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Cellular immune response was studied in 89 adult patients suffering from various clinical forms of acute dysentery, with the use of the lymphocyte blast-cell transformation reaction under the action of a specific antigen (dysenterin) and a nonspecific mitogen (phitohemagglutinin). Functional value of T-lymphocytes proved to be retained in patients with acute dysentery; there was also lymphocyte stimulation by a specific antigen in patients with moderately severe and severe forms of dysentery during the first week of the disease. Specificity of blast-cell transformation of sensitized lymphocytes under the action of dysenterin was shown. Patients with a high percentage of the lymphocyte blast forms displayed a more rapid positive progress of the main clinical indices at the height of the disease than analogous patients with a low blast percentage in the blood. The expediency of using the blast-cell transformation reaction for differential diagnosis and prognosis of moderately severe and severe forms of acute dysentery is discussed.  相似文献   

The levels of isohemagglutinins, isohemolysins, heterohemagglutinins and lysozyme in blood serum of one and half year old carps have been fixed after scales transplantation. Since three weeks after grafting isohemagglutinins and isohemolysins were revealed in recipient fishes with the prevalence of 25% and 95% respectively. Intact carps from the same group were lack of these antibodies. Recipient and intact fishes did not differ reliably by heterohemagglutinins and lysozyme level in the blood serum. There was no correlation between destroyed allografts share and hemolysins titre of serum, so the double role of humoral antibodies in grafting immunity in carps can be assumed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨有机磷农药中毒(AOPP)的抢救方法.方法 对大连市金州区第三人民医院1995年9月至2011年9月共收治20例有机磷农药中毒患者的病例进行回顾性分析.结果 18例治愈,2例转到上级医院治疗.平均住院8.5d.结论 抢救有机磷农药中毒,洗胃是关键措施之一.快速达到阿托品化是抢救有机磷农药中毒成功与否的另一关键性措施.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation has utilized a correlative scanning-transmission electron microscopic technique in the analysis of the primate cerebral ventricular system. This approach has demonstrated a complex network of supraependymal cellular elements upon the walls of the third cerebral ventricle in direct contact with the ventricular lumen. Type I neuronal-like cells and type II histiocytic-like cells with potential phagocytic capabilities have been observed in large numbers throughout the third ventricle. Type I neuron-like cells are discussed in the context that they may represent a population of receptor-cells which serve to assess ambient changes in the composition of bioactive peptides in the cerebrospinal fluid and may serve as a supraependymal network that integrates the endocrine hypothalamus with other circumventricular organs which may also be sites of neuroendocrine transduction.Supported by USPHS Program Project Grant NS-11642Career Development Awardee GM K04 70001  相似文献   

During the last 30 years the incidence of neuroendocrine tumors has increased considerably and the overall 5-year survival rate has not changed substantially. Conventional therapeutic approaches appear to show an unsatisfactory effect in the more insidious forms of malignancies. Hence, attempts were made to direct the patient's own immune system against cancer by vaccinating against different tumor antigens. Up to date, only sporadic achievements were demonstrated in the majority cases of vaccination trials. One of the main hindrances to a successful vaccination comprises tumor-immune-escape mechanisms. This review focuses on the current knowledge concerning tumor immunoevasion strategies and the immune system in neuroendocrine tumors.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline level in rat heart decreased after intoxication by parathion. The pharmacological investigations appeared to prove that this decrease results from the storage of acetylcholine, which provoked likewise a slowing of the cardiac rythm. The role of atropine is discussed.  相似文献   

Administration of homologous gamma-globulin for prophylactic purpose promoted an increase in the interferon-synthesizing activity of leukocytes. The therapeutic use of this preparation in tick-borne encephalitis produced no stimulating effect on this index.  相似文献   

The effect of thiamin deficiency on the immune response and activity of some mechanisms of natural immunity was studied in experimental mature rats. Thiamin deficiency was simulated by a single injection of hydroxythiamin (thiamin antagonists). Hydroxythiamin markedly decreased the complement activity, phagocytic activity of peripheral blood leucocytes, serum bactericidal activity as well as antibody production in response to sheep red blood cells. On the contrary, lysozyme activity increased. Vitamin B1 deficiency reduced 14C-leucine incorporation activity in the liver proteins.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial effect of the lactoperoxidase (LPO) system (enzyme with the thiocyanate ion and hydrogen peroxide) on Streptococcus mutans NCTC 10449 (serotype c) was significantly enhanced when the system was combined with secretory IgA. Similar enhancement was observed with LPO-myeloma IgA1 or IgA2 combinations. This enhancement of the antimicrobial efficiency was not dependent on the presence of specific antibodies to S. mutans in the IgA preparation, but seemed to require binding between LPO and immunoglobulin. However, neither human polyclonal nor myeloma IgG or IgM nor rabbit IgG enhanced the antibacterial activity of the LPO system. None of the immunoglobulins, when added alone, produced antimicrobial effects. LPO was shown to bind to colostral secretory IgA, myeloma IgA1, IgA2, and to a lesser degree to monoclonal and polyclonal IgG and monoclonal IgM. This binding had a stabilizing effect on the enzyme activity. Our results suggest that IgA significantly enhances the antibacterial efficiency of one of the innate immune factors--the LPO system.  相似文献   

