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When immune NIH mice were killed 10 days after a challenge infection with Nematospiroides dubius, approximately 10% of the inoculated larvae were recovered from the intestinal lumen, irrespective of the dose administered. When such mice were treated with cortisone from Day 10 for a period of 8 to 14 days and were subsequently killed for worm counts, it was found that they had significantly more worms than the immune control mice killed on Day 10. During the week following the beginning of treatment with cortisone there was little change in the low worm burdens in immune mice. However, 9 to 11 days after this treatment worm counts indicated that worms were accumulating in the intestinal lumen, and concurrently eggs were recorded in the feces of the mice. These observations indicated that a period of 9 to 11 days was required after the initiation of cortisone treatment on Day 10 for the worms in immune mice to complete their development to the adult lumen-dwelling stage. It is suggested that the larvae in the challenge infection became arrested early in their development in the intestinal wall and that growth resumed only after cortisone treatment. When treatment with cortisone was initiated later after challenge, it was still effective in reactivating arrested worms, but the lower worm recoveries in these mice indicated that the arrested larvae were being slowly rejected by the host. In subsequent experiments it was established that the arrested larvae of N. dubius were insusceptible to the activity of pyrantel embonate, an anthelmintic which is 99% effective against adult worms in the intestinal lumen. The mechanism whereby the larvae of N. dubius became arrested in immune mice and subsequently resumed their development after cortisone treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Neilson J.T. McL., Forrester D.J. and Thompson N.P. 1973. Immunologic studies on Heligmosomoides polygyrus infection in the mouse: The dynamics of single and multiple infections and the effect of DDT upon acquired resistance. International Journal for Parasitology3: 371–378. Swiss Webster mice were given infections of 100,200, 300 and 400 Heligmosomoides polygyrus (= Nematospiroides dubius) larvae respectively at intervals of 4 weeks. Where appropriate, the preceding infection was terminated with anthelmintic 7 days prior to the subsequent infection. Animals were killed at regular inteivals following each infection and the worm burdens compared with those found in control mice given a primary infection of similar size. The expulsion of worms in mice given three previous infections occurred after day 3 and before day 7 postinfection indicating that those larvae moulting from the fourth to fifth stages may be most susceptible to the host's resistance mechanisms. The administration of p,p'-DDT to hyperinfected mice did not interfere with the immunologic expulsion of worms.  相似文献   

Approximately 60% of fourth-stage larvae of Nematospiroides dubius recovered from mice 6 days after infection, developed to the young adult stage when cultured over a 7-day period in a complex medium in vitro. Larvae at the late fourth stage of development were found to be highly susceptible to most broad spectrum anthelmintics under in vitro conditions, the benzimidazole, imidazothiazole, pyrimidine, isothiocyanate and macrocyclic lactone compounds all being active at very low concentrations. Narrow spectrum anthelmintics active only against ascarids, pinworms, filariae, cestodes or trematodes had little or no effect on these larvae. Ineffective also were those chlorinated hydrocarbon, substituted phenol and salicylanilide compounds known to affect Haemonchus but not trichostrongylid worms in general. It is concluded that in vitro assays employing larvae of N. dubius are useful for the stringent screening of compounds for broad spectrum antitrichostrongyle activity. Used in conjunction with in vivo screens employing N. dubius in mice, they also afford means for detecting intrinsic activity against the parasite in a system free from any complicating host pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

Mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius were incapable of responding normally to i.p. or i.v. challenge with SRBC. The HA and PFC response to SRBC in infected animals was characterized by a severe depression of antibody to SRBC on day 4 and a reduced HA peak titre during the following week. The greatest depression of the response to SRBC was associated with an interval of 14 days between infection and the administration of antigen, suggesting that a particular stage of the parasite contributed significantly to immunodepression during this critical period. It was proposed that a combination of parasite induced damage to the intestine, release of parasite secretory/excretory products and loss of appetite by the host produced trauma during which the host was incapable of responding normally. However, mice given low-level and long-standing infections also showed reduced responses to SRBC, although these animals were not severely depressed. It is possible that this generalized weakening of host immunocompetence is the inevitable consequence of a parasite mechanism which operates more specifically to suppress the expression of homologous immunity at the intestinal level.  相似文献   

Test mice have been selectively reared for high (H) or low (L) immune responses to Nematospiroides dubius. After secondary infection with N. dubius, the L mice voided ten times as many eggs in their faeces as the H mice, and at necropsy, 71% versus 20% of the inoculum of N. dubius were recovered as adult worms from the L and H mice respectively. Furthermore, N. dubius were more fecund in the L than in H mice. High or low immune responsiveness was not restricted to N. dubius infection in these mice but was also observed during Toxocara canis infection. The migration of T. canis larvae from gut via the liver to skeletal muscle and CNS was inhibited in H versus L mice. Many more larvae were recovered from the livers of H compared with L mice which was indicative of greater immunity in the H mice. The protective immune response in H compared with L mice to both N. dubius and T. canis included pronounced eosinophilia and elevated antiparasite antibody titres.  相似文献   

