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The importance of intracellular glutathione (GSH) in the pathology of disease, particularly cancer, has long been appreciated. However the ubiquitous nature of GSH has made it difficult to ascribe to a specific molecular mechanism in disease fulfillment. In addition, in all but a few cases, the underlying genetic regulation of the cellular redox state disrupted in disease has not been well described. Early identification of the importance of intracellular GSH to detoxification reactions has now led to investigating the potential importance that glutathione chemistry has on signal transduction and molecular regulation of cellular physiology. Here new relationships between the cellular redox state and the apoptotic regulatory protein BCL-2 will be described with emphasis on potential mechanisms by which GSH can alter cellular physiology in addition to its role in detoxification.  相似文献   

Complexity,cross talk and integration of plant MAP kinase signalling   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) link information transfer from external stimuli-activated sensors to cellular responses. The completed Arabidopsis genome sequence revealed an extraordinary complexity in MAPK-signalling components in plants. Information obtained from Arabidopsis provides a framework for a unified nomenclature and the assembly and function of MAPK-signalling pathways. Strategies and tools are evolving to connect MAPK pathways and to determine their function. As a result, MAPK signalling modules emerged, one of which appears to antagonistically regulate stress- and growth-responses and another that regulates cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to respond to a wide range of environmental stresses is highly flexible and finely balanced through the interaction of hormonal plant growth regulators and the redox signalling hub, which integrates information from the environment and cellular metabolism/physiology. Plant hormones produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) as second messengers in signalling cascades that convey information concerning changes in hormone concentrations and/or sensitivity to mediate a whole range of adaptive responses. Cellular redox buffering capacity that is determined largely by the abundance of ascorbate has a profound influence on the threshold at which hormone signalling is triggered and on the interactions between different hormones. Other antioxidants such as glutathione, glutaredoxins and thioredoxins are also central redox regulators of hormone signalling pathways. The complex network of cross-communication between oxidants and antioxidants in the redox signalling hub and the different hormone signalling pathways maximises productivity under stress-free situations and regulates plant growth, development, reproduction, programmed cell death and survival upon exposure to stress. This interactive network confers enormous regulatory potential because it allows plants to adapt to changing and often challenging conditions, while preventing boom or bust scenarios with regard to resources, ensuring that energy is produced and utilised in a safe and efficient manner.  相似文献   

Background: Oncogenes are the genes that have the potential to induce cancer. The extent and origin of codon usage bias is an important indicator of the forces shaping genome evolution in living organisms. Results: We observed moderate correlations between gene expression as measured by CAI and GC content at any codon site. The findings of our results showed that there is a significant positive correlation (Spearman''s r= 0.45, P<0.01) between GC content at first and second codon position with that of third codon position. Further, striking negative correlation (r = -0.771, P < 0.01) between ENC with the GC3s values of each gene and positive correlation (r=0.644, P<0.01) in between CAI and ENC was also observed. Conclusions: The mutation pressure is the major determining factor in shaping the codon usage pattern of oncogenes rather than natural selection since its effects are present at all codon positions. The results revealed that codon usage bias determines the level of oncogene expression in human. Highly expressed oncogenes had rich GC contents with high degree of codon usage bias.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase in rat adipocyte membranes was inactivated as a result of treatment with sulfhydryl oxidants or with p-chloromercuribenzoate as well as by S-alkylating agents. The inhibition of the basal and isoproterenol- or glucagon-stimulated enzyme activity by the oxidants or the mercurial could be reversed by adding thiols to the isolated membranes. The activity of the enzyme paralleled the cellular glutathione (GSH) content. Lowering of intracellular glutathione by incubating the cells with specific reactants resulted in the inhibition of both basal and hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in the isolated membranes. Activity could be partly restored by supplying glucose to the incubation medium of intact cells. The fluoride-stimulated adenylate cyclase was also inhibited by the oxidants or the sulfhydryl inhibitors. The results suggest that adenylate cyclase may be partly regulated by oxidation-reduction. Thus, a direct relationship between both basal and hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and the cellular redox potential, determined by the cellular level of reduced glutathione, may be ascribed to the protection of the catalytic -SH groups of the enzyme from oxidative or peroxidative reactions and maintenance of the redox optimum for the reaction.  相似文献   

