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In the majority of socially monogamous bird species, females have offspring sired by males other than their social mate as the result of extra-pair copulations. While it is widely recognised that there is considerable variation in the frequency of extra-pair paternity between species, between populations of a species and between individuals of a population, determinants of this variation are surprisingly difficult to establish. With respect to individual variation within a population, it is an important step to test for male and female correlates of cuckoldry to better understand the patterns as well as the adaptive significance of extra-pair mating behaviour. Here, we analysed patterns of extra-pair paternity in relation to male age, female age and their interaction in the great tit Parus major, a socially monogamous passerine with a moderate frequency of extra-pair paternity. Based on a large sample of 316 genotyped first broods from five successive years, we failed to demonstrate interaction effects of male and female age on both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood that at least one extra-pair offspring is present within a brood. However, both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood of paternity loss were higher for yearling as compared to older males, while this was not the case for yearling vs. older females. Furthermore, the proportion of extra-pair offspring within a brood decreased with increasing age of the attending male in within-individual analyses. We found a comparable effect also for attending females in within-individual analyses, but only when excluding two individuals with 100% extra-pair paternity. A female (extra-pair) mating preference for older males and/or a limited ability of yearling males to prevent cuckoldry in their broods could explain these age-related patterns of paternity loss. Effect sizes, however, were not particularly large and substantial residual variation within age categories suggests the importance of further yet unidentified determinants of variation in paternity loss in the study population. 相似文献
Michelle L. Sauther 《American journal of physical anthropology》1991,84(4):463-477
Observations of reproductive behavior in free-ranging Lemur catta were carried out during one annual cycle. Variability in the behavior of female ringtailed lemurs during parturition appears to be mainly a function of the female's parity and thus her experience. Females within a troop show estrous asynchrony and characteristically mate with more than one male. Females also exhibit proceptive behavior toward and mate with some males from other troops and with transferring males. The potential for a male to monopolize mating opportunities during a female's short estrous period is therefore limited. Male mating strategies in ringtailed lemurs can be seen as adaptations to female mate choice during a highly restricted breeding season. In this species the dominance hierarchy does not break down with regard to the order of mating. The highest ranking male (central male) mates first and shows precopulatory guarding and longer postejaculatory guarding, which may increase his chances of siring the offspring. Subsequent mating partners have developed various counterstrategies to mitigate mating order effects. 相似文献
Social and mating systems can be influenced by the distribution, abundance, and economic defendability of breeding partners
and essential resources. Polygyny is predicted where males can economically defend multiple females or essential resources
used by females. In contrast, monogamy is predicted where neither sex can monopolise multiple partners, either directly or
through resource control, but where one mate is economically defendable. The mating system and reproductive behaviour of five
species of coral reef goby were investigated and contrasted with population density and individual mobility. The two most
abundant species (Asterropteryx semipunctatus and Istigobius goldmanni) were polygynous. In contrast, the less populous and more widely dispersed epibenthic species (Amblygobius bynoensis, Amblygobius phalaena and Valenciennea muralis) were pair forming and monogamous. All five species had low mobility, mostly remaining within metres (3 epibenthic species)
or centimetres (2 cryptobenthic species) of a permanent shelter site. Interspecific differences in the mating system may have
been shaped by differences in population density and the ability of reproductive individuals to economically defend breeding
partners/sites. However, in a test of mating system plasticity, males of the three monogamous species did not mate polygynously
when given the opportunity to do so in experimental manipulations of density and sex ratio. Mate guarding and complex spawning
characteristics, which have likely co-evolved with the monogamous mating system, could contribute to mating system inflexibility
by making polygynous mating unprofitable for individuals of the pair forming species, even when presented with current-day