Intracellular distribution of labeled cotoran was studied. 3H-cotoran was shown to penetrate through the nuclear membrane to accumulate uneventfully in the intranuclear components. An insignificant amount of 3H-cotoran was associated with the nucleoplasm and the outer nuclear membrane. At the same time, essential radioactivity was observed in the proteins of the nuclear matrix (up to 30%) and in non-histone proteins of chromatin (up to 60%). Acception of 3H-cotoran on metaphase chromosomes of cultured cells as well as specificity of cotoran binding with non-histone proteins of chromatin in vivo and in vitro was studied by radioautography. It was revealed that cotoran was translocated into the interphase nuclei to be accepted by metaphase chromosomes of the HeLa line cells and fibroblasts in human embryo, and specifically, in receptor-like manner, bound to chromatin proteins.  相似文献   

用“如何防控甲流”创设情境引入新课,先引导学生猜测特异性免疫的大致过程,然后引导学生从“免疫系统如何消灭入侵的甲流病毒”这一典型事实出发,经过归纳和概括形成特异性免疫的新概念,然后运用新概念解决其他实际问题,最终将新概念纳入自己的概念体系。  相似文献   

Peijie C  Hongwu L  Fengpeng X  Jie R  Jie Z 《Life sciences》2003,72(20):2255-2262
To determine whether immunity and neuroendocrine system is altered by different loads of exercise training in rats, eight-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to one of the three groups: 1) cage control group (CCG); 2) moderate load training (MLT) (swimming at the intensity of 1.4 m/sec water flowing for 60 min per day); 3) heavy load training (HLT) (swimming at the intensity of 1.8 m/sec water flowing for 120 min per day). MLT and HLT rats were assigned to swim for 6 days per week for total of 6 weeks. All rats were sacrificed 36 h after their last training session. Splenocytes were pooled for assay of cell proliferation and neuropeptide contents in the hypothalamus, hypophysis and plasma were determined by radioimmunoassay while glucocorticoid specific binding in intact thymus was measured by radioligand binding assay. All rats were weighed weekly. The results showed that after 6-week training, rat splenocyte proliferation in response to Con A and LPS decreased in HLT rats compared with MLT and CCG rats. In addition, the contents of beta-endorphin, dynorphin A, arginine vasopressin and oxytocin in the hypothalamus, hypophysis and plasma were altered by HLT, as shown by increased plasma concentration of glucocorticoids and decreased glucocorticoids specific binding in intact thymus compared with MLT and CCG. Furthermore, a decreased body mass in HLT rats has been observed. The body mass of HLT rats was significantly lower than that in CCG and MLT rats at the end of the swimming training period. These data suggest that 6-week heavy load training induces the dysfunction of immunity and neuroendocrine responses, which might be one of the underlying mechanisms of immune dysfunction in overtraining.  相似文献   

This paper discusses research designed to investigate farmworker interpretation of a serious incident of pesticide poisoning, specifically, whether this incident was considered to precipitate the Mexican folk illness susto. The study revealed that a total of 23% of the population interviewed felt that they definitelyor possibly had developed susto as a result of the pesticide exposure. These patients complained of more residual symptoms from the pesticide exposure than did those who had been affected by the poisoning but who did not feel they suffered from susto. The findings have implications for medical providers working with these populations. A self diagnosis of susto may indicate that a patient is indeed sicker than other indicators suggest, and point to a need for increased follow-up.  相似文献   

A total of 50 healthy women and 184 women of reproductive age with Chlamidia infection, complicated by candidiasis, mycoplasmosis and bacterial vaginosis were under examination. The local infectious immunity indices of cervical mucous were detected. The investigation of cell-mediated and humoral factors of cervical secretions revealed the dysfunction of local infectious protection in women with Chlamydia infection.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of botulin, type B, on the acetylcholine-cholinesterase system. High doses of the toxin increased the level of acetylcholine in the peripheral blood nervous system, as well as in the central nervous system. Injection of DLM of the toxin results in elevation of the acetylcholine level in the peripheral nervous system. Cholinesterase activity was practically unchanged.  相似文献   

The duration of inhibiting influence of BCG vaccine on specific antitumour immunity and possibility of SV40-induced resistance restoration in Syrian hamsters after the vaccination was studied. Antitumor immunity in animals immunized with SV40 virus and then inoculated with BCG was demonstrated to be abrogated one year after the vaccination. Reinoculation of the subjected to combined immunization animals with SV40 virus induced specific antitumour resistance in them again. The data presented may be interpreted as an argument favouring the cell-mediated nature of the phenomenon described.  相似文献   

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