Transcriptional cross talk between NF-kappaB and p53   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

The chemical cross talk between rice and barnyardgrass which is one of the most noxious weeds in rice cultivation was investigated. Allelopathic activity of rice was increased by the presence of barnyardgrass seedlings or barnyardgrass root exudates. Rice allelochemical, momilactone B, concentration in rice seedlings and momilactone B secretion level from rice were also increased by the presence of barnyardgrass seedlings or barnyardgrass root exudates. As momilactone B possesses strong growth inhibitory activity and acts as an allelochemical, barnyardgrass-induced rice allelopathy may be due to the increased momilactone B secretion. These results suggest that rice may respond to the presence of neighboring barnyardgrass by sensing the chemical components in barnyardgrass root exudates and increase allelopathic activity by elevated production and secretion levels of momilactone B. Thus, rice allelopathy may be one of the inducible defense mechanisms by chemical-mediated plant interaction between rice and barnyardgrass and the induced-allelopathy may provide a competitive advantage for rice through suppression of the growth of barnyardgrass.Key words: allelopathy, Echinochloa, chemical interaction, induced-allelopathy, momilactone, Oryza sativaThe chemical cross talk between host and symbiotic or parasitic plants is an essential process for the development of physical connections in symbiosis and parasitism.13 Barnyardgrass is one of the most common and noxious weeds in rice paddy fields.4 Although barnyardgrass is adapted rice production system due to its similarity in growth habit, the reason why barnyardgrass so often invades into the rice paddy fields is unknown. There might be some special interactions between both plant species.Plants are able to accumulate phytoalexins around infection sites of pathogens soon after sensing elicitors of pathogen origin. This accumulation of phytoalexins can protect the plants from further pathogen infection.5,6 Plants are also able to activate defense mechanisms against attacking herbivores by sensing volatile compounds, such as methacrolein and methyl jasmonate, released by herbivore-attacked plant cells. The volatile-sensed plants increase the production of phenolics, alkaloids, terpenes and defense proteins, which reduce herbivory attacks.7,8 Therefore, plants are able to elevate the defense mechanisms against several biotic stress conditions by detection of various compounds.Allelopathy is the direct influence of organic chemicals released from plants on the growth and development of other plants.911 Allelochemicals are such organic chemicals involved in the allelopathy.12,13 Allelochemicals can provide a competitive advantage for host-plants through suppression of soil microorganism and inhibition of the growth of competing plant species because of their antibacterial, antifungal and growth inhibitory activities.3,14,15Rice has been extensively studied with respect to its allelopathy as part of a strategy for sustainable weed management, such as breeding allelopathic rice strains. A large number of rice varieties were found to inhibit the growth of several plant species when these rice varieties were grown together with these plants under the field or/and laboratory conditions.1620 These findings suggest that rice may produce and release allelochemicals into the neighboring environments and may inhibit the growth of the neighboring plants by the allelochemicals.Potent allelochemical, momilactone B, was isolated from rice root exudates.21 Momilactone B inhibits the growth of typical rice weeds like barnyardgrass and Echinochloa colonum at concentrations greater than 1 µM and the toxicity of momilactone B to rice itself was very low.22 In addition, rice plants secrete momilactone B from the roots into the rhizosphere over their entire life cycle.22 The observations suggest rice allelopathy may be primarily dependant on the secretion levels of momilactone B from the rice seedlings.22,23Allelopathic activity of rice exhibited 5.3- to 6.3-fold increases when rice and barnyardgrass seedlings were grown together. Root exudates of barnyardgrass seedlings also increased allelopathic activity and momilactone B concentration in rice seedlings. The increasing the exudate concentration increased the allelopathic activity and momilactone B concentration in rice.24 Thus, the chemical components in barnyardgrass root exudates may affect gene expressions involved in momilactone B biosynthesis. However, effects of the barnyardgrass root exudates on the secretion level of mimilactone B from rice has not yet reported.Rice seedlings were incubated in the medium containing barnyardgrass root exudates for 10 d, and secretion level of momilactone B by rice was determined (Fig. 1). The root exudates increased the secretion level significantly at concentrations greater than 30 mg/L of barnyardgrass root exudates, and increasing the concentration increased the secretion level. At concentrations of 300 mg/L of the root exudates, the secretion level was 10-fold greater than that in control (0 mg of root exudate). There was no significant difference in the osmotic potential between the medium contained barnyardgrass root exudates and control medium (all about 10 mmol/kg), and pH value of the medium was maintained at 6.0 throughout the experiments.25 These results suggest that unknown chemical components in the barnyardgrass root exudates may induce the secretion of momilactone B from rice. As momilactone B possesses strong phytotoxic and allelopathic activities,2123,25 the elevated production and secretion of momilactone B in rice may provide a competitive advantage for root establishment through local suppression of pathogens and inhibition of the growth of competing plant species including barnyardgrass. Thus, barnyardgrass-induced rice allelopathy may be caused by the chemical components in the barnyardgrass root exudates.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effects of barnyardgrass root exudates on momilactone B secretion level in rice. Rice seedlings were incubated in the medium containing barnyardgrass root exudates for 10 d, and secretion level of momilactone B was determined as described by Kato-Noguchi.24 The experiment was repeated six times with three assays for each determination. Different letters show significant difference (p < 0.01) according to Tukey''s HSD test.Although mechanisms of the exudation are not well understood, it is suggested that plants are able to secrete a wide variety of compounds from root cells by plasmalemma-derived exudation, endoplasmic-derived exudation and proton-pumping mechanisms.3,15 Through the root exudation of compounds, plants are able to regulate the soil microbial community in their immediate vicinity, change the chemical and physical properties of the soil, and inhibit the growth of competing plant species.3,14,15 The present research suggests that rice may be aware of the presence of neighboring barnyardgrass by detection of certain key in barnyardgrass root exudates, and this sensorial function may trigger a signal cascade resulting in increasing rice allelopathy through increasing production of momilactone B and secretion of momilactone B into the rhizosphere. Therefore, rice allelopathy may potentially be an inducible defense mechanism by chemical-mediated plant interactions between rice and barnyardgrass.  相似文献   

