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Specific location of 5′-nucleotidase in the heart has been uncertain, some authors citing evidence for an exclusively non-myocyte location, while other data point to the existence of cytoplasmic and membrane-bound fractions. Single myocytes isolated from mature rat heart, and free of endothelial or interstitial cells, have been used to establish that muscle cells of the myocardium are rich in 5′-nucleotidase, exhibiting activity sufficient to account for the total myocardial content of this enzyme. All 5′-nucleotidase is accessible to extracellular AMP. Inhibitors of 5′-nucleotidase and adenosine transport have been used to establish that only the adenosine component of adenine nucleotides is taken up by myocytes, but hydrolysis of AMP by 5′-nucleotidase does not commit the adenosine formed to transport across the sarcolemmal membrane. Myocytes also have ecto-phosphatases which hydrolyse ADP and ATP.  相似文献   

5'-Nucleotidase from rat heart   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Y Naito  J M Lowenstein 《Biochemistry》1981,20(18):5188-5194
5'-Nucleotidase has been extracted from rat heart and purified to apparent homogeneity. The enzyme is a glycoprotein. Gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate indicates that the apparent molecular weight of the subunit is 74 000 at several different gel concentrations. Cross-linking of the native enzyme with dimethylpimelimidate followed by gel electrophoresis shows that the enzyme is a dimer. The enzyme hydrolyzes all nucleoside 5'-monophosphates tested. A comparison of Vmax/Km for 14 different substrates shows that AMP is the best substrate. The enzyme shows lowest Km values for AMPS, AMP, isoAMP, GMP, and IMP. It shows no activity with nucleoside 2'- and 3'-monophosphates, sugar phosphates, and p-nitrophenyl phosphate, even when tested at high enzyme concentrations. The optimum activity of the enzyme occurs at pH 7.5 with AMP as substrate. Above this pH, buffer ions affect the activity in a complex manner, a second optimum being observed under some conditions. Magnesium ions activate the enzyme above pH 7.5 in the presence of some buffer ions but not of others. Magnesium ions show only a slight activation when the reaction is run in diethanolamine buffer, pH 9.5, at 30 degrees C; the activation in this buffer is considerably greater when the reaction is run at 37 degrees C. The enzyme is strongly inhibited by free ADP, maximum inhibition occurring below pH 6. The ADP inhibition is diminished as the pH is raised above 6, becoming negligible above pH9. The enzyme is inhibited by EDTA. The inhibition is partially reversed when the EDTA is removed from the enzyme by gel filtration. This as well as other evidence indicates that the enzyme contains a tightly bound metal ion.  相似文献   

Inadequate oxygenation of cardiac muscle leads to rapid loss of high energy compounds essential for contractile function. ATP can be regenerated by synthesis de novo, a route operating at a relatively slow rate in the heart. Myocytes isolated from mature rat heart have been used to measure the rate of ATP synthesis de novo from both [14C]glycine and [14C]ribose. Incorporation of glycine into ATP is accelerated 10-fold in the presence of 1 mM ribose. Myocytes also accumulate both precursors into IMP and four other metabolites on the de novo synthesis pathway. These metabolites represent 80% of the glycine entering the pathway. The potential of de novo synthesis for restoration of adenine nucleotides appears to be limited by the rates of early reactions, adenylosuccinate synthetase being only one of the enzymes operating at a sufficiently slow rate to make this pathway an inherently weak route for the restoration of normal energy status in post-ischemic myocardium. Interventions are being sought to alleviate these apparent metabolic delays.  相似文献   

