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Microdialysis perfusion of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) in rat lumbar spinal cord produces severe motoneuron damage and consequently hindlimb paralysis. Here we studied the time course of the AMPA-induced neurodegenerative changes and motor alterations, and the protective effect of leupeptin, an inhibitor of calpain, a Ca(2+)-activated protease. Paralysis occurs at 4-6 h after AMPA perfusion, but cresyl violet staining showed that motoneuron damage starts at about 3 h and progresses until reaching 50% neuronal loss at 6 h and 90% loss at 12 h. In contrast, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry revealed that the enzyme is already decreased at 30 min after AMPA perfusion and practically disappears at 3 h. Microdialysis coperfusion of leupeptin with AMPA prevented the motor alterations and paralysis and remarkably reduced both the decrement in ChAT immunoreactivity and the loss of motoneurons. We conclude that an increased Ca(2+) influx through Ca(2+)-permeable AMPA receptors activates calpain, and as a consequence ChAT content decreases earlier than other Ca(2+)-dependent processes, including the proteolytic activity of calpain, cause the death of motoneurons.  相似文献   

A recent study has shown that short-term training in response inhibition can make people more cautious for up to two hours when making decisions. However, the longevity of such training effects is unclear. In this study we tested whether training in the stop-signal paradigm reduces risky gambling when the training and gambling task are separated by 24 hours. Two independent experiments revealed that the aftereffects of stop-signal training are negligible after 24 hours. This was supported by Bayes factors that provided strong support for the null hypothesis. These findings indicate the need to better optimise the parameters of inhibition training to achieve clinical efficacy, potentially by strengthening automatic associations between specific stimuli and stopping.  相似文献   

Cleavage of transmembrane receptors by γ-secretase is the final step in the process of regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) and has a significant impact on receptor function. Although relatively little is known about the molecular mechanism of γ-secretase enzymatic activity, it is becoming clear that substrate dimerization and/or the α-helical structure of the substrate can regulate the site and rate of γ-secretase activity. Here we show that the transmembrane domain of the pan-neurotrophin receptor p75NTR, best known for regulating neuronal death, is sufficient for its homodimerization. Although the p75NTR ligands NGF and pro-NGF do not induce homerdimerization or RIP, homodimers of p75NTR are γ-secretase substrates. However, dimerization is not a requirement for p75NTR cleavage, suggesting that γ-secretase has the ability to recognize and cleave each receptor molecule independently. The transmembrane cysteine 257, which mediates covalent p75NTR interactions, is not crucial for homodimerization, but this residue is required for normal rates of γ-secretase cleavage. Similarly, mutation of the residues alanine 262 and glycine 266 of an AXXXG dimerization motif flanking the γ-secretase cleavage site within the p75NTR transmembrane domain alters the orientation of the domain and inhibits γ-secretase cleavage of p75NTR. Nonetheless, heteromer interactions of p75NTR with TrkA increase full-length p75NTR homodimerization, which in turn potentiates the rate of γ-cleavage following TrkA activation independently of rates of α-cleavage. These results provide support for the idea that the helical structure of the p75NTR transmembrane domain, which may be affected by co-receptor interactions, is a key element in γ-secretase-catalyzed cleavage.  相似文献   

A natural avermectin complex, aversectin C, was shown to be capable of exerting selective cytostatic and neurotoxic effects on mammalian cells. Specifically, it killed proliferating neuroblastoma B103 cells but was non-toxic for differentiated cells of this culture. The anti-proliferation action of aversectin C was not inhibited by bicuculline or picrotoxin, antagonists of the GABA receptors, and was partly due to the action of avermectin A1, a component of aversectin C. Aversectin C irreversibly suppressed activity of 60% neurons in medial septal slices of the rat brain. More than 55% of them were the GABA- and B1-sensitive neurons whereas the rest, about 45% neurons, were the GABA-insensitive and the neurotoxic effect of aversectin C was caused mainly by the B2 component.  相似文献   