Cellular reduction/oxidation (redox) state was found toplay an important role in regulation of cell proliferation,differentiation and apoptosis [1,2]. Researches in the pastdecade showed that the chemotherapeutic effects ofa number of cytotoxic drugs are influenced by the cellularredox state. Arsenic trioxide (As2O3), as a novel chemo-therapeutic agent treating acute promyelocytic leukemia(APL), induces apoptosis of leukemia cells with de-pendence on the cellular redox state [3,4]. Redox sta…  相似文献   

The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) shows an altered cell apoptosis rate compared to normotensive controls by a mechanism that may involve redox imbalance. This study was designed to determine whether cellular oxidative stress and apoptosis in blood lymphocytes are enhanced in the SHR by intrinsic cellular abnormalities and/or by factors derived from selected organs (kidney, adrenals). We identified apoptosis and free radical production in isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes with flow cytometry before and after serum withdrawal, which exposes the cells to a pro-oxidative condition. Freshly drawn SHR lymphocytes showed higher levels of apoptosis and intracellular oxygen radicals than lymphocytes from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (p < 0.05). Apoptosis and intracellular oxygen radicals were profoundly elevated after serum-free incubation in SHR cells and to a lesser extent in normotensive controls suspended in exactly the same medium (p < 0.01, SHR vs normotensives). Cell-permeable antioxidants, L-cysteine and Tempol, attenuated serum deprivation-induced apoptosis as well as cellular oxidative stress. Blood plasma and organ extracts from the SHR exerted pro- or antiapoptotic activity to the same degree as those from normotensives. The results suggest that blood lymphocyte apoptosis is enhanced in the SHR due to intrinsically disturbed cellular redox balance rather than altered activity in extracellular humoral factors.  相似文献   