Reoxygenation of ischaemic, energy-depleted heart does not result in sufficiently rapid regeneration of normal adenine nucleotide concentrations for preservation of cardiac function and structure. Salvage of nucleoside as a mechanism for restoration of ATP in the post-ischaemic myocardium is limited by efflux of adenosine during ischaemia. Isolated cardiac myocytes have been used to establish the kinetics of uptake and salvage of adenosine and inosine, measuring the distribution of radioactive nucleoside incorporated into ATP, ADP and AMP. Maximum rates of catalysis of reactions on the salvage pathway, and of enzymes competing for substrates on the pathway, have been established in myocyte extracts. Myocytes have little capacity to salvage or catabolise inosine. Enzyme measurements indicate that salvage of adenosine should proceed at 7-8-times the rate exhibited by intact myocytes dependent upon extracellular adenosine as substrate. The data indicate that the rate of transport of adenosine is not determined by its metabolic utilization, but is the rate-limiting step in the salvage of adenosine.  相似文献   

I Wada  S Eto  M Himeno  K Kato 《Journal of biochemistry》1987,101(5):1077-1085
5'-Nucleotidase was found in purified rat liver tritosomes. When tritosomes were subfractionated into the membrane and soluble contents fractions, 73% of the total 5'-nucleotidase activity was found in the membrane fraction and 24% in the soluble contents fraction. Immunoblotting using specific polyclonal antibodies against the rat liver plasma membrane 5'-nucleotidase showed that the mobilities on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of both 5'-nucleotidases in the membrane and contents fractions were identical to that of the enzyme in the plasma membranes (Mr = 72,000). 5'-Nucleotidases in the membrane and contents fractions were sensitive to neuraminidase and converted into a form that was 4 kDa smaller after digestion, as observed in the case of plasma membrane enzyme. 5'-Nucleotidases, both from the membrane and contents fractions, were purified using immunoaffinity chromatography, and the isoelectric points, heat stability, and oligomeric structure of the purified enzymes were compared. Isoelectric focusing and the heat stability test indicated the resemblance of the soluble enzyme to the membrane-bound enzyme. However, the membrane-bound enzyme aggregated in the absence of Triton X-100, whereas the soluble enzyme behaved as a dimer. The topography of 5'-nucleotidase in the tritosomal membranes was studied using antibodies against 5'-nucleotidase and neuraminidase treatment. The inhibition of 5'-nucleotidase were not observed in the intact tritosomal fraction until the tritosomes had been disrupted by osmotic shock. These results show that the active sites and the oligosaccharide chains of 5'-nucleotidase are located on the inside surface of the tritosomal membranes.  相似文献   

The controversial subject of mitochondrial 5'-nucleotidase in the liver was studied employing density gradient fractionation combined with a method for analyzing the distribution profiles of marker enzymes based on multiple regression analysis. Triton WR-1339 was used to improve the separation of mitochondria from lysosomes by the gradient centrifugation technique. Adenosine production was examined further using acetate to increase intramitochondrial AMP, and thus adenosine production, in incubations with gradient centrifugation-purified mitochondria. Distribution analysis of the crude homogenate showed that 5'-nucleotidase activity exists in the mitochondrial fraction. To increase the resolution of this approach with respect to mitochondria, a crude mitochondrial fraction was also studied. In this case the relative mitochondrial activity decreased but 5'-nucleotidase activity was still clearly detectable. The mitochondrial 5'-nucleotidase exhibited a Km of 94 microM and a Vmax of 31 nmol/min per mg protein for AMP. The kinetic data for the Mg2+, ATP, ADP and AOPCP sensitivity of the enzyme showed that it differs from the plasma membrane, lysosome and cytosol 5'-nucleotidases. AOPCP was only a moderate inhibitor, and ATP was a more potent inhibitor than ADP at a 1 mM concentration. The enzyme also showed a requirement of Mg2+. Acetate caused the conversion of intramitochondrial adenylates to AMP and the formation of adenosine. Adenosine concentration increased in the extramitochondrial space in a time-dependent manner, but only trace amounts of nucleotides were detected. The data show that 5'-nucleotidase activity producing adenosine exists in rat liver mitochondria and a concentration-dependent adenosine output from mitochondria by diffusion or facilitated diffusion is also suggested.  相似文献   