Mice (C57BL) infected with the intestinal nematode Nematospiroides dubius showed depressed delayed type hypersensitivity responses to ovalbumin administered subcutaneously in Freund's complete adjuvant. IgG and IgM responses to this inoculum were unaffected. It is unlikely that the depression arose from impairment of the ear test response because responses to an extract of the adult parasite were measurable and ear testing with lipopolysaccharide yielded normal responses in infected mice. Furthermore, mice immunized on the day of infection responded normally, whilst long term infected mice ear challenged with antigen pulsed macrophages gave depressed responses. The in vitro proliferative responses of cells from the spleens and from the lymph nodes draining the site of immunization were enhanced marginally by N. dubius infection. Furthermore, these cells induced normal or elevated adoptive delayed-type hypersensitivity and IgG responses in irradiated recipients. These findings suggest that N. dubius does not compromise the development of ovalbumin specific T cells involved in a delayed type hypersensitivity response. Evidence for the induction of suppressor cells by N. dubius is discussed, and the findings are compared with results obtained with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, a parasite which is rejected rapidly from the mouse.  相似文献   

Harness E., Hughes D. L. and Doy T. G. 1976. The demonstration of a pre-hepatic immune response to Fasciola hepatica in the mouse. International Journal for Parasitology6: 15–17. Two groups of mice were immunized with either one oral dose of 20 irradiated metacercariae per mouse or 2 such doses given 7 days apart. Twenty-one days after immunization these mice together with non immunized controls were orally dosed with 100 normal metacercariae. Two days later immature flukes were recovered from the peritoneal cavity and counted. The numbers of flukes recovered from both immunized groups of mice were significantly lower than those obtained from the controls; this is taken to indicate that a protective mechanism operates at the intestinal wall.  相似文献   

High and low immune responder lines of mice were bred selectively from an allogeneic stock over 10 generations, based on their fecal parasite egg count assayed 3 weeks after reinfection with 100 Nematospiroides dubius larvae. By generation 10, (F10), the low immune response mice voided about 10 times as many fecal N. dubius eggs as the high immune response mice. Realized heritability for the selected trait, fecal egg count after secondary infection (= protective immunity), was 0.35 at F7. F7 was considered the selection limit. Selection for change in fecal egg count did not significantly influence the conformational nor reproductive characteristics of these mice. Significant phenotypic and genetic correlations were evident between the selected character and innate immunity to N. dubius, humoral antibody response to N. dubius infection, and establishment, growth, and reproduction of N. dubius in the selected mice.  相似文献   

The results of the present study show that peritoneal exudate cells from mice immune to infection with Nematospiroides dubius are able in vitro to damage the third stage infective larvae as measured by a loss in infectivity. The ability of these cells to function in the absence of specific antibody seems to be related to the presence of trypsin labile factors on their surfaces. Lymphocytes from immune mice are also able to damage the larvae. The suggestion is made that 'activated' macrophages may play an important role in immunity to this infection.  相似文献   

and 1986. Humoral and cellular responses to homologous extracts of Nematospiroides dubius and Nippostrongylus brosiliensis. International Journal for Parasitology 16: 601–606. Humoral and cellular responses to homologous parasite extracts were studied in C57BL mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius or Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, to determine whether these parasites induced specific immunosuppression which might facilitate their survival. IgG and IgM titres to adult, excretory-secretory, larval and egg antigens from N. dubius and adult antigen from N. brasiliensis increased progressively for several weeks, irrespective of parasite rejection. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to the same antigens peaked after about 2 weeks and then remained constant in N. dubius -infected mice, but declined after the rejection of N. brasiliensis. The specific lymphoproliferative responses of spleen cells to these extracts reached peak values 1–3 weeks after infection and were anti-Thy 1.2-sensitive. They then declined sharply, but remained above the levels seen in uninfected mice. These results should be considered in the interpretation of any investigations into the stable host-parasite relationship which exists during a primary N. dubius infection.  相似文献   

Mice infected with 200 to 300 Heligmosomoides polygyrus had reduced serum hemagglutinin titers following a series of oral inoculations of sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) when compared to similarly inoculated uninfected mice. Study of antibody-producing cells by the indirect hemolytic plaque technique demonstrated a low splenic response to oral immunization in which IgA predominated. No alteration was evident in the proportions of antibody-containing cells in the different Ig classes with infection. Comparison of the immune response to oral and intraperitoneal routes of SRBC inoculation in infected and uninfected mice demonstrated a similar reduction in antibody titer with both routes of inoculation, although immunosuppression following intraperitoneal inoculations was not consistantly observed. The data are discussed in relation to the influence of the helminth infection on intestinal immune response and systemic immune response.  相似文献   

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