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The linear DNA killer plasmids (pGKL1 and pGKL2) isolated from a Kluyveromyces lactis killer strain are also maintained and expressed its killer character in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. After these killer plasmid DNAs isolated from S. cerevisiae were treated with alkali, four terminal fragments from each plasmid DNAs were cloned separately. Using these and other cloned DNA fragments, the terminal nucleotide sequences of pGKL2 and the complete nucleotide sequence of pGKL1 were determined. The inverted terminal repetitions of 202 bp and 182 bp were found in pGKL1 and pGKL2, respectively. The pGKL1 sequence showed an extremely high A + T content of 73.2% and it contained five large open reading frames. The largest of these open reading frame was suggested to code for a membrane-bound precursor of glycoprotein subunit of the killer toxin.  相似文献   

Summary The yeast Kluyveromyces lactis haboring linear DNA plasmids pGKL1 and pGKL2 exhibits killer and killer-resistant phenotypes. Two new linear plasmids pK192L and pK192S were found in the weak killer mutant KUV192 induced by UV irradiation. pK192S was always accompanied by pK192L in subclones of KUV192. Both plasmids were derived from pGKL1 by deletion of the large right part of it. pK192L was 4.9 kb in size and had a palindromic structure consisting of 2.35 kb inverted terminal repetitions and a 215 base unique sequence. Analysis of denatured and renatured DNA strands suggested that pK192S was a hairpin-like form of pK192L. The pK192 plasmids were maintained only in cells haboring either pGKL1 or pGKL1S in addition to pGKL2 and competed with pGKL1 or pGKL1S for their maintenance. Since no complete ORF1 was conserved in pK192 plasmids, these results lead to the conclusion that the ORF1 gene is necessary for the replication and/or maintenance of pGKL1.  相似文献   

The terminal structures of linear DNA killer plasmids from yeast, pGKL1 and pGKL2, were analyzed. Results obtained by exonuclease treatments of these plasmids show that both pGKL plasmids have free hydroxyl 3'-ends and blocked 5'-ends. Electrophoretic analysis of the terminal restriction fragments treated with proteases revealed that pGKL1 and pGKL2 have proteins bound at 5'termini and that the terminal protein of pGKL1 is distinct from that of pGKL2. This is the first linear DNA-terminal protein association found in yeast.  相似文献   

Abstract Electron microscopic observation demonstrated that linear DNA plasmids, pGKL1 and pGKL2, were replicated by a strand displacement mechanism similar to adenovirus and Bacillus subtilis ø 29 phage. Moreover, their DNA replication was prevented by α-factor, a mating hormone which prevents the replication of chromosomal DNA and 2 μm plasmid in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating type a cells. This result suggests that the replication of pGKL plasmids is controlled by the same genes that control the initiation or maintenance of chromosomal DNA and 2 μm plasmid replications.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were mixed with linear DNA plasmids, pGKl1 and pGKl2, isolated from a Kluyveromyces lactis killer strain and treated with polyethylene glycol. Out of 2,000 colonies regenerated on a nonselective medium, two killer transformants were obtained. The pGKl plasmids and the killer character were stably maintained in one (Pdh-1) of them. Another transformant, Pdl-1, was a weak killer, and the subclones consisted of a mixture of weak and nonkiller cells. The weak killers were characterized by the presence of pGKl1 in a decreased amount, and nonkillers were characterized by the absence of pGKl1. The occurrence of two new plasmids which migrated faster than pGKl1 in an agarose gel was observed in Pdl-1 and its subclones, whether weak or nonkillers. Staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole revealed that the pGKl plasmids exist in the cytosol of transformant cells with numerous copy numbers.  相似文献   

The killer double-stranded RNA plasmids of yeast.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
R B Wickner 《Plasmid》1979,2(3):303-322

