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Natural peptides and small proteins in general have amino acid compositions that diverge much more from the average composition of all proteins than do those of proteins. The effect is large and consistent enough to provide a rough check on the measured molecular mass of a protein and to indicate whether it is likely to have a significantly repetitive structure. For example, the alpha-chain of tropomyosin, a highly repetitive protein, has no amino acid composition that would be characteristic of a much smaller protein. The observation provides support for the suggestion [Taylor, Britton & van Heyningen (1983) Biochem. J. 209, 897-899] that tetanus toxin resembles a trimer of the light chain produced by proteolysis.  相似文献   

In this study we classified regions of random coil into four types: coil between alpha helix and beta strand, coil between beta strand and alpha helix, coil between two alpha helices and coil between two beta strands. This classification may be considered as natural. We used 610 3D structures of proteins collected from the Protein Data Bank from bacteria with low, average and high genomic GC-content. Relatively short regions of coil are not random: certain amino acid residues are more or less frequent in each of the types of coil. Namely, hydrophobic amino acids with branched side chains (Ile, Val and Leu) are rare in coil between two beta strands, unlike some acrophilic amino acids (Asp, Asn and Gly). In contrast, coil between two alpha helices is enriched by Leu. Regions of coil between alpha helix and beta strand are enriched by positively charged amino acids (Arg and Lys), while the usage of residues with side chains possessing hydroxyl group (Ser and Thr) is low in them, in contrast to the regions of coil between beta strand and alpha helix. Regions of coil between beta strand and alpha helix are significantly enriched by Cys residues. The response to the symmetric mutational pressure (AT-pressure or GC-pressure) is also quite different for four types of coil. The most conserved regions of coil are “connecting bridges” between beta strand and alpha helix, since their amino acid content shows less strong dependence on GC-content of genes than amino acid contents of other three types of coil. Possible causes and consequences of the described differences in amino acid content distribution between different types of random coil have been discussed.  相似文献   

A method of energy minimization for conformational energy calculations using the least-squares technique has been reported. The method has been tested in the simple case of a pair of alanyl peptide units using the non-bonded potential energy. Starting from any point in the (φ, ψ) energy map (not necessarily near a minimum), convergence to one of the energy minima is achieved rapidly, within a few cycles of iteration.  相似文献   

The fat globule membranes of milk are derived from the apical plasma membrane of the mammary secretory cells. The nature of the membrane proteins, as isolated from cows' milk, has been studied by the use of discontinuous and continuous SDS-gel electrophoresis. Six methods of preparation of milk fat globule membrane suggested by various authors were tested; gel electrophoresis showed that five major bands were present, independent of the method of preparation. The apparent molecular masses of these proteins as determined on SDS-gels (15% T) were 167, 142, 64, 49 and 46 kDa, respectively. The 167 kDa band stained only with periodic acid-Schiff reagent, while the 142 kDa band stained only with Coomassie blue; the last three bands stained with both. Delipidated membranes were extracted stepwise with water, 0.02 M NaCl and 0.6 M NaCl. The 64 kDa band appears to be nearly insoluble, while the bands of 142, 49 and 46 kDa are fractionated by this procedure. The resolution of all of these proteins by electrophoresis was superior to that achieved by molecular sieve chromatography, and so electrophoretic extraction was used to isolate the major proteins. Dansyl chloride derived proteins were used as markers. Amino acid compositions of the recovered proteins were obtained and are compared.  相似文献   

The sequences of the ubiquitous and phylogenetically diversified cyclophilin family of proteins were divided into six groups, namely, vertebrates, invertebrates, other metazoa, plants, fungi, and prokaryotes. These groups of sequences were aligned with the multiple sequence alignment program Clustal-W. The variations of amino acid substitutions and amino acid compositions for these six groups of cyclophilins were calculated using a novel suite of multiple-sequence alignment analysis routines. The cyclophilins from vertebrates can be divided for at least two distinct structural classes that differ from each other by a variable-length amino acid insert within the loop that links alpha-helix II and beta-strand III. A similar structural feature is also present in the other groups of cyclophilins, namely, those from invertebrates, other metazoa, plants, and fungi. The sequences of cyclophilins from fungi and prokaryotes are more diversified than those from vertebrates, and their alterations involve structures other than the amino acid inserts within the loops. Variations of the hydrophobicity and bulkiness of amino acid substitutions of the aligned sequences were calculated for each group of cyclophilins and for the alignment of all the sequences. The variations have clear asymmetry that may signify the need for modification of the physical properties of certain fragments of cyclophilins that are involved in interactions with various cellular components in the evolving environment.  相似文献   