Interventions for T2DM have in part aimed to mimic exercise. Here, we have compared the independent and combined effects of a PPARδ agonist and endurance training mimetic (GW501516) and a myostatin antibody and resistance training mimetic (PF-879) on metabolic and performance outcomes in obese insulin resistant mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Male ob/ob mice were treated for 6 weeks with vehicle, GW501516, PF-879, or GW501516 in combination with PF-879. The effects of the interventions on body composition, glucose homeostasis, glucose tolerance, energy expenditure, exercise capacity and metabolic gene expression were compared at the end of study. GW501516 attenuated body weight and fat mass accumulation and increased the expression of genes of oxidative metabolism. In contrast, PF-879 increased body weight by driving muscle growth and altered the expression of genes involved in insulin signaling and glucose metabolism. Despite their differences, both interventions alone improved glucose homeostasis. Moreover, GW501516 more effectively improved serum lipids, and PF-879 uniquely increased energy expenditure, exercise capacity and adiponectin levels. When combined the robust effects of GW501516 and/or PF-879 on body weight, adiposity, muscle mass, glycemia, serum lipids, energy expenditure and exercise capacity were highly conserved.


The data, for the first time, demonstrate postnatal inhibition of myostatin not only promotes gains in muscle mass similar to resistance training,but improves metabolic homeostasis. In several instances, these effects were either distinct from or complimentary to those of GW501516. The data further suggest that strategies to increase muscle mass, and not necessarily oxidative capacity, may effectively counter insulin resistance and T2DM.  相似文献   



The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a cellular compartment for the biosynthesis and folding of newly synthesized secretory proteins such as insulin. Perturbations to ER homeostasis cause ER stress and subsequently activate cell signaling pathways, collectively known as the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR). IRE1α is a central component of the UPR. In pancreatic β-cells, IRE1α also functions in the regulation of insulin biosynthesis.

Principal Findings

Here we report that hyperactivation of IRE1α caused by chronic high glucose treatment or IRE1α overexpression leads to insulin mRNA degradation in pancreatic β-cells. Inhibition of IRE1α signaling using its dominant negative form prevents insulin mRNA degradation. Islets from mice heterozygous for IRE1α retain expression of more insulin mRNA after chronic high glucose treatment than do their wild-type littermates.


These results reveal a role of IRE1α in insulin mRNA expression under ER stress conditions caused by chronic high glucose. The rapid degradation of insulin mRNA could provide immediate relief for the ER and free up the translocation machinery. Thus, this mechanism would preserve ER homeostasis and help ensure that the insulin already inside the ER can be properly folded and secreted. This adaptation may be crucial for the maintenance of β-cell homeostasis and may explain why the β-cells of type 2 diabetic patients with chronic hyperglycemia stop producing insulin in the absence of apoptosis. This mechanism may also be involved in suppression of the autoimmune type 1 diabetes by reducing the amount of misfolded insulin, which could be a source of “neo-autoantigens.”  相似文献   


In this study, various 400 ps molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to determine the stabilizing effect of O-glycosylation on the secondary structural integrity of the design α-loop-α motif, which has the optimal loop length of 7 Gly residues (denoted as N-A16G7A16-C). In general, O-glycosylation stabilizes the structural integrity of the model peptide regardless of the length and position of glycosylation sites because it decreases the opportunity for water molecules to compete for the intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The designed peptide exhibits the highest helicity when residues 11 and 31 are replaced with Ser residues followed by O-linked with 3 galactose residues, representing the “face-to-face” glycosylation near the loop. In this case, the loop exhibits an extended conformation and several new hydrogen bonds are observed between the main chain of the loop and the galactose residues, resulting in decreasing the fluctuation and increasing the stability of the entire peptide. When the glycosylation are made close to the loop, the secondary structural integrity of the α-loop-α motif increases with the number of galactose residues. In addition, “face- to-face” glycosylation increases the structural integrity of this motif to a greater extent than “back-to-back” glycosylation. However, when the glycosylation are created away from the loop and near the N- and C-termini, no general rule is found for the stabilizing effect.  相似文献   

