate in the 2 hour peak period following the test meal was determined. Following consumption of the starch gel, poly- and oligo-saccharides from mucin and starch were identified in the effluent. At the peak of effluent production following the test meal, the average ratio of starch polysaccharide to mucin was 1:0.4. Of the 50 g of starch consumed, 7% of the starch escaped digestion in this fraction. Following consumption of cooked, cooled chick peas, which were fed whole or homogenized, polysaccharides deriving from starch, mucin and the cell wall were detected in the effluent. It was estimated from comparison of the composition of the food and effluent that 14% and 16% of the ingested starch in the form of homogenized and whole chick peas had escaped digestion in the small intestine. Linkage analysis showed the chemical structure of the starch escaping digestion after feeding the whole and homogenized chick peas was similar to that obtained after feeding the starch gel.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum cells tend to grow in synchronicity during their cyclic intraerythrocytic development in vivo. Both host and parasite factors appear to be involved in this synchronization. We examined the link between mixed-allelic-family P. falciparum infection and synchronicity in parasitized red blood cells (PRBC) from symptomatic children.The distribution of rings and trophozoites in each PRBC sample was determined by standard microscopy. P. falciparum was genotyped by using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting three loci (merozoite surface proteins (MSP) 1 and 2, and 175-kD erythrocyte binding antigen (EBA), allowing us to distinguish parasite clones belonging to a single-allelic family (SAF) and those belonging to a mixed-allelic family (MAF). Parasite development was considered synchronous when peripheral blood contained at least 95% of rings or 95% of trophozoites.Parasite development was synchronous in 22 (21.2%) of the 104 children studied. Twenty (90.9%) of these infections were SAF and two (9.1%) were MAF. Rings and trophozoites predominated in respectively 12 (60%) and 8 (40%) SAF infections. Respectively 17.1% and 82.9% of the 82 asynchronous cases corresponded to SAF and MAF infection. Parasite synchronicity was therefore significantly related to single-allelic-family infection (p < 2 × 10− 10).Twenty different MSP-1 alleles and thirteen different MSP-2 alleles were identified. Only three isolates from patients with SAF infection comprised a single allele or genotype, the other isolates harboring at least two alleles. The mean number of alleles or clones was respectively 3.0 and 10.0 in SAF and MAF infection. These results reflect the allelic diversity of the MSP loci and show that SAF infection can correspond to multiple parasite clones (or genotypes) but, in general, fewer than in MAF infection (p ≤ 0.0007).These results confirm the extensive polymorphism of P. falciparum vaccine candidates MSP-1 and -2 in southeastern Gabon and demonstrate that parasite synchronicity in vivo is strongly associated with single-allelic-family infection.  相似文献   

Aloe-emodin (AE) and derivatives may be present as undesired components co-extracted during extraction of plants containing anthraquinonic derivatives for preparation of diacetylrhein. AE is a well-known in vitro mutagen, but up to now it failed to induce any clear in vivo genotoxic activity in the chromosome aberration assay in rat bone marrow or the in vivo/in vitro UDS test in liver. However, the two target organs noted during rodent carcinogenicity studies with danthron and emodin, two other well-known anthraquinone derivatives, are the colon and the kidney. Therefore, the choice of the organs for testing the genotoxicity of AE, i.e. bone marrow and liver, may be considered inadequate to demonstrate a possible in vivo genotoxic activity. In this context, the in vivo mouse comet assay was performed on both isolated kidney and colon cells in order to demonstrate a possible organospecific genotoxicity after oral administration of AE. Concurrently, the Ames test and the in vitro micronucleus assay with TK6 human lymphoblastoid cells were performed in their microscale version both with S9 from Aroclor 1254-induced liver or kidney, and without S9.AE induced primary DNA damage in the liver and in the kidney as observed between 3 and 6 h after two oral administrations at 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg bw, underlining an in vivo genotoxic mechanism of action. Furthermore, AE induced a clear genotoxic activity both in the Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1537 and TA98 and in the in vitro micronucleus assay in the absence as well as in the presence of metabolic activation. As no significant variation in the genotoxic activity of AE was noted when using either liver or kidney S9-mix, it seems that no quantitatively and/or qualitatively specific renal metabolism occurs. The kidney may be a target organ of AE as it is the major route of excretion. Under such conditions the separation of AE components should take place and the residual content of undesired AE derivatives should be made as low as reasonably achievable. AE present in plant extracts should be considered as an in vivo genotoxin and this property should be taken into account in the risk assessment for human exposure.  相似文献   

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