Cardiac stem cells are described in a number of mammalian species including humans. Cardiac stem cell clusters consisting of both lineage-negative and partially committed cells are generally identified between contracting cardiac myocytes. In the present study, c-kit+, Sca+, and Isl1+ stem cells were revealed to be located inside the sarcoplasm of cardiac myocytes in myocardial cell cultures derived from newborn, 20-, and 40-day-old rats. Intracellularly localized cardiac stem cells had a coating or capsule with a few pores that opened into the host cell sarcoplasm. The similar structures were also identified in the suspension of freshly isolated myocardial cells (ex vivo) of 20- and 40-day-old rats. The results from this study provide direct evidence for the replicative division of encapsulated stem cells, followed by their partial cardiomyogenic differentiation. The latter is substantiated by the release of multiple transient amplifying cells following the capsule rupture. In conclusion, functional cardiac stem cells can reside not only exterior to but also within cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Adenine and hypoxanthine can be utilised by cardiac muscle cells as substrates for the synthesis of ATP. A possible therapeutic advantage of these compounds as high-energy precursors is their lack of vasoactive properties. Myocytes isolated from mature rat heart have been used to establish in kinetic detail the capacity of the heart to incorporate adenine, hypoxanthine and ribose into cellular nucleotides. Maximum rates of catalysis by enzymes on the salvage pathways have been established. Whilst the rate of incorporation of adenine into the ATP pool appears to depend upon intracellular concentrations of adenine and phosphoribosylpyrophosphate, for hypoxanthine the pattern is more complex. Hypoxanthine is salvaged at a slow rate compared with adenine, and is incorporated into GTP and IMP as well as into adenine nucleotides. The rate of incorporation of hypoxanthine into both IMP and ATP is accelerated in myocytes incubated with ribose. However, the rate-limiting reaction appears to be that catalysed by adenylosuccinate synthetase, for the rate of ATP synthesis is not accelerated when hypoxanthine concentration is increased from 10 to 50 microM, while the rate of IMP synthesis is more than doubled. Adenine and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferases are present in equal catalytic amounts, but rat cardiac myocytes have very little adenylosuccinate synthetase activity. Exogenous ribose is incorporated into adenine nucleotides in amounts equimolar with adenine or hypoxanthine.  相似文献   

Transgenic animals offer many advantages for physiological study. The mouse is the most extensively utilized mammalian model for gene modification. Isolated ventricular myocytes are pivotal for assessment of cardiac function by allowing direct cellular and environmental manipulation without interference from compensatory mechanisms that may exist in vivo. This study was designed to compare the basic excitation-contraction coupling properties of mouse and rat ventricular myocytes. Cardiac myocytes were isolated from age- and gender-matched mice (FVB and C57BL/6) and rats (Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Wistar). Mechanical and intracellular Ca2+ properties were measured with an IonOptix SoftEdge system, including peak shortening (PS), time-to-PS (TPS), time-to-90% relengthening (TR(90)), maximal velocity of shortening and relengthening (+/-dL/dt), and intracellular Ca2+ fura-2 fluorescence intensity and decay rate (tau). Resting cell length was variable among the different species or strains. PS from FVB group was significantly higher than the SD group. TPS and TR(90) were significantly shorter in mice. +dL/dt was similar among all groups whereas -dL/dt was significantly faster in the C57BL/6 group compared to the rat groups. Resting intracellular Ca2+ was lower in mice than in rats, and Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release was variable among the four groups. Intracellular Ca2+ decay was slower in Wistar compared to all other groups. The myocytes from C57BL/6 did not respond to increases in extracellular Ca2+. Myocytes from the FVB group exhibited a lesser reduction in PS in response to elevated stimulus frequency. These data suggest that inherent differences between strains or species should be taken into consideration when comparing results from these different animal models.  相似文献   