In this study we measured reduced glutathione as DTNB reactive material in different brain areas as well as in liver and kidney of rat, before and after exogenous administration of GSH. Treatment with GSH produced an increase in DTNB positive material as well as a decrease of lipoperoxidation, in central and peripheral organs of rat, suggesting the possibility of an exogenous modulation of redox balance in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the pancreas. A mutation and constitutive activation of K-ras occurs in more than 90% of pancreatic adenocarcinomas. A successful approach for the treatment of pancreatic cancers is urgent. Antroquinonol, a ubiquinone derivative isolated from a camphor tree mushroom, Antrodia camphorata, induced a concentration-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation in pancreatic cancer PANC-1 and AsPC-1 cells. Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content by propidium iodide staining showed that antroquinonol induced G1 arrest of the cell cycle and a subsequent apoptosis. Antroquinonol inhibited Akt phosphorylation at Ser(473), the phosphorylation site critical for Akt kinase activity, and blocked the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) phosphorylation at Ser(2448), a site dependent on mTOR activity. Several signals responsible for mTOR/p70S6K/4E-BP1 signaling cascades have also been examined to validate the pathway. Moreover, antroquinonol induced the down-regulation of several cell cycle regulators and mitochondrial antiapoptotic proteins. In contrast, the expressions of K-ras and its phosphorylation were significantly increased. The coimmunoprecipitation assay showed that the association of K-ras and Bcl-xL was dramatically augmented, which was indicative of apoptotic cell death. Antroquinonol also induced the cross talk between apoptosis, autophagic cell death and accelerated senescence, which was, at least partly, explained by the up-regulation of p21(Waf1/Cip1) and K-ras. In summary, the data suggest that antroquinonol induces anticancer activity in human pancreatic cancers through an inhibitory effect on PI3-kinase/Akt/mTOR pathways that in turn down-regulates cell cycle regulators. The translational inhibition causes G1 arrest of the cell cycle and an ultimate mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. Moreover, autophagic cell death and accelerated senescence also explain antroquinonol-mediated anticancer effect.  相似文献   

Molecular cross talk between epithelial cells and pathogenic microorganisms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
M J Wick  J L Madara  B N Fields  S J Normark 《Cell》1991,67(4):651-659
The conference brought together epithelial cell biologists and molecular microbiologists and emphasized that these seemingly diverse disciplines are intricately intertwined. The model systems discussed throughout the meeting emphasized the novel approaches available to address key issues and begin to understand the molecular details of responses triggered at the microbial-epithelial interface. For example, co-crystallization of native ligand-receptor complexes as well as biologically or chemically altered forms of these complexes will allow fine details of receptor-ligand interactions to be determined. This approach is critical in development of new generation antimicrobial agents. Furthermore, transfection techniques that allow receptor expression in model epithelia, development of representative animal model systems, and development of transgenic mouse strains will aid in dissecting microbial-epithelial interactions and will provide further advances in studies on pathogenesis and tissue and host tropism. We are only beginning to uncover the nature of the bidirectional regulatory signals that occur between microbes and hosts. We know little about how these signals relate to the disease state, to microbial virulence, or to immune function. Clearly the cross talk between cell biologists and microbiologists is an important step in unraveling the events occurring between microbes and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of cross talk between gibberellin and other hormones   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Weiss D  Ori N 《Plant physiology》2007,144(3):1240-1246