ecological conditions that usually favour polygyny. 相似文献
Hilary Simons Morland 《American journal of physical anthropology》1993,91(1):71-82
Mating activity was observed during four breeding seasons in two groups of black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) living in lowland rain forest on Nosy Mangabe island, Madagascar. The onset of the May-July breeding season was signalled by behavioral changes in adult males. Males made forays outside their usual home ranges, were more aggressive to other males, and performed appetitive and other sex-specific behaviors more frequently. Females showed receptive and proceptive behaviors during a 1-2 day behavioral estrus. Ruffed lemurs mated monogamously, polyandrously, and polygynously. These observations do not support previous assertions that they live only in monogamous families. Limited evidence suggests females exercised mate choice and may have preferred familiar males. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
婚配制度是动物种群个体为获得配偶普遍采取的一种行为策略。一般分为单配制、一雄多雌制、一雌多雄制和混交制。作为动物的一种进化稳定对策,婚配制度又具有一定的可塑性,有时可以逆转,有时又是兼性的。配偶外交配主要存在于单配制物种中特别是单配制鸟类中。其发现表明通过观察个体间联系来确定的“社会性婚配制度”和通过个体实际上的交配对象来描述的“遗传性婚配制度”有可能存在差异。婚配制度影响有害动物的不育控制,在存在繁殖性竞争的情况下,对单配制和一雄多雌制而言,不育效果最佳。 相似文献
Tetsuo Kuwamura 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》1985,13(1):17-24
Synopsis Social and reproductive behavior of three paternal mouthbrooding cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) were investigated in the shallow marine waters of Shirahama, Japan. The solitary species Apogon doederleini and A. niger bred in transient pairs, in which a male and female associated for only a few hours of each afternoon on less than 5 successive days. The prespawning behavior was the same as the courtship display on days prior to spawning. After spawning, egg-incubating males were usually left alone. The gregarious species Apogon notatus formed territorial lasting pairs, which resided at given sites from dawn to dusk on each day during a period of a month or more. After spawning, the egg-incubating male either continued to stay with his mate in the territory, or left it to enter into an aggregation. In the latter case, the female continued to reside in the territory, pairing with a new male whom she brought from an aggregation. It is suggested that in paternal apogonids the prolonged pair bond and territoriality should have developed only in gregarious species as secondary adaptation for reproductive success: to avoid conspecific interference during spawning. 相似文献
B. D. Woodward 《Oecologia》1987,73(4):626-629
Summary Maternal half-siblings sired by large male Scaphiopus couchi had higher probabilities of surviving than maternal half-sibs sired by smaller males. Half-sibs sired by large and small males did not differ in tadpole body weight, duration of larval period, number of toadlets produced, or toadlet body weight. These results suggest that which male a female mates with may influence important components of her offspring's fitness. 相似文献
We present a biosocial model of human male parental care that allows male parental allocations to be influenced not only by changes in the fitness (welfare) of the recipient offspring, but also by their effects on the man's relationship with the child's mother. The model recognizes four classes of relationships between males and the children they parent: genetic offspring of current mates (combined relationship and parental effort), genetic offspring of previous mates (parental effort solely), step offspring of current mates (relationship effort solely), and stepchildren of previous mates (essentially no expected investment). We test the model using data on parental investments collected from adult males living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. Four measures of paternal investment are examined: the probability that a child attends college (2,191 offspring), the probability that a child who attends college receives money for it (N = 1,212), current financial expenditures on children (N = 635), and the amount of time per week that men spend with children ages 5 to 12 years (N = 2,589). The tests are consistent with a role for relationship effort in parental care: men invest more in the children of their current mates, even when coresidence with offspring is not a confounder. 相似文献
Takashi Kuriwada 《Population Ecology》2016,58(1):147-153
Social isolation has often been reported to facilitate male aggressiveness in various animal species. If social isolation also escalates male aggressive behavior towards females, the mating success of the aggressive males will be low. This study evaluated the effect of social isolation on mating behavior in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, which has traditionally been considered to be an asocial species. The results showed that social isolation from same-sex individuals enhanced male aggressiveness to females, and the mating success of aggressive males was reduced under the experimental conditions. More aggressive males exhibited a longer latency to court than less aggressive males. These results suggest that because male aggressiveness causes a delay in courtship, aggressive males may have reduced mating success. This demonstrated that social relationships are a critical factor affecting male mating success, even if the species is normally considered solitary. 相似文献