H Nakashima  K Nishikawa  T Ooi 《Proteins》1990,8(2):173-178
A compact mitochondrial gene contains all essential information about the synthesis of mitochondrial proteins which play their roles in a small compartment of the mitochondrium. Almost no noncoding regions have been found through the gene, but a necessary set of tRNAs for the 20 amino acids is provided for biosynthesis, some of them coding different amino acids from those in a usual cell. Since the gene is so compact that the produced proteins would have some characteristic aspects for the mitochondrium, amino acid compositions of mitochondrial proteins (mt-proteins) were examined in the 20-dimensional composition space. The results show that compositions of proteins translated from the mitochondrial genes have a distinct character having more hydrophobic content than others, which is illustrated by a clustered distribution in the multidimensional composition space. The cluster is located at the tail edge of the global distribution pattern of a Gaussian shape for other various kinds of proteins in the space. The mt-proteins are rich in hydrophobic amino acids as is a membrane protein, but are different from other membrane proteins in a lesser content of Val. A good correlation found between the base and amino acid compositions for the mitochondria was examined in comparison to those of organisms such as thermophilic bacterium having an extreme G-C-rich base composition.  相似文献   

A maize root fraction which inactivates nitrate reductase has been shown to have protease activity which can be measured by the hydrolysis of azocasein. This inactivating enzyme was also found to inactivate yeast tryptophan synthase. Yeast proteases A and B, which inactivate this latter enzyme, also gave a specific inactivation of the maize nitrate reductase. The maize root inactivating enzyme, like yeast protease B, degraded casein, and was inhibited by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride. A partially-purified yeast inhibitor prevented catalysis by the yeast proteases and maize root inactivating enzyme, but purified yeast inhibitors were without effect on the latter protein. The level of nitrate reductase-inactivating activity, and associated azocasein-degrading activity, increased with age of the maize root. Evidence was obtained for a heat stable inhibitor which maintained them in an inactive state, especially in the young root tip cells.  相似文献   

Summary The amino-acid compositions of the mitochondrial ribosomal subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been determined and compared to those of cytoplasmic ribosomal subunits. For the large subunits, the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic ribosomes showed major differences in the proportions of arginine, alanine and methionine. For the small subunits, arginine, aspartic acid, alanine, valine and methionine showed marked differences.We have compared these amino-acid compositions with those already published of bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes by a statistical method of data analysis. It appeared clearly that the yeast mitoribosomes are more distant from bacterial ribosomes than from eukaryotic cytoribosomes.Abbreviations r-proteins ribosomal proteins  相似文献   

The global amino acid compositions as deduced from the complete genomic sequences of six thermophilic archaea, two thermophilic bacteria, 17 mesophilic bacteria and two eukaryotic species were analysed by hierarchical clustering and principal components analysis. Both methods showed an influence of several factors on amino acid composition. Although GC content has a dominant effect, thermophilic species can be identified by their global amino acid compositions alone. This study presents a careful statistical analysis of factors that affect amino acid composition and also yielded specific features of the average amino acid composition of thermophilic species. Moreover, we introduce the first example of a 'compositional tree' of species that takes into account not only homologous proteins, but also proteins unique to particular species. We expect this simple yet novel approach to be a useful additional tool for the study of phylogeny at the genome level.  相似文献   

Development of the strategies for assembling multiple kinds of peptide segments would give new possibilities for the de novo design of functional proteins. We will introduce our approach for the selective assembly of helical peptide segments on a peptide template to give four-helix-bundle proteins comprising individual helices.  相似文献   

Typical somatic cell type histones are lost from the nucleus during late spermiogenesis in the house cricket; they are replaced by unusual basic proteins specific to the spermatid. We wish to characterize these proteins because they appear to determine the unusual chromatin structures of the spermatid. Molecular weights of the unusual basic proteins were estimated by chromatographing them on Bio-Gel A 0.5 M agarose columns eluted with 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. Two proteins named TH1 and TH2 have molecular weights in the range spanned by the somatic histones. The molecular weight of TH1 is 17 500 and that of TH2 is 15 500. Three additional spermatid proteins were also analyzed by molecular weight determination. They are called here protamines A, B and C, and they have molecular weights in the range typical of protamines. That of A is 6200, of B is 5500 and of C is 3800. They span the range from the large protamines typical of mammalian sperm to the small protamines of salmonid fish. The molecular weights of the TH proteins were also examined by electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Amino acid compositions determined for TH1 and TH2 show that both are basic proteins rich in arginine relative to lysine. Their compositions are histone-like, but they appear to be distinct histone types rather than variant forms of the somatic histones.  相似文献   