5'-nucleotidases of eight species of digenetic trematodes were studied using five different substrates. All species showed the following preferential order of substrate affinity; AMP greater than CMP greater than GMP greater than TMP greater than UMP. It was observed that different species occupying similar habitats possessed closely related levels of enzyme activities. The function of 5'-nucleotidases in trematodes is also suggested.  相似文献   

Passive stiffness of rat cardiac myocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intact single cells were isolated from adult rat hearts by enzymatic digestion and suspended in 0.25 mM Ca++ Tyrode's solution. Quiescent, clearly striated rodlike cells were selected for study of the elastic properties of the cells at various stages of membrane and myofilament extraction. Selected cells were placed in a relaxing solution (pCa + 9, 10 mn EGTA) and then each end gently pulled into the tip of a closely fitting suction micropipette for attachment to a force transducer and length perturbation driver. This procedure was performed in low Ca++ to prevent Ca++ loading of the cell during attachment and at room temperature to prevent chemical skinning of the cell. Stiffness was measured by applying a 5-Hz sinusoidal length perturbation (5 percent L0) to one end of the cell while measuring the induced tension change at the other. The ratio of sinusoidal tension change to applied length change (stiffness) was determined for each cell over a length range of about 1-1.3 L0 before removal of the contractile filaments and up to 3.0 L0 after treatment with 0.6 M KI. The stiffness-length relation was measured first in relaxing solution and then in 0.25 mM Ca++ Tyrode's. If spontaneous contractions or contracture occurred the cell was rejected. If the cell remained quiescent and relaxed it was treated again with relaxing solution and 1 percent Triton X-100 to remove the membranes. The stiffness-length relation was again measured and then the cell was superfused with 0.47 M KCl/10 mM pyrophosphate solution to remove the myosin filaments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Oxygen pressure gradients in isolated cardiac myocytes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Intracellular oxygen pressure within intact isolated cardiac myocytes is studied as a function of steady state extracellular oxygen pressure. The fractional saturation of myoglobin with oxygen is used to report sarcoplasmic oxygen pressure. The fractional oxidation of cytochrome oxidase, the fractional oxidation of cytochrome c, the rate of respiratory oxygen uptake, and lactate accumulation are used to reflect the availability of oxygen at the inner mitochondrial membrane. These probes of mitochondrial function show no large change with decreasing extracellular oxygen pressure until that pressure is less than 2 torr and intracellular myoglobin is largely deoxygenated. Sarcoplasmic oxygen pressure in resting cells is nearly the same as extracellular oxygen pressure and is about 2 torr less in cells whose respiration has been increased 3.5-fold by mitochondrial uncoupling. Oxygen pressure at the mitochondrial inner membrane differs from sarcoplasmic oxygen pressure by no more than 0.2 torr and from extracellular oxygen pressure by no more than 2 torr. We conclude that differences of oxygen pressure within the cardiac myocyte are very small. This implies that most of the large, about 20 torr, difference in oxygen pressure between capillary lumen and mitochondria of the working heart must be extracellular. We conclude also that mitochondria of the cardiac myocyte become oxygen limited only when sarcoplasmic myoglobin is almost entirely deoxygenated.  相似文献   

A new system for studying mechanical activity of freshly isolated cardiac myocytes from up to four experimental groups simultaneously is described. Suspensions of cardiac myocytes isolated from adult rat hearts were drawn into microhematocrit capillary tubes, which were then mounted in parallel fashion between two four-channel tubing manifolds placed on the movable stage of an inverted microscope. Within a few minutes, cells settled and attached to the bottom of the tubes and then could be superfused with various test solutions. The system allowed for electrical field stimulation, rapid changes in bathing solutions, control of temperature, and simulation of ischemia and reperfusion with measurements of the effects of such interventions on both populations of cells (low power survey) and individual myocytes (high power). Myocyte responses to these various interventions are described. The primary advantage of this system is the ability to conduct experiments on cardiac myocytes isolated concurrently from multiple experimental groups at the same time and under identical conditions.  相似文献   

Synchronizatin of pulsation rates in isolated cardiac myocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

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