The linear dsDNA plasmids, pGKL1 (8.9 kb) and pGKL2 (13.4 kb) discovered in Kluyveromyces lactis, confer killer and immunity characteristics upon various yeast strains. We have devised an immunity assay and have been able to show the expression of an immunity phenotype in the K. lactis transformants harbouring conventional circular plasmids which contain DNA fragments of pGKL1. Using this expression system, the immunity determinant on pGKL1 was identified as ORF5. In addition, the presence of pGKL2 was proved to be essential for the expression of the immunity phenotype. This is the first demonstration of this new pGKL2 function, as distinct from its known functions for the replication and maintenance of pGKL1 in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Three cryptic DNA plasmids have been identified in a strain of the yeast Pichia inositovora that are 18, 13, and 10 kbp in size. All are sensitive to digestion by DNase I, restriction endonucleases, and exonuclease III, but are resistant to the activities of RNase A and lambda exonuclease. These results indicate that each plasmid is a linear DNA molecule whose 5' ends are protected. A restriction map has been developed for each of the plasmids, demonstrating that each is unique and confirming their linear nature. The plasmids are a major constituent of DNA prepared from whole cells, but are absent from DNA preparations of purified mitochondria and nuclei, indicating that the plasmids are located in the cytoplasm. These plasmids share many of the physical characteristics described for the linear plasmids of the yeasts Kluyveromyces lactis and Saccharomycopsis crataegensis. Unlike the linear plasmids of K. lactis, however, they appear not to be capable of killer toxin production.  相似文献   

Summary A cDNA copy of the M2 dsRNA encoding the K2 killer toxin ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae was expressed in yeast using the yeastADH1 promoter. This construct produced K2-specific killing and immunity functions. Efficient K2-specific killing was dependent on the action of the KEX2 endopeptidase and the KEX1 carboxypeptidase, while K2-specific immunity was independent of these proteases. Comparison of the K2 toxin sequence with that of the K1 toxin sequence shows that although they share a common processing pathway and are both encoded by cytoplasmic dsRNAs of similar basic structure, the two toxins are very different at the primary sequence level. Site-specific mutagenesis of the cDNA gene establishes that one of the two potential KEX2 cleavage sites is critical for toxin action but not for immunity. Immunity was reduced by an insertion of two amino acids in the hydrophobic amino-terminal region which left toxin activity intact, indicating an independence of toxin action and immunity.  相似文献   

Particular combinations of fungal strains and transformation vectors allow for fungal rearrangement of normally integrative plasmids, resulting in the creation of linear self-replicating plasmids in Fusarium oxysporum. The rearrangement results in the addition of fungal DNA, including telomere consensus sequences, to plasmid termini. The mechanism by which this rearrangement occurs is unclear, but it has similarities to extrachromosomal gene amplification. A DNA fragment which allows for linear autonomous replication upon reintroduction to the fungus was subcloned and sequenced. This DNA sequence contains the repeated telomeric sequence TTAGGG flanked by a region of twofold symmetry consisting primarily of pUC12 DNA. Isolation and identification of this sequence is the first step toward development of vectors that function as artificial chromosomes in filamentous fungi. This sequence was shown to promote autonomous replication and enhance transformation in several strains of F. oxysporum, Nectria haematococca, and Cryphonectria parasitica.  相似文献   

Transfer of yeast telomeres to linear plasmids by recombination   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
B Dunn  P Szauter  M L Pardue  J W Szostak 《Cell》1984,39(1):191-201
Three distinct segments (the partition-related, or PR segments) within the 370 bp par region of pSC101 have been shown by deletion analysis to be involved in partitioning of the plasmid to daughter cells. The two lateral segments are direct repeats, each of which potentially can pair with an inverted repeat located between them to form a hairpin-loop structure. Deletion of either lateral segment, together with the middle segment, results in plasmid instability (the Par- phenotype). Deletion of one PR segment yields a stable plasmid that nevertheless shows reduced ability to compete with a coexisting wild-type derivative of the same replicon (the Cmp- phenotype). Deletion of all three segments results in a rate of plasmid loss far in excess of that predicted from the observed copy number of the plasmid. Analysis of the segregation properties of these mutants and of temperature-sensitive and high copy number derivatives of the pSC101 replicon suggests a model in which the par function allows the nonreplicating plasmids of the intracellular pool to be counted as individual molecules, and to be distributed evenly to daughter cells. In the absence of par, the multicopy pool of plasmids behaves as a single segregation unit.  相似文献   

