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Phylogenetic and stable-isotope analyses implicated two methanogen-like archaeal groups, ANME-1 and ANME-2, as key participants in the process of anaerobic methane oxidation. Although nothing is known about anaerobic methane oxidation at the molecular level, the evolutionary relationship between methane-oxidizing archaea (MOA) and methanogenic archaea raises the possibility that MOA have co-opted key elements of the methanogenic pathway, reversing many of its steps to oxidize methane anaerobically. In order to explore this hypothesis, the existence and genomic conservation of methyl coenzyme M reductase (MCR), the enzyme catalyzing the terminal step in methanogenesis, was studied in ANME-1 and ANME-2 archaea isolated from various marine environments. Clone libraries targeting a conserved region of the alpha subunit of MCR (mcrA) were generated and compared from environmental samples, laboratory-incubated microcosms, and fosmid libraries. Four out of five novel mcrA types identified from these sources were associated with ANME-1 or ANME-2 group members. Assignment of mcrA types to specific phylogenetic groups was based on environmental clone recoveries, selective enrichment of specific MOA and mcrA types in a microcosm, phylogenetic congruence between mcrA and small-subunit rRNA tree topologies, and genomic context derived from fosmid sequences. Analysis of the ANME-1 and ANME-2 mcrA sequences suggested the potential for catalytic activity based on conservation of active-site amino acids. These results provide a basis for identifying methanotrophic archaea with mcrA sequences and define a functional genomic link between methanogenic and methanotrophic archaea.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from ruminant livestock are considered to be one of the more potent forms of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming. Many strategies to reduce emissions are targeting the methanogens that inhabit the rumen, but such an approach can only be successful if it targets all the major groups of ruminant methanogens. Therefore, basic knowledge of the diversity of these microbes in breeds of buffalo is required. Therefore, the methanogenic community in the rumen of Surti buffaloes was analyzed by PCR amplification, cloning, and sequencing of methyl coenzyme M reductase (mcrA) gene. A total of 76 clones were identified, revealing 14 different sequences (phylotypes). All 14 sequences were similar to methanogens belonging to the order Methanobacteriales. Within Methanobacteriales, 12 clones (6 OTUs) were similar to Methanosphaera stadtmanae and the remaining 8 phylotypes (64 clones) were similar to unclassified Methanobacteriales. Overall, members of the Methanobacteriales dominated the mcrA clone library in the rumen of Surti buffalo. Further studies and effective strategies can be made to inhibit the growth of Methanobacteriales to reduce methane emission from the rumen which would help in preventing global warming.  相似文献   

The methanogenic community in hydrothermally active sediments of Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) was analyzed by PCR amplification, cloning, and sequencing of methyl coenzyme M reductase (mcrA) and 16S rRNA genes. Members of the Methanomicrobiales and Methanosarcinales dominated the mcrA and 16S rRNA clone libraries from the upper 15 cm of the sediments. Within the H2/CO2- and formate-utilizing family Methanomicrobiales, two mcrA and 16S rRNA lineages were closely affiliated with cultured species of the genera Methanoculleus and Methanocorpusculum. The most frequently recovered mcrA PCR amplicons within the Methanomicrobiales did not branch with any cultured genera. Within the nutritionally versatile family Methanosarcinales, one 16S rRNA amplicon and most of the mcrA PCR amplicons were affiliated with the obligately acetate utilizing species Methanosaeta concilii. The mcrA clone libraries also included phylotypes related to the methyl-disproportionating genus Methanococcoides. However, two mcrA and two 16S rRNA lineages within the Methanosarcinales were unrelated to any cultured genus. Overall, the clone libraries indicate a diversified methanogen community that uses H2/CO2, formate, acetate, and methylated substrates. Phylogenetic affiliations of mcrA and 16S rRNA clones with thermophilic and nonthermophilic cultured isolates indicate a mixed mesophilic and thermophilic methanogen community in the surficial Guaymas sediments.  相似文献   