Desmosine and isodesmosine were detected in an invertebrate molluscan species, i.e. in an insoluble protein in the hinge ligament of a bivalve species, Sakhalin surf clam (Pseudocardium sachalinensis, in family Mactridae). The protein is rich in glycine and methionine S-oxide but devoid of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. 3,3'-Methylenebistyrosine was also detected in the HCl hydrolysate of the hinge-ligament protein, but it was found to be an artefact produced from tyrosine and formaldehyde derived from methionine S-oxide during the HCl hydrolysis of the protein.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal sequences and amino acid compositions of the three major and two minor polypeptides constituting the filaments of Spirochaeta aurantia periplasmic flagella were determined. The amino-terminal sequence of the major 37.5-kDa outer layer polypeptide is identical to the sequence downstream of the proposed signal peptide of the protein encoded by the S. aurantia flaA gene. However, the amino acid composition of the 37.5-kDa polypeptide is not in agreement with that inferred from the sequence of flaA. The 34- and 31.5-kDa major filament core polypeptides and the 33- and 32-kDa minor core polypeptides show a striking similarity to each other, and the amino-terminal sequences of these core polypeptides show extensive identity with homologous proteins from members of other genera of spirochetes. An additional 36-kDa minor polypeptide that occurs occasionally in preparations of S. aurantia periplasmic flagella appears to be mixed with the 37.5-kDa outer layer polypeptide or a degradation product of this polypeptide.  相似文献   

22 kinds of seed oils were extracted from 8 genera of the family Ulmaceae in China The seed oils were examined for their characteristics and fatty acid compositions by gas liquid chromatography. The fatty acid compositions of these oils were found to fall into two classes. Some genera (such as Ulmus, Zelkova) contain mainly lower saturated acids, in which the chief acid is capric acid 10:0, while the genera (such as Celtis, Pteroceltis, Aphananthe, Trema, Gironniera) contain mainly unsaturated acids, in which the chief acid is linoleic acid 18:2. Hemiptelea davidii (Hance) Planch contain however either certain amount of short-chain saturated acids or higher unsaturated acids, it appears a intermediate genus between the two classes. According to the component acids we support that the Ulmaceae be split into two subfamilies. The genera arrangement based on the component acids corresponds basically with the view based on mophological characters and flavonoids found in leaves of Ulmaceae, but there are some discrepancies in certain genera, for example, the Aphananthe should beplaced in Celtoid instead of Ulmoid by the present study.  相似文献   

The subunit stoichiometry of a large, multisubunit protein can be determined from the molar amino acid compositions (i amino acids) of the protein and its subunits. The number of copies of the subunits (1, 2, ... j) is calculated by solving all possible combinations of simultaneous equations in j unknowns (i!/j!(i - j)!). Calculations carried out using the published amino acid compositions determined by analysis and the compositions calculated from the sequences for two proteins of known stoichiometry provided the following results: Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase (R6C6, Mr = 307.5 kDa), R = 5.6 to 6.6 and C = 5.8 to 6.3, and spinach ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase (L8S8, Mr = 535 kDa), L = 7.3 to 9.1 and S = 5.6 to 10.6. Calculations were also carried out with the amino acid compositions of two much larger proteins, the E. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, Mr = 5280 kDa, subunits E1 (99.5 kDa), E2 (66 kDa), and E3 (50.6 kDa), and the extracellular hemoglobin of Lumbricus terrestris, Mr = 3760 kDa, subunits M (17 kDa), D1 (31 kDa), D2 (37 kDa), and T (51 kDa); the results for PDHase were E1 = 20 to 24, E2 = 18 to 31, E3 = 21 to 33 and those for Lumbricus hemoglobin were M = 34 to 46, D1 = 13 to 19, D2 = 13 to 18, and T = 34 to 36. Although the sample standard deviations of the mean values are generally high, the proposed method works surprisingly well for the two smaller proteins and provides physically reasonable results for the two larger proteins.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Amino acid substitution matrices play a central role in protein alignment methods. Standard log-odds matrices, such as those of the PAM and BLOSUM series, are constructed from large sets of protein alignments having implicit background amino acid frequencies. However, these matrices frequently are used to compare proteins with markedly different amino acid compositions, such as transmembrane proteins or proteins from organisms with strongly biased nucleotide compositions. It has been argued elsewhere that standard matrices are not ideal for such comparisons and, furthermore, a rationale has been presented for transforming a standard matrix for use in a non-standard compositional context. RESULTS: This paper presents the mathematical details underlying the compositional adjustment of amino acid or DNA substitution matrices.  相似文献   

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