Two linear killer plasmids (pGKL1 and pGKL2) from Kluyveromyces lactis stably replicated and expressed the killer phenotype in a neutral petite mutant [( rho0]) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, when cytoplasmic components were introduced by cytoduction from a wild-type [( rho+]) strain of S. cerevisiae, the linear plasmids became unstable and were frequently lost from the cytoductant cells during mitosis, giving rise to nonkiller clones. The phenomenon was ascribed to the incompatibility with the introduced S. cerevisiae mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), because the plasmid stability was restored by [rho0] mutations in the cytoductant cells. Incompatibility with mtDNA was also apparent for the transmission of plasmids into diploid progeny in crosses between killer cells carrying the pGKL plasmids and [rho+] nonkiller cells lacking the plasmids. High-frequency transmission of the plasmids was observed in crosses lacking mtDNA [( rho0] by [rho0] crosses) and in crosses involving mutated mtDNA with large deletions of various regions of mitochondrial genome. In contrast, mutated mtDNA from various mit- mutations also exerted the incompatibility effect on the transmission of plasmids. Double-stranded RNA killer plasmids were stably maintained and transmitted in the presence of wild-type mtDNA and stably coexisted with pGKL killer plasmids in [rho0] cells of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation of yeast linear DNA plasmids, particularly of k1 and k2 from the non-conventional dairy yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, has been advanced by the recent establishment of DNA transformation-mediated one-step gene disruption and allele replacement techniques. These methods provide the basis for a strategy for the functional analysis of plasmid genes and DNA elements. By use of double selection regimens, these single-gene procedures have been extended to effect disruption of individual genes on plasmid k2 and transplacement of a functional copy onto plasmid k1, resulting in the production of yeast strains with an altered plasmid composition. This cytoplasmic gene shuffle system facilitates the introduction of specifically modified alleles into k1 or k2 in order to study the function, expression (from UCS promoters) and regulation of cytoplasmic linear plasmid genes. Additionally, identification, characterization and localization of plasmid gene products of interest are made possible by shuffling GFP-, epitope- or affinity purification-tagged alleles between k2 and k1. The gene shuffle approach can also be used for vector development and heterologous protein expression in order to exploit the biotechnical potential of the K. lactis k1/k2 system in yeast cell factory research.  相似文献   

Wickner RB 《Genetics》1977,87(3):441-452
Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying a 1.4 x 106 dalton double-stranded (ds) RNA in virus-like particles (the killer plasmid or virus) secrete a toxin that is lethal to strains not carrying this plasmid (virus). The mak10 gene is one of 24 chromosomal genes (called pets, mak1, mak2,...) that are needed to maintain and replicate the killer plasmid. We report here isolation of spontaneous and induced mutants in which the killer plasmid is maintained and replicated in spite of a defect in the mak10 gene. The bypass (or suppressor) mutations in these strains are in the mitochondrial genome. Respiratory deficiency produced by various chromosomal pet mutations, by chloramphenicol, or by antimycin A, does not bypass the mak10–1 mutation. Several spontaneous mak10–1 killer strains have about 12-fold more of the killer plasmid ds RNA than do wild-type killers. Although the absence of mitochondrial DNA bypasses mak10–1, it does not bypass pets–1, mak1–1, mak3–1, mak4–1, mak5–1, mak6–1, mak7–1, or mak8–1.  相似文献   

The NH2-terminal signal region comprising of approximately 70% length of the prepro-sequence of the pGKL killer precursor protein was found to direct an efficient secretion of the mouse alpha-amylase into the culture medium of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The alpha-amylase molecule secreted into the culture medium was identified by both immuno-blotting and assay of the enzyme activity. The amount of alpha-amylase secreted via the killer toxin signal was comparable to that directed by the leader sequence of mating factor alpha. The secretion of alpha-amylase using the killer toxin signal was blocked at 37C but not at 25C in sec18-1 host, indicating that alpha-amylase is exported through the normal secretion pathway of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Expression of a silkworm eclosion hormone gene in yeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recombinant silkworm eclosion hormone was produced for the first time in yeast which was transformed with a shuttle plasmid containing a construct coding a signal peptide and the mature sequence of the silkworm eclosion hormone. Successfully transformed yeast processed recombinant silkworm eclosion hormone I (EH-I) and transported it to periplasm at the concentration of 60 micrograms per liter of culture. The biological activity of the purified recombinant silkworm eclosion hormone exhibited the ED50 value of 0.2 ng which is the same as that of the authentic hormone isolated from the silkworm brain.  相似文献   

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