Donald M. Van Doornik Steven J. Parker Steven R. Millard Ewann A. Berntson Paul Moran 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》2008,83(3):269-275
The need to rebuild Pacific ocean perch, Sebastes alutus, populations on the west coast of the United States has precipitated a need to better understand the life history characteristics of this rockfish species. One such characteristic is mating behavior, which has the potential to influence the amount of genetic diversity in a population. We documented and examined the frequency of multiple mating in Pacific ocean perch collected off the Oregon coast using five microsatellite loci. We found that 47 of 66 (71.2%) females examined had broods sired by multiple males. The mean number of sires per brood was 1.92 (SD = 0.76) and ranged from 1–4. Polyandrous females were significantly larger and had an older average age than monogamous females. Our results suggest that polyandrous behavior among female Pacific ocean perch off the coast of Oregon is prevalent, is related to female size and age, and should be preserved by maintaining a natural age structure in this population. 相似文献
Anders Pape Mller 《Journal of evolutionary biology》1993,6(4):481-491
Extravagant secondary sexual characters are assumed to have arisen and be maintained by sexual selection. While traits like horns, antlers and spurs can be ascribed to intrasexual competition, other traits such as extravagant feather ornaments, displays and pheromones have to be ascribed to mate choice. A number of studies have tested whether females exert selection on the size of male ornaments, but only some of these have recorded female preferences for the most extravagantly ornamented males. Here I demonstrate that female choice can be directly predicted from the relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the size of a secondary sexual character. Fluctuating asymmetry is an epigenetic measure of the ability of individuals to cope with stress, and it occurs when an individual is unable to undergo identical development of an otherwise bilaterally symmetric trait on both sides of its body. There is a negative relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the absolute size of an ornament in those bird species with a female preference for the largest male sex trait, while there is a flat or U-shaped relationship among species without a female preference. These results suggest that females prefer exaggerated secondary sexual characters if they reliably demonstrate the ability of males to cope with genetic and environmental stress. Some species may demonstrate a flat or U-shaped relationship between the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and the absolute size of an ornament because (i) the genetic variance in viability signalled by the secondary sex trait has been depleted; (ii) the secondary sex trait is not particularly costly and therefore does not demonstrate condition dependence; or because (iii) the sex traits can be considered arbitrary traits rather than characters reflecting good genes. 相似文献
Paternal care plays an important role in many scenarios of human evolution. Lately, however, this “Man the Provisioner” view has been challenged. The showoff hypothesis, for example, proposes that men hunt not to provision children but to gain extra mating opportunities, and some have suggested that male care among mammals is always a form of mating, rather than parenting, effort. This study, based on observation in a hunting and gathering society, the Hadza of Tanzania, tests whether men provide care as parenting effort. If male care were mating effort only, stepchildren should receive no less care than biological children. My data, however, reveal that stepchildren do receive less care. This suggests that care is provided, at least in part, as parenting effort. Although lower direct care implies stepfathers are less motivated to care for stepchildren, resource acquisition data raise the question of whether stepfathers are less motivated, or simply less skilled. 相似文献