The methanogen community in biogas reactor running on cattle dung was investigated in two different seasons; summer (April, 36 °C) and winter (December, 24 °C), in the year 2004 by a culture-independent approach. Community structure was determined by phylogenetic analyses of 343 and 278 mcrA clones belonging to summer and winter month libraries, respectively. In summer month’s library, 41.7% clones were affiliated to Methanomicrobiales, 30% to Methanosarcinales, 19% to Methanobacteriales, 5% to Methanococcales and a total of 4.3% clones belonged to unclassified euryarchaeotal lineages. In winter month’s library, Methanomicrobiales encompassed 98.6% clones, and Methanobacteriales included 1.4% of total clone diversity. Biogas plant performance data collected during the winter month indicated significant reduction in daily biogas produced as compared to summer month because of lowering in ambient temperature and associated shift in microbial community. Results from this molecular study showed the existence of highly diverse and complex methanogens communities present in biogas plant.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in hydrothermally active sediments of the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) were studied by using 16S rRNA sequencing and carbon isotopic analysis of archaeal and bacterial lipids. The Guaymas sediments harbored uncultured euryarchaeota of two distinct phylogenetic lineages within the anaerobic methane oxidation 1 (ANME-1) group, ANME-1a and ANME-1b, and of the ANME-2c lineage within the Methanosarcinales, both previously assigned to the methanotrophic archaea. The archaeal lipids in the Guaymas Basin sediments included archaeol, diagnostic for nonthermophilic euryarchaeota, and sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol, with the latter compound being particularly abundant in cultured members of the Methanosarcinales. The concentrations of these compounds were among the highest observed so far in studies of methane seep environments. The delta-(13)C values of these lipids (delta-(13)C = -89 to -58 per thousand) indicate an origin from anaerobic methanotrophic archaea. This molecular-isotopic signature was found not only in samples that yielded predominantly ANME-2 clones but also in samples that yielded exclusively ANME-1 clones. ANME-1 archaea therefore remain strong candidates for mediation of the anaerobic oxidation of methane. Based on 16S rRNA data, the Guaymas sediments harbor phylogenetically diverse bacterial populations, which show considerable overlap with bacterial populations of geothermal habitats and natural or anthropogenic hydrocarbon-rich sites. Consistent with earlier observations, our combined evidence from bacterial phylogeny and molecular-isotopic data indicates an important role of some novel deeply branching bacteria in anaerobic methanotrophy. Anaerobic methane oxidation likely represents a significant and widely occurring process in the trophic ecology of methane-rich hydrothermal vents. This study stresses a high diversity among communities capable of anaerobic oxidation of methane.  相似文献   

Microbial oxidation and precipitation of manganese at deep-sea hydrothermal vents are important oceanic biogeochemical processes, yet nothing is known about the types of microorganisms or mechanisms involved. Here we report isolation of a number of diverse spore-forming Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus species from Guaymas Basin, a deep-sea hydrothermal vent environment in the Gulf of California, where rapid microbially mediated Mn(II) oxidation was previously observed. mnxG multicopper oxidase genes involved in Mn(II) oxidation were amplified from all Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus spores isolated, suggesting that a copper-mediated mechanism of Mn(II) oxidation could be important at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and mnxG genes revealed that while many of the deep-sea Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus species are very closely related to previously recognized isolates from coastal sediments, other organisms represent novel strains and clusters. The growth and Mn(II) oxidation properties of these Bacillus species suggest that in hydrothermal sediments they are likely present as spores that are active in oxidizing Mn(II) as it emerges from the seafloor.  相似文献   