Cisplatin is a highly effective chemotherapeutic agent which causes severe nephrotoxicity. Studies have suggested that reactive oxygen species, mainly generated in mitochondria, play a central role in cisplatin-induced renal damage. A wide range of antioxidants have been evaluated as possible protective agents against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; however a safe and efficacious compound has not yet been found. The present study is the first to evaluate the protective potential of carvedilol, a beta-blocker with strong antioxidant properties, against the mitochondrial oxidative stress and apoptosis in kidney of rats treated with cisplatin. The following cisplatin-induced toxic effects were prevented by carvedilol: increased plasmatic levels of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN); lipid peroxidation, oxidation of cardiolipin; oxidation of protein sulfhydryls; depletion of the non-enzymatic antioxidant defense and increased activity of caspase-3. Carvedilol per se did not present any effect on renal mitochondria. It was concluded that carvedilol prevents mitochondrial dysfunction and renal cell death through the protection against the oxidative stress and redox state unbalance induced by cisplatin. The association of carvedilol to cisplatin chemotherapy was suggested as a possible strategy to minimize the nephrotoxicity induced by this antitumor agent.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and chloroplasts depend upon each other; photosynthesis provides substrates for mitochondrial respiration and mitochondrial metabolism is essential for sustaining photosynthetic carbon assimilation. In addition, mitochondrial respiration protects photosynthesis against photoinhibition by dissipating excess redox equivalents from the chloroplasts. Genetic defects in mitochondrial function result in an excessive reduction and energization of the chloroplast. Thus, it is clear that the activities of mitochondria and plastids need to be coordinated, but the manner by which the organelles communicate to coordinate their activities is unknown. The regulator of alternative oxidase (rao1) mutant was isolated as a mutant unable to induce AOX1a expression in response to the inhibitor of the mitochondrial cytochrome c reductase (complex III), antimycin A. RAO1 encodes the nuclear localized cyclin-dependent kinase E1 (CDKE1). Interestingly, the rao1 mutant demonstrates a genome uncoupled phenotype also in response to redox changes in the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Thus, CDKE1 was shown to regulate both LIGHT HARVESTING COMPLEX B (LHCB) and ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE 1 (AOX1a) expression in response to retrograde signals. Our results suggest that CDKE1 is a central nuclear component integrating mitochondrial and plastid retrograde signals and plays a role in regulating energy metabolism during the response to stress.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are increasingly ascribed central roles in vital cell signalling cascades. These organelles are now recognised as initiators and transducers of a range of cell signals, including those central to activation and amplification of apoptotic cell death. Moreover, as the main source of cellular ATP, mitochondria must be responsive to fluctuating energy demands of the cell. As local and global fluctuations in calcium concentration are ubiquitous in eukaryotic cells and are the common factor in a dizzying array of intra- and inter-cellular signalling cascades, the relationships between mitochondrial function and calcium transients is currently a subject of intense scrutiny. It is clear that mitochondria not only act as local calcium buffers, thus shaping spatiotemporal aspects of cytosolic calcium signals, but that they also respond to calcium uptake by upregulating the tricarboxylic acid cycle, thus reacting metabolically to local signalling. In this chapter we review current knowledge of mechanisms of mitochondrial calcium uptake and release and discuss the consequences of mitochondrial calcium handling for cell function, particularly in conjunction with mitochondrial oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Nicotine contributes to the onset and progression of several pulmonary diseases. Among the various pathophysiological mechanisms triggered by nicotine, oxidative stress and cell death are reported in several cell types. We found that chronic exposure to nicotine (48 h) induced NOX1-dependent oxidative stress and apoptosis in primary pulmonary cells. In murine (MLE-12) and human (BEAS-2B) lung epithelial cell lines, nicotine acted as a sensitizer to cell death and synergistically enhanced apoptosis when cells were concomitantly exposed to hyperoxia. The precise signaling pathway was investigated in MLE-12 cells in which NOX1 was abrogated by a specific inhibitor or stably silenced by shRNA. In the early phase of exposure (1 h), nicotine mediated intracellular Ca2+ fluxes and activation of protein kinase C, which in its turn activated NOX1, leading to cellular and mitochondrial oxidative stress. The latter triggered the intrinsic apoptotic machinery by modulating the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax. Overexpression of Bcl-2 completely prevented nicotine’s detrimental effects, suggesting Bcl-2 as a downstream key regulator in nicotine/NOX1-induced cell damage. These results suggest that NOX1 is a major contributor to the generation of intracellular oxidative stress induced by nicotine and might be an important molecule to target in nicotine-related lung pathologies.  相似文献   

Membrane redox state is governed by the complex interplay between oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and lipophilic antioxidants. In this issue of Cell Metabolism, Seiler et al. (2008) show that a lipid oxidase, 12/15-lipoxygenase, and a membrane antioxidant enzyme, glutathione peroxidase-4, interact to regulate a novel redox-dependent cell death pathway.  相似文献   

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