γδ T cells express several different toll-like receptor (TLR)s. The role of MyD88- dependent TLR signaling in TCR activation of murine γδ T cells is incompletely defined. Here, we report that Pam3CSK4 (PAM, TLR2 agonist) and CL097 (TLR7 agonist), but not lipopolysaccharide (TLR4 agonist), increased CD69 expression and Th1-type cytokine production upon anti-CD3 stimulation of γδ T cells from young adult mice (6-to 10-week-old). However, these agonists alone did not induce γδ T cell activation. Additionally, we noted that neither PAM nor CL097 synergized with anti-CD3 in inducing CD69 expression on γδ T cells of aged mice (21-to 22-month-old). Compared to young γδ T cells, PAM and CL097 increased Th-1 type cytokine production with a lower magnitude from anti-CD3- stimulated, aged γδ T cells. Vγ1+ and Vγ4+ cells are two subpopulations of splenic γδ T cells. PAM had similar effects in anti-CD3-activated control and Vγ4+ subset- depleted γδ T cells; whereas CL097 induced more IFN-γ production from Vγ4+ subset-depleted γδ T cells than from the control group. Finally, we studied the role of MyD88-dependent TLRs in γδ T cell activation during West Nile virus (WNV) infection. γδ T cell, in particular, Vγ1+ subset expansion was significantly reduced in both MyD88- and TLR7- deficient mice. Treatment with TLR7 agonist induced more Vγ1+ cell expansion in wild-type mice during WNV infection. In summary, these results suggest that MyD88-dependent TLRs provide co-stimulatory signals during TCR activation of γδ T cells and these have differential effects on distinct subsets.  相似文献   

The elucidation of the molecular mechanism of porcine adipocyte differentiation is important not only to domestic animal industry, but also to medical science because of the similarities in the trait of body lipid deposition between human and pigs. In this study, we investigated the roles of RXRα in porcine (Sus scrofa) adipocyte differentiation by using RNAi method and primary cultured porcine adipocytes. With the transfection of RXRα-siRNA, the gene and protein expressions of RXRα were successfully inhibited in differentiating porcine adipocytes. By the RXRα gene silencing, the adipocyte differentiation, as characterized by lipid accumulation and GPDH activity, was suppressed. Furthermore, in association with the decrease in RXRα gene expression level, PPARγ and C/EBPα genes expression level also decreased, suggesting that RXRα is involved in their expression. Thus, our study clearly demonstrated the pivotal roles of RXRα in porcine adipocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - The gap junction protein plays an important role in the bone formation and alteration of these proteins leading to cause bone development. Aim to determine the...  相似文献   

K Jung  Q Wang  Y Kim  K Scheuer  Z Zhang  Q Shen  KO Chang  LJ Saif 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41619
The lack of an animal model for human norovirus (HuNoV) has hindered the development of therapeutic strategies. This study demonstrated that a commonly used cholesterol-lowering statin medication, simvastatin, which increases HuNoV replication in an in vitro replicon system, also enhances HuNoV infectivity in the gnotobiotic (Gn) pig model. In contrast, oral treatment with interferon (IFN)-α reduces HuNoV infectivity. Young piglets, all with A or H1 histo-blood group antigens on enterocytes, were treated orally with 8 mg/kg/day of simvastatin; 5 days later, the pigs were inoculated orally with a GII.4 HuNoV (HS194/2009/US strain) and then treated with simvastatin for 5 more days. Simvastatin induced significantly earlier onset and longer duration of HuNoV fecal shedding in treated pigs, frequently with higher fecal viral titers. Simvastatin impaired poly (I:C)-induced IFN-α expression in macrophages or dendritic cells, possibly due to lowered toll-like receptor (TLR) 3 expression; however, the mechanisms were not related to interferon regulatory factor 3 or nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathway. Thus, the enhanced, earlier infectivity of HuNoV in simvastatin-treated pigs coincided with the inhibitory effect of simvastatin on innate immunity. In contrast to the increased HuNoV shedding that simvastatin induced, viral shedding during the treatment period was reduced or curtailed in the HuNoV-inoculated pigs pre-treated/treated with human IFN-α. Our findings are the first to indicate that IFN-α has potential as antiviral therapy against HuNoV. Based on these intriguing and novel findings using the Gn pig model, we confirmed that HuNoV infectivity is altered by treatment with simvastatin or IFN-α. Collectively, these findings indicate that Gn pigs are a useful model to test immunomodulators or efficacy of antivirals against HuNoV.  相似文献   