Summary The sequence of the gene cluster encoding the methyl coenzyme M reductase (MCR) in Methanococcus voltae was determined. It contains five open reading frames (ORF), three of which encode the known enzyme subunits. Putative ribosome binding sites were found in front of all ORFs. They differ in their degrees of complementarity to the 3 end of the 16 S rRNA, which is discussed in terms of different translation efficiencies of the respective genes. The codon usage bias is different in the subunit encoding genes compared with the two other ORFs in the cluster and two other known genes of Mc. voltae. This is interpreted in terms of increased translational accuracy of the highly expressed MCR subunit genes. The derived polypeptide sequences encoded by the five ORFs of the MCR cluster were compared to those of the respective genes in Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Marburg and Methanosarcina barkeri. Conserved regions were detected in the enzyme subunits, which are candidates for factor binding domains. Conserved hydrophobic sequences found in the and subunits are discussed with respect to the membrane association of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Extremely thermophilic bacteria were isolated from sediments collected at the Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent located in the Gulf of California. One isolate, (FC89) is a hydrogenotrophic methanogen with an optimal growth temperature of 85°C; this isolate appears to be closely related to the previously describedMethanococcus jannaschii. Thermophilic isolates TY and TYS are heterotrophic, sulfur-reducing archaea that differ from other thermophilic heterotrophic strains in physiological and molecular properties. Both heterotrophic isolates fermented carbohydrates and proteinaceous substrates; acetate was the primary product of carbohydrate fermentation, whereas acetate and a mix of organic acids were primary products of proteinaceous substrate fermentation. A detailed microbiological characterization of the isolates and a profile of fermentable substrates and fermentation products are described.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal sediments contain large numbers of uncultured heterotrophic microbial lineages. Here, we amended Guaymas Basin sediments with proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic acids or lipids under different redox conditions and cultivated heterotrophic thermophiles with the genomic potential for macromolecule degradation. We reconstructed 20 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of uncultured lineages affiliating with known archaeal and bacterial phyla, including endospore-forming Bacilli and candidate phylum Marinisomatota. One Marinisomatota MAG had 35 different glycoside hydrolases often in multiple copies, seven extracellular CAZymes, six polysaccharide lyases, and multiple sugar transporters. This population has the potential to degrade a broad spectrum of polysaccharides including chitin, cellulose, pectin, alginate, chondroitin, and carrageenan. We also describe thermophiles affiliating with the genera Thermosyntropha, Thermovirga, and Kosmotoga with the capability to make a living on nucleic acids, lipids, or multiple macromolecule classes, respectively. Several populations seemed to lack extracellular enzyme machinery and thus likely scavenged oligo- or monomers (e.g., MAGs affiliating with Archaeoglobus) or metabolic products like hydrogen (e.g., MAGs affiliating with Thermodesulfobacterium or Desulforudaceae). The growth of methanogens or the production of methane was not observed in any condition, indicating that the tested macromolecules are not degraded into substrates for methanogenesis in hydrothermal sediments. We provide new insights into the niches, and genomes of microorganisms that actively degrade abundant necromass macromolecules under oxic, sulfate-reducing, and fermentative thermophilic conditions. These findings improve our understanding of the carbon flow across trophic levels and indicate how primary produced biomass sustains complex and productive ecosystems.Subject terms: Water microbiology, Environmental sciences  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) was investigated in hydrothermal sediments of Guaymas Basin based on δ13C signatures of CH4, dissolved inorganic carbon and porewater concentration profiles of CH4 and sulfate. Cool, warm and hot in-situ temperature regimes (15–20 °C, 30–35 °C and 70–95 °C) were selected from hydrothermal locations in Guaymas Basin to compare AOM geochemistry and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), mcrA and dsrAB genes of the microbial communities. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from the cool and hot AOM cores yielded similar archaeal types such as Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group, Thermoproteales and anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea (ANME)-1; some of the ANME-1 archaea formed a separate 16S rRNA lineage that at present seems to be limited to Guaymas Basin. Congruent results were obtained by mcrA gene analysis. The warm AOM core, chemically distinct by lower porewater sulfide concentrations, hosted a different archaeal community dominated by the two deep subsurface archaeal lineages Marine Benthic Group D and Marine Benthic Group B, and by members of the Methanosarcinales including ANME-2 archaea. This distinct composition of the methane-cycling archaeal community in the warm AOM core was confirmed by mcrA gene analysis. Functional genes of sulfate-reducing bacteria and archaea, dsrAB, showed more overlap between all cores, regardless of the core temperature. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries with Euryarchaeota-specific primers detected members of the Archaeoglobus clade in the cool and hot cores. A V6-tag high-throughput sequencing survey generally supported the clone library results while providing high-resolution detail on archaeal and bacterial community structure. These results indicate that AOM and the responsible archaeal communities persist over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