Females of many species are frequently courted by promiscuous males of their own and other closely related species. Such mating interactions may impose strong selection on female mating preferences to favor trait values in conspecific males that allow females to discriminate them from their heterospecific rivals. We explore the consequences of such selection in models of the evolution of female mating preferences when females must interact with heterospecific males from which they are completely postreproductively isolated. Specifically, we allow the values of both the most preferred male trait and the tolerance of females for males that deviate from this most preferred trait to evolve. Also, we consider situations in which females base their mating decisions on multiple male traits and must interact with males of multiple species. Females will rapidly differentiate in preference when they sometimes mistake heterospecific males for suitable mates, and the differentiation of female preference will select for conspecific male traits to differentiate as well. In most circumstances, this differentiation continues indefinitely, but slows substantially once females are differentiated enough to make mistakes rare. Populations of females with broader preference functions (i.e., broader tolerance for males with trait values that deviate from females' most preferred values) will evolve further to differentiate if the shape of the function cannot evolve. Also, the magnitude of separation that evolves is larger and achieved faster when conspecific males have lower relative abundance. The direction of differentiation is also very sensitive to initial conditions if females base their mate choices on multiple male traits. We discuss how these selection pressures on female mate choice may lead to speciation by generating differentiation among populations of a progenitor species that experiences different assemblages of heterospecifics. Opportunities for differentiation increase as the number of traits involved in mate choice increase and as the number of species involved increases. We suggest that this mode of speciation may have been particularly prevalent in response to the cycles of climatic change throughout the Quaternary that forced the assembly and disassembly of entire communities on a continentwide basis. 相似文献
Jakob Augustin Donald Blomqvist Tibor Szép Zoltán D. Szabó Richard H. Wagner 《Journal of Ornithology》2007,148(2):189-198
Genetic parentage studies of socially monogamous birds reveal a widespread prevalence of extra-pair paternity. Variation in
extra-pair paternity among individuals may depend on how different individuals benefit from extra-pair fertilisations and
on the opportunity to pursue extra-pair copulations. A long-term study of sand martins (Riparia riparia) in Hungary allowed us to examine patterns of extra-pair fertilisations in a large colony of over 3,000 breeding pairs with
many known age individuals. We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to determine whether extra-pair fertilisations occur when
females are paired to (1) presumably low quality mates, or (2) genetically similar or dissimilar mates, and whether extra-pair
fertilisations result in offspring of higher quality. Extra-paternal young were found in 38% of 47 broods and comprised 19%
of 190 offspring. Males that lost paternity did not differ significantly from others in age or body condition. Social mates
of broods containing extra-pair offspring did not differ in genetic similarity from pairs without extra-pair offspring. Furthermore,
there was no significant difference in body condition between extra-pair young and their maternal half-siblings. We were unable
to assign paternity and therefore cannot exclude the possibility that extra-pair males differed from the within-pair males
they cuckolded, in age, body condition or genetic similarity with the female. We found a positive relationship between paternity
losses and breeding density, suggesting that low breeding density may constrain opportunities for seeking extra-pair copulations. 相似文献
Suzanne H. Alonzo Kellie L. Heckman 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2010,277(1678):115-122
Although theory generally predicts that males should reduce paternal care in response to cues that predict increased sperm competition and decreased paternity, empirical patterns are equivocal. Some studies have found the predicted decrease in male care with increased sperm competition, while even more studies report no effect of paternity or sperm competition on male care. Here, we report the first example, to our knowledge, of paternal care increasing with the risk and intensity of sperm competition, in the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus). Theory also predicts that if paternal care varies and is important to female fitness, female choice among males and male indicators traits of expected paternal care should evolve. Despite a non-random distribution of mating success among nests, we found no evidence for female choice among parental males. Finally, we document the highest published levels of extra-pair paternity for a species with exclusive and obligate male care: genetic paternity analyses revealed cuckoldry at 100 per cent of nests and 28 per cent of all offspring were not sired by the male caring for them. While not predicted by any existing theory, these unexpected reproductive patterns become understandable if we consider how male and female mating and parental care interact simultaneously in this and probably many other species. 相似文献
Satoko Seki Masanori Kohda Gousuke Takamoto Kenji Karino Yasuhiro Nakashima Tetsuo Kuwamura 《Journal of Ethology》2009,27(2):215-220
The occurrence of polygyny requires specific environmental conditions such as female aggregation or patchy resource distribution.
However, it is difficult to determine the factors responsible for polygyny in species in which the territories of both sexes
overlap. To overcome this, we performed female removal experiments in the polygynous triggerfish Sufflamen chrysopterum (Balistidae) in the Okinawa coral reef. Both sexes defended their territories exclusively against consexuals of the same
species, and female aggregation was absent. Each male territory included 1–3 female territories, and nonterritorial males
were significantly smaller than territorial males. Further, the body size of territorial males was positively correlated with
that of the largest female in their territories, and larger males tended to mate with more females. The results of the female
removal experiments (n = 10 females) indicated that females competed for better territories rather than larger mates. In contrast, males abandoned
the territories once the females emigrated. These results strongly suggest that males defend females rather than sites and
compete for larger and a greater numbers of females. Thus, in S. chrysopterum, female defense polygyny occurs in the absence of female aggregation. 相似文献
Andrew T. Kahn Lisa E. Schwanz Hanna Kokko 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2013,67(8):2207-2217
Sperm competition and uncertainty of paternity hamper the evolution of male parental care. Thus, maternal care predominates in most taxa. What if males can, however, limit cuckoldry by guarding the eggs postmating? Here, we show that this provides a reason to reconsider an old and nowadays rather discredited hypothesis: that external fertilization is associated with male care because the parent who releases its gametes first can depart leaving the other in a “cruel bind,” having to care for the offspring. In our model, protection of paternity provides an additional incentive for the male to stay associated with its young. When we then assume that offspring survive better if guarded, paternity protection proves enough to kick‐start the evolution of male‐only parental care from a scenario with no care. This fits with data from fishes, where male‐only care is associated with external fertilization, whereas female‐only care almost always evolves after an initial transition to internal fertilization. Our model unifies disparate hypotheses regarding parental care roles and provides support for the idea that care roles can be influenced by sex differences in selection to be physically close to the offspring, including selection that is initially not based on offspring survival. 相似文献
Here, we investigate whether variation in male parental investment can be explained in terms of (1) men's perception of the degree of resemblance between themselves and their offspring and (2) men's perception of their mates' fidelity. In a sample of men from London's Heathrow airport, both variables were found to predict reported investment. We also examined whether the predictors of investment varied when men were no longer in a relationship with the mother of their children and are therefore no longer investing in mating effort with them. Among men no longer in a relationship with the mother of their children, resemblance became a stronger predictor of investment, while fidelity was no longer a significant predictor. Overall, men provided less investment to their children if they were no longer in a relationship with the mother of their children. 相似文献
Male androgen responses to social challenges have been predicted to vary with mating system, male-male aggressiveness, and the degree of paternal investment in birds ("challenge hypothesis," Am. Nat. 136 (1990), 829). This study focused on the interspecific predictions of the challenge hypothesis. Comparative methods were used to control for effects of the phylogenetic relatedness among the sampled species. Male androgen data of 84 bird species were collected from literature records on seasonal androgen patterns. From these, the androgen responsiveness (AR) was calculated as described in the original challenge hypothesis (i.e., maximum physiological level/breeding baseline). Scatterplots of AR versus mating strategy, male-male aggressiveness, and the degree of paternal care confirmed the expected interspecific patterns. When phylogenetic analyses were performed among all of the sampled species, the effects of paternal investment disappeared while the AR remained covarying to a high degree with mating system and male-male aggressiveness. Although these mechanisms may be different at the intraspecific level, this suggests that interspecific differences of AR in male birds may have evolved in response to changes of mating strategies, rather than in response to altered paternal duties. However, control for phylogeny among the subsample of 32 passerine species revealed that if any paternal investment contributed to the observed variance in AR, then the change from "no male incubation" to "male shares incubation duties" represented the most effective, whereas the male's contribution to feeding offspring did not explain the observed variation of AR. 相似文献