The topoisomerases Top1, Top2α and Top2β are important molecular targets for antitumor drugs, which specifically poison Top1 or Top2 isomers. While it was previously demonstrated that poisoned Top1 and Top2β are subject to proteasomal degradation, this phenomena was not demonstrated for Top2α.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We show here that Top2α is subject to drug induced proteasomal degradation as well, although at a lower rate than Top2β. Using an siRNA screen we identified Bmi1 and Ring1A as subunits of an E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in this process. We show that silencing of Bmi1 inhibits drug-induced Top2α degradation, increases the persistence of Top2α-DNA cleavage complex, and increases Top2 drug efficacy. The Bmi1/Ring1A ligase ubiquitinates Top2α in-vitro and cellular overexpression of Bmi1 increases drug induced Top2α ubiquitination. A small-molecular weight compound, identified in a screen for inhibitors of Bmi1/Ring1A ubiquitination activity, also prevents Top2α ubiquitination and drug-induced Top2α degradation. This ubiquitination inhibitor increases the efficacy of topoisomerase 2 poisons in a synergistic manner.


The discovery that poisoned Top2α is undergoing proteasomal degradation combined with the involvement of Bmi1/Ring1A, allowed us to identify a small molecule that inhibits the degradation process. The Bmi1/Ring1A inhibitor sensitizes cells to Top2 drugs, suggesting that this type of drug combination will have a beneficial therapeutic outcome. As Bmi1 is also a known oncogene, elevated in numerous types of cancer, the identified Bmi1/Ring1A ubiquitin ligase inhibitors can also be potentially used to directly target the oncogenic properties of Bmi1.  相似文献   

Summary The commonest intracellular organelle characteristic of the Phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata (Subclass Zoantharia) is the spirocyst. Based on scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the tentacles of sea anemones and corals, it appears that the tip of the spirocyst is either exposed to the environment or covered by a thin plasma membrane and often has a pebbled or knobby appearance. Surrounding the spirocyst tip is a ring-like structure which seems to be formed by the junction of the enclosing cell (the spirocyte) and the tip of the spirocyst. The spirocyst thread is continuous with the capsule wall and emerges from within the apical ring during discharge. No ciliary structures appear to be associated with spirocysts. Instead, two different types of microvilli have been found: short microvilli on the spirocyte itself and long microvilli furnished by the cell or cells surrounding the spirocyte. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the reception of stimuli for spirocyst discharge.Thanks are due Dr. Cadet Hand for the use of facilities of the Bodega Marine Laboratory of the University of California and Dr. R.K. Thompson, P. Nemanic, H. Sampson, F. Doroshow, E. Chang and B. Miller for expert technical assistance. The use of the facilities of the Electron Microscope Laboratory and the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California and the Electron Microscope Laboratory of the Florida State University is gratefully acknowledged. Part of this work was made possible by NSF Grant # GB-40547 to the senior author.  相似文献   

Biophysics - We investigated the effects of the H2S and CO gasomediators on Ca2+-dependent potassium channels and an anion exchanger, which participate in the induction of the hyperpolarization...  相似文献   

Shen–Zhi–Ling (SZL) is a Chinese medicine formulated from a Kai–Xin–San decoction that is commonly used to treat depression caused by dual deficiencies in the heart and spleen. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We investigated biological changes in depression patients (DPs) exhibiting antidepressant responses to SZL treatment using proteomic techniques. We performed label-free quantitative proteomic analysis and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry to discover and examine altered proteins involved in depression and antidepressant treatment. Serum samples were collected from DPs, DPs who underwent 8 weeks of SZL treatment and healthy controls (HCs). The proteins that differed among the three groups were further validated by Western blot analysis. By performing multivariate analyses, we identified 12 potential serum biomarkers that were differentially expressed among the HC, DP, and SZL groups. We then confirmed the significant changes in alpha-1-antitrypsin, von Willebrand factors, apolipoprotein C-III, and alpha-2-macroglobulin among the three groups by performing Western blot analysis, which supported the proteomic results. Profiling the proteomic changes in DPs treated with SZL could improve our understanding of the pathways involved in SZL responses, such as alterations in platelet activation, inflammatory regulation, and lipid metabolism. Future studies involving larger patient cohorts are necessary to draw more definitive conclusions.  相似文献   

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