Methanogens have been reported in complex microbial communities from hypersaline environments, but little is known about their phylogenetic diversity. In this work, methane concentrations in environmental gas samples were determined while methane production rates were measured in microcosm experiments with competitive and non-competitive substrates. In addition, the phylogenetic diversity of methanogens in microbial mats from two geographical locations was analyzed: the well studied Guerrero Negro hypersaline ecosystem, and a site not previously investigated, namely Laguna San Ignacio, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Methanogenesis in these microbial mats was suspected based on the detection of methane (in the range of 0.00086 to 3.204 %) in environmental gas samples. Microcosm experiments confirmed methane production by the mats and demonstrated that it was promoted only by non-competitive substrates (trimethylamine and methanol), suggesting that methylotrophy is the main characteristic process by which these hypersaline microbial mats produce methane. Phylogenetic analysis of amino acid sequences of the methyl coenzyme-M reductase (mcrA) gene from natural and manipulated samples revealed various methylotrophic methanogens belonging exclusively to the family Methanosarcinaceae. Moderately halophilic microorganisms of the genus Methanohalophilus were predominant (>60 % of mcrA sequences retrieved). Slightly halophilic and marine microorganisms of the genera Methanococcoides and Methanolobus, respectively, were also identified, but in lower abundances.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal plumes are hot spots of microbial biogeochemistry in the deep ocean, yet little is known about the diversity or ecology of microorganisms inhabiting plumes. Recent biogeochemical evidence shows that Mn(II) oxidation in the Guaymas Basin (GB) hydrothermal plume is microbially mediated and suggests that the plume microbial community is distinct from deep‐sea communities. Here we use a molecular approach to compare microbial diversity in the GB plume and in background deep seawater communities, and cultivation to identify Mn(II)‐oxidizing bacteria from plumes and sediments. Despite dramatic differences in Mn(II) oxidation rates between plumes and background seawater, microbial diversity and membership were remarkably similar. All bacterial clone libraries were dominated by Gammaproteobacteria and archaeal clone libraries were dominated by Crenarchaeota. Two lineages, both phylogenetically related to methanotrophs and/or methylotrophs, were consistently over‐represented in the plume. Eight Mn(II)‐oxidizing bacteria were isolated, but none of these or previously identified Mn(II) oxidizers were abundant in clone libraries. Taken together with Mn(II) oxidation rates measured in laboratory cultures and in the field, these results suggest that Mn(II) oxidation in the GB hydrothermal plume is mediated by genome‐level dynamics (gene content and/or expression) of microorganisms that are indigenous and abundant in the deep sea but have yet to be unidentified as Mn(II) oxidizers.  相似文献   

A number of 2-(methylthio)ethanesulfonate (methyl-coenzyme M) analogues were synthesized and investigated as substrates for methyl-coenzyme M reductase, an enzyme system found in extracts of Methanobacterterium thermoautotrophicum. Replacement of the methyl moiety by an ethyl group yielded an analogue which served as a precursor for ethane formation. Propyl-coenzyme M, however, was not converted to propane. Analogues which contained additional methylene carbons such as 3-(methylthio)propanesulfonate or 4-(methylthio)butanesulfonate or analogues modified at the sulfide or sulfonate position, N-methyltaurine and 2-(methylthio)ethanol, were inactive. These analogues, in addition to a number of commercially available compounds, also were tested for their ability to inhibit the reduction of methyl-coenzyme M to methane. Bromoethanesulfonate and chloroethanesulfonate proved to be potent inhibitors of the reductase, resulting in 50% inhibition at 7.9 X 10(6) M and 7.5 X 10(5) M. Analogues to coenzyme M which contained modifications to other regions were evaluated also and found to be weak inhibitors of methane biosynthesis.  相似文献   

马驿  陈杖榴 《生态学报》2010,30(1):7-14
为了了解恩诺沙星在环境中残留对土壤微生物的影响,通过PCR扩增、基因克隆、RFLP分析法对恩诺沙星影响下的土壤微生物固氮酶nifH基因的分子多样性进行了分析。结果表明,恩诺沙星作用于土壤后第35天,Ⅰ-Ⅵ组的OTUs与克隆子的百分比分别为:34.31%、32.18%、26.04%、20.83%、19.09%、20.00%;第70天,Ⅰ-Ⅵ组的OTUs与克隆子的百分比分别为:23.85%、20.75%、18.26%、16.67%、14.58%、11.67%。对照组多样性指数均高于添加药物组,第35天,对照组的M argalef指数与添加药物各组差异均显著(P0.05),第70天,仅与10μg/g和50μg/g两组差异显著;第35天,除了0.01μg/g组,对照组的Shannon-Wiener指数与其他添加药物组差异均显著,第70天,仅与10μg/g和50μg/g两组差异显著。由此可见,随着药物作用的时间延长,药物含量0.01-1μg/g组土壤固氮微生物的多样性与对照组之间的差异变小。  相似文献   

马驿  陈杖榴 《生态学报》2010,30(4):1011-1017
为了解恩诺沙星在环境中残留对土壤微生物的影响,通过PCR扩增、基因克隆、RFLP分析法对恩诺沙星影响下的土壤反硝化细菌氧化二氮还原酶nosZ基因的分子多样性进行了研究。结果表明,恩诺沙星作用于土壤后第35天,ⅠⅥ组(Ⅰ组0μg/g、Ⅱ组0.01μg/g、Ⅲ组0.1μg/g、Ⅳ组1μg/g、Ⅴ组10μg/g、Ⅵ组50μg/g)的OTUs与克隆子的百分比分别为:48.30%、41.88%、34.78%、33.62%、25.42%、23.81%;第70天,ⅠⅥ组的OTUs与克隆子的百分比分别为:29.66%、24.24%、18.10%、16.67%、15.83%、14.39%。对照组多样性指数均高于添加药物组,第35天,对照组的M argalef指数与添加药物各组差异均显著(P0.05),第70天,仅与10μg/g和50μg/g两组差异显著;第35天,除了0.01μg/g组,对照组的Shannon-W iener指数与其他添加药物组差异均显著,第70天,仅与50μg/g组差异显著。由此可见,随着药物作用的时间延长,药物含量0.0110μg/g组土壤反硝化细菌的多样性与对照组之间的差异变小。  相似文献   

The Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) is a hydrothermal vent site where thermal alteration of deposited planktonic and terrestrial organic matter forms petroliferous material which supports diverse sulfate-reducing bacteria. We explored the phylogenetic and functional diversity of the sulfate-reducing bacteria by characterizing PCR-amplified dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrAB) and 16S rRNA genes from the upper 4 cm of the Guaymas sediment. The dsrAB sequences revealed that there was a major clade closely related to the acetate-oxidizing delta-proteobacterial genus Desulfobacter and a clade of novel, deeply branching dsr sequences related to environmental dsr sequences from marine sediments in Aarhus Bay and Kysing Fjord (Denmark). Other dsr clones were affiliated with gram-positive thermophilic sulfate reducers (genus Desulfotomaculum) and the delta-proteobacterial species Desulforhabdus amnigena and Thermodesulforhabdus norvegica. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNAs from the same environmental samples resulted in identification of four clones affiliated with Desulfobacterium niacini, a member of the acetate-oxidizing, nutritionally versatile genus Desulfobacterium, and one clone related to Desulfobacula toluolica and Desulfotignum balticum. Other bacterial 16S rRNA bacterial phylotypes were represented by non-sulfate reducers and uncultured lineages with unknown physiology, like OP9, OP8, as well as a group with no clear affiliation. In summary, analyses of both 16S rRNA and dsrAB clone libraries resulted in identification of members of the Desulfobacteriales in the Guaymas sediments. In addition, the dsrAB sequencing approach revealed a novel group of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes that could not be identified by 16S rRNA sequencing.